HomeMy WebLinkAbout961273AN OFFER '1'O LEASE AND No. 0318337 rt)lt OhL AND GAS (Sec. 17 Noncompetitive Public Domain Lease) i,,: undersi herl:b "GE:: 1.. Icuxc all or any of the hurls described in item 2 that are available for lease, pursuant and subject to b•rn,s and imovisions of the act of February 25, 192(1 (41 Stat. 437, 30 U. S. C. sec. 181), as amended, hereinafter referred to as the .•l, anti in all reaso1ahlc regulations of 1.111. Secretary of the Interior now or hereafter in force, when not inconsistent with any express ;i i, cilie provisions herein, which are made a part. hereof. M r. r Mrs. I• Miss Virginia G...Stouffer (first Num,:. Mi Initial, Lunt Name) .21L._LL__2th_.Street street) Cheyenne 82001 (eir ml Stn:) 2. Land requested: State County T R Parcel No. 954 Meridial, .1. Land included in lease: State Wyoming I J, rot ,/„r. ,,o1 /ill in !hi:: ).1..oL:) Total Area Acres County Sweetwater 2102.80 T. 23 N. R 111 W. 6th P. Meridian Lincoln 304.25 sec. 4: Lots 5,6,7,8, S'Nk, 8' Tr. 38 -A (secs. 5,6,7,8) sec. 5: Lots 5,6,7,8, Si8k Tr. 38 -B (secs. 6,7) sec. 6: Lots 14,15,20,21,22,27 Tr. 38 -C (sec. 7) sec. 7: Lots 16 thru 24 incl. Tr. 38 -D (secs. 7,8) sec. 8: Lots 3,4, NE', EZNW', Sk sec. 17: Lots 10,11,12,15,16 sec. 18: Lots 8,9,10,11,12,14,15 Total Area 2407.05 4. Amount remitted: Filing fee $10, Rental 'Total 6. U u dersig ucd certifies as follows: (a) Offeror is a citizen of the United States. Native born Naturalized Corporation or other legal entity (specify what kind): 1 L.m c sI 1,,rri Effective dale of lease SEP 1 1965 1 tr i J Acres Rental retained 1204.00 (8) Offeror's interests, direct and indirect, do not exceed 200,000 acres in oil and gas options or 246,080 chargeable acres in options, offers to lease and leases in the same State, or 300,000 chargeable acres in leases, offers to lease and options in each leas- ing district in Alaska. (c) Offeror accepts as a part of this lease, to the extent applicable, the stipulations provided for in 43 CIF 1191.6. (d) Offeror is 21 years of age or over (or if a corporation or other legal entity, is duly qualified as shown by state- ments made or referred to herein). (e) Offeror has described all surveyed lands by legal subdivisions, all lands covered by pro- tracted surveys by appropriate subdivisions thereof, or all unsurveyed lands not covered by protracted surveys by metes and bounds, and further states that there are no settlers on unsurveyed lands described herein. (1. Offeror is is not the sole party in interest in this offer and lease, if issued. (If not the sole party in interest, statements should be filed as prescribed in /tens 6 of the Special Instructions.) 7. Offeror's signature to this offer shall also constitute offeror's signature to, and acceptance of, this lease and any amendment thereto that linty cover any laud described in this offer open to lease application at the time the offer was filed but omitted from this lease for any reason, or signature to, or acceptance of, any separate lease for such land. The offeror further agrees that (a) this offer cannot be withdrawn, either in whole or in part, unless the withdrawal is received by the land office before this lease, an amend- ment to Ibis lease, or a separate lease, whichever covers the land described in the withdrawal, has been signed in behalf of the fin'tei1 Slates, a.oil (b) this offer and (case shall apply only to lauds not within a known geologic structure of a producing oil or gas field at Lhe time the o(Icr is tiled. 8. If this Lase form dues not. contain all of the terms and conditions of the lease form in effect at the date of filing, the offeror further agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions contained im that form. 0. It is hereby certified that the statements made herein are complete and correct to the best of offeror's knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. Offeror duly executed this instrument this day of 19 (Lessee. signature) (Attorney-in-feet) '1')110 lean, for the lands described Irl item 3 above is hereby issued, s•ll.j.:ct 10 Llle provisions of the offer and on the reverse side hereof. TIIE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA j J- 11. By :�C 7 1 (Signing officer) ASSISTANT MANAGER, OIL GAS AUG 9 196 (Title) (Date) THIS OFFER MAO BE ItEJEt "I'I:D AND RETURNED 'I THE OFFEROR AND WILL AFFORD THE OFFEROR NO PRIORITY IF IT IS NOT 1')tu1'EItLT FILLED IN ANI, EXE(•):) ED OR IF 1'1' 15 NOT ACCOMPANIED BY THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS OR PAYMENTS. SEE ITEM 9 OF GENEIRAL. INSTRUCTIONS 18 U. S. C. sec. 1001 makes t a crime for any ORIGINAL tes y person knowingly and willfully (o make to any Department or agency of the United 'Isles any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. ni may lie reproduced provided that the copies urn ozaia rcproductnaus ou ouosheul of both sales of thisotllctal form, la anwrdauce with the provisions 0143 CFR 192.42(a). PO m m O N O a) IV J no o rol i l. ..I t. 1 o Id, I. n rivl.r I r t '.rail 1 I.,; le..,,;, 111 1 it' 1 Iii t ill, sloe of 'in, lea ,ol. i. In.o•1 i t 1...4.11¢ ',,l. 1 1' 111 I• I.,•:. h lil..l fm ml 4. ll 1111 1, lip,. r nl for ll s .,f ,Inn Ilru Ill,., 1, of tint n. ',potent tin 11, of `h.1 0x of 1 4., ;111,1 In r•. 4.n 4.1 '1 n wn,.ra r ml' r bonds denrril.rrl 1,.. 4.•:0 ,.r:,,' lilt. 1 ,,4.14. In,r'.I :.a All i„I,•.rnn o.rn •m oon.;. ,rn:h. 111 f'•, oleo. --Within .In o(, ,11 it tha ,•h•.h1 .Iron.: ,.1 leaned hood psi r.l Iorove,I ,..l t ,I lrr rr,l, 1d dn> of ,.11 r ,,,I0. or thereafter. loo e noel l this tl 4.114. manias. on woo eleol i4. I ien or m ler !outdo once ,hl cooper, pooh or t tho I d 111emlr hooch. ,rNnl ll he 0 th •1 the dr. Ids. t. he 1„Ila n,1 11 n,lei ,114. hih s oho 1, 1 y Lnc the rirlts f 011 worth, ,n 1.1.r n o or 4. .1. tool l n, 0 111:'0.. Irl 11'011 -111 'p1 drill and od•, all ,04.11 Lh o ho leaned In::nl from ,I,. i e 1 wells v 1,.ro Ix wl. of oleo United Emirs In 4..1 Poole w'hi 1 Lion 1111 I. t hdu with the i those 4.f thi I•. Io ..1 n 11 .1 s, :ilir. ,•10 amt production, Survey. to n..nnenxn a the 1, pool `o Ina of r nllr throne h dn... determined 1.1 I.I 1 l),0.. l 12 t1:. elee drill nod 1 said wlln n 4. tml will. t ll 'a nllotmentx allenti:,u the 0.'.1 lei n4. lanolin. inn 4.;4.1. is r I'r' r lie n.e•I n l w o 1 tell, .11 n not h u.n .•t roo n low n4. by Secretory lnd nt l o.1 11 1;,0 Ise nowt, f the bop,, ",ly o n'ot .ili n ro. 4. l t premises i r. ith cowl n w li.rinla4.4.4.1 4. t 4. anfli. rll T. Ir.la n•I rnlu4.w 111I'M1. I... roll ,1,1 boom. yahoo n of n4. .ct.nn neon 1 14.;111 ll.e'1rnn,.•1 In;d. 4..r 4..'.r,, ,l.,,. 4.,a. n n Irll o /f.n(nln. -1'11 I'OY 11,0 lesser in nn ins nr i l If the In ,Is wholly tx•la orvoloosi, art. s field: n4..... or of as Pp If .hr tato or porno wlilr doting l c all l or part h year then Mo. 'awls lensed. 5 I1 If this Plato winch,nrl.l.1 n nail tonne, l.! e•d•.al for e he a 4. ,.!.I. la 4.l this 4.0., 11 ahol! :4.1 repa naririnnt„ 'a. aloolonton e l vnlla. -l'4., wills the 1 or alter s�li. n t11 .leased 1n,rl, to r.� e >.d�,' ...ern rrr or Irnrtion l h• d canto i�' the diner n between r f Isom Limn s1 t not the 'r.ltr 1 FI n t provided 'Limn more, 11, I,.1 l 4.r .nll ,^Ir the o too ..!I I.. Ode ton Ihr o ,.g to n 1 0l sold I .4..111 Il,. I4.,. •011 I0„.I. 4.n.. 11 t 1 ,.I 111 r, ll the Sconetoory of the 0.1. inn sallow r n l la ses soon otl ie stilt l.1, hiel l hoe......,, of IA, conotio, m4., .1 184. omete1mr 1,e, IL the gr1 „1,. iron, other pitying.. to th Lo, Inc otopontoes. 11, 1 1 i t 1 11 1 10 t l4.. slant ,.11.,:11 1„rr ko .1.". tai': hit., 1. IYVI,II 1' L IONS .I rd "slog loo tense introonnoin loo I.Ia•I ,•!,I, :oolong 41111 lin 1114.114. 1.11111111.1 •ollelY of w4.,: ,o m t1i111 e .Iroll ,o.. 4. l .l 1 r t•1 I. Preset,. '11,11 the le. nindl n l nt .0 1,01.1 Ja. it 1, mxl: •.111 ml I4... 4.4.11 lone ..r kl Irr 'To Undo. .hit all l s s Irin l col 4. &!oo •r ,14.11 ,,I,. f t il 4. 1.1, e o In, 111•.I ,111. 1 front 114.1• Ilni 4.J o 1111 0•'he 1 1 I 1,.. II•n h I w pr 1111 l.. ..w ml lle ,a ri �11 ,Y ,r ll nln. I00)' 1,r .d I ii rrl 1 whd u r.,rrr. ,f h '1lo n o demploy,. al Pool I1;. n.,,.., it 1 41 1 lh0 fall ;w. 1 1 .I 4.t .I 4.1.., Irr; r 4.r ,r 1 1111. I I' I 4.k. I4. it ..4.h• I I 11 II 1 •,111111 I I I If I I. 1 11 i r nl In o hi urn in I Irrr r n it 1,c I 4.n f. 4.r, Ile. 1 11., I Pon: I 11111 r ,,,,..,,m Ir,,:.1r1 ..1.1.1 ••h• I rr- 1, m,n m rml• r Ill •;aiA,r III 4.J n, 1,l Hoe Ir..,. l.a'.r, hill dol:dole la... pile f „pm'.., :.I t„ 1111 1• 11 1 w ools of I 1 1111 lith entwining r o. eooLa ,11 I. pally il, 4..In,,t'ilh.r" loll days floor the wool. of Iona; ,....4.,11..•1. Il,,.r, r rr/ r rnllr n am/ ,lhor I4., 4.r nn 111 m"li„ t 1 rnlnr oho rolliri elm. rn1er1 111 1 og 11;11, 11 ll 1 1 11 4. i,t, t W I∎o 1 I mos II. I„ it poor r Ihrfn 4. 1. m a r ,,l I1 1 1 '1,lxlrrl, Ihnn I or tl, +ell; t 4.111 ln '1.1110 the 4. nlr Or .1 14.1, lo, r d .r N„ the r 4.' Oleo 1,11. nx 1 l,l 4. ,1.. o ho i'4., r w,l of A. 1 I 1,/li nil Scat. hil v, C. 4...., tool (.won't nolenl„ 1 molls r 4. 10 v l ,.na,ls r 4..,l l 14..1 11.1 1111 it II I Irrurl.. 4.,1 het 1,.e. In shall l .Io ml .4.J of nod..011,e 1'. t 1!4. 1`,,.,14.1 ,J oil gun Ll' 1 1 ...01.1 .I,rrcollrtr hr u uvid4..1 by tlre 4.r, ervro t ;04.1. oil or von. 4.r 4.r roar INSTRL ?CTJONS 1 so shoot In2.12o on the lar.■l::.,,, ■■■1 •■•■■■I. ..,r n.r. '4.. LP .lk. .I 1.111.10 t4.■ 11. 1 •1 r.Incl. the 101 ,.1 111,• l.. omv la, 1111 to 111en.o.o1 oho ro11,1e •,.lfn, oof 1loi is' 1, 01 law nod r nd..• ••Ir II 1 h,r R II r lodh A1.1 ,rlar.hr. ill•, doll o f nun nyl 1 i 4. the '1 111111 \1 ,11'ollil l oll nl oho Ion. r od•i va 1111111x: odr I n t, 1111. n t 1 1 n 4.• tiro, r 14.11„ 1 4.n Prow t o m polo for r, Ihn 11111.1.. '14.11 nl••„ oolo 1.n "x4.,111 n, 111,1,0111 harem. m,an,ln,n, 11 11. 1111.. 1... 1. n I ,o. .....r rrr ,viii. Ow 1 noh. „1,111 I. ..,n 11 ,Ito In.1 too ,.en i ..1..'. .1. .11..11. loot the a 11' me fo r r l m a'" .III: n e t loon oolrrsl,nl rained 4.l loo 4. v I,••,Iit I, 4.,l x11 Ul 11„11. ..,n.., 4..n 4. 1lg I I• 1• ,.e 0•hn,9or I lot.. Inr lo• ,.I 'v 1 r, Roo, In 4. ther',.L,4. sot Llr11 1. 111 ;liar 111:.1 11,.1 4.1.. or •m.. .1 tl,n 11 4:11 4:12, I' 1, 1111 into and form ..not .,f tom Ien applied let r SI ,L r: per In I.Jn S ein: 110114. 1.4.1 1114.,.11 :rill m•lcah whet,. rntluralitalom If loodurlien ix ohNiorvd ,r..l,.r 11'..: 1,...... to 11, the rdlx,0Li,n status of the las:na' rills•„ eelifi 1. If nll' is and 01111 l nssot'inlion linelu, :.•4. hne a I the loll, loll, moist he c' l ,,oll Ily a sllllelm•..1 as loi tit using and hol,llpgs 4.l' ils,o.ndiers a• Ilor•,u :pose I mining. ni extrarth :c. 111 rrsKs: Is o3 .1 4. Il.wt In pet d Ill 'ilos Lril till fro noel i el 1 and g;1, n deposits, tept /i v1iu 'T his floe 1 ,al if Mrr. •1•. anion. 1 rlo ego., Pe tai I' too loo Im •i1feting: n le: eno et N n ods Imola n and r 1tH, r, f. tlef Ial a m.. u 4 .•I odxcing so il 4..r gas h „l, m. lh Las s f s all.:4 legal slrhnl t r.,d where the .f a n4. in off 44. natio y int! 11111 s 21 of v .•11::1,1 1. lot .4.h 1 I�. a il con pet pop Pe r. toter 0.,l Il.e 11.. 1:11 0:11 1 ":..11 .:I.'' l I1 Liam. nointapiicale and (led 'the 111101 tot 4.,l hy :fro 4..11..4. 1111 it I ,FI a a in [n "1,11114. ,.1 M.,... tt. II rtfol �I hr :.,11th of 14 "I f 141, 11:.14. wit ,k‘. 1 I. hied K., Mai (VI,. I 00h Il,c Ilu. of ',food Al I:• J1,, nfr,. 1;114.11 d utl.n rd to on hosted( ,•1 the India oh.; Interior, Wash; 1 rlyd lean I'I :I'.Il:.r ,.1 1 11 Hirt Ill, 1111 11 :4.1,. npn I _Ih' m �If 14.4. l,` Washington „l, C. 111 mini II 4.:i n 1, r I 1 ,i. r� pr 4.r x1,4.1: ,rd nil. tin. l comes a Ill,!, the oder, will I 'In:rrd 'I.h I 1 11 ,111 11. 'o 1,:l,: ".I lie h n' r 11111, h1,• ioog l :odd 1 •i 1 t ..•r Whop. 4.h 11,1 r,r 1,l 1,l lr .,I I .1. 1111 ,.w 4.,.r s 1 I 4.r 4..r If additional xI t• all tarnishing fools 4..f the a I foolhardy f 1 !1 I information 4,14, mo ,s t n,nar r •d 111 additional 6 aht �In. initialed 1 1 i R 11 r loo 1 v lt1 v I I u n land hall In 11 to Irhod and .11.h loop of this .,0.•4. a leat sari Ilan 1, al urea of Noel 4. l 1 ,n „dd Lm J.,,, mold. ll 1 11 to Ic ..1 N<Ila.l to rash cop. of Ll,, faro. s,lmltlgd. additional I .1 ,,IC spur,. ,nn.srdt,l,l 1.,iln"I of .1 'I'I.:,1 r o ,.f 4.l r.. n. noel II 1 f. 1,11., .I 11,. If of the 10.1„1 JtaceiLed in 4101 2 of I 0 /00 i s open loo a il and of n /pr0ai,mtli n applies, a extend :_r "I•I ,r 1 :I4.. 1,, h n, 1 I. 11.!14.4.1• c.4. irr .,:I. a l .l g."ii lease fling when 110 11/0 is 1 hid i` Lot is;mil l,d 111 01 Ihn U4U acres ..r 1111 oust om .s.; poll :o „4.1.:; 4.r he lens limn (x •ex .Ie: St•I•.:Inl 1111.1 I4.nxr for val••I,1 mmul 4.,11:1 At s scu m .It l'hf: 114.•. unit olivine, .,f 111•' 14.4. n4. .1 n4..: i�� 4.,J 1 4. ,,,cmes a oiloLle for Ieaxinit In U". o/,, 19'2,42 Idle All .f the loo :1 I a nil" scum,. t i ,ea r n. a l,a Bill 1. amended l0 include the. of 4 x yad .s r ,:,Ile 14.gal.le: n 4 I I. :un 1,c 1.4.;;•4.1 se a 1110. l i 4.4.1;1 ad howl, .1111.0. I.4.'..'.. Il.c i. .'r of the a 001,1 u i,4. ho length 4.r width '1'Iw .la• :c "I•I.•.,m ..f ..•,,,,•.1 1 •..t. 4 114; 11.1 .,4., .'r 1: 11. •h a v un e4. :sit. t axnrr„ 1 "alt. 1 II m o,lnranl 4..n Corm 4111,:;. the held ',lira r Y n4. hook 1 111 4. I s.4. r I I:!'_:: I...,. h :.;4., 1,.14. f., ,L '.!h.l 0.,.::.1 of the 111;,4. .4 W Hoch lamp n4. I4. election to unfur.,1 to .h4. 1,rm ier i;,1, .r! 4:1 I:A'll i!4.:! I::0. cent ich case least 1'• doled 1 rd: r main, 1 1 1/ 11!12.411a, Jle.n a'. Th)a apt. o,l In I'4. lit "jinn' 1:11,: 1.•i I, sVZ Lm h:: a will',, I..,I ,Y ...I "hi' h. rental chatted such sal 'f Led. If the L is :u l .°p'r wiu rrnerlin ll. idmnilyd4.00 .d 1., nil iii".' .1.:, ,'111'1 I•' ..110 g'd' .'!0.111,1 login h dell i Poe oil will he 1, 0 van` s though 114.1 L e Until anions, e.1 should r I dmb• 1 0 i' I a l w 11, .1 „1 114.4. E r f., 1., the NI 1• In 4.111 1 it f .4 •••44 t t I Ih .nd a n 4.111•. ton n. 4. „1,.t I I f I I 4.l of ll 1 1 I "f f.4. r. i.. :I 4. part of the u ,s,.•, II whole 11 The fl 1 I J. ao, a n yj wl,alit o d I, the n h If 1 111 1 11 r Pt I completely 1• led Ira i oo ttrest interest in n lean d1• r. i n pica oo I tl l4. p L testiest I 1 „o l om Ito nod, salgr tti o a 4.f an in Ir,.s! Owing.. a :•la in th s: di e ns II, •1,l I n„n1 that oho pintail h on/omitted v 114. ode, le. ,I t r gist.. h•_b,ul an MI most l'4. the extent '1 anniguea all the land rtxloota.m1 al 11 rate of 1, •ass t. ,iller n 1'. he :.good by the axs by t h In 1s :slgo,.d wit! If the 11111 4.n, i loll r :,e ,:,Vin.. 4.'•.n loo re n'. .•:4. instal:ens indigo!, olo of the off, Inrni.•,I inclm+..s lap 'n4. 4111 ,,,4.c•. w i u ,t he augment' poor 1t Poo is ,m„ of n Ir11.nn for the Intel, dal ,.t s cn.'red rev said an u „I.