HomeMy WebLinkAbout961193Form 4 -1158 Ninfh Fditioq (August 1961) UNITED S t"F,TES DEPARTMENT OF THE IN'TERIGE� BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Form approved. Budget Bureau No. 42- R990.4. Office WYOI�NG Serial No. 0310646 a `a'.'° OFFER TO LEASE AND LEASE FOR. OIL AND GAS snd .i.n In int 1 (Sec. 17 Noncompetitive Public Domain Lease) /��LL�. The undersigned hereby offers to lease all or any of the lands descl•ibed in item 2 tl[at are available for lease, pursuanf and subject to the terms and provisions of the act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437, 30 U. S. C. sec. 181), as amended, hereinafter referred to as the act, and to all reasonable regulations of the Secretary of the Interior now or hereafter in force, when rot inconsistent with any express and specific provisions herein, which al•e made a part hereof. I Mr. Mra. 1. Misa 2. Land requested: State Fred P. Blume (First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name) P o Box 501+ (Number and 5[ree[) Cheyenne, Wyoming $2001 L roily aad state) .J 3. Land included in lease: State County Parcel 670 Wyppij.pg County Lincoln T. Offeror duly executed this instrument this day of lg R. Meridian T. R. 1,12f (th P Meridian Sec. 22: SW�IE4 W2, SE4 Sec. 26: All (OJjeror does not fill in this block) Total Area ]160.00 Acres Rental retained $x$0.00 4. Amount remitted: Filing fee $10, Rental •Total 6. Undersigned certifies as follows: (a) Offeror is a citizen of the United States. Native born Naturalized Corporation or other legal entity (specify what kind): (b) Offeror's interests, direct and indirect, do not exceed 200,000 acres in oi.l and gas options or 246,080 chargeable acres in options, offers to lease and leases in the same State, or 300,000 chargeable acres in leases, offers to lease and options in each leas- ing district in Alaska. (c) Offeror accepts as a part of this lease, to the extsnt applicable, the stipulations provided for in 43 CFR 191.6. (d) Offeror is 21 years of age or over (or if a corporation or otk<er legal entity, is duly qualified as shown by state- ments made or referred to herein). (e) Offeror has described all surveyed lands by legal subdivisions, all lands covered by pro- tracted surveys by appropriate subdivisions thereof, or all unsurveyed Lands not eovered by protracted surveys by metes and bounds, and further states that there are no settlers on unsurveyed 11[nds described herein. 6. Offeror is is not the sole pal•ty in interest in this offer and lease, if issued. (I( not tlae sole yartf ivz interest, statement; should 6e filed as yrescribed in Item G of the Special Instructions.) 7. Offeror's signature to this offer shall also constitute offeror's signature to, and acceptance of, this lease and any amendment thereto. that may cover any land described in this offer open to (case application at the time the offer was filed but omitted from this lease for any reason, or signature to, or acceptance of, any separate lease for such land. The offeror further agrees that (a) this offer cannot be withdrawn, either in whole or in part, unless the withdrawal is received by the land office before this lease, an amend ment to this lease, or a sepa[•ate lease, whichever covers the land described in the withdrawal, has been signed in behalf of the United States, and (b) this offer and lease shall apply only to lands not within a known geologic structure of a producing oil or gas Seld�at the tine the offer is filed. 8. If this lease form does not contain all of the terms and conditions of the lease form in effect at the date. of filing, the offeror further agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained in that form. 9. It is hereby certified that the statements made herein are complete and correct to the best of otferor's knowledge and belief and are made in goad faith. TAE UNITEll STATES OF AMERICA (Bigaing officeEf Effective date of lease AUgllSt l DR,yj�� j(rjQr�gD j (T[ e) �i THIS OFFER MAY BE RE7ECTED AND RETURNED TO THE OFFEROR�AND�WILL AFFORD TliE OFFEROR NO PRIORITY IF IT IS NOT PROPERLY FILLED IN AND EXECUTED OR IF IT IS NOT AC(:OMPANIED BY THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS OR PAYMENTS. SEE ITEM 9 OF GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Y8 U. S. C. sec. 1001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United Slates any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within ire Jurisdiction. This form may be reproduced provided that the copies are enact reDroductlons on one sheet of both eldrs of this official form, In accordance with fhe provlsl y 192.42 (a I�J�L UU(�4�►� RECEIVED 9�28�2011 at 3:43 PM RECEIVING 961193 BOOK: 773 PAGE: 465 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Total Area Acres C�RTI���� to be a true ant? rompSfUli�ie cflpy of the official r�;cards t:r� flle G (Lessee signature) (Lessee signature) I�� (Attorney -In -tact) a qtr. a n MENT Form 3120 -7 (February 19fi8) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TIE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT OIL AND GAS LEASE (COMPETITIVE PUBLIC DOMAIN LANDS) THIS IDEN TUBE OF LEASE, entered into, as of AU G 1 19'l�3 Wyoming Land Office and Serial Number w bo6o4 the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, through the $ureau of Land Management, hereinafter called the lessor, and Diamond Shamrock Corporation P. 0. Box 631 Amarillo, Tx 79173 hereinafter called the lessee, under, pursuant, and subject to the terms and provisions of the Act of February 25, 1920, (41 Stat. 437), as amended, (30 U.S.C. Sec. 181 e[ sey), hereinafter referred to as the Act, and to all reasonable regu- lations of the Secretary of the Interior now or hereafter in force when not inconsistent with any express and specific provisions herein, which are made a part hereof. WITNESSETH: Sec. 1. (;iglus o/ lessee. That the lessor, in consideration or rents and royalties to be paid, and the conditions and covenants to be observed as herein set forth, does hereby grant and lease to the lessee the exclusive right and privi- ]ege to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of all the oil and gas deposits, except helium gas, in or under the following described tracts of land situated in the F;mj;gTant Springs field: T 23 N, R 112 W, 6th Prin Mer, WY Sec 25 W z Sec 35: N Z i'J by and between containing 640,00 acres, more or less, together with the right to construct and maintain thereupon all works, buildings, plants, waterways, roads, telegraph or telephone lines, pipelines, reservoirs, tanks, pumping sta- tions, or other structures necessary to the full enjoyment thereof, for a period of five (S) years, and so long thereafter as oil or gas is produced in paying quantities; subject to any unit agreement heretofore or hereafter approved by the Secretary of the Interior, the provisions of said agreement to govern they lands subject thereto where inconsistencies with the terms of this lease occur. Sec. 2. In consideration of the foregoing, the lessee which plan shall adequately protect the rights of all agrees: parties in interest, including the United States. (a) Honds (1) To maintain any bond furnished by (c) 14'ells. (1) To drill and produce all wells the lessee as a condition for the issuance of this lease. necessary to protect the leased land from drainage by (2) To furnish prior to beginning of drilling wells on lands not the property of the lessor, or lands operations and maintain art all times thereafter as of the Unified States leased at a lower royalty rate, or as required by the lessor a bond in the penal Burn of $10,000 to which the royalties and rentals are paid into different with approved corporate surety, or with deposit of funds than are those of this lease; or in lieu of any United States bonds as surety therefor, conditioned upon part of such drilling and production, with the consent compliance with the terms of this lease, unless a bond of the Director of the Geological Survey, to compensate in that amount is already being maintained or unless the lessor, in full, each month for the estimated loss such a bond furnished by an operator of the lease is of royalty through drainage in the amount determined accepted, or unless a bond has been filed under by said Director. 43 CFR 3126.1 applicable [n this lease. (2) At the election of the lessee, to drill and (b) Cooperative or unit pinn. Within thirty (30) days produce other wells in conformity with any system of of demand, or, if the leased land is committed to an well spa<:ing or production allotments affecting the approved unit or cooperative plan and such plan is field or area in which the leased lands are situated, terminated prior to the expiration of this lease, within which is authorized and sanctioned by applicable 12w thirty (30) days of demand made thereafter, to subscribe or by the Secretary of the Interior. to and to operate under such reasonable cooperative or (3) Promptly after due notice, in writing, to unit plan for the development and operation of the area, drill and produce such other wells as the Secretary of field, or pool, or part thereof, embracing the lands in- the Interior may reasonably require in order that the eluded herein as the Secretary of the Interior may then leased premises may be properly and timely developed determine to be practicable and necessary or advisable, and produced in accordance with good operating practice. tit: u�+..:,� 00046; C�"�{T"��'i�� to be a true an�'�'�d c p rative copy of the official records on flle A�..`0 .2011 U�OF LA