HomeMy WebLinkAbout961247The State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
RECEIVED 10/3/2011
RECEIVING 961247 at 4:10 PM
BOOK:773 PAGE:685
Shane Johnson, Sheriff, of lawful age, states as follows:
1. That he is now, and was at all times herein mentioned, the duly elected,
qualified and acting Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
2. That on the 12 day of April, 2011, at 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the front
door of the Courthouse of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Kemmerer,
Wyoming, the same being also the place of holding the District Court in said County,
and at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, he offered for sale the following
described and and premises as a whole and sold the same for the sum of
$303,750.00 to 1 Bank, Alpine, Wyoming the said bank having bid fairly and in
good faith therefor, and being the highest and best bidder, and that being the highest
sum bid for all of said land and premises, being particularly described as follows, to-
Beginning on the Westerly line of right of way
Highway 89 North at a point North 68° 06' West
332.0 feet from the center of Section 29,
Township 37 North, Range 118 West, 6 P.M.,
and running thence along said West line of
Highway 89, South 20° 0' West, 99 feet; thence
North 55° 31' West, 254.6 feet; thence South
78° 10' East, 249 feet to the point of
Together with all improvements thereon, and
easements, appurtenances and incidents
belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in
connection therewith, subject, however, to all
mining, mineral and other exceptions,
reservations, covenants, conditions, and
rights of way record.
3. That said lands and premises were sold pursuant to that certain Notice
of Intent to Foreclose Mortgages by Advertisement and Sale being duly given
according to law, and pursuant to the provisions of that certain Notice of Mortgage
Foreclosure Sale duly published by law, and under and by virtue of the power of sale
and authority contained in that certain Mortgage, dated December 6, 2006, made,
executed and delivered by The Coffee Cabin, LLC., a Wyoming limited liability
company as Mortgagor, to 1st Bank, Alpine, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which
Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio
Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on December 13, 2006,
in Book 643 at Page 217; and that the debt secured by said mortgage deed at the
time of said sale, including principal, interest, advances, fees, costs and expenses of
foreclosure was the actual sum of $404,665.41.
4. That a Certificate of Sale on Foreclosure was thereafter issued by the
undersigned to 1 Bank, Alpine, Wyoming as the purchaser, dated April 12, 2011,
which Certificate was recorded on April 12, 2011, in Book 765, at Pages 267 -288,
Filing No.958864, in the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds
of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
5. That the time of redemption of said premises by The Coffee
Cabin, LLC., expired on the 12th day of July, 2011, and that said The Coffee Cabin,
LLC., its heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns have not redeemed said
property. The time in which any judgment creditor of said The Coffee Cabin, LLC., or
grantee or mortgagee, or any person holding a lien on such premises or property,
expired on the 12 of August, 2011, and no such person has redeemed such
property, and the purchaser aforesaid is now entitled to a deed for said property and
Johnson, Sheriff of said County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the
premises, have granted, bargained and sold, and do hereby convey to 1s Bank,
Alpine, Wyoming, its successors and assigns, the following described property:
Beginning on the Westerly line of right
of way Highway 89 North at a point North
68° 06' West 332.0 feet from the center
of Section 29, Township 37 North, Range
118 West, 6 th P.M., and running thence
along said West line of Highway 89, South
20° 0' West, 99 feet; thence North 55°
31' West, 254.6 feet; thence South 78°
10' East, 249 feet to the point of
Together with all improvements thereon,
and easements, appurtenances and
incidents belonging or appertaining
thereto, or used in connection therewith,
subject, however, to all mining, mineral
and other exceptions, reservations,
covenants, conditions, and rights of way
To have and to hold the same described property and premises with all
appurtenances thereunto belonging, to the said 1 st Bank, Alpine, Wyoming, its
successors and assigns.
WITNESS my hand this 2 7 day of J19 2011.
The State of Wyoming
County of Lincoln
The foregoing instrument was acknowl ged before me by thane Johnson,
Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, this day of
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
Shane Johnsor(, Sheriff of
Lincoln County, Wyoming