HomeMy WebLinkAbout961433LENDER: FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK TRUST ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 3001 S 25TH ST PO BOX 10938 FARGO, ND 58100 MORTGAGOR: WJW HOLDINGS, ILP, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PO BOX 3309 ALPINE, WY 83128 Described as: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT °A' RECEIVED 10/17/2011 at 3:07 PM RECEIVING 961433 BOOK: 774 PAGE: 535 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000535 State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Real Estate Modification (Modification) is 10. 12.2011 The parties and their addresses are: BACKGROUND. Mortgagor and Lender entered into a Security Instrument dated 09.01.2010 and recorded on 09.192011 The Security instrument was recorded in the records of LINCOLN County, Wyoming at BEC. NO. 955502 BOOK 753 PAGE 629 The property is located in LINCOLN County at RESERVE LOTS, ALPINE VILLAGE, ALPINE, WY 83128 REAL ESTATE MODIFICATION WYOMING /NOT FOR FNMA, FHLMC, FHA OR VA USE) 0 02001 Bankers Systems, too., St. Cloud, MN Form MMOO.`JY 1/16/2004 (page 1 o131 MODIFICATION. For value received, Mortgagor and Lender agree to modify the original Security Instrument. Mortgagor and Lender agree that this Modification continues the effectiveness of the original Security Instrument. The Security Instrument was given to secure the original debts and obligations (whether identified as Secured Debts, Sums Secured, or otherwise) that now have been modified. Together with this Modification, the Security Instrument now secures the following debts and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. (Include items such as borrower's name, note or contract amounts, interest rates (whether variable), maturity dates, etc.) THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THE UNPAID BALANCE SHALL BEAR INTEREST AT A RATE NY PRIME 3.00% VARIABLE WITH A FLOOR RATE OF 7 FROM THAT STATED ABOVE, SAID BALANCE AND INTEREST ARE PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS: MONTHLY INTEREST PAYMENT BEGINNING OCTOBER 31, 2011 AND CONTINUING UNTIL MATURITY. MATURITY DATE IS EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 29, 2012. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by the Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed 2,000,000,00 0 which is a increase decrease in the total principal amount secured. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to the Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of the Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in the Security Instrument. CONTINUATION OF TERMS. Except as specifically amended in this Modification, all terms of the Security Instrument remain in effect. SIGNATURES: By signin below, Mortgagor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Modification. Mortgagor al o acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Modification. MO,RTGAG Signature) (Signature) WJW HOLDINGS, i t' (Signature) LENDER: By '���v DENNIS L. SCHOCK, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (i.— j1._1\ (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) 000536 (Date) (Date) (Date) 02001 Bankers Systems, Ina., St. Cloud, MN Form MMOI)•WY 1/16 /2004 (page 2 of 31 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Ilndividuo by l', i j 1 ICIM Ca Pl )1>1 mckt) R eh tr y My commission expires: f f Q (Seal) wonder) 000537 STATE OF 1�1) t COUNTY OF =J I C' ss This in trum ent wds acknowl ged before me this of ACKNOWLEDGMENT: STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this 1 by DENNIS L, SCNOCK as SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of FIRST INTERNATIONAL BANK &TRUST Business or Entity). My commission expires: (Seal) Olotary Public} (Titles) (Name of i tk ©2001 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form MMOD•WY 1/15/2004 (page 3 of 3) A .S P PARVL 1 PARCEI, EXHIBIT "A" LOT 20 OP ALPINR VILLAM SUBDIVISION 0. 1 MAT2,AMMO, RLCO10 NM 4,1P81 ATDOCUM9NT Mom 559191, NAP NUMBER 264, IN THs OPPLC)3 08 TI3E MM.:, LIA OI,N MINTY WYOINII No, PA1 i #2 LOT 2) 01' AL?JNB VILLAOB sODDIVWSrQN NO, 1MAT 2, AMENDED, R>3CQR11BD RINE 4, 1981 AT Do MAW WUMl3Ett 559191, MAP NUMBER 264, IN mu OPirIOO QP TIC CLERK, LINCOLN COMM WYOMING. LOT 27 Or ALPINE; V1LLAO4 SUBDIVISI ON 140. 1 PLAT2, AMENDED, REcoRDEco 1111413 4, 1981 AT DOOUMENT NUMBRR 559141, MAP NUMBER 264,11%1TM 0P1zICE OP' TIM CIXIIK, LINCOLN COUNTY, NYOM1Nm. PAItGR1.94 THAT PORTION or LOT4I ThJ TH8 ALPIN11 viLLAM SUBDIVISION NO 1, FLATZ AMSNAED, RIIOORDBD rt1IZI34, 1981 AT n0GU&'1BIRT1dVM I'.R 559191, MAFIA/mishit 264, LIN(oLNMINTY, WYOMINO LYINO NORTH WEST OP THE 1'QLLOWINO DESGEt113ID LI 4 E801NNING AT POINT QNTHE NoRTFIBASTERLY LINEOTP MID LOT 41 $Q13A$T, 302,0 P I' PItOM TEM N O R T H COt it UN MD LOT; rf hfNGE SOUTH 53 WB6T, 459,23 PPM PARALLEL WITH AM 302,00 PRET 8O1ITHEASTBRLY Ott THE NORTH'P EsTERLY LIN13 OP SAID LOT TOMB SOUTH'tW13S78ItLY LINE- 01 SAID LOT. 000538