HomeMy WebLinkAbout961204(October 1992) TRANSFER OF OPERATING RIGHTS (SUBLEASE) IN A LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) '1 Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351 -359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001 -1025) •D.epartment'riffle Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) PART A: TRANSFER 1. Transferee (Sublessee)* CABOT OIL GAS CORPORATION Street 15375 Memorial Drive City, State, ZIP Code Houston, TX 77079 *If more than one transferee, check here and list the name(s) and address(es) of all additional transferees on the reverse of this form or on a separate attached sheet of paper. This transfer is for: (Check one) Interest conveyed: (Check one or both, as appropriate) 2. This transfer (sublease) conveys the following interest: AtI6312011 4i9a....( UNV11J JLH1L' J DEPARTMEN.. THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Type or print plainly in ink and sign in ink Oil and Gas Lease, or Geothermal Lease BUREAU f1F 1 Al r M A MF NT Percent of Interest Owned b Conveyed c 0.625% 0.625% Retained d NONE Reserved e Land Description Additional space on reverse, if needed. Do not submit documents or agreements other than this form; such documents or agreements shall only be referenced herein. a INSOFAR AS THE LEASE COVERS: Township 24 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 1 2, S /2NE /4 (also described as NE /4) Lincoln County, Wyoming From the surface of the earth down to 9795' as referenced in that certain Working Interest Pooling Agreement Raptor Area dated November 1, 1984, recorded in Book 275, Page 72 of the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and in Book 801, Page 1739 of the records of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, as amended. *For Transferor's reservation of overriding royalty interest, reference is made to that Partial;.ssignment of Agreement of even date herewith, from Transferor to Transferee; recorded in Lincoln County, Wyoming. CERTIF1FD to be a tKue an comps a ive copy of the official records on the THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This transfer h approved solely for administrative purposes. Approval does not warrant that either party to this transfer holds legal or equitable title to this lease. ransfer approved effective DEC V 1 1991 (Authorized Officer) 1 Operating Rights (sublease) El Overriding Royalty, payment out of production or other similar interests or payments RECEIVED 9/28/2011 at 4:18 PM RECEIVING 961204 BOOK: 773 PAGE: 496 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY t l t t FOR BLM USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE LAND LAW•EX/;!49. "Nrra (Title) ORM APPROVED OMB NO. 1004 -0034 Expires: July 31, 1995 Lease Serial No. (Date) WYW -85245 Percent of Overriding Royalty or Similar Interests Previously reserved or conveyed f OF RECORD JUN 0 2 1998 000496 z \1 rF$ ank.ven�bem»'ne (Okti rk• AA;�i3 •5'" b :c:.....: a 4.1 cg .a- fic:z aacG B CERTIFICATiONAND PEST F APPROVAL iii' e✓ihe haaby trasfits fhe above tuaif tees) the c� j d spepfied above. 7�e Wiliggiatictilafsadi ititimor a arscorporateenorganimd *der the laws taosfettie o *da/*deotaGgnofthaUnitedStitesar o ein0f: a t`r1 Mot et r Ili -latlll l 1 Efltaas:{b)raoafe egismt aminauodertie14,ttaftheState ti nder a e looted, (o Traoafaee's ehaoeabla hteraats; d'aect and mIdueetin earh a domain aoquuedlrndt ',Jowly in 0W cs in oul and leases' of winch to;200,000 res gas og<sooe� 3 lasting gn up maybeiaor7aod or 300000raesml meach ling iftbiaisanonpodpaslave:u u dmis000cdancc ffieMmaalLaIznig M of,l, or 51,200 1 parties holdingarmtaat intbo traes6erae ura mti the 3 CPR:Choop encewdhtoctiarition r' f4 r legwremeots�or pis�baee byseo.l7 Tsansfereds:si�fa4aeto five aastPmeut oom aoceptanceo ell apphcabte temv oaorhhems aid pertaining the lease dasrnbedLeemn ly e 4 'J., d (43 CFit3241} l A r e m NemecfTr m3vhrehthe 1 Apphoeible te an 000dihoos nae lde, bnt ire not Ivorted to. m obli4ation to 0003rt all opaa4aos edthe leasehold accordance wr�sihete®s aodl000dArooa of a thn lease, tran affweU. ferpmpar alisn aoomeat r to the leased l.oda;4on o aoipla4an o ny opaatioos aes m tLe lem� end m fumui aadmanrain auchbo puouanttore�datiorss434FR310A ;3134,or37A6 i jr t�beleaith oae- fowh( 1/ 4 )cfooepacea nut Watt the seta ofzo, ly +odcoiraf�o mT o b it* e''"mideinaood *th. r 97 B:ce m dsy of %�D V 19 t d�d thn dry a Ofre2441 14997. but deems tom+ o 199 i,SC3 .Ft itF. zit OK 4; it 71.F..�LX CO 'MY ca e c s� r, of Po ATz 1v r or a t i y ..Keller precedent ecx Oorneyi4 (gam) Yr it nifit5-r! zztroa, •rl 3 €)r _r tr urnt (i�aoafae$ i�ild� is s u ratl.1y— kb' �.i yt A�c^ ,r.. 2T"i:r Zd6"Gib. co e a6J. V 131ttl i 4 i :.iY t f H. Wayne Static 19 I '1 Ili ,r. 1 •sa ,p ft I 1 1 1 k r. Pat A' (Condo ued):ADDITIONAL SPACE frrNames and addremes of additional transferees in Item No. 1. if pealed, afar Land Description in Item No. 2 ifneeded. Pubite g burden f.°—Tike gosoplphng emd revrowing.the Man i gc nen t(Altermte) Buzau CAA' y_ I taA E?q w iWi ,s ,;E: +E. -i{ «,x. °.ts: .41 R xvi Dt_ r P`P4 k ist:obttarrosz eec 3s Y Q j a n �s "SPA�tMENT t�e ratucr r^(i v o 1.6,,,v. 3 i e d a aD 0 1 erg a P ialadang the tense for roviowing iodrnotians, gathering and maintaining data, an 1Nstagl(n ephmmtkrirytny other aspect of this form to U.S. Dope rtment:of tho Iatorior, Bureau ofLaad Cla ispoe Off oar, (WO- ?71).18. and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240, and the Office of Managoaq r5 a i4 fiudget, P ork a 1 ,1111 1 I Tetle 18 U S C S ti4 d m pttotmt err agency of the United States may false, fictitious of fraudulent statements or rcpnaaMations as to any matter within ib jasisdiotiaa 2CIKII '40 774-017/67023 BI S'E' L rti.�: L. 1.'RJh is aII3 CiPC3 (O U flnii 0 s laa.9 497 97