HomeMy WebLinkAbout961604File No.: 116270
Joan T. Passey, Successor Trustee of the Eugene J. Toland Living Trust, dated May 11, 2011,
grantor(s) of Grover, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Jake Verdean Jensen and Christina Lee Jensen, husband and wife,
grantee(s), whose address is: the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of
Wyoming, to wit: P.O. Box 116, Grover, WY 83122
A parcel of land located in Lot 4 of Block 2 of the Grover, Wyoming Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said
parcel being more particularly described as follows: particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast
corner of said Block 4 and running thence North 136.60 feet; thence West 276.38 feet; thence South 136.60 feet;
thence East 276.38 feet to the point of beginning, as described in Book 367 PR, Page 302, Instrument No. 800946
in the Office of the Lincoln County Recorder, Kemmerer, Wyoming.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my /our hand(s) this c Qa- day of October, 2011.
k.,J 1l. cy G L t J L .LC._
n T. Passey, Successor Trustee
G t a/ A
Notary Public for the State of (th/c/) -y'z l/4
Residing at:
Commission Expires: 9 fur- /s
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County of
On this Q0 day of October, 2011, before me, Gloria K. Byers a Notary Public in and for said state, personally
appeared Joan T. Passey, Successor Trustee of the Eugene J. Toland Living Trust, known or identified to me to be
the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they
executed same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
AI File No Rev. 8/18/2011
County of State of
Lincoln Wyoming
My Commisson Expires September 15, 2015
RECEIVED 10/26/2011 at 3:44 PM
BOOK: 775 PAGE: 227