HomeMy WebLinkAbout961619Pile No.: 114639
Gem View Enterprises, LLC,
grantor(s) of Afton, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Alvin L. Robinson and Alice L. Robinson, Trustees of the Alvin and Alice Robinson Family Trust dated
April 10, 1997 as to an undivided 50% interest and Lance P. Robinson and Melanie Robinson, Trustees of
the Lance P. and Melanie Robinson Family Trust dated March 29, 2011 as to an undivided 50% interest.
grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 677 Afton, WY 83110 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln
County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
Parcel 1:
The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming.
Parcel 1 a:
Less and except the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded November 17, 2004 in Book 572 PR on Page 772
of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Parcel 2:
Beginning at a point on the West boundary line of Section 23, Township 31 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming, that is 85 rods North of the Southwest corner of said Section 23, and running thence in a
Northeasterly direction 89 rods, more or less, to a point on the East boundary line of the West Half of the
Southwest Quarter of said Section 23 that is 124 rods North of the South boundary line of said Section, thence
North, along the East boundary line of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section, 36 rods, more or
less, to the North boundary line of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 23, thence West, along
said North boundary line 80 rods, more or less, to the West boundary line of said Section 23, thence South along
said West boundary line, 75 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning.
Parcel 3: 23
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section, thence running North along the West boundary line a distance
of 85 rods, thence 89 rods, more or less, in a Northeasterly direction to a point on the East boundary line of the
West Half of the Southwest Quarter that is 124 rods North of the South boundary line, thence South 124 rods to a
point on the South boundary of Section 23; thence West 80 rods along the South boundary to the point of
Parcel 3a:
Less and except the land contained in Gem View Estates Phase 1 recorded December 21, 2005 as Instrument No.
914639 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Parcel 3b:
Less and except the lane contained in Warranty Deed recorded November 17, 2004 in Book 572 PR on Page.772
of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Parcel 4:
The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th
P.M., Wyoming. Excepting the following described land: Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Southeast
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, thence running North 1320 feet, thence running West 613 feet, more or less, to
the East right -of -way boundary line of the Bitter Creek Road, thence 1400 feet, more or less in a Southeasterly
direction along the East right -of -way line of the Bitter Creek Road to a point on the South boundary of Section 23,
thence East 300 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Also excepting the following described land:
Beginning at a corner on the centerline of the Bitter Creek Road which is North 32° 25' West, 1164.61 feet from
the South one quarter corner of said Section 23, thence S7 °40' East, the base bearing for this survey, 80.93 feet
along said centerline to station P.C. 266 68.16; thence Southeasterly 178.29 feet along a circular curve to the left
through a central angle of 5 °4' and radius of 2017.21 feet and along said centerline to a corner; thence South 56°
55' West, 31.96 feet to a point on the West right -of -way line of said County road; thence continuing South 56° 55'
West, 186.17 feet to a point; thence North 9° 39' West, 258.62 feet to a point; thence North 56° 55' East, 186.15
feet to a point on the West right -of -way line; thence continuing North 56° 55' East, 33.17 feet to the corner of
Parcel 4a:
Less and except the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded December 29, 2006 in Book 645 PR on Page 146 of
fiZacichtIvafethtiktftuoln County Clerk.
RECEIVED 10/27/2011 at 2:36 PM
BOOK: 775 PAGE: 254
Parcel 4b:
Less and except the land contained in Warranty Deed recorded July 2, 2009 in Book 726 on Page 735 of the
records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Parcel4c: 03 0255
Less and except the lane contained in Warranty Deed recorded November 17, 2004 in Book 572 PR on Page 772
of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my /our hand(s) this arc day of October4, 2011.
Gem View Enterprises, LLC
Jar I Ridge, Manager C\
State of Wyoming ss
County of Lincoln}
On this (9 day of October, 2011, before me, �G% a Notary Public in and for said
state, personally appeared James I. Ridge, Manager f Gem View Enterprises, LLC, known or identified to me to
be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are subscribed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that
he /she /they executed same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
Notary Public for the State of State
Residing at: avt.e 'v
Commission Expires: G pL 0 a. 0 t 5
County Of State of
Lincoln Wyoming
My Commission Expires June 20, 2015
File No Rev. 10/26/2011