HomeMy WebLinkAbout961317form Approe nl Iry the noerd mud Enrolee J.snuery 6, 19980 Tills Indenture of lease entered Into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by and through Its Board of Land Commissioners as LESSOR, and the following as LESSEE: Cabot 011 and Gas Corporation 50% Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 25% Questar Exploration _Production Co. 25% Section I, PURPOSE, The LESSOR, In consideration of the rents and royalties to be paid and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the LESSEE, does hereby grant and lease to the LESSEE, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of all the oll, gas and associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and elements produced therenith, Including sulphur, hydrogen sulfde, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium, which may be produced from the following described land, to nit: Description Part Lot 44(form. NENE Sect()) Phone QUESTA Signal AcslJress: Count)' Lincoln Together with the right of Ingr and egress and the right to use so much of the surface of said lands as Is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works, building, plants, waterways, roads, communication lines, Section 2, TERM OF LEASE, This lease shall become effecth c on the day and year set out below and shall remain In effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long thereafter as leased substances may be produced from the hinds In paying quantities, This lease may also be extended beyond Its primary' term In the absence of production of leased substances as may be provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of the Board of Land Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto. Provided, however, If drilling, completion, testing or reworking operallons are being diligently conducted, either during the primary term or during any extension thereof, this lease shall continue In full force and effect go long as such operations are being conducted and so long thereafter as oll or gas may be produced In paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or terminated at an earlier dote as herein provided. Section 3. If the LESSOR owns an interest In oil and gas In said land less than the entire fee simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid LESSOR shall be reduced proportionately. Section 4. LESSEE expressly represents that, If an Individual, LESSEE Is a citizen of the United States, or has declared an Intention to become a citizen, and Is over 19 years of age-and If a corporation, Is duly quaHQed to transact business In Wyoming. Section 5. This lease Is Issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S, 1977 as to the State and School Lands, and Title 11, S, 1977 as to Farm Loon lands, and shall he subject to, and operations by LESSEE hereunder shall he conducted In compliance with the specific lease terms set out on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable stale statutory rcqulrernents and the regulations Issued thereunder, Including those providing for: the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands for oil and gas; the conserratlon of oil and gas; and the regulation of security transactions. Section 6, HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, If Is coN enanted and agreed that each obligation hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall Inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors of or assigns of the respective parties hereto. Section 7, SOVEREIGN IA1fMIUNITY, The Stale of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive sovereign Immunity by entering Into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses a valtable to them is sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Statute 1.39.104 (a)and all other state laws. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by LESSOR and LESSEE to become effective on the 2 nd day of June 1996, A.D. LESSOR, STATE OF WYOMING, Acting by and through Its Board of Land Commissioners. CABOT 0 L GAS CORPORATION Signature: 0j' I _A John S. i re, At torney -in -Fact hu Address: 6i0 17th St., Ste 900 North Denver, CO 80202 Aidgi 'I e 6 -a40 LORATION AND PRODUCTION COMPANY eta a 1 VICE PRESIDENT 050 17th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80265 phone U 303- 672 -6900 Section Acres 40.00 RECEIVED 10/7/2011 at 11:44 AM RECEIVING 961317 BOOK: 774 PAGE: 50 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF W OIL AND GAS LEASE Tnwnchin Res 02 I N Directo Advanced Rent 540.00 late Lands and Investments CHEVRON U.S.A. Inc. Signature; .ryN Address: 11111 S. Wilcrest Houston. TX 77099 Lease 96-00206 Parcel 444 Fund C.S. Range 113W Phone(/ 000050 I certify that this is a True and Comparable copy of the Original Record on file in the Wyoming ow of State Lands Inv lo v) l! t Oftce State lt ends C To a t #,r a s I 'T to 'd Dra a o ie &&Y al l9h atrh L y" errscaryxsir .,;t�lJ[leIOlMat.ty,n rywn acrr��r]Cyvec;nenrJrsY. Sae 9 010 d .>7 Camukrs anrivrf :a,'� U C, n d r (enaf n r. /aey rcvq w re Ve e m 0101 eu(, and y "n Ve h! rorTT'L+N:a d rr o1 r um ra ar•�xrJ d Lis k w (01'10 ere 4 re 1eD, aLy Pe Ma, aV 0140 m!rx(rl on L'e p (front a' Ir GTaYf 10 V+ tufty a•d r'M`•eTe'J Va ex1» 1 e t t b rr x e t 11k Ve supra d ar.:h hay G? sd4 a atr. Esn 001",4 a cc rure't" pnr b Ve t 001,44 C1 h ttf w ise may t+ Vuta' 1hfu'•n rtas:rYk ¥TtV;TJ aVe i.',r ra r J4n3e (c. w- re,Ye-.M d ra.•q 01,1 rr' Ve as: of a pat. oI'CtIrrXt, vrrFayelsr�,Jr9rvr *Cr atlararaln s.I� s: cre!r,e. )1V :.11CK�1. (c)AENTA�. Pra L; VV ti.X d d a cat h pr /rq aa4r;� r p +yVe bii7 It care to -ov, .en Ur 1''x00 daa t-*a, in ar.,a raj! d I 1.X o, at a 444_x1 N01OY. My Velk— a 1'- k�t•!f n9 to k.41 to 4 A �.Y b y AS n lse ,1)IV a'w tr d S Z 11,44 l'ti 4440 Gry ;IVr ve x01 Ir✓.fsa �-J+1 by avaa^.,,L &a ((radar SO P ad (ce na mare, aVNa (craw d Lhe per t a h ac'n'T dead, Arv>c„f 114 on at eaaa seat W pr h alas Fyf7 U. h a yet i weh .,a V e etx r 0 N rcrce Cf (tU 10 antt "o' to m m t o to wss.e. It tla r end a r T ps.] on a tryat t. ax e a ta,unet dta, rte d ow: aA t h sal to 101 rASN, r.] a G d 1.100 Fm a s (7 lac prrT.M w1 to a3aikd. T10 bSkr 't rat k; at y tti9a 011 to p er et'.r C. r ara a to Frrary, b.t r Ve to r eJ aV tt vt r e ra p �4 01x1 LMv (0'?) d>» rte LM n+ry d M 0111 rat tarn recaal U. Hasa w/ ei Tnd! rSTr�t Dy gera m d taw, T e'rilhat(t d C. {e ere shat nx r ear'. Va I%,% d ray oti W4'rt heur,4 unkr VS b ase ct:g Vat L"t 0047.01,.1 b CrTranyapen y' Ttur s to6r4Rk1b ;e(a rayp .0,pa1 alacla, (d)AOYAlrES. Ty. ro,a` s to psi Dr kaYae ra: ()o a o oI 3a t d tha po}atr1, 4111, w k,li horn ud Wd, to sa^. Io be delvrN If Vo wah a b t. a" d fesVe Cg Ire 10 wtththewetsmayt.c cvo:tr1 On w1014r Kp(c z 1fransaltailsan1rdfi1acad V+ (9014 u kY1 a 44404, potlfrl tat m p soW t r reef, VoUr ter ?ro to me'l't It Ve d d a�rn d kar1T W.& fix'/ 1 ear b Dro• asp, d v. rrcW r reat3..l frvn 1.) Gn Y oUa• h t r tiro d sax n1 p tl ecy a kh dcys W a'01r 1j trW,cr1 or adedd rtirt� R'Trt t..U,y, fuCnv, nttrye0, utxvl W u1e, 4V t ,LM 4 k:rh royry a V1a1 to mALary araTn•e1 b be la 014 I ta_vark. If Fa tpyvy tw' m hat AM Pius pa Ara tr ty.. that to a 0101 ,011 Dy ve ~4401, +011 h Ve 6rrrinacr ce Ca siue N nav s;X'A r Vt f ai met d a+: txn vat' t de'4 t i terry p;,;k'1 d rV ro A 1. y Ve Fnycmt d aC A d Lr Tr i j t•.•; C ie d To a? or tart C ya xv, ra Iy IJ rota".." ham to san po ,l. pat a nav Y "r 'r, L.. beJ It c Vac f9c',rd by to Ufv W d.ATera (011 Nrr a ha a,, d A.0,01(( used la ope a V F✓Tti ea t4evs tr 1 44 a iK r b to 471010 sae a a i, Gat a l kit hrtxatara reOJTe1 L' Vo can] h toro 7V +pcd�aYr ddasurday(° "7C'l a0144e (t) DI SPOS'no14o o1'V. To de�.r bcro 6uor a to s,,t l n d, y,m b1. kr miry d+Wraa, N rc y x Y y, 9 a, a Na {014 K hylocaDO•., h ea d 0101 De 011 le per a, r Vr cca- d to eas7, rV h lev d 101:1 I9frea h kYd m.fee a•e,ry b Cal L't mss Ve fail (stet prta a tar's ce 4 roya y d. 9010, a crlr ki,'xf 011 hy7aabcro pobcad rd V'rd Mel Le besa a to rte n royaty c 9a, a COW hricur0cv,t 41 ii4 such a ci, Gal 01.Vw L'ntrl hraa ;1.v shat M 0. '.V rrauarark d, 901, a cttrr kl'4 hrtxrtma. Tl. baaea Ni IrecaskrY Ivry, ayalef0Y 1013!, here e fa Ny (5J)401,0 hh .wthecidpod',cel, utr W exnl c' rris<e, a a C. uch pupa 0101 lesser' 4s1 Ce et es miry rrtdk,m y 1.J m tram, p a ie4 to to ess�s s"ar rte M he4114 M bu a hfeVuxon d rotary d 0o aurN ha, 0+101 arM 1e w nd T1r .(ee st r age ce c( a '+a do pc ot*J LF d dr od, a trq a V. leaf to Y V. puwly d Cr bt, Y a'E OF PRODLA 1010. To paps, rt.akue ay coral h IaTa'aut Y ppi�yv ho 4011 Ir.y In arlarrotiy »01,1 rte nice 0111 rN'lurit rlip'a•1 017 V. 90014 d l.a'sd polutlt, to Ur bur h tca;atu Var.iV1. C- Tf +:.'rsrt 1.V 101,1 sr1 fo 101p0X k,rk TI rd rej watirg bVo ac4xio hcm01 UN twon leandat.rotaVcaepyr.#ry U L`e p'af t ham Ce.w web op'e Yid by V. leik'e, tU a(waa, or k.t•knfa m otrr lads, »rc.1 wy tr ere t� a 1' am t01019 I•Sptc•CO1 d ary 0144 Vt)ls 1 Ns1 d to Insx. To 1vrrL1 014 buy wan ai7'a t {r frr req.rtf khviy 01 Gr• mth, -a 14x((0 774*1 1.V MTra:+x d 011 U rti.1 Ltd w en mcm N facer'. i1+.in Ve fTvAll, Y, 4ro unt i v prise del 94 171 td LL' a' 9101 Cas.:t.t 011 oe p +n7 J Taluxd if k44 4401 Li e 11 r r e(1 keel, nd L4 artY;rY d 9•1 relu,y f b L'a 43.01. 011. F10 THI' YFA11.( E1,7E Ur9sA d4 0001m01 aDent r ty0r ?u of SU a Lei'014 rs! cf w nd. et rTlyt 01 ,a 111 yam fir'tn d pz+1y,:+t 1.V rtrtc 1.i a sae {cd pa 44011 sad t] er,. 1.,d tr hrrch non (ror.LYy r.� -v-e rev C, s'xti.np n delat Vr ciao nd m ar', 01.01 Vo Gva �.y n] F.:aay U Ve traa�,c' i �r »ee .r,a� '1 Fen c yay�on Vr 0114 rexy mC,1-c'01•,1; saea cedty aMiler 14rfa' cyasAbsaee '.[h 01J. hYr;rv:.T ar;r :era117hCa (arena! 0 p y h TO fE DRILL, D To 0101 Ya ppq� try 0.ti.yy al .JS fcctSt1y Artaf raa� T1yy 9 1.V p ^Yx sn 0101, 1.A 1 rQ Lsn13. T rJ1ui.7.r1 01 It N iy 01 u ko 1e 0101 eSa! ^:d' to 01 C'r e' CC.3:C•Tlnl Ya 4 LC 01 001x1{ J.$ kI01AE�TSTD eeg tt{. 1Ce4401r. cedt pareCae,1 tr 61 n, Ve 0101. 01,1 Urge+ of Vo F7ratw, aafr sr,� rU 01t 01 01' i 0010,, ali 1.4 1r K 014 ~1010 014401 khrnnn a :r tesa,7 ,,y rr?rt .101'7 04 01 01rY 0( 01 I 01 y N luT;s`e 0 9 I04 tua. To he F,T•ytyf rrprV, h Vr lam p uaCr: CyVr 0(0101(, Ur W d at Cary (XJ day Furl .th uU »d Y L+ a a�1 To .•4 rrkwy, a a salt tines at 011 tcacpn d at ksJa (rvy (sxr,, nx•J s2w e'rT pYe t, d r1. U/1. ~0101. tcsrl h ttrsneta.;1 w'lN L'a 7 araestftVe 4UC>vt 0101 01* T wncn a ,C be�tfxxssaao] b tr b a padcrx t rd 004'.krr by to bsur 011 4j4 114 1.+1 avl ad �a 1 trT'oU'ce m Vr wale, pas,cya, a Dt•r'atL'.y d O t*, of tY W1s m LM ura r cry to d y to c4'!1 f7 M to essa Al k�"1 mi'1 a r iy e k 011 4-4 h i1rt 01014 W,� to s1 Y-a,a: tl .V le 1101, w I01µ11 107'014 1 0 aC4:.i<I 01,1 0101 C1Tkx d .tae La•af ))FAQDUCTON To0101err,t.•dattm01 trahrkaeadIna U racr.s• err N d 1.v 74 dx'r,t•arr 1'x1 han 141(44 �tw1 0111 a'Ayf'Y m 01 014041494 h n raffia v e rmsa b are i.4 9 bk3e• c Car, mrr t t* let C. u+fr S i irl rrrl,'ath id Lhe ptr;w.xa d 1010- /,rru,9 01 0 a m'= '9'.eaa lr+k to Crka leased 44(41 UCaa a i•aa n k tr p• esarlN ID Ur Lssar fya irre airy '1.Cx7t m Laµb rrea, heed 0.'e' Jan Vaye h a7rr'rrt sera 101 aala m ;rc.a +701 te. p 010 &1 F`rax+n s�err 010 9,910r a01~.0101 0111.zg0141 401 1.G C013 1ha11 'serf 'err t `are r c U. t' w•aa•Cr LKfp r tiapaaa Cy r1. v l worxx h un Sa d W kSENS'CeICFCQEF,a r yh .rei4 V l,t 1171.1.1 C 4r3 n _rr5Sr.vd ny.dtW o L 4 avreo by010t bassct(ln9'010td n d d, a aCtl n bca0 Y .h D+/. CwY (Ve eika( e v a+ebesxafnaSr,+0104, a 441_014baropaYcrO rtar u1w1, 01. rvya+dy(0114014 like r+Y 7 :enucn 7:01 s.eae�yT' d p caucrn a (01(x7, 0171 4.0101 y tt a a tis'alay r rtR fa to pcdG hen Ss1 ».t can be dnei-V,4 C rr Ve 01 ray su. susa son d x01 akn ik h e1 tai Ve 'e'3m VA a7tat! b 7i, Ce r, r evi d 11 CC lv 1.T, a hiA,CeeYp ^.fedEy( :)af(Sr,a 01.baeaf0111r4.7 na7>31 04 01 a' 4 �*i704naitan ud Li••1s Iu To�rse ea�rile L 014q. p(001J 14 an 'r tea m -od twv. urrsst w o LACe 4 K"rakY4 Ir7.y41 r n �d"'ys 04--4 r e r:7e V. a 9x011 014 wyi,•r&- t 4 rTrri• 1 t�Y 1`01 .t,•, 7 k7 by 01 kLs r a ca-y m Y 41/01 p e aan d 01(,01 a d ry Y1. ed rribe and p xxar term; L, dastsaCn r ato U s rce drerr V eoYapatearySa.yDr sc e t C V e 014 010 01* rerh 0110 T.>rI1 01 -*1,70 irk c0roe•.riyt d V. P'4`a7lx MJt pcal.c�� ge 011. itaakrv g r, mr d 01,1 toYrY,n7ywdwt'U/ ertt ;J4 jcre 'r h a V +d leaf a a y d to cu err trurca�, d vt �a,d w er t+erT d t. eskr, a bo 010 »d »tlm r»1. 1w,4 011;) W t' lea! 7011 w lee(01 art Ct d err �*h' cues to Cyttect aps'(a d a:na7e h 'tN trtr.1 m'av tc terry C 4 a V. acv e' frrp. s. fe011 easrak ydat�yd r roY� atx01auraw ti�tov.is:a .an tea; Va ;YF.W. G) of 1 Frx.rr 4.41 ve Fer1 0100 4011 d .«f «h h d n 1. bsfo ,Lae d »0101 ti rs 01 Cr rats dwc *04.1 a o 010 kdari, 1 (:010, 1.V rTf1r 44 d c9sow wih d,•, y E by+ r1. ,(101j d Ur laser q 10 x tlt iesS7 slat 1.010 U. 14"01 W 6 411 (ar,sa 1 po+ird, to krr 14 014 prpprrfy 01 jai dn.q'e a pavm 41.011 a L e eik+, t *4y, a by d arn to it l44.$ r a9U+oo v Y.4., red b rar'rt rx 1M ;s.,' w 01 014 kil as 1r marl the V. tease* slat rc1 be toi Vea�1 la z�uar Irv�yr tssau ad ljuy to a''c la acb d pnUlvre a hT�'s+'re•L Urxn, 01) TA, tES fAEEOCMOFPURChaSE.To 011 f mrs•d_ t a 0 asxu d V. a 01 mo 44 p11z&c 4 rtatf 014 her a 0001 r�vrJ, .J 4 4',01 ~(,00701 and a'TS'r.lw!4 h a.Marra rV 0101 wTtp hturm d prdaN, Yd I, pay al WSSCJ UdEN15Or .SfFROC'UCTOftAORf *5 s.aum ae d VYy.Mry :+s( 1.,y yv�xt d rn. basM prTfsas 01.0x0 »1.1 Vr V4 *01 a 1.1/ lI,e W tarn, 7101 J Cxr,1'�; rDp'x5 to W tale o h rtiy 01114 Our 0o, rid 401 tt�.a: 011 1 ^s I.ae C. rgrr•a 01 014 B,vC a ty Cr CTTro d Scat 117174 44 1014o0-r4(74 011 aA.'arry m b fa ha ern ari;, l b L 0. p 011 w t to (card(] »111 Vt ba'o T1e 6:,01 Crise .a yr r-r ir!t:x.n y d 0-01j,- ca .ten 0101 of 014 0147 brayer a.caa'.a i41*. xt a e 0, 44011 b to tr leax.l4� DEU',ER P IN C,LE OF FCAFEITT)Pf To a.s' ,p Ve b11 01 sat, .tn ,4 lam +ot C•attr''J 01 ein, h q.. 44 l a kr Ccr,tkn n rrk 01 fril j a 04 to 0 esr 1.4 CA 1.4 rl1 04 V f s nj J 010 �(ain2e11t ^a tewp lr�JlrenrdhTro,r'*eru1.01 rrcOVxdcgascrf ESSLY AESER',ES' (01) fih 40 leas( vi, a »sSe Sspxe d N wact d to Lr rrt,1,* 0441 Vit b am v %,ley wmn9 ,y 7 u u. t 1.v 1101•] 44(n asv drer »(0 Vr race c+ Ur *0.4404134 Cairu`i.Wry 01t.044 4501, Earl is Lt ~Y r e1.ry 1y LLe (0 01eb4.3440141eas- Ail cgTa0asra )t) T1. 14l1 b lose, sd, a 0L'e--*''. 04014* 010014- 0110147 krlx1 res;uas 00101 00m4-4 0y01* *01 4x1 dare w 11 Ve ;f h:.tik ;as t 014 Ve (0444 ,1 L'y 8:4d c1 L.8 C am srx•e i<) Frsr, L'e cg rnndUebaaa,t.kv1iartiy)1arrdseq'a e4 fay:sd. »�'1aaunxs44(01401010 Ve ri9.7 01 a ay 4.01 cller hJ -d.wa 4 easeml. a Maxked 07 10. 41014 Ska1 d n rynJ1. »ry rd tacrrr,a x 117 L 11-7 *0101 er e arx,v ra a anI;a al yr i,d rwtin a (0)70. 4 10(01i LC 4'f iTir L'. keel 11 (as u A p'a1 d ne �ipTe A Ut E Ji' 1 MGi h t'Yn .nJ1'rrpr Va K13 r011414 foirt 91 01 pvchase at Otto as eAa:ate• 01 (01e tet4 101401 poJdr1 h Sa;irs (0)114 rgrt b 14 or rc.ay t. puny 414 prDdr am 10 01* '*4 01. »aria ,-j bi N'nrarri a iha prM.cY1 rrvy caiym (0 419 1140101'0 tr 1014404 alw Yk 01ocic1 t u•0s' aty t ys sn d Su 1 a (lm a arY et ra p•a aivt 40417,12j by14* (OlnaxttombtJ,' 10toter4 ro(a'r 9aIn03.4,00.' P'14 T ear 4011 a w d1 ry bawl to T1u *440114.4 rcb 014 to psrrasa err a1r hat td aV b r shat bt awca e y B ad hxb Tat Uw asea ha (0101 �cbr�+clr 1 011 r;;. 01)1004c4 aV Va cro a rv# ii hask o 0172,,4 011147 trs,cyf Va pat 010 LIb_" t asst pua'asa•t ((1, prchra a wto 4 ar4v7*, a act CY 9 as la tae a arluary,m racy wiLni Va Szs d Wyarfr) at w anQ rV 010001 to pucnaa V. pa n lerna 7 aa,;n4yy tvyaak ava ofrrcr as ft"Merwby Ni•trtulPISO ar. TNBoadcdwaa 113 140101.1 014 C+T tl n sa AAA 1.44 (((.744 ro he l1e; uchaw'! .d4 rV a::a b pvdaSr 414 914 op i tetra *1011 ere (eras 1aMy mrty4aJt b aV at 0 a lr.aatk to t. lesser Ar 0r747110 such wr.cv, i eras uay aq 0147.1 nvy be 81iW 0140 by whch to pWrc4'n d d rovyaty 901 mvy 04 daranad uTJ i ca, be pMLco1 01015.411er 01X4 JTr!bm 4401.4 My %th, to Slate d 504,44 5Li F4St10 11990IFI .iETS01ly 13,(14 h *t 10 i?0 d Tkb7Etlt &/co Lrd, aM Tw 7), 014 Stae flan a s1(n.* -r- (a B 0014 Lade, W. S 1977, (ever any wTdv r4� e4 w 5 (0101x" 3'. is ya 101* 14((0•.0010 ci Vu base. Las.sm V WA V any u.c h ita2 90;1,"• b4mi 01 01 i! lean vat be 11'4 q d 901&018-5 010* Stian 1. F09J EI TUA E CLAUIE m ed,d i N Vo 011.1 a V 01`017+(, b ca•W base. paired b h ad, dwe' a r a /7 ut w d 4014 ka„M 101 urtla.fu or 1(94 cv:t+a44 a ya t+ uJe :r 1 00e W ev:J d dr 001(77 pots prod 01e'ed, 01414 NT 101* 114 feisee fry deltvt h V. 9 1 0 1T1 4 Cr 0014 4**,- 04 41 ,1 01 014 191r,, 01"(0174 14 4'01 6:,ns heed, Cr d prrf reJado-4 pa' 1 Ce &sad 04 13-4 C ri o b 44 h Fa-,a at Vt 44o 1rd, Va 1U01 10 44.* (4001 of such farce a 4*181 1001( Vrry( k 11 41.4-40001 11.0101 by k) 501,, 110 s rtRas►1,Tlt S to 4"So, 44 1 del (0k 1 a dNL( cm:nua fa a patV d 104.,0, 01101 4-4,44941014 be.aa trey, rt 4 q'O.v1, 01s01, a falet" rV less' Wiry r►-xle n e1 o rd pArrpct, 04014 bud 01w u d01 fnal lrmnaa 01 case 44 to 01 P4,1014 ta4zsa Faaesa[+T d 0141 p a yisae a ray p 4T 0101 ad. Tlasa p aiCN that hd 001 07.. 044 b 001'4 0101 01x, e a f4 07 0.4. 0 err M a p o 4, r1Tny O rKh IN kiss yn9Y oVerrtsa FM A e.�sr 0' ray a la V. v-. 1010 Ce a rt1 tLV rfl lsle'Jrt 04 010. baN Dy ray Wfs ia11 d falezn SOrDm! P.EU QtISlwr,io SU. RE i 4 a any R4a a.bt84n 011.4.444-4 tl Hasa 0e r at r1. al.i 0111 urlr der N 0 b1. k7 a b al ()Ifroc 111,0: felarb', (.e bo41 Cvµc' -.l u t. baw m Vo t+'d 0104 (Nr>7iefa y to bsuo /1471450101, Eat lav bad 44 504e `cat rd Irerrrert Bond, **rten 1krJao-,- a wrkxf. d*4y J7 vd rd 1. Lt 01r ahtdto0D 'r4c14 01(4 54 lyurr! Na#e on V. dale nd Fos( d raaicy Uslc1 h U. orf{oa d C. G1.py a a Fled shat tredod 0y41, bW trw If V. isd rdnx/yrt.rt (41 b «a, to Sony Wr W y k,ch M 4 Mti7,e 40101 d rar'LurJrtM 1.40410.4441. 1W1*,1 jS1Tr4,1 ro t ruv. IHre Darn (0)11 R s acay (0101, Lean 0114 01"011 u'.!s Va le an m 114 r acgyo�d by Vr a ad i aryl 1( 4 014 ►101111 »011 U. 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