HomeMy WebLinkAbout961272Form 3120 -19 (May 1968) Name Street City State Zip Code UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS (Sec. 17 Noncompetitive Public Domain Lease) Act of February 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 437), as amended (30 U.S.C. 181 -263) Lands included in the lease: #262 State: Wyoming T 25 N, R 111 W, 6th Prin. Mer, WY Sec 4: Lots 3, 4, S12NW4, SW4 Sec 5: Lots 3, 4, S N1/2SE4 Sec 6: Lots 6, 7, EZSW4, SE4 Sec 7: Lots 3, 4, E32SW4, SE4 Sec 8: All Containing a total of Effective date of lease: Malcolm F. Justice, Jr. Box 2211 Salt Lake City 10, Utah 84110 March 1, 1973 to no a trtle and con,paraii\rc 7..3 of the official records on file UIIEAU OF LAND riI.AINAG viEN I 183 acres County: W 38501 Annual Rental 917.50 Chhef, oil lo.s Sec ti =h (Title) (Date) (Serial Number) this 18889 IJ subject to the dcterrn:nation by the Ge, logical Survey as to whethor the Ics :s herein das;:ri0 e6 vweit on a known ..ieclogir. a•. ,a of I,< J II at gal field as of the tIstc of o .;Wino hereof by Lt,. iuff dtl.fdii dffih ;r. This oil and gas lease is issued for a period of ten (10) years to the above -named lessee pursuant and subject to the provisions of the Mineral Leasing Act and subject to all rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior now or hereafter in force, when not inconsistent with any express and specific provisions herein, which are made a part hereof. Sweetwater, Lincoln 319.92 A 1514.28 A Lcn.> in .,_lea ,,.;ice a l:r:_ ra r c str :,re Gil oc lc::., °.rea Goolc.7.ist For use U. S. Geological. Survey This lease is issued to the successful drawee pursuant to h's "Simultaneous Oil and Gas Entry Card" application filed under 43 CFR 3123.9, and is subject to the provisions of that application and those specified on the reverse side hereof. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Signature of Signing Officer) February 21, 1973 000799 RECEIVED 10/5/2011 at 1:26 PM RECEIVING 961272 BOOK: 773 PAGE: 799 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY