HomeMy WebLinkAbout877371 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF UlNTA, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ) F! LED ) OF ) Probate No. 10-283 NOV 0 ) JULIE CHRISTINE MclNNIS ) ANN E. L~,VERY ) ..---l,~l,.-, CLERK OF ~ J DEPUTY ORDER APPROVING FINAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTING, AND DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION " The above-captioned matter having come on for before the Court in its regular order on the Final Report, Accountingand Petition for Distribution, as presented to the Court by the Personal Representative of the above-captioned estate, and the Court, having examined said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for distribution and having examined the Waiver and Renunciation of Joseph T. Mclnnis, the Court finds that it has full and complete jurisdiction over the subject matter and all interested parties. The Court finds that the statements made in the said Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution are true and correct, that the conduct of the Personal Representative in the administration of this estate as reflected in said Report is in accordance with law and the prior orders of this Court that the administration of said estate is fully and finally concluded and that said estate is ready for distribution and that therefore order ought to be entered at this time fully and finally approving, ratifying and confirming the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution, and all doings of the Personal Representative in the premises, and decree ought to be entered, providing for the full and final distribution of this estate, and the closing.thereof. F:~WP~8~Mclr, ni,\Order apCroving final cepo~ & d ...... f distributi .... pd PAGE -1- IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Final Report, Accounting and Petition for Distribution be, and the same hereby is, fully and finally ratified, confirmed and approved, and all of the doings of the Personal Representative in the 'premises be, and the same hereby are fuIly and finally approved, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Creditors shall be paid in full from the estate before distribution to the heirs. The Creditors and amounts payable to each are described and limited as follows: ' CREDITOR AMOUNT American Express 92.00 Capital One Services, Inc. 618.54 Citicorp Credit Services, Inc. 1,316.02 Crandall Funeral Homes 7,796.25 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 6,592.95 Michelle L. Lee 64.00 U.S. Bank National Association 1,472.27 f/k/a First Bank South Dakota, N.A. Total $17,952.03 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the assets remaining after payment of the estate's creditors now in hands of the Personal Representative be, and the same hereby are, distributed as follows: a. Joseph T. Mclnnis shall receive free and clear title to the 1989 Ford van (YIN no. '1EMHE2'1HVKHB78647), the household furnishings, and the jewelry. b. Bradly J. Mctnnis and Travis W. Mclnnis shall each receive and undivided one-half interest in and to the mineral estate described in Exhibit "A" which is attached hereto and made a part of this order for all purposes. F:\WP~a\Mclnnis~Order approving final rep,)ri 8, decree cf disl;ibution.wpd PAGE In making such distributionsl the Personal Representative shall execute and deliver such legal instruments as shall be necessary or appropriate to effectuate said distribution. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that after the Personal Representative has concluded the investigation or prosecution, as the case may be, of any potential claim against the Utah Department of Transportation, the Personal Representative shall file with the court his Petition for Discharge. DATED this. .~ day of ~ , 2000. MINERAL INTERESTS OF ESTATE OF JULIE CHRISTINE MCINNIS The mineral interest of the estate of the said Julie Christine Mclnnis, deceased, is an undivided 1/20th interest in and to the oil, gas, casing head gas, and all associated hydrocarbons in and under, and that may be produced from, the following described lands situate in Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: LINCOLN COUNTY: Parcel 1' SWI/4NWII4, NWI/4SWII4, SEl/4SWl/4, Section 13; El/2NE1/4, Section 14; Nl/2NWl/4, SEI/4NWI/4, Section 24; all in Township 23 North, Range 116 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. ,4' Parcel 2: Tracts Numbered 73, 74, 75 and 78 in Township 24, North, Range 117 West of the 6t~ Principal Meridian, described in the original survey as the NEll4, Section 10;Sl/2NEl/4, SWI/4NWl/4, SEll4, NWI/4SWI/4, SEl/4SWl/4, Lot One (1),Section 3; SEI/4NEI/4, Lot One (1), Section 4; all in Township 24 North., Range 117 West of the 6t~ Principal Meridian. Parcel 3: Lots Five (5) and Six (6), Section 19, Township 25 North, Range 116 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 4: E1/2NW1/4, NE1/4, Section 24; NE1/4, E1/2NW1/4, NE1/4SE1/4, Section 21; SE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4, Section 27; SWI/4NW1/4, Section 35; N1/2NE1/4, SE1/4NE1/4, E1/2NW1/4, Section 34; W1/2NWi/4, Section 15; NW1/4SW1/4,S1/2SW1/4, Section 22; N1/2NW1/4, SW1/4NW1/4, W1/2SW1/4, Section 26; SW1/4NW1/4, Section 24; SE1/4NE1/4, N1/2SE1/4, SW1/4SE1/4, SE1/4SW1/4, Section 23; W1/2SW1/4, Section 10; Sl/2NE1/4, S1/2NW1/4, SE1/4, NE1/4,SW1 ',4, Section 22; SW1/4SW1/4, Section 23; NE1/4, E1/2NW1/4, Section 27; alt in ToWnship 25 North, Range 117 West of the Principal Meridian. Parcel 5: Ail of Section 18 LESS AND EXCEPTthe SW1/4SW1/4, Township 20 North, Range 112 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 6: All of Section 13 LESS AND EXCEPT Oregon Short-Line Railroad Company Right- of-Way, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6t" Principal Meridian. I '::; Parcel 7: All of Section 15, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 8: All of Section 23, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 9: All of Section 1, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 10: , All of Section 3, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6th "' ' Principal Meridian. Parcel 11' All of Sectior~ 11, Township 20 North, Range 113 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 12: Lot Five (5), Section 19; Tracts or Lots Numbered 48 and 52, Township 26 North, Range 113 West of the 6t*~ Principal Meridian. Parcel 13: Tract Numbered 37, described by the original survey as the SE1/4, S1/2NE1/4, NW1/4NE1/4, NE1/4SW1/4, NWl/4, Section 26; Tract N umbered 38, described by the original survey as W1/2SW1/4, SE 1/4SW1/4, SW1/4SE1/4, Section 22; NE1/4NE1/4, LESS AND EXCEPT a 10.35 acre part conveyed to Union Pacific Railroad Company'in a deed dated May 12, 1898; all in Section 27, Township 21 North, Range 113 West, 6m Principal Meridian; Lot Numbered 5, SeCtion 20; Lots Numbered 3, 4 and 6 of Section' 22; Lot Numbered 2, Section 26; all in Township 21 North, Range 113 West of the 6th · Principal Meridian. parcel 14: Tracts Numbered 68, 70, 73 and 80, described by the original survey as E1/2NE1/4, W1/2NW1/4, E1/2SE1/4, W1/2SW1/4, Section 8; S1/2, Section 5; S1/2NW1/4, N1/2SW1/4, Section 4; all in Township 25 North, Range 118 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 15: AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST TO THE FOLLOWING: Tracts Numbered 49 and 53, described by the original survey as W1/2SWl/4, SW1/4NW1/4, Section 28; SE1/4SE1/2, N1/2SW1/4, SE1/4SwI/4, S1/2NE1/4, S1/2NW1/4, Section 29; NE1/4NW1/4, N1/2NE1/4, SE1/4NE1/4, Section 30; and Lot Numbered 49; all in Township 26 NoAh, Range 113 West of the 6th Principal Meridian. Parcel 16: '~' Resurvey Tract ¢140, being formerly described as Lots 5,10, 12, E1/2SW1/4 of Section 6, and Lot 3 of Section 7, Township 23 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., and the above described lands shall include, but are not limited to, any and all riparian or accretion rights now owned or hereafter owned by decedent adjacent to or underlying the bed of the Green River and all rights to the center of the Green River. SUBLETTE COUNTY: Section 18: Lots 1 and 2, E1/2NW1/4, Township 29 NoAh, Range 112 West, 6th Principal Meridian; and Section 11: E1/2SW1/4, SE1/4, Section 12; NW1/4SW1/4, Sl/2S1/2; and Section 13: N1/2N1/2, SE1/4NEI/4, SEll4, SE1/4SW1/4; and Section 14: N1/2NE1/4, NE1/4NW1/4; and Section 24: N1/2NE1/4, all in Township 29 NoAh, Range 113 West, 6th Principal Meridian, containing approximately 1,146.01 acres. Section 11: Lots 2 and 3, SE1/4NW1/4, Township 32 NoAh, Range114West; Section 30; S1/2SE1/4; Section 31' N1/2NE1/4, Lots 2, 3 and 4 SE1/4NW1/4,E1/2SW1/4, Township 33 North, Range 113 West; Section 26: S1/2S1/2 and Section 35: NW1/4NE1/4, Township 33 North, Range 114 West, 6"~ Principal Meridian, containing approximately 950.29 acres. Section 10: SE 1/4NE 1/4, N 1/2SE 1/4, SE 1/4S E 1/4; Section 11' W1/2SW1/4,Township 29 North, Range 113 West, 6th Principal Meridian. .Section 34: E1/2SE1/4; Section 35: S1/2SW1/4, Township 30 NoAh, Range 114 west; Section 1' S1/2SW1/4; 'Section 2: S1/2SE1/4,: E1/2SW1/4, Lot 3, SE1/4NWl/4; Section 11' N1/2NE1/4; Section 12: N1/2NW1/4, Township 29 NoAh, Range 114 West, containing approximately 628.58 acres. Sl/2Sl/2 of Section 15; E1/2NE1/4, of section 21: Nl/2N1/2, Sl/2NWl/4, SW1/4NE1/4, Section 22, all in Township 31 North, Range 113 West, containing approximately 520.00 acres. Lots 1, 6, 7, 13, NE1/4SE1/4, Section 21; SW1/4SW1/4, Section 22; W1/2NW1/4, SE1/4NW1/4, N1/2SW1/4, Section 27; Lots 1,6, 7, SE1/4NE1/4, Section 28; all in Township 29 North, Range 111 West, containing approximately 533.53 acres.