HomeMy WebLinkAbout961689KtUtIVED 11/1/2011 at 2:20 PM RECEIVING 961689 BOOK: 775 PAGE: 428 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CERTIFICATE OF SALE ON MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE his /her oath according to law, deposes and says: 000428 of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon 1. That he /she is now and was at all times herein mentioned, a duly elected /appointed, qualified and acting Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. That the Mortgagee caused a notice of the following- described mortgage foreclosure sale to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Star Valley Independence, a newspaper printed, published, and of general circulation in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the said publication having been made on September 29, October 6, 13, 20, 2011; that said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale was given in the manner and for the time required by law; that all acts had and done hereunder were in accordance with and conformity to the requirements of law in such case made and provided; and that Proof of Publication of said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale, together with a true copy of said Notice, is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. That said mortgage in Exhibit A secured a single indebtedness owed to the Mortgagee, and as stated in Exhibit A. 4. That on the 1st day of November, 2011, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the front door of the Courthouse of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, the same being also the place of holding the District Court in said County, and at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, he /she offered for sale the following- described land and premises and then sold said land and premises as follows: /78 Th n r d and pr nises was old fo the s of y to rozo- UT having bid fairly and in good faith therefore, and being the highest bidder and UT best bidder, for all of said lands and premises, being particularly described as follows, to -wit: Lot fifteen (15) of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the Official plat thereof recorded August 11, 2004, as document number 901862 and map number 173 -c in the office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 5. That said and and premises was sold pursuant to the above provisions of the Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale herein above described, and under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority contained in that certain Mortgage dated June 20, 2008, made, executed, and delivered by Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to 1 Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 24, 2008, in Book 698, at Page 297, Rec. #940061, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. 6. That the debt secured by said Mortgage at the time of the sale, including principal, interest, advances fees, costs and expenses of foreclosure was the actual sum of $182,701.00 as follows: Amount due on principal Interest, Late fees to Date of Sale Publication of Notice of Sale Sheriff's Fee Foreclosure Guaranty Title Policy Certified Mailing Costs Recording Fees Attorney Foreclosure Fee Miscellaneous Expenses Negative Escrow Reserve Balance Total Amount,. Bid 1 ficiency /Surplus $168,035.61 $8,886.55 $510.00 $10.00 $592.00 $10.84 $50.00 $4,500.00 $106.00 $0.00 $182,701.00 T COGS. c7a uuu429 8. That before the allowance and addition of the sum of $4,500.00 to the aforesaid debt as attorney fees, there was duly filed with the aforesaid Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, affiant herein„ by John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., an attorney admitted generally to practice in the State of Wyoming and representing the Mortgagee, an affidavit duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes Section 34 -4 -112, an executed true copy of which affidavit is attached hereto, marked as "Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. 9. That prior to the aforesaid sale of the within described lands and premises, there was also duly filed with said Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff, affiant here, by said John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., one of the attorneys representing Mortgagee, an Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage, said affidavit being duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes 34 -4 -103 (a)(iv), an executed true copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit C and by reference made a part hereof. 10. That prior to the aforesaid sale of the within described lands and premises, there was also duly filed with said Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff, affiant here, by said John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., one of the attorneys representing Mortgagee, an Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Foreclosure Sale, said affidavit being duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes 34 -4 -104 (a), an executed true copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit D and by reference made a part hereof. h l 11. That said Fattfi r A k b being the purchaser of said land and premises, said ri�(LL. 1{ 066 and its, his, her successors and assigns, will be entitled to a deed for said lands and premises on and after the 5th day of March, 2012, said date being after the expiration of three (3) months, STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires: [I plus thirty (30) days, from the date of sale, unless the same shall be redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, he /she has hereunto signed his /her name this ft day of November, 2011. ss: Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming 000430 By �rl/ De uty S12 eriff The foregoing Certificate of Sale was acknowledged before me this I.st day of No \lp;,A Lk; 2011, by —)o\ x\dPi" y or NOTARY PUBLIC SAVANNA L. KRALL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF INCOLN L n'' WYOMING My Commission Expires &.1z71i I SARAH HALE, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for r commencing with the issue dates .er ending with issue dated 4 ?c- �2 consecutive issues, 9 2011, and 2011. Subs ribed and sworn in before me this day of O it)(1, 2011. My commission expires August 31, 2013 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, the power of sale in the following- described Mortgage, duly recorded as hereinafter specified, having become operative by the default in a condition of such Mortgage by the Mortgagor, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted to recover the debt thereby secured, or any part thereof, 1st Bank, Alpine, Alpine, Wyoming, the Mortgagee therein, hereby states and gives notice that: 1. The aforesaid Mortgage, dated June 20, 2008, was filed of rage zy r et. seq., in the Ottice of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds in Lincoln County, Wyoming, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. 2. That written notice of intent to foreclose the aforesaid Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as record owners and, persons in possession, by certified mail with return receipt, mailed to the last known address of said record owners, and persons in possession on the 29th day of August, 2011. 3. The amount claimed to be due on said Mortgage as of July 1, 2011, for principal, interest, and late fees, is the sum of $173,348.52, together with all accruing interest at the rate of $31.07 per day, advances, attor- ney fees, costs, fees, and expenses of foreclosure. 4. The mortgaged premises are described as: Lot fifteen (15) of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. recorded August 11, 2004, as document number 901862 and map number 173-c in the office of the clerk, Lincoln county, Wyoming. My Col oIriln°:1� to 431 201' Together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appur- tenances and incidents belong- ing or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, covenants, condi- tions, and rights of way record. 5. That by virtue of the power' -of sale contained therein, said Mortgage will be foreclose*, by sale of the above described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary, at public venue, at the front door of the Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming, by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, to satisfy the aforesaid amount, and accruing interest, advances, costs, fees and expenses of foreclosure. 6. Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 1-18-101(b), "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be at the sale and any, prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid." DATED this 19th day `of' September, 2011. /s/ John P. LaBuda LaBuda Law Office, P.C. P.O. Box 1240 Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 (307) 367 -3927 Wyoming State Bar No. 5 -2966 Publish September, 29, October 6, 13 20, 2011 John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: John P. LaBuda 1. That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 1 Bank of Alpine, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgage dated June 20, 2008, made, executed, and delivered by Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to 1 Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 24, 2008, in Book 698, at Page 297, Rec. #940061, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. DATED thi day of October, 2011. State of Wyoming County of Sublette AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY REGARDING FEES That there is not, not has there been, any agreement, expressed or implied, between him and his client, nor between him and any other person except practicing attorneys in the State of Wyoming engaged with him as attorneys in said foreclosure proceedings, for any sharing or division of his attorney's fee of $4,500.00 to be allowed and added to the debt involved, and any fee, when so allowed and added to the debt, is only compensation for services actually rendered in said foreclosure proceedings. :ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ,53/A EXHIBIT 1 000432 day of October, 2011, by John P. LaBuda. Jeannie Whinnery Notary Public County of State of Sublette Wyoming My Commission Expires 5124/2014 tary Public 1 000433 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 15t Bank of Alpine, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgage dated June 20, 2008, made, executed, and delivered by Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to 1 5t Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 24, 2008, in Book 698, at Page 297, Rec. #940061, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. That on August 29, 2011, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following persons, at their last known address, they being the owners of record and persons in possession of the mortgaged premises: Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83118 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 12106 Jackson, WY 83001 3. That a true copy of said Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. DATED this day of October, 2011. John P. LaBuda/ State of Wyoming County of Sublette :ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: No ary Public 000434 day of October, 2011, by John P. LaBuda. Jeannie Whinnery Notary Public County of Sublette My Commission Expires 5/24/2014 State of Wyoming R FIE nn I rr, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail D urance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com,) E O4f3V I C 1 A L USE 0493 Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $1.68 $2.85 $2.30 $0. 05 Postmark Here Total o $6.83 08/29/2011 Sent Peter L. Welker "gir 60.0. Box 3033 orP Al i ne, Wyoming 83118 ciry, P U.S. Postal Service,. CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com $1.68 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 nstructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER elivery a S, enter Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Po Peter L. Welk 83 08/29/2011 Sent To P.O. Box 3033 or PO Box Street Ap; Alpine, Wyoming 83128 City, State Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Pr $6.83 ..08/2912011._ Sent To Peter L. Welker Street, A P.O. Box 12106 or POB I Jackson, Wyoming 83001 City, Sta >w PS For Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total P $6.83 Sent_To Paige A. Welker Street, P.O. Box 3033 City, sn Alpine, Wyoming 83128 0493 05 Postmark Here 0493 05 Postmark Here 0493 05 Postmark Here OB/29/_2011_ C°TIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provide For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com ET YFB31FlCIAL USE Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $L68 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 0493 05 Postmark Here Total P..., $6.83 08129/2011 Sent7 Paige A. Welker Street, Box 3033 or PO. City, s Alpine, Wyoming 83118 Complete itemsl, 2, and- 3:-Also complete item 41f'Restricted Deliveryis desired. Print your nameand address on the reverse go that we can return the card to you. Attach this Card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 12106 Jackson, Wyoming 83001 ce everse or ns ructions U.S. Postal Services, CERTIFIED MAILim RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com; $L68 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 Domestic Return Receipt SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. SIg. t ire X Q. Received by (Printed C 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Complete items 1,.Zrand'3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is rlesited. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you Attach this card to;the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Paige A. Welker J P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, Wyoming 83128 7010 1870 0003 6245 7140 U.S. Postal `Service TM CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com4 $1.68 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, Wyoming 83118 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 7010 1870 0003 6245 7126 7010 1870 0003 6245 7133 Domestic Return Receipt 000435 C. D. different from item 1? ry address below: 3. Se ice Type L7 Certified Mail D Express Mail Registered ea Return Receipt for Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. S_epice Type 0 Certified Mail Registered Express Mail I ettlrn Receipt for Insured Mall C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) C. D, C D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 11 11 3. Seyiice Type g Certified Mall xpress Mail Registered ISd Return Receipt fo Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? Ext( Fee) PINEDALE POST OFFICE PINEDALE, Wyoming 829419050 0723550493 -0098 08/29/2011 (307)367 -2650 03 :11 :27 PM Sales Receipt Product Sale Unit Final Description Qty Price Price ETNA WY 83118 Zone -1 $1.68 First -Class Large Env 4.10 oz, Expected Delivery: Tue 08/30/11 Return Rcpt (Green $2,30 Card) Certified $2.85 Label 70101870000362457133 Total: Issue PVI: $6.83 ALPINE WY 83128 Zone -1 First -Class Large Env 4.20 oz. JACKSON WY 83001 Zone -1 First -Class Large Env 4.20 oz. Expected Delivery: Return Rcpt (Green Card) Certified Label ALPINE WY 83128 Zone -1 First -Class Large Env 4.10 oz, Paid by: VISA Account Approval Transaction i TIanznz TIAQ 3 $1.68 Expected Delivery: Tue 08/30/11 Return Rcpt (Green Card) Certified Label 70101870000362457126 $2.30 $2,85 Issue PVI: $6.83 $1.68 Tue 08/30/11 $2.30 $2.85 70101870000362457140 Issue PVI: $6,83 $1.68 Expected Delivery: Tue 08/30/11 Return Rcpt (Green Card) Certified Label 70101870000362457164 $2.30 $2.85 Issue PVI: $6,83 ETNA WY 83118 Zone -1 First -Class Large Env 4.20 oz. Expected Delivery! fne 08/30/11 Return Rcpt (Green Card) Certified Label 70101870000362457157 $1.68 $2.30 $2.85 Issue PVI: $6.83 $34.15 $34.15 XXXXXXXXXXXX5674 037073 000436 JOHN P LABUDA August 25, 2011 By Certified Mail, Retur Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83118 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 12106 Jackson, WY 83001 Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83118 Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Re: NOTICE MORTG 1 ST BAN Dear above listed indivi LaBuda Law Office, P. You are hereby notified failure to pay the Febru of the Note is $168,035. LABUDA LAW OFFICE, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O. Box 1240 PINEDALE, WYOMING 82941 Receipt Requested 307 367 -3927 FAX 307 367 -3928 JLABUDA000@CENTURYTEL.NET OF DEFAULT AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE GE BY ADVERTISEMENT AND SALE ALPINE, WYOMING NOTE NO. 764005184 uals /corporation: represents 1 Bank of Alpine, Wyoming. that you are in default of Promissory Note 764005184 (the "Note for ry through current payments. As of July 1, 2011, the principal balance 51, together with accrued interest, secondary interest, and late charges of $5,312.91 for a total payoff as of July 1, 2011, of $173,348.52. Interest accrues at the rate of $31.07 per day. 000438 Pursuant to W.S.§ 34- 4- 103(a)(iv), you are also hereby notified that 1 Bank of Alpine, Wyoming intends to foreclose the certain mortgage dated June 20, 2008, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln, County, Wyoming, on June 24, 2008, at Receiving No. 940061, Book No. 698, Page No. 297, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419, in Lincoln County, Wyoming, by advertisement and sale as provided for in such mortgage, unless the mortgage indebtedness is paid in full within ten (10) days of this letter. The Mortgage covers the following described real property located at Lot 15 Shadow Dancer Estates, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 more particularly described as: Lot fifteen (15) of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof recorded August 11, 2004, as document number 901862 and map number 173 -c in the office of the clerk, Lincoln county, Wyoming. According to the terms of the Note, Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, agreed to pay the Bank the sum of $957.80 each month commencing June 20, 2008, with the loan to be paid in full, including unpaid interest and fees, by June 20, 2028. According to the Bank's records, the last payment received was November 16, 2010. Pursuant to the terms of the Note, the Bank has elected to declare the Note immediately due and payable, and demand is hereby made upon Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, for the payment of the entire principal balance due of $168.035.61 plus accrued interest and late fees in the sum of $5,312.91, through July 1, 2011, plus accruing interest from and including July 1, 2011, at the rate of 6.75% per annum of $31.07 per day and together with attorney fees to date. I have enclosed a copy of the Promissory Note and Mortgage for your reference. In the event Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, have not contacted the undersigned and made satisfactory arrangements for the payment, in full, of this debt within ten (10) days of the date of this letter, formal legal proceedings, to include foreclosure of the Mortgage by advertisement and sale, pursuant to the power of sale contained in the Mortgage, will be instituted to recover this indebtedness, together with attorney fees and court costs incurred in the process. This debt will be assumed valid unless, within thirty (30) days after receipt of this notice, you dispute the validity of this debt in writing to the undersigned attorney. The copy of the Promissory Note and Mortgage enclosed with this letter serves as verification of the debt. If you dispute the validity of this debt in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt of this notice, additional verification of the debt will be obtained and a copy of the verification will be mailed to you. The Bank's address will be provided to you if, within thirty (30) days, you make written request for such address. You should be aware, however, that even though you may dispute the validity or amount of this debt my collection efforts may continue. This communication is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for this purpose. You should consider this as formal notice of the mortgage holder's intent to foreclose by advertisement and sale as provided in Chapter 4 of Title 34 of the Wyoming Statutes. A Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale, including your name, will appear in the local newspaper following ten (10) days after the date of this letter. A copy of that Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale will be mailed to you by certified mail prior to the first date of publication of that Notice. This Notice is given to Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as record owners, and persons in possession of the mortgage premises. Sincerely, John LaBuda For LaBuda Law Office, P.C. pc: J. Robinson G. West uuj499 .RtciaATIoN 1st Blink MOM* 79 HighWay 89 P.O. Box'3110 Alpine. WY amti WHEN RECORDED (VAIL TO.: ist :Sank Alpine 79 Higliway 99: Efox 3110 Alpine. WY 83128 SENO TAX NOTICES TO: ist Bank Alpine 7 Highway 89 P.Q. uox 3110 A e WY 8312: 1, •j III MQDIFICATION OF MORTGAGE THIS .11/1001FICATION OVIVIOBTOAOE :dated 4■101tu; IS niade and execated between L 'WELKER imitS PAIGE A. WELKER,. HUSBAND AND WIFE te below as "Oranfor7i and I s# Bank; •whostvaddress is. 7:9 Higifwiiy 89; P.O. WY 83128 (referred to below as "Lender")„ lytORTGAGE, Lerida' and'Grantar *him 'entiried Into Mertgage:dated February 19009 iltho "Mortgaga'1Which has been recordeci:MLINCOLN. County. State of Wyoming, .es.' follows: MORTGAGE RECORDED:ON 2008 IN 800K. 698, ON PAGE 297;IN THE OFFICE CP LINCOLN .COUNTY CLERK.. REAL' PROPERTY bi6dilitrtok the Mortgage covors thitellbwing described reef property faceted in LiNCOLNCounty,:Statitol:WyornIng:' LOT 'FIFTEEN 115) OF:SHAIDOW• DANCEK.ESTATES„ LINCOLN COUNTY,: WYOMING, ACCORDING. TO- THAT PLAT FILED ALIO UST11, 2004 'IN THE OFFICE CLERK AS PLAT-NO. .173-C The Real Property's,' its address It commonly know n as LOT-.1.5.-tHADovv DANCER ESTATES, ALPINE,. WY 831413. IWODIFICATION. 61;aritaf hereby' Medifir the Nitirtgageita folloiree: AS OF tookit.DATEtHERE WILL BEA PfUPJC,PAL fittnitibig RATE* $131 00000 MADE TO THIs aiAti,. AND WE WILL BE RELEASING. THE-PRIMARY RESIDENCE AS COLLATERAL. CONTINUING VALIDITy Except as exprtuntly modifietfabove,•thelierms of the .originalNlortgage. rifted remain uncharigedand in 'full force and Affect and art tegally"valtd, binding, and .enforceable h eccordence.with. their Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive. Lender's right to require _strict. performance of the Mortgage as changettlibmie -nor -obligate Lender- to make any future nmelifiastiens. Nothing in this' Modification .shell 4onotitute sellafaction ot Itte promistory note or other credit'egistement secured by the Iviortgage {the "NOM"). It is the. intention of Lender to retain as iiabitrall parties to the Mortgau a sit parties', Makers -rind endorsers to the Note.. including accommodation potties, tiniest a party is.'exprestlyleikased by .Lender In Writing, Any maker tr. .endoreeriincluding accommOdatiOn makers, she!t not berefeesed by virtue of this tvloclification:' If any pirton who Signed the.origirtal Niortgage'dOes not sign this Modification, ihrni all patsont signing 'below :ackitioWledgelhitthis .ModifiCeilen. is given conditionally, based on the representatIonia Lender that the non-signing person consents to the changes end proviirione of this Nloclilication Ot"Otheryilia. wilt not be -released by It This Waiver' applies s not Deify to: any initiatextentlon.or modification; but.also w all such subsequent actiens:. ..GRANTOR ACKNOWLEDGES HAVING READ lox THE FHOVlS TERMS: Ti-ii3 MODIFICATiON.OF MORTGAGE ISDATEO. DIFICATION-oo ivicfri*Gt•ANO-00ANtOtt.Aohtts'..reis0 GRANTOR:, X 1 :1',3;„;‘:=4‘._,;,•4. PETER L W KER, LENDER.:.* 1ST BANK /1 ebb;1:4114ev officer RECEIVED 2i2v2009 0:AM RECEIVING 945594 sooK: PAGe 419 ;JEANNE 1NAGNER LINCOLN COMITY OLE KEMMEREI; 00 41.49 000440 VIODIEJCA1'MC?N p MORTGAGE Loa No 764005 X84. {Continued} MNDMVMDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT This itistruinent vuris.aolthowt dgod tie}ore• ine on 7liis inStrtertent: Wet soknoWleaged before roe on 004 0 L WLLKEft arut PAti;E A WEl.KE.N: Hulett &ignaturaf .NfY cOrrimi3sfdn:a sc LENDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT tTtlotuttal Signature) My. torninia3ion expir+es LASER PRO. Lending,. Ver.. 6,43,00.003 .Capt. Harland .Fhtariwfaf Solutions, tna. 1997. 409. DALASERPtiOIMB1CF101.10201.FC. -TH-77n, l Pago 2 AR Rights. deserved, WY .RWSEOP ktAi., ESTATE MdititrACiMily flormitedon) .bas.mteseit tlics iticti 'Signed, KNOW ALI:1W BY TELBSEYRESENTS„.Thet. A =Oration; Of ihe ca.niy Lincoln she Wyomirxg coney thili eeriehinteritaie,beetirig.iiiiithe Lbw rie durle vs to RAO L Welke and Paige A Welker,hvbentrend wife us florigatte .o lt Beek. ThES1ATI3 I:* Wit:WINO 1 Batik :its IR. P7t/ii; Cushier. .11171: .fr it is hot desired to described lends in stew therefor, insert the following: 'MIiands described in slid rounpRe. „does hereby 2008 es roortgagee,.eenveYing'terudareal estate theseinMentioned es minty for 'lie pnynumf orS 3(11.7c41:71 therein utrichmortgege was r e c o r d e d l b s i b e o f 0 e o f t i l e C o u n t y Cie& end lis liegister of Deeds of Lincoln ceuhty,stait iif Wyoillieg,; 24th ei jlit* 2008 in 130 k 698 iikitigsiies; et liete 297 arid elositsting the foliiiWirigleseribed real estate inlaid tounty, to wit Lot ..E.itty (50 of gara.fe it t 6di v i d i on 4 Lindoln Ceenty Wyoming" Aecardieg to that plat re c cle AugUst 9. /994 in the office of the county clerfit as ins rument No. 787904, Plat :No. 311—C 4, With. a nate secured thuMby, and thetforeteetitioired. debt; Mir paiii end discharied diet in tetuideration ihercof the sidd Mortgagee. does betel* tefesse end quitclaim lege theleidreorigegor the premises IlluebranweYcd Efitd mongrlgert 1.24 WITNESS tiityg1iit by iBranth:? resident 4c.. *as- 191h 2009 rokYtitifit; tits if FebrualY 0:2 Attie sencebt ediall'y or jeli100Ifl ss„ lSth day sr Fet) 41 b bac.= id PeliDy ..TQl".)eS tonic puratinally known. who; being by me duly sworn. am say RAY ha is tie j3eariell ,P.resi dent of and nigtifinStalaffiked to ,II i n s i r u n e n t is die o a r p O t a i e sole said toffieetIori, r‘ict that said iMitiOnient tkilibd andaerded Oft be half of said earporiniiin 13YaintiOnly Of itildatditf DifeCtOrgandsaid Ocknowledgeisaidantnntittitiolie ilia free sat and detti of sa+d CD SUE 6: GRIFFIMi esliNitynal COUNTY OF VASS Or 1.11,COVI, yegtmva otormsstitiopInn amen Oil. STATE bri,WYph41No; Dtnitity This Instromentivas Bed Air record al and duly isciirded in Rook on Page VX1OfeS•011 RECEIVED 2/25/2009:at 1:05 PM RECEIVING S45545 E'5OOK: 716 'PAGE 280 WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK kEIVIMERER, WY 11tth retituitty wig .er 9th October 2011 County anikerid Es...Officio Register of Deeds Deputy Clerk C:06 .dayof 000442 •Jun-O-ZoQ .111;3 PH Firt Bank 3074543623. RtCURUATO cunzs'r BY let Bank AWne Iatwy F-O. Box 21 a Awns, wy "EN floUDlfl MA IL T A 79 Hi a P .G. W NTA TO.. lit Bank 79 flIhwiy9 P-0. BOX 3110 Jun k job# 02:npqi RECtvp /24I2O08 a(4 PM .RECEIVING.g, 0061 693 PAGE 297 'JANNE WAGNER LIN(� COUN1yc KEMM •iy tQQ297 iV1)RTGAcE THJS MoRrGAGE 41166 JLItt20, 2009, WrilindO and at d b TEU L w c p 1 1O..ApIn. Wy HUSBAND AN WW r�t�rrad fo beow. Qrardor* n'd nd(Irnu Ja 79 hway v9 P.O. 83120 trfetreith h910W "Leridr). :GRAP3T OP MORtAG ubi u Box tj i1t; Rod Ul MOWtnde*crth# rIII Property, tober wtthj existing Or ur affix buJIWr, nd fbtur; ol f arv&Ud uamrnn$. flgm af w rg ppttw0c,e: ijl and d( flgt jlr *t9k In 'ATRIOS with d i t ch kkjtian rJ9tflj md iiii oths tfht roi5�,, end pmflt9 &sting to.*e trial piiperty, In 1p fill minatia IL 9bbrry.i a Tht,Thb B !x�pty' ocRtei h LiMC�3N Vun1y. 3`180115 2 Wyo; PARCI:IL I. RANCH AUGU5 SUBDIVISION ON NO 4 UNGoLrj QUNTv WYOMIN ACCORD T 1994 IN THE OFFICE OP THE C OUNTY CL AS JNSUMENT P40. 787903 PLAT N 3 11 .c. PARCIEL 2. WT FIITEEN O�)-OF SHADOW DAN ESTATE,. LINCOLN COUNTV. WYOMINU, ACCORIjINGTQ THAT PLAT ))LED AUGUST 11, 2004 IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AS PLAT P40. 173-C The R Prop�ty or Its oildtap is uonlmonly known 40 8 91B8AD1L DRIV,. EtNA1 WY 13 U& L.OT 16 SHADOW DANCER ESTAjS, ALPN WY 128 Grantorpres.j it1ri* m dyJl of Grinor. iht t)tl,. end W,?.s*t tI) ind lo fut I oaI�ftil&(')up9(ty nd all As IS front frorilthoftilt )n addfttori, G rantor war" to Leri Unitonyi Cotawcje) Code*sowy k"rntjn Pe pro and Heins. Th1S MO)uwe. zNt&Drng 'fl5 As1GNMENT QJ flT5 AND Th5 SEtJfirry 1NTh1)6T 1)4 fl(5 RITS AND PEfiaopjAf. )'ERTY i EN TO SEC GIVEN JAI PAYMJr or m NDTft)4i4 ANP 111) PWORM )4CE OP ANY A)4D .on t34Vfl0)45 UNDER PRO T)* NIT, THE RSLATEtJ D AMC) THIS MOflTGAGE. THIS MQra IS citvpt c'jnJ 0)4 PAY AND EXdI4I eIWpfrd 19 l* M9t� GtiIt9ralial3 TW FOLLOWING T0092 Mo p%! 1 9 4fldImtS5cUd b thla rt e *0 thay b uome duo 0n4 ali*flatiindp partorm.4( qf G,*nor t4dIuft,n, Llidpr tbL Mongeqa l'OB$EIUIJON ANDMAiN1SMjE DITH5PROEIIT. Grantor eaD possessio end use o) t frp. Sh*i)b that the toiiwi9 provlsions; Po*0081.nd I.Ia* lJntil tha octwyerneo) a oeiI1n d*4a) htthl of ft* 21 use. operate r NN'ee the Pmpijty, and (3) nhiat the ler*stroni th. Prope Duy to M&ntayj. Grantr altd) n1einleu tha Pioperty Iri tflt r,p ypirm ).f,p,r,,rp emam, 0tdhtlnii, ne w pies tsve 3tiIu. lOflhIi1iiflt, Whh Iwi10 91*1 Leen Gv*nt,, rapreaardv etd nd�rth ti) DwInj1 pa1*dbr 0r)rnr, dr�l))�t ")'a PrDpetLy, th*tm ha boom DD UJI grIfltr)tlen, mIto ettuI*, etota) 9. liIl),o*ai. I&eaOa Of )hraetaned raieaa of any aubit0hoo by any p,q,un w, nd,..abat 1o,n e Pt; Giar*o. he* M k I*0* td, enaan to be two that the his btwn l&clpt AS prnvioue1 di*0io*td ID arid llkn NIDd4ed by LaMar i n wt any br*0th fir vlo!gnot en Eflvfro *010) 41') any UIs, ganerathn, nl,nijt$Cwt., COl9,..1te0 nt, di*�nI,.siteug or thr�*tenedteiu nteny 4Iena,'dOu* V* nod on, under, from tf* property by any prior oWnaraor o10upen ot9* Pro eny p, o Id aol by any paricn ele or Qro threatened flUga;)on or ol eny kind (dng ID *hryi*ttt and 13) Exc.pI. arav1QUaIy disclosed to zld IcowieJgd )wLaud.r 19 wtlung. 101 neither mur norJoy oeyrantoo JaCtor og*rrt ar M *ud*riid Imouth PoportfrJje Lender l Sub,) uea. gsosrey, n) aetyH emj, e(or., I10et,'dlapoje of with all 01 raienaa 000fdoU, fl n o,. or wder. Ibailt. lomffiaP.,ery' end 410) MY such Be" shall 1l0.Cofld,Jt)4d ID Compliance e piia*0Ts 1 *r f.*ata And ind 101001' rguI0do rind OfjSnencen, heji4, ioubmit 1bn1ftIDn as Enyrrorrnemal l Wan)or *0tbwllen ded0 td 11a,agIte10 BflteruponIh. Property to make I41inapan10IfldIoare, 0t'Qr*nmr'aa.rr,er,,,,.e, )andarmeydeer epw�pri,(, to determine compenoij of the lT P10purIy with 11,T,toollon Of IDe. MorIgege. Any 10speo) Ir 10*10 rn de by Lander ahoji o, for 1.eder, purpose,, Only 0nd.haiI tact bPc000Iru$11 10 DreaI*any f0*90rij!bift.,or f,b)iit. op tJi0pg af Lander o GI9r or 90 )1%'OUlOr 1'aradrr. Thaenti0nz and wenettlee Owed ln5d beralo *1* bn*d a n 0rOtor, diligence in 1nv.a4i4atin 1110 Property tor Haoe,tID,, $u41, 11*0. Grbttbv h9i10y :j1) r,ieen, end ayeIwe 0fly f g10b,10 BOOK r1 t for kldeinn4iy or cbrdt)butJofl In 00, avant Grantor becoitm. (100). f�t uJnjjp ar oth 00,1* undorerty such 1.w.; and (2) apnea to Iridenrily, a d,(m4 mind "Id harmien, L.nd,r *004901 eny end .1) *l*Im., Ioeee,, I4*1,iiItIen, 4.meen,peo,(u�, and eopenase tt der may directly or frdbmcfly euntaID or suffer resulting fr o breach ot tfrIa encl3on *1 the M0rtg*g.or a von,equenc, of any 110*, garrqratJo, mnfledttjr,. 0(00*0*. di.peaI, rOlenle or threatened 1*lta� ccdurring. prior to G/*0t 1 ow ral.Jpor interest in the Pcnyorty. wbalmr 01 not the Botha was or should have been known to (lrirnor. The pn*FsIonaor,hi, Oar00n Of tha a M�ttgege. Including 00* oblIgadgn to IDd.rry f .rS 1101*01, a0011 trryi90 the ptymt of the Ifldebt0190 e the eetJafeniIoo and r.00y,ut. O 0141, San of We M0t1eg* 0z4 shot nutb. 10.0)01 by Lender'* CIDlifltiOn 01 any In the P10pe,i1, whe00cr 'q,m0 drothendj*,, 1,1*1*00*0 W.e1, Grar9or 0414 1,ut �eass cnnduc) 01 pooch any iaJI**01 091 �mrnir, p9m101 01 ,01fot an' *rrippI09 010 wcm 0110(1* 111* Ptopatly 01eny portion 011,1,. Ptpoy; 11190) DiDi gmte000,yTh, )oIng Oran)arwli not "WPM, or gran rin ,n)t 0)1,*r plrty 00*0141910 mmova, PA Y Iltber;n*0.091IU11IOQ*1).9d aE nu&, tayoo)).. Moll, gravel or 1*010 p1011uot, without i901dera p rior Wtitrati 0000,0), M*mt1*eI 0) (m90n D,no( c4iJ% na demo(th; 000ID *III1. Ae. 100111190 v* eriy Impsoye4, (ram 111* gill P w)th*o 1,19*0191101 written d oam00ai of Arty py,nen, Leoderm,y *14e 11,anIDr tPnI*00 arranamei*0 oelleiaowry to Lander I r,pIeo. oual 1 pm'Il1ND'J with lmpoov*m.ro. of at le0eoej$ ve)oe. ID Ente. Linder and L*0fe OStm, 0114 repTena10. lIlEy 90190 U90nlj,0 0,04 P1049019 at( 0001010100090*04 e14 ID Lirn 10 d,,la interests Inspect io, 9*0) Proper lor ptn9010e.af Qranmr' 0001941001e with the twine end 00 0114110 Murt9a.. C�nvp)iatjo, wfffi 0J 611)0) ((Rulrarj10ofl,. 0)001)) *I04S r0l11p 60p})Jjfl 1. *tdID90j, n1i90, �w 01 hjif,*, Ir,. .11*)), af eri SOV�mfl1'9,tteJ alNijwltie. eppflc,bi, 10 141* lbo Proper,y. 0r10ur 1909 touteat ID good 1,101 any such iaw, ordlnynoe, 0r$guJou and lffihoid eompiisnre diairg any woceedlng, incluo*0g appwDij,te pPeeia. ,o Iorjg as &.cn))rr (isa nqtll).d Leader In writing pdOv. 00 doing a. .011 09 king ea. 00 Lendal. ndie p)on, L*ird,t, 1010r,Ilal9 241. Poop,rr4. Me 90tJpa La niny raqui1* 019010,1 to po90 *iMquao. aeour41y or aeto*oy 0,14, t toI.ancj,r, ID looteot Lender lotaret,. 11019 'Or )rtd,*l. OrOfltor.9r�ii 11e19or 00 b*ntitaorj,e* mbtt*1,de'tJ* 1)1090)19. Or00to 41OJd� all 101MVnct4, )n0141400, to lqao 7/31 0(10443 )vn2O�OO8 1:4 PM Fi .'&ik O7-&4.3623 MtRTGA13E LonriN 7040051a4 lCazUuwadJ ao 8�ts Nei forth ft SO DOM WhIbri-60m the t1EVti orotf and Oto eonjA the TXl AND •uJs. Th4 re1*ItGTh, *s*uiiid Reia Piopery ipart� Pyr! r3reflQf$� T wbn ii to W". P aI**8fli ohOsQa e sower iervlce charg Iiud A r oc* ort h Proptiy "If py w th at �rWork don# on or for rvle rendered «.mailg, th. Fmpy. cknto The Property fr of a ((In, h prlofl*y Ov or eq to t o (nWfltIn by Lettrjer. an d ex cap t for ft If.n R i g ht to Comut. wi Any i Obligation �e,nnt T thitjq w g4 spiii ov the 4(g Obligation i ti *a ng s Lfld*T$jh1rUt tfl the Pmp.ny not lfw or 1* fit4 Al rnU t of the a qitol h& wtiiitn e Kt *n 1 Of d ft en iie or 11 i II�m 7* id wfthfr 113 dap after ?remor hi n filin ouro th d Of th� or f yrn*td by 1erdj, with LarA&r uah or it suffi cOtPOM sur bond or *that socuMV MMIctirr to Lander In an Imout urtIitrnia ditre Me n.n e nd restorable, At t O M 0"f9se, or Thr thg, that Mid 4�tue AN 6 re of a for or sale wid•t, t Iry a n SfId t? M Lend and sh sat a dver, jucmj,t before *nfurom,,n ThePnp&t Grnta h& nms ten as an additional obflg, Under wtyaumty bind furn In theontt p*ced!nt. .trPym*tt Tr*t m oll uo d tiin t,th end tU A uthorize the prp,i� 1lItII. W caIT W eiidr it a ny i& of ih* tax arid ntwn; th Ptppeiy.. tt18 01 Ca netfuttlon: Gra shall potful L ai f east 1 .rw tfl flftTdI em. wpptlnd to the Prop It etiv 4nct;anit Nan ttI&ITiOs tien, or other Ro n coutd. be movar work, MQr mStyet. Grantor will upoi r e q ue st of Linde rur4h to Linda iurt tfiy w Lnnder i on Itoa nI of th c and wiU.p .tli* QD t? *oIt lmpjtemn, th fltntor RQPflT41y PAMAEJURANCE The )Iwna inateing the PtIV Iiie pi Of thi MdIt.!t*M� at I n i w*fl�i. WOMW 081 Moor p�$f of lJri Insuran iOth ni r�pI.cn b; foi tu� ubteue c#ye:n a ImuO:nfitt O rd on an the Real 'rotty In an �mpttt awiftrient to avo opPlIc Of a ny 901 nRun n icl GhMiss, and With i*ttt*d moflgJ!e c itt Tlfluf LiTider, PoiIot, bIL VA wrn.by such and In iuch form to m be reasonably ac c e ptable to L,tdr Gr thifl tiollvar to Lander c Of COM940 tr�mqech Insurer oDflI,lnfl 1. Stipulation tha txvrIj Will n be of thirty 130) d Pr writt ,tnlc. To titd t of ft in.ugr, ifibilky et pc,ncAh et in,vrn, py .o Inft,• n ndijritmi,nt pr.OvWft that orivorevo fr favor of under will not bN I In any wary by Any act ii,iton or defiit o f G reater or any other p9qlon, Should the 1!eJ Popery b. k*eted in an ar by the Dlrtot Of the Etrgdt,cv M Agony as Of b; p w olal flood h*ii;d Nis 4 VOMM' bgtss to' Okt&n nd m Fodival Flood kiurrn*,il be. f the 1i41 unpaid prin cipal bhrn Pr it* IOW) atilt shy :Prltr Ben on the property secuitnq tit. ltn, up tt ti ttattmum polity IIITtt pit. undsE t) National ROM hiwwoe oth.rwjz. riuJ by Lmttder. Kid to m suc up fr* the t of tb AppUbtIan 4i1 P,tte, ,Gtitor t ritIy .LEtld$j? shy j oes ar dtnlg, tofl, Pcpony of tter�r vVMmr*O�edt 010O.00. Cord may eprtf bf.Ibfl IIGsint liil*tadO to w1thn l7ftee (M days of the tho t ex u afty. Whether or not t...ndet. security 10 Impaired, Lidsr may, i L.fldtri lszt�n, r.aa(v.'d retain tbt proceeds of any 1AVUr and apply Tho prooud* t9l b o Ad utilorrof the pit o f a odngdtspnpot or the nd repair of the Pittptty, 11 te olocts to apply tti n .ed, to ratoitlon and repair, Grur tot ,huII vepr Or replaa0 tha (FAMS98 datmyd )mprovfn�n In,r to Lendei. Lend.hull, UPW udbf torypoo1 0! Such, esur*. poy of timbum.lytwitor from the provoojs for fl* r�*ooblb 00*1 of roper-or r�*Ior0000 iGr*ritor to not to d*f5tt UMurttrl Any 1 which hoy riot Mon dimbvio so w.'drn 100 tt nthtoh ts!*jIr h notczqm1ttod 10 the opett or restoration •ol ton Poprty shot, be used !ftut to p*y ony amount owing to kundor .uttder this Mor1oU* thin to pity YtMhA ed,4fyro hnjj and tlio rOm&r,det, 11 ony, shag bcapolledi to the pnoItal balance of two (ttIobiodo*os. It Longer holds any prgcnede after p*ym Intuit of the Irid*btednoou, euth pioti de.sh*Jj bepold to Grantor e00rrtor's lIltoruJt may OpiIO*(. LtllrlEn it EXPHD1TURit 11 C3rentorfell A) ID 6%# tito Poopeityfrae ni alt ete* 110ni uourl*y Iritotgete eneto,braa, ij other cIeti11* 1 1 1 10 provide eny requir insurance *n,th Prop or to to nt*10 pfre it the Property then L medo 10.. Ifny itiicio pr oroce is touiinonceci that would matarielip e eat.t tlnIet$tJ'In the Pmpo,, Own Lendor oa Gr1ntoro bel'&P.mn'y, but it not rectutiori o, take urty action that Lander believes To 10.iopIita 70 pIotRo Le,4ei'e Imeroote. A0 wiipsnoe, winter orp&rJ by Lender lOt Such poane Wig than bear lnterq0t at the oftli thwood Wrderlho Note.traitr,atie d.,Inouned ar pa by Lender Londer Me dote 0! ramJitbr rentor. A ltAugh expanses will become a On at tito fridebtodneu end, in Lander'* ofidon, W10 JAJ be PAyable an amtnd Dl be odded to 109 baIOV6 ottlte 7*9eeri4 10 oppor1Ired emon.o 10 peyobop wI*b an. trteootmwtp9yrnom, tt.beatu10 dueduingelIber 411 titetertt *11 kny eppt btinuur*tt polIty: ar (2) Itt. nekjlnglonn of tha NitIsiot Id 13, lm.oert 9* a b&toori 11 wlikttwftt 104*, 011*1 payoble at the l*qt*, metloiloy. lite Moot *g ej wut 190030 potwiant at Ihu. �m0013t$. Thatiords toutd.* for 13' this peroropb *1011 ba ki eddttlon 1*'. an 10t rtgltro• or Any remedies to whtph Lender may be ariIftd ar. ic�urlt of ony .(*feuh.. Ariy such 00*013 by tender .13*11 310* 10 conatrilad as turIn the defaul so 0*70bar tendet troifl any tom,ey Dwt 1iU0001.6 uur.4d ki WARI)ANfl' *111rEN9 011 ThLE T jollowitt, prwit*ton* roI*dng to awnorobp 01 1)1. Prop,tly *099 part 64tiiI, ttg T.tF* Gr9ntot *0789110 That (.1 Gi*tt* 1301*1, gooti 9td *1*1*1813,0. tIti. 01 record u, ft Property In 1t'p1 ties and 0100 90 *11 lion and *n;wnbranco*otjtottbnn tli�a, tet I*ih 10 flre.eui Property *1r!p01,n•0 In any 1111* lnor000ce Policy, ago 10p791, o r finall two aptolori Issued In favor af, PW .oapted bVi teniler 10 C0fltl10doo !1) h thto ong9ga, ac (b( Opintor 10 013.1011 rtghl, power;er,4 O0tootttp 10 And deliver 10! Morlqeg. to Lende,. 0n1e*914 0911*1., 2)01*16 Iothe9tte9pdtro 1 4 110 pog01pli.jboti, «r81110*nr?ooti and Will forever *1.9.31*1 ibeittIe1� tM Property n10Inet• the lawful cteIrnoo90.peroony. In he Ivord *1ny ottion. oproroetjktpo. 10 09d obot 1postion, Gr*nto (7(1, Or the ?nr"at of Len*1*t under this Mo Greater .710) .d.10n*1 the saftm at Gtontv,'. j*qienet. .rontor may 73. the nominal p8rtt 1* such propoodln. but Lender shall be Mooed o01 per*1ctpoo* In prDoo,dtit no 1013. ro�.a.ptad.ki the proceeding by counsel 09 t.8fldar'o own choice, *nd Grantor will deliver, ar ;aUI* to 1,o de0vor1..z* kendor lucti 13*1*10no*ta AN L may request to. time 10 permit 00011 lieit)t0n. 00mialleneo Witht9w9,. 0r*nt* Wbr931fl701)10 Inony er*1tM*'*,of itt i3t7 11U 11001,410 oplIen13I. tanjz, urdlna*,*,. end reQpIetilini.otgoyarnynonuiautIptrlt3a. &1dvlv8I of Promise*; AR p1omlpoe *g.Ilp,!. .n end otetern*nt. Grsnto, 4*0 piod9 In toto Motigage thtIt rjndvO tI* outicJto and daI10jy of 1131* .Mrigog elieti 1,o ,.aritlnulpg 9 nsvire and shall 911*0191 In (011 foro. and effpct uiiOl .1*113 Itr'*e as Orenwr a Indeb10drl*eO 1* pozi$ in 1*11., CONDEMNA9ION.Th, O lowing Plolaloiuk tol I0to,n010 pi0!o, Iijoi *18e poi9:of tM a. Frui if 9ny I,o v31niJ,ntth,tI& tiIad, t3ranr 11114 p1010plly .noUfykendeJn Writir1, and GroOrninneli ttoonptry WO- such 0100 at may 730 fiscoolaty to dolind the *Ctlt0*n,1.1yteI.th, !el*T7t. 0r*tor may be the tlOrfllrtOI.perty In *t1It protoedltlg, 110! Lender *1)011 130 eflt77I9d.7aportIolpie In the orap,edbtg end 10 13* 10pt9asn1*d 79110* tocadkrg.13ytatproot 0)013111 euuttptrtIclgJeUon. p9110 0*19 obetc,, ood {ironttr 100(1 0*11397 or cn1*eoo he delivered to Lender such 190tflJmon 031 7o 03131 doot*ms91tooJon no 03.10 requpatad by I.erlltor from dim; to tbmeto Applcetuon et 7901 11196.0*18 If 1111 ar 11131 Part 09109 P1)rtpatty 79 cotId*rnned by ombn,t dpntn,o p931c*odbrbgO or by en31 31010130*0*13 I19U 01 090*07,10011011. 1*13*1311907 Otto. 00 0*10& t0i4073..iiovali pr any portion of die flOt.p780000l of the award be Applied to 0319 Ih*J9b*31qi*, or The repair *9 reotomflonof 10* Prop*rty. Th� net 1rde*da of Us award 19.0 "an the *030,0 otter payrnono 0! 411 rata 6*014 .opqnevi, and attomey* teea ncun.1 by LOItd,tbt c*1nnecllon with-10 ColldI11rnettn IM.P00l 1*1N Of: .TAXOO,.0Efw AND CAARG00 gY G0V7INM0P9TAL ALTHORrflita.. Theroflowltig 9... and Oher�o* we a pert of 1l1tLM0te9,; .unont Tax,, 11.s.nd eP,.rge*. Updn r�qu.itby 13iiijO tl0rtielt i,*0r* *i*1i*0de,00*l* .4*11(71010101* pui 0*10 w9iaIovra70er action to requ1170,% byLe,rdai 70 perIsat and c09ttflu�j nder'oRn 00(73, Real Prnr, GlaTJlar$h�bI mImtjuroe Lend for *11 *ea, 9, de scribed b together with oI( eaperleeo kocvnid 10 recordtng, 0*6156101) ar tanttnuln4 this Mortgag.. inClu10ng without llmItatI Clioxel, 4000, do9oopenteiyotampa 50*10011.6 dtrgy*fot rectrdtng oi roglpoermnathj. Mort)ege. Jul 20 2008 0233M 000444 8/31 ,fun 20 2003 O 34 Pht st6nic 3(17• 4623 i oan Niir 76' 66EV1 MORTGA0e .(Continued► 1.Jari� Pdge Texas: 71ta ioUoivtng DOWN aonathWD taxot i6 w fdch'Mie aicdoft pen of Lisa I ndebtedness secured by this MortgDge; t21 a odpllBa Itt a #peclfld teX.upnrt d y PaY.msnto on'the.k secured by W. epwftl on Granter y)hich Arerrtor (o eu huUxed�or to deduct from holder of the Nota;'°nd I4 a apac l tax 8 Of Wtor!pelri: (9t a tsx an thlt type at rah Mon 10 e.mhmgaebkt ,e, equir onor,. 0" aU a lacy iwrlIOM of the: Indabudnes'e ar on g the Lendat M the paY'nords' of Principal and Intrust made by EVJ).segbsnt Tetras. if any to c to vi)ilch ttda'eeiioir applies ie irmclud aUbeegtencm'ttro tlstp of $rfa Mork)ago 'is( e.Iota' anrD have tfh8 @amt s G(en ea:..e Event of Deteult and Lender may exercise soy or eU of ft m ilP de'remeotee Mr en E4ertt'at Osfaulc as pro ydad below unless -and d (ehhsr (1) Paso thtax bsforo it Aaoomaa dedIr ij k or t2j comesta the hex es Provided above In tha Texas and slow section end deposjte' with Lander orari O aufffoiant ooroorat@ru xy b br other tI the asilataatary to lender, tit Witg AGREEMF.M)i FiNANCINq aTATIzMEtarfL toIOWing aroyfaiarrp tsfadnp t0 tide Mbngega'aa a Da this hlrtrtgegs: rurhY'a(7roematr:fire b pr or saotuity Apreematn. Thin dnstrua,dni'ehip Gtriatltutd'e :6adurlty Agteejrl8nr iri'ffie ini ii y of ttte Pfdpeay Dona Lender shalt Aeve.ail of me of a e'ebutad party unday the Untfbrm.Commerciai Code rt a teewity Interest: O. tttutDS''flmtaaa; �h pon quest' by Lender, C3i ntor shop tskewhIat4,r rcdon ta'r mended from'fora tq tins. aacudly ht in tin Pareons(propertY In edgitdd'to recording Ibb Mdrtbape In the reef prb Lerida r d perfect still Lander'a. Wdlut further autlwrbreUon from Gtentor. file exectaeduotmtsrparts, Copies or ropro r Pis D f a Baga mh a llay.(g tetemsn' remov r shall rebuburs Lander far• *D atgttgts @D )gLVrred in PatieetlAg.br'c6'ndnuhtg dda seeudry ImDreet UPDn lets 4t Gem tgr abtft not :to r aeverw datech the Peraaner prattany from thsproert.Upon default tremor shell eeestnble srry Pateanel to the Prype ifr a meatier ender!' a plsce reasonably onvendent to Grer,tor and Lander and mekr tt.avallebb to Lender w. dsya after receipt of wtnen damhmd irom tender to Iba extent pe(Atltied a he ]aw• MoPartY nut afBtted Addies#ss.. Ylit'rnalongaddroaees bf t)r anior Nebtort'eral Lender petvt y pin lthIn. thre (31 once e Molrttgage.y this trforigegs m6Y ba obtained (eaeit se.tequlted h Comm Ibi y'tlia Unlfomi Co d$ atatatl an the flirt Ptga fr r 9 A011hANGEet A7TppNEt.p(FACY. ThefollotvMp provtalcna rsletktg'tO fi tltbi eaeutencse and' attdrhey -164ct ere a pt at Lists' b e ,A. e x e cut es: At roved t sad from rtnta•;d tirtis,:Uponriquesr of Lender, djjMOr vrill'm execute and dellvs of w ill reuse to e 'na rd;. executed, or i181iver°d ra Lander or to Lenders deahrnee, and orison raquarted by Lender, tau nt. to ba Aled, reeorvfed, tefilad, or rraaordet, as the coat mpg be, at eumh tfmaa ntd.tn etron oftdcea end plecaa astsnder may daern.spptoprtars, any And eU otdod Lange o r deeds of Itvst. aenuUty deeds. seetatiy aaroemenm,'prancbtp ;I $mom, taMlndatron afst6menta, kieatimerrte t cenmcataa, end other 71 lie as may; in the sot° opinion of Leodet be necessary ar deatnwle In order to offeciusta: Dom ate,. continue. 'or prossrve (t) Granter's oWlpe Iona under the Net °,,.this a huthar .eaeurance, astray Inter@eta created +dQnpegs .snit the Rotated Daarmhanta, and t2t the lions end. .Unlea# oYtins r gte ege #r Aret antl prior Ileas:oths ProptitY,.Whether now owned or hetaefter';*oohed byiarantar: piahlblred by loot or Lender agrees to Alts ewtRary M vritt6tg, Gruitor ahep rolmburae Lender for #1I caefa ertdexpansea Inaxred In ojtJor .with the matters 'obitid to to this peregrePh. Ar antor -1 d a G If.t Lim or tha g to clo any'af the'[dove wfined.tti tn tie preeediyg peragreph,.Laneer do'ett for an4 (n mama of rents, and et Grantor expena'a: Fureu•.purpaaes, Grontar,he• Purpesr of c execidln depve errs riling,. recorfi h 0ter ofy appoints lender ore t;rentw'a adrirt rMwtsa t fir thee aplMon; io eocompUeh the meanie ref erre d to 7n thbpra 6dI std i utng.Nr Other thktge as may bt necessary'or desirable, in Lerid#r't sale. ng parogroph, 't^UU. PER.t7AMgatCE• If Oredwr peyr all fin lntlebtedeae' wlierr a,iR; ain0. etMwfsu patftrnik elf tho'rltiigditne o lrhiydlad'upod'gramar urxtgr this Mortgage; Lendershep exssute and peavey to Oituttor a eul(eb1, aMiafactbitof this Monpeg, and eulteble esteinertfs.yf tarminatlan of any An#noMg s ow. tem, ntwi tor, etttden6irig .),',e,Mlert'rr "aecyri(y 7nrorast ln'tha'Arnt° and tttr PNaon 1. Prrtperey Grantor w1U 1>a1'r If percnrtted by aPPptatbJD law. any reeayncble ttrminadon tea ss detetmlrwd by L9j dGr yroyo itty to time. EVEIYt'6 ttF UEPAULT. At Lide' r apilon 'Gr jour trrUl b� In dsfeuit ul d this Mortgage itaity ot itis' in0oaifr g happen: raymtnt Mal's': 's'an's fell° to took, say paytttentwhen du, under** Indabdneae. J oy o th o er Paymsab. isUura af'IIrrm,r within the time- regvrnM by Thin Mongoga iq make anry. paymtm'tvt texas ar lrcauranaa, or any other er p dymebti eoeeaery to privant flpng of onto effect d"ndtarga of iny.gan liraek tither Ptomhre,. Grantor breaks any pnamfae mads':to•Lerolir er f#lte:tq PlirfOrlti ptt@npUy of ttie'floe aird'6bic41y in thi men nor' provided in this Mortgage or in any agreement tefefed to this Mortgage.: R tme'ntr'.. Any repreae t me tde'or'funithall ia' 1st Ja by 0rittor'Oron Grantdr'a fiihalf tide'Mortpbpe or the the Re Doaumertta N or fates or mslyaditp Tn any meptflpf reaped,. vhher Hoover et tits time made or furnished. Uaisetlda Coltetensraagoh: Th1if'Mortgege.w'ahy'af Ilia Refitted Documents w was ,p be to -!till forasand elfapt.11nalittHt g feUVra rir any CO14ter,I dootenantto brans a vsed.and per69btad setting Interest er eery OLany Dma eitd't°r any roeaon: 1 eedt or lnsvlvmoy. Thor iieritb'oi pierrlcr. t a'ksptveney of Great i,,.ths "PWksdns 4'ot a ieuaIxirtdr •aity'part of ltraittor a'orOlierty aqy n s l w the tr egad of cratora, eery type of _Ctedlror ytatkout, W the commoncattrent of any ptoceediri{t under any bankruptcy or fnay lvency tvancy tows byor.egghat Grantor. 'taking of the Property, Any bredlttlr bt gbvernmorital agencywas tO tetra any' of the Ptorty:eriy 0t176r bf Graritdr!a. projt.rty in whlr,h' Lender ,free a !Intl, Thle Includes taking of; gamlahing.of of Ipvy rp on Grantor's ecmunta with Lender.. l{owevsr, If tremor dltpuwa 1 Dond. felth,v hathar'ttte claim. on winch the Ieking of the Pray,nY fe based II Vatd or tsaeoneWe; and U GrentW 9lvetl Gander Written notice et th.olelm'end furnle} tee Lender with monlsR of a.eufety bnndtltfar tmy to lender to aetkfy the *1.70t, than t 1, 71,teult provtaion win not n o 0raph'af tither Ayraotnant. Any breauli by Grantor under tit° ler01a'01 any other agrae,o betwaeh OtaniW. 10d Lender tiit to not remetaad Whffo any grace patlod provided 1har6177, Ihcltxlrlp without pm(tetion any agreement cortcernhtg .any Indebtednase or olhsr Obliga8anof Grantor to Lander, whether exhttng now or !star. EvPMa )iffeatbtD Guerorder. Asty 01 the preoedlrpf Obbltre Wjift rupee' is any by erarit lr'spdo,Reer, ewe, 71r 71 yntidaffon'parly' Of any tit the Indob76drt633 or my guarantor, 807107861, surety, OrcCCOOmnlodellon perry dies, of becomes Irwrotntpetant, or ravekaa ear 'dleputee.the veitdny of, or 11obl11t1 under, arty rite 1Ey,1 tier ktdebt6dnas.. MsyouthN' Lander'In go0d' fajthsllexeeitealt6na61 ixe, RlGlilit AND AI M.EDIG ON DfAULT, Upon the tupt rreta:s'rif'an EyanGot Oafeuli and Dt any 14@8 iherotllet, t etlder; 8t Leedar'i dpdah; iney exerraae arty ooaor 767018 00 ttha:h+Ynwlrtp right afdtettiedtee, iii addftlotlLo. tnY of et dghu or.reenodIe, provtdsd by Iety Acalerete I c tender 617,11 have the rlphi 86 60 6ptfoit tirjtliptitnndes to trfeti[br r n decfale ih,'ailfrr's lndebtadnaa,a irnh 114lately. thus 06771 payable. any Proplynilm:penfr, that GMtdgr WOiild he'squrd tosy. UCG'.Rentadror. tllfldr i0epeetto'04 pr any 0610 01 IPe e6s'a1tsl P1oPerfy, Lender stroll ail the 11g1i70 arid remedies of D Dectard party •under the Unlforr'n Commarotal Ctids, CofactAanbt. Lander'$hialf have the Ilplit: udmouttt*tio# m 0 .3iemor, 'to tilts po6aeaeioti bfiJis Piopurtjr:'tntiiudlttp'dtir fore'Ctbaura; Whether (ddlclal ar nom-judIcIA end COIIEtthr Aaittr, hfelod(ng ertpunt poet 7108 61771 ,m std; and i 1ba peitdsridy 4f and above Legdar'i :pOrL, agelnst tlm Indebtednaes. In,furthett ads:•gf;thle �r P PPN tits oar Proceeds, over Property 6* 70860 peprttoma Of rancor use fees direotty'tO Lagb'der: M ahe ABMs xe caliev'tad may requke any tenant ear other user bf the Lander ore Cronror'e attorneydn•fact to endorse Inatrum°nta dat' if'h a �a)s then Grantor Via deiignetae vfiduh tivt� y10 prdraede P#Ymenta bytanarrtit or blhe to Lander iin to Lands' ddamfnd shop seUefy 660 o for P ymenta ere made, Wlteitlar or not any Praper'grountl4 the demsrnf salarod. !.ender may 8360 0109 lie 1lght*U nder'thls' rubperspraph either to person, bl' tgtatt`or through a revolver: Appu7rn Reoifvee. Larder shell''Live the tight to NVII r#bolyef bppofitjad'ttt thka.Tfo:sarsdon .Power is protam end pree°ryp' th8. P,'op°rty. 70.oparat. the. Pro Ot all dr any' pint of if[e Ptopattyi wlt7t'th>a Property .and ePPly the 91018,ds, over Bard .61,,, tors met of pea g Ir t Uiewe or'eale, end to .c*Jve the Rents hpm the' bond 1f perm",ad by law... LondstI. rtgtn tb tin a t!» 660670.y st d 11 extO Drs tj:et w ih,ese. 'the raoeiv meY serve wtrhout, PPOkttrrhent of a Lender shell axtat rvheUter m n'oc the aParrant valor o1 the N,raperty e�ka98di [ha lndebiedneee'by i �aulxtartdal ama0nr. Employmarrt by Landar:e{7all04I dlaquegfy PareaR frbm #BfYiOg ee t trCalvar. Jinn 20 2008 02 ;33om C3I iLa vv044 Jurt 20 2008 01 34 PN :30 654 36Z l-*fl No: 764O1 «toflTlruu.di 4 Pago ba nder m qn aIu1idcii Inti*t in all or proper 'raprtY•* r Jyby 'p� $TflInQ In e Ifld8bthd*5 :r l Ot*noc rninz i t*,P ropftV ftJ!Th f'rap*tWIi.bkl Purch Of the POYINInY and PlOptrl *n the to. a th pany of Gjamott. $h become 0 Tarrant at iijttitit o Ler.r or th ir Pth Mt1t171 *r tZ vacate the 011* fl Lendir ha e nd forhofts Vd jo ta Mi• 6, thB N�t at f or in equity, VON' Of thiPrcpsrty. To the $tnt patmIttd bppJIc�bj ffiw.Gr,r h�by w vg eid o ff rJtu to m* nirui k! OOlp qh1gj (-ender shell be it" Itlaill &j o pt the WWeThrcr Ldt .h& be enrtJod i any pub 4 Te on a ory pan, orti In c 1e or by Notch of S&.. Wilt giiat th e lf lIm, on of any *ic ti Personal Prrry oF f tfe time o whkXi any prlvele.eI. or outer inte et,. Per sor Ptjp.ty to be ma,. fleeoflble no shall Mean nu,e Any 0-16 at the Roof Property. the ni, Or O IVPDJftftn. Apy nle at th Pereon*j may be mode In carj ur m trort wrt Eotloi ReItltjse. Alt f t.nder. Tlghte end trai�t I N]" Irn .VJntIV et ne t$ XercIe i'en or. toiiet- An tetlen frr Grinta L end e r t hoee ei one wRI not ber Lenderfrom using any other erney. I d An deetdea epj m o n e y (it t form any 't renter In default a nd to eerc e Lnd e er'e �t,IJ edw un t MOrt eQe otter GF$MQ4 dA CQ that deiitn by LaderwUint Afloat lendor' t igh t rrned'e. .Aon*ie 0460- Len4ofri.jtu( �flyeUlt�r.,e, Lendse jijfw gago, rec Iuofl aum the c ourt may edJige reunete ee eflzne's fe E t rial and uPtm 4ry the p o ote ppeeI. Wtwther nGt.eny ourt eda 10 irnwteed eand tO the e xtent nQ pruhThlrod by tvi elf rftehJ exp4%qae l.4flde(1fltfl1 that in Cantor opFrlon am fleeBaey et any Ime 1• ii. Q its ftstlh hIt b"Ums 8 p of the indeb peyebl. �demrd alId th tmiir Interest at we Note i frbm the data .f the xnii umJ r.pjd. 4nestveredby th p.:greph Jiude Wi Umtta*n under howye suJc o eny Iimte .r eppltcebte.jew, LerKter'l f.e$cnabl,. Irp, fe and ter,dj�gnI 6xPan whther or not Itier e ewauit, InIuTn meeOfleWq flC rft pfl •i�fltq* f benIeupe roceengs tinchjdIrig CIfDn. to modify Or' 'eale ir4%1ctith), 9ppsele. s.d ny rn%Ictpated ier4cee Th. coet Of esertg recode, ebt&nhtIQ thte porte l,ntudIn fav*�IqDur, Ieport9j. 9IJrvyore epete, .inI ppraiea) e,einJ t. Ir,iJT�, tathe extent permit by applicable Iw Gtntor&e wlfl pey ey court Caere, ti afdftti W1I olMr egint prjnId1j by Ijw. NO118. ADyDO1IC, .reqIre6to be Unde tb Mug roth. at ,nd thrut QI ntr ctdeeuIr einfiny eje ehIIb g !n wibtr, *rvd .tiafl be efteCtive wh.t loiu.ldeihi wheflKc �eIn�d by relete Im,T kmfe. aee reqt4r.d by 4w) when d. s herw) r'raItnd wIth netionaily re.�nIze e htCWi, a,tt malrnt; idp�nIt In th. UnbeO State. me#, an OrtnIs. Cerflfleo or ,oi.iernd niea wet». Dwp,Id, dfract to tt dd IM ho near lhtq b nUotMavtgag A1I fnotJtee from the ho'der af any W whlth hai prkntty on.rtble Horfg.g. 1. *60 *60 ba .,nrrn Len eddr., 94 ahothe be rnnir,� at thla Mort a e. ep.olfyIr that the p An Patten awy .ahepe Ole or tierddraaa f0rnatka unund 1011MQftg n near I by wiIn nodc, to the other Person or peranne,. ifltn, of 10. noflrei to otreng9 10. '4�ddr�e,. Fe .IIC e9poD. lIrefltQr 19r44$ to keep Lender informed at *0 times 00 GOlntr,r'� urrern .d*.s*. ijqte4 orerOlaeyio10lreIur vbqutmd bjrlaw.If ttwr..I. morethan one Grantor, .nynotra. to eny G n on,rr by (.enda0 Is 4nemed to 0. rlotica 01*91. 16 at G,e.nort ItwW 0. Grore*po ibility to tot ftre ciiar*of 10m notice. from L.ender MISC0JLtNE*1J* PI4OISION$..11i. t0. pOlI• Amantfrfla1.te, 1* wtti.n In 10fsM0.tape'bp0 1. 10* f1*ltad Douy.en* 1 G 0.eanregr wwkJi adoy 0yifrjth n!atlem ccN�r,d bytit, M9pe Tt, 0. �ltet)va, tnythenOe n em.ndm.x to 11.1, Mortgs mual be 1* Witdr. and mu.(.ba *Ined by WItoev*y wl be bowJ or obtjgm*d y the Ubtfle Qr arnend.n,pt, CpOwI H�aW'i*. .Cbptlon headin in this MoaeraIroneati.n, �uteonluyernl brb riot to 0* u*adt* i nter p ret a. glovictlins o this M *ov.r01n0 L*W; Thin Mort will 1# o* byr ewepp bltu,em 10 1,r and- exieni not priipr�d by iiihnal 00 low* the $fatinl Woa*ng without re tulte *offlla*. *0 Itw pmvtelonL Ilk 1 ha. be*n*aaapt*d by tender In the Otatw of ChaIe. of VIIOUq If *Jori 6 a taw*.jl(, 13r,r,j*r verbal upon Lander. re que4fta4ubtaii jo tO. jWjj&jbo o t(O unui* *0 Liflooin owoy, of Wyc'mIog. JDt00*IXd **YmnI UIIIWIV. A9abV 4j jI6rYi C1Gjl00 thlM�,tj, 011*0 beolrij9hd *ev*rO end an WS(doces to Um eft 1101011 oach4i 101* munithjt each Grantor .lg01n WOW ro spon a lbIg for All obIl$ation. 1* this rOu WJij*r hy treid�r trwitar underattnd. 1.endwwtj not lo* *p 00 I.$ndr yttttu Wid.r 101* Moi'tp',* un1*** Ifl.%.r rloire *0 1* wrO1n. The lam (hat' lender delays pr emite.to *xaqeIee e6y.Ttght w0Tituym.,n Itwt1.ender 0* given up thstflgbt. ULr4grd�e. a wrttlny 10 0110 (.11 L90001'p ,)qltta IheTdo.. *10 mae* Gmntor veto not have 10 comply ottO the 0111.. VravWvn* of this Grantor alop rntdnrat*nda thin 11 Lander does p*r.,.rgt0 a r. otluotl I thIf OPeS nat mean thet Urantur will not hova to getLend*r'a consent eOnln It 10. 1ltuiIo hppati ag4ri Orenter further Unde1er* thatJtwt becnu,e Lander cwlpent, to 00* of inoni 00 GreatO, 1 raqu1.ta That dn*. ntt moan l.0ndr will be r00011eO 10 0004Dnt ttfly or Ur*nIDC Futit reue.t.s, rmmtr w01Y**pr*eptrn,nt, demand for payliwol, matter. and tily* of 10ehgngr. GrewtOrwalvn all v1911teOt*xCmptfonfrO.n executio twillmllar low in the Pro.eotV, and Gr agrees 101010, tght. of tender Inth. Property under th1*Mo.tg eOe prior to Gtpeto?* rights while th1* Mortga r*rn01na in aff.yi. Se *19bllI(y If e Couix Irido that *r.y Wavtnlbn 00(01* Mote. 1* notwetd ar should not be entoroad, that fact by ftaolf wIf not lneen 111.1 the rest of this Mortgage will not be vetkf or aflt*r*ed. TIteiMoc,, cot*twlU eMarye the teat of the p or NO Mortgage *van If n pco.t0tunof ihlt Mortgage may 0..faundto be Invalid. osnI*.roqa19. M*tglr. l'It*se *hall be no (Oerperot 6a jhtorostof 9at9te edbyMpiiy,9, wllh01yy otft*r1fltrentnr suite rn 1410* hetd by or for N. beneflt.of Larger In any DOpavity. wtiIioutthaw,Inan 000,90000 Lend*v, luo46aoo...nd.19 Sobetto0j'mt14 etai0ijn (Ole a ahellbebIndIog upo,, and tnureio 109 ben.(O of th*peztlee;their iunCeuon. 0rid*nIgn.. If .owyi,Pgp *011* Property n,s19d 1* a pereott other then 3ri.nwr, Lander; wlth0or,n01tteto 3reptor. mey 11e01 wilti �'ifltor', aUteea�oniWIffi .rOt.ninc, to t his Mortgage and the Indebtedness w of th;ba.raOo. gr.p0100(0ly* (00000t r4t�ilnq Or.rpoofroni 10* oblir 00101. Mortgagel l joblitty under the (I01»t*of lleaanc*. Th01 Is oittj. 'Revs *0 100meatae.j **enptIon Grant., 0.u(by r&ea,ea and wely.,9lIdOht. end Ii onAfft ofdw4j19n.n(jed .eary101an lEvO ot10� Ste 0 00W*mJnp ea ioa1Ff1debredw50 enoureyl by tl. Mon 0E1 ThafoJ(owfri W�aaOaj h*vettti t1.11oWtn 11e000110. whenuiwi 1*101. rOo,ravme. Thewnod '00rybwr' means PETetIL WEL1EItd PAIGE A WELKER ,ndjnaoide* .g Nc'j, and all Thetr.toatura *1.d,a*lnn. me tio Envl.onrnen(eI twa The wo tew*' mean any .t 011 lthte, fedraF and l0.et*Itp,j10, r0utettc1n* x01 e ordlnbrEv*. relaUn* to the prat.tI*n of buni* health or 10* en100.ment. b)0ki111. Without twlt0110iithe Campr&iennIwe Fn01mnmnd 0e,p*n* Comp.na.yon, and Liability Actof. 1990, as erneridad.42 U.S 9001, 10 Ieq (CI0CLA'0. the Superfund Jknlandmente and rtAot 00 1999 Pub,L. 110 $94fi IOARA'J,(0. tar OlDIaMatWOtleTmn,p�rtety 49USC, Bactton 1O1 ateaq., th*Rs1.o, C00104ve11Q4y a11.0 fle000wy ,at, 42 lJ9C 6ec00 3901, Of .e.. 0110*1 *pptt*bl. 1191. or federal taws, 111.11*1, or regulation* adopted pejuuent 10.1.1*.. 0 lY.n0of 0*0.01., The words kE vanj of b14fetdt" 1 mean an tIt�ay.no. 0fCblOUtt*9tftIii1ln IhleMor1g gatr. 11* oveIlt* 00 zendun ellFil� M0000ao*. itaiguIf Clio nt*. •TheWnli 'l01ntttr' m�r*F0fl iii0KtR and lGE), VLkER. j. 20 2000 OXJOI. 000446 :ij Retshied:: •jun:10-2008 01:16 PM ti %1st. Bank 107-6 Loon Riot Niibtig484 (COntilltted) Vail 6 1 f3fokraft ty The tared '•Ouerantyl: maana.the-guatmlW 'ithrirtiirera iitor. 6 ndor8ik. abrariri 'Of a p to MIOdlitkg1 party la I-router, inniudiria without irmluition agueranty of:011.ot porta' the Nate. Hat.rdooe 13 uotrtate The Wri mean nistatiela that, bettuiterOf their bet nritY,Sententniticin Or Ithyaloal,' 'chemical or lotaollous tharsotsdetica, may eauga-or pose a pearrt or othantlel .hazard to .hunzto haaith or th9 envhooment MINI impioperly mud, treMad, atOred..diamMed of. galtamtad, rnentrfsoitged, traneported. or atonable handled. The WO( dit 'Hate Subatennat' are used In their vary boo t mthee and include %gland linthadon any and all harardoult or toalicaubabanage..materiola Of. and porroisunt by or anY fttletioir the*? and 'tribalism. 'weste ea dallnad by or ilated undo, the envfmnmentm Laws, 'Noy tan 'Hrdoua• Substances" 'No thalami. Without limitation. PetrolOurn lmprovsmontt. The word r Iniprovinrientie rstuattel/ salialna areletora linprovartamm imildlaga, ntnntuom, 'mOblis horning efftgad:ort Reel Nugent, recliner., **Pflanz, replizemants end other cOnttruction on the Rad Poporty. tridahtethermr. 11M word lieilabearlimeer tritiana.M1 prtneetal. trninett and ortt er adurunta Peate'aritt iniPaileas ;markt* otter ta ital.'s:if' Related, tiooureano, together with all renewal.- at,. erminsIdlot ot• modtfloadoncot coneolidadont ot.and substautIona tort* Nola or •Related Dootnanta and any ;mount. Offending of advanced by• Lender to &charge arareorlf olalleadort. or exnentes.inourrad by tender,, enforce grantor's obligations tailor this Mrattiegei IMAM/tory watt *mourn, samovidedln grit Mortgags. Imodar. The word "Lander" maarta 1st Bank, Ito aucbaSSOM and •rMigna The WOAli "summate' or astigna' moan :any normal or company Pled abqultet any intoreSi In the titaitfiaaa, The Yidril '•Mortgage" mama thta Mokgage.ttepaean.Grantor and Lander: :Note. ttia word Not 'meant' the premenory note slated Jona 20.4008; in the orkOntil Orlittliiiil Mir:Plait,' 4 301,100:11 from •Orantor td Lando', together with all renewals :1A. excenatoni of modlfloatIona or. refinancing. of, 1 c11 i. and aubadtutIona.tor 'the onomlaeory note or somethert. FArbonoi ProPaNY. The 'words 'Parade OrbOlitir Wert ell sOtecireark Ilkiir tiaiteirl Wiwi' articleii 'eflieierinet Properly no tir .Owned by Grardor, end Mar or hersofter'snached or tithited to th* nerd Fri:mania together with ell ft-casabas; parte, and acketkato to, et :reptecemants ot.. and all frubatutatit for, any of such propanyi end 'together' with 011proc8ada !Including .withotit limitation elf Inauranoe PrfiCeada and rehmda of prerniurnal train any aaldor ether drapoildoffIe the Nearly,. Prriparty. ilia 'ward ve0001.t Masi* 0o1licilvery the'Reig Property 'and te Parkini(Properfy Real Propeity, The Whrde 'Real Propane' mean to real propana, Intateaft zed Vox, a tinter described Int* IdanoaolL nalafod p000nesine. The .wirdo Rolauel peourtranza".reoirtill eromIliabry note*, a WIZ agreethante, lOtivaPernirnante;zitiliottridel koreernetric, lutusns....etrity sigestlitilte, irioNjegels. dtisictis at Mtn, sievrIty Mitola„stillateng mnrwageS, and a ta-of Instrument., egresments a &salmon% Whether now ar hereafter asteolod,exedeted in eartnectIon *Orate Irenbeeomes.. :Rani; 171 'wonj7fito• tfietitisill roxibrg and lutuic rante; 'Myanmar, latmtha, White. rOyalthre, Moth,. art4 Mho Month* derived thint the property', A61-1 attANTOR ACKNOWLEORP.S itAVince 11EAD s im mulvrs011i TWO- sioiirome. ANu iatm cuMiurtiti AOiltE6 ifSt TERM% •<""7"› x krt ontt. YM tOUNtY Of On. 'oh ay frateie tea. the fiffdarale,inird Noun POW.; pidromity eppeared PETER I. Wili(kk anti PIttetitt VIIEIXER,. to 'me keronin to tyla tho Incovidsmie.dObarlbOd In end who axemnad Momgege, and riolmoodedged thattruni• gonad gm Monona/ ea their bee and voluntary amend dotal, for the uses end purposaw mertoodeo. ak? inylitna 11 Nolaty PubliCki.and tai itioaktiot MY varnasemir *AA INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT MORT GAGE 00 LASati PR tAiraffng Vv V.' Capr. Harland Sminotal Solutions. Ino. 1987, Ops. All Moms Garai 0: TR-7726 311 •.7 33 .Juil 20 ION 02:040c it&a6t KER alERYt Lincoln Wyoming My 00(11'101am Wm Feb. 4.20e.o 0 0 0 4 4 7 ,ANGE IN TERMS AGREENIElv .4 .14 References• in the boxes above are lor:Lendees tateenty do not Ibtlitthe applicability of Ma document to any paHlcular loan or hem: Any itern above 'containing has been omit ad due to text length limitations.. Borrower; PETER t...W61,1(61t Lod %t gank PAIGE A WELKER. •Aipine PO BOX 3033 79 Highway 99 ALPINE, Wf 88i it' P.O. Boa 3110 Alpine, WY 99128 f307) 694402$ Principal PtiflopaIAmountt $299,820.22 Datoof Agratitfighti FEBRUAXT 25 200 DESCRIPTION OP ElatiNG AM:07000S: PROftlii3StifiT. PPOTE AN ORIGINAL-AMOUNT OF6301,7013.71, AND A 'CURRENT BALANCE OP S299.137.38'. DESCRIPTICRI.OF COLLATERAL. t T6 SADbLt MINE:ETNA, WY 831 In end 0T.15 HAbr tiOttfl SThS kt.PiniE, WY: ftjttf -DESCRIPTION OP CHANGE IN TKRMS, As 01:2128109 Waffle lowering 'theinferealtita front 7.25%104.75%, Pay &MOWS, 8131,000.00 will be made to the loan. The primary residence Nag be released collateral. interest.** payments tali! continue through September 20, .2009. Starting 10/20/02.228 prInolple and Interest peymente of $857.84 will continua:until maturfill• PAYMENT...I Will pay dile loan Itraccordeacataithlha Vowing paymant calculates fritatiet obi the lintield haleness aa described in the "INTEREST CALI:MAXIMS METHOD" patemaph itskirtiha Mutest rates deeeribed th paa9raph 7 nlonthIY..cenaocutive interest ailments,. beginning 'February 20, 2.009, with Inforastordeutated on the unpaid principal belaneto using an Interest rete. 01 6.7501t per annum:. 227 monthly consecutive -prhIcipai and interest pernerds of $957.80 oash, beginning. SePternhar 20, 2009, Wig, Interest calculated on the balances using an Interest. rate .of it.750% .par annum and principal .and lutenist payment' of $467,196.21 on 20, 2028, with Interest calculated on theimpald principal bele/Ices Wag w1 Interest tete of .6.750% per.annten. 11s. estimated final payment Is based on the assuinpilon that all payments Int10 be made exactly BB leheattb* the actual final payment. will be for en pabrntpal and accruod 'Interest not yet paid, together with any other unpeid. amounts, oti this hum, Unless ethetwise -agreed or restillted by applicable law, payments will be applied fast lo any unpaid collection costs: theft ta any httiteherinaillian to any accrued unpaid intent:it:And than to ptincipal. I will pay Lender at Lender's .eddrest shown above ix at such other placers' Landet may designate in engine.. INTEREST CALCULATION METHOD. Interest ort OM loan le computed brie36E136S simple interest bash: that It by imPlYllig the retie of the interest rate over the number Citrfays In a .yew.„ multiplied Myths outitanding principal boffins.. multiplied by the actual number of day*.the Retsina( *dance it **standing. Ag Interest payable w figs gs hsanis,cornimte 1 Using. this Pianiciii• PREPAYMENT. 1 may oy withoutvenelty ati or a pottEdh' Of Me' titironnt °wad earlier then 4 is Om: t rely payments WU Mit Urilise rifireed by Lender In writing: reltre me ol my obligation continue toistaiva payments on* ths.paymatit schedule ftether,earty paymema will reduce the principal belance"Mla May :result *My-making tower Payments I area not to send Lender payinents.merted "paid in rug", 'Without ecourse", or similar. language, If I send such a piyinent, Lender:may accept it withotit tosing any of Lender's rights under this Agreement, andl rornalit obligated to pay any further amount owed to Lender.. All written cornmunkations 'Oncoming disputed amounts, Including ail' check or other -payment instrument. that Indicates. that the payment =nano/WV 'payment in-fur of the amount mired 'or that 41 tendered with other conditions Or grnititions or as full satfarestiOltol disputed amount must be mailed or delivered to: 1st Bank,. Alpine, 79 Highway 89, P.O. Box 3110, Alpine, WY $3129, LATE tRARGE. If a payment is 1 b:daie irrrnorelabsr 1 Pal he'Sgartied S.000% of Ma regularly ichettUted paym ent. .INTEREST AFTER 'DEFAULT. Upon-default, including failure to'pay unentittel maturity...the Interest on this loon Shag be *drearier!' Iii:adding a. 2,000 .perconiage Point margin MarsoltRate Margin Tice Cletault.Rete Margin shall also* apply to each-succeadmg interest rata change that would lows .applied had there been no defaidL 'After men:city, .or aftet the416Itri would have matured had there been no. default, the Detain Rate Margin will .continue to apply* the final interest tete described in. this. Agreement. 'HOwever,In no event wilt the irtflOOSY•t0tO qkCeild' Ih MioilMIJO:1 interest cat it letiltationaunder applicable law. DEPADLT: Twill halo default under this Agreerrient if /*yet the tbildWillg 'Payment Default.: t fail *Make:any pa yrnairt when due under the Indabfedneiti. ,Steak Other Promises. break. any proinIsamada Lender' of foil to perk* promptly R the gate and •Iri the 'Manner prmiMod 'et Otto Agreement.or in an'y'agreenterit related to Vic AgrOetilagn. ..F410 Any representation. or 'statement *redo or :furnished Irs.. Lender by nie ar Oh' Ifni' balled' Under' Mit 'Agreement ur the R Doo ho01.34 fn)stecogiog it/ any materialtaipe,aliter (IOW or at tine gine made or furnished. 'Death Or htsulverteY: An lititroweedice Or b000mes'insolvernprirageiveihkappointed TOr any part of my property; httak e an eisigninent ',milli benefit of creditors; or any proceeding la comMenced either by .introt• egeinstme under any bankruptcy•nr insolvency Isom. Taking of ilte.Properly. Atot ctbdtt01or govnmenIagay trhie M take any of the Property or anyotherof my.property ItiwhibIi Lender' 'fitto a lien, This hmiudes.toking tit 0101101M; of or levying ommyescourite with LaMar. Nitwit/et, if I dispute In good faith whether the• clitim•an vohTch the taking 01 the Prepeity-ki traced le vendor reesimatria, lied if I give Lender written notice. of the claim And furnish Lender with non** or aturety bond satisfactory tis Lender* aOtfafyth9 .Ctailii;. than this provision will not apply. Defactige Colletweilitition. Thies Agreenierit or linytti the lielatetltimuments mesas to be In hill forte end effect (including leave tit any collateral document to mama valid. and perlootad seaurItY. innovator:lien, at any time and for any reason, Pregetty Menage °floe* The'Property is. Wit, itoien,.aubeianilaliy oohed; Selina Affeeditg .Guerantor, Any of :the preceding etrentil etturawith fespebt.e:i toty goarantofiendoreet; aoiety: of ktortataition• party of •ani* •ftte. indeptedness ;ra. any guerairtor, emlorserl surety,. b agsommodatiortpatty the or bactorries incompetent, or revokes or disputes ifiti Validity of or. litibilky under; any Stier** Of thatodebtortnese :evidenced by thli Nom LP.NDER'S. RIGHTS.. Upon default, Lander ntiey*Slare.lhe'entiiti:Orantid grOcitial under this 'Agicanient and alt teen:red *Mild intorost Immediately-duo, and then [wig pay thatointrunt; ATTORNEYS' FEESr EXPENSES. Lenderititiy hire ar.Prry istirtiedirealati talti not pay: f will pay i.endef that -amount.. This Includes, subject tn'any limits under apPlicablelaw; Lender's tossonable attorneys' fees and legal expense*, whether.or not there is o lawsuit,. Including without limitation .411 reasonable attorneys' feeeand legal expenses Mr bankruptcy proceedings (including *flora to modify or 1/11C810 any automatic may or 'injunction), and apnea*. -If pot .protoblted by epplIcehte itWr [also Win pay any .court cnsts, in addition .to alt other sums provided by law. GOVERNINO LAW. 'fihis.:Agisiiiinerit Will be tononteit..by federal Iew appttaidila *Lender and t6 the tottent hot preempted by fading Iaw the low s. of tht Stout oi'Wvotrtillit Without regird usha.eongurts of law proybderic. INA Agreement hes bean assented by Lender In the Stem of Wyoming. tHoict O'vtritit, thtto toaf vtuiLlhgrCo 'upon Lender's *peat to urban to the Turiecliegari of Olif 4ouna tineoin dOunty; Matt or Wyoming.' RIGHT•s0F.SETOPP.. TO the extent Perrtlitted by appliceble,'Ilicii,.Lender .reciinres a tight 'of setoff In ad triy doctrine waift Lender (whether' checking, savings, or some other Account). This ineludas all'aecountst held with tom:lone else end alt accounts 1 may open in the future.. However this -does not include IOW IRA •Oi; Keogh ccounts, ot any {mat ticabums .for which emit' would be prohibited b taw, 1.gutpotitg Lander, to- the extent permitted by applicable-law, to. charge or setoff aft suma owing on theIndebtedness against any and alt such ,accounts_ COLLATERAL. I acknoWledgg this-Agreement 'is eleutect. by. the. foliewinp .e09atetat described in the security Inetrurrisot tltt1*d hot8ln b' Mortgage doted Juno 70. 2008. to Lender On 'real WORM ISCrited in County, Slate Of Wyoming. CONTINUING:VALIDITY. „EsOoPt.• se expreaslY Changed by 'thie .Agriantent. the -terms of the original *AM** or kalfons, hiefurilng alt egreemohts. evidenced Orsecoring.the 01440°0)4 remain unshangedtmil Indult rotpe and effect. Consent by Lender to Mitt Agreement &see net waive Lender's right. to *list portorrnaneeof the.obligelionta) testiongerl, nor Lender to make any future change In forme, Nothing In MIS: Agreement will constitute 0 .satisfeettert..of the obligatIonisl. It la: the intention of Lender to retain es gable.partles all makers and ondoroir of the•-brigInat obligatiordsl, Including aCcommotiotion parties; Wilesee petty is expressly'releesed by Lender in. writing. Any maker or bridorear, including alicommodatIon makert, wllt not'his.released by irkturi of'.tilit Agreement. If any .person who signed the original obligation doei riot. OIgn this Agreement below; then o perreons..signing befow: oOknowledge that this Agreement Is 'given conditionally, based on the repreeernatiort te Lander that the now/Signing- party conterneto.the Changes .and provialona of thIS' Agreenteritar.otherwlse will not he released 000448 J611-26z008 Oi:2 PH FiI L' 17.654323 PROM NOTh 4 00 upW above one (0 Landqr'stvalonly 11 f Alpha 79 Htghwy 09 x 3110 AIpj y 0312U (3u7 'aes Pitrrntpel Ainou :3Q1,7j irft0!. HOW: 72 Q% Ut•of J 20; 2008 ffiaMi to M', 1 �d Pr** l�*flkrL.mrij. 01 ib UnI& to" and Dondit9pn' 'Of 06 "INTARFST AFTER flrci, U* flneI mnot Thrs Iunth Qne Thotjs S ,,i )&u* Ei 7 t10o bn; I301.7o7l wth tq t at OT 7.20 p.v winut th WpsM prboIp.j DWLT'.1 n4 o, ooa. in full, The 1n.ts*i r ny diontio ond th PAYMNT. f wi ib; Ij pyTnufl t dU.July 20. .fl dus•an th day or .ft. ?4y tTnj will be thi 0 JUTO 6, 2013, .ind w b 1W FTJcIp.l ent .e TrTWut it Tit perd. eymntt IflCr$da and Int. Unoa ou Qr!uId or rqufr by b.ippgd fl,*t •th&d up 1ert Utrt to 1 Than any le* Iid wpsId Ilt*r**t On 1b Nota Is 386/3D almpt, tnt b; tht it by ipItn the rffo ef mo mrn*i J1tr.fl rt over the nmnb.r af dy M a .ybw, mukp b thi ujti muit i by th. I1Qtnbr uf days Th. i 0uiiJfj 1 wl pit Ld�r i&tLen4,, �bo o et iuoi other pIa *a L*h4i n dsgnut tr PREpLYMNT M*JIMIJM CHAROE. t4 11 IUfT f3 �M 0Uir Did ea rn e d lLjW the Jog jj wlu nt b tfuni1 U me up e Ps vment or e e mauit f dfeu1t. sxopa qthew tquJs b Irt aw psi lufl of this Not th iindrj nt!Ue m a hflitt char or *30.0. O thn my blr to p any mlithnuzn Interest. chtga I M pi with pany ii cr 's ponj or the moir ow4 4610 Their Jt J drn ary p will. fl�t Vfllq. grad ia by LM wTfttrTg, ran Ail or to CDflI to m under the pymdIii 'h�du Rh ear payme ww rd pr10clp anand flU y tssijt iny mekfl g 9ayni, 1 n 10 send Lan�t marked p(d In M, itiiou reco,*a r ar fngup, UcI ymn.t L.odr iniy acpt wftj,yj lisi any of vJ QMr 1611, No and wfl rm,rn to ley .n Mthe, motm i Und All Written Co mm un i ca t i ons emount, flUSfly th8tfl�L1Ctt owed �r.ht la tind a red th1b pymrt cont!yj plym.n In rar of Wth �flgr CQ$X$1do& iiftttpi.0 .j:.1u3 atlaft@tlo o( amouryt m m&Ied Of delvard to' 79 Hlfjwy-, r;o;9• AIpInI. WY 8T2L LATET HA h at. It a tOdlyiQy matt 1 will be chj 1 5.00% VOrti o f lNrApJ DE LJp�,i detuft; hiiludWi Tom* to pon ftW ;u thtbtaFjQW due UId$f thbi. N a l e. WIU frrjWj this Note, Tni .t the rWrt rats under DAULT. 1 w i t be hi def udarthJe I 1'7rnflt Ut*1i, I OR 16 any 1 when do r.k Otb,r ?PmIgIg. FbreJ o.l1l I1ide 'W C o 1l1 rorm P r o and 141 tlrn nn y pio%4 od r N lo ny �%m t(tt4t 01% ytit. at n *lty Clr Ion 1 hva with tij,r. F *tetmnr, My ep1i, mt,nt medaot tmw.to Lnd�r.by m ar n my beh antler thz No e tk duin li fIW o mteIci$ng•h, iny 1r1j 'esi. o a attral time msS. £ih or lvny. Any mmwyr rfl r byoy W e eW y ppWye er-e y t o inj perj 1 nmk l es it. ad fr he 1.a efl al cedyt or eny pecqyi 1s cmmeed aithe by Me or-91e m bankruptcy ar ynde, ny bunkizpt lnuhin y Jew,. has 1kly o! the PWrty. Any credit Or 9 any y tM poperty yrnri of y pqpy wh'Ley a NO. This T(cJ takr af, em,g of Or ayyf �n pny ita wllh Lernlar. Howe, If dIspw In fai I,e*har t he able, And If VIVO I.ondilr clolot N wfgah tbe akIny vl tha prOprty le besa is yald or ra with rla we auety.hand elb�fCr.oy t Linder tOaUy..lJa,thes thi. de'tjft provIJ, •w11 no t ppy, 13 0- 6 11"1 Cofjt y TWa Iqy.ar say ytm. ro do une ba ata u1yja,y,, yhi coIIyiyj 0 rao e 0 velidend p acted aearifty Iletey or Pyl atanyiIme,yj fOr any rOeso. a ir Lora. Any aoIarei 140nrlrg 1d Nyre It csr. subs dd di d�'y and the f�e, subs dam r'd is Dyyi .41f*O1IRQ a usibbliw, Any ot the prbitedIAD Of er ir,!f,.t0 ROY aur�', Or flJ1crjIij porty y at the ndsby dni or any yuerafltor. endorser, llrety 0 oatiUydadI. pdr1j dlu or b.rames myeen ar r or d4pIjye the volidity of.or Ilab f1VyyMr any gyaronty dt the Jdebiednaa 41ncJ ly thiw NPW. In*aaurij. L rider d64 feIr14 WIIdv*RIdftai. LUDEII9 fllllfqls, Jpo.dej, l4nrhr myyderye tJeiitb� 'Jdp 1p$ yt urder Note ehd bJl trj Ii1WdteWpvd,, andthawbI pay the bdle yy ATbRN3'.. ,$rddr may I clod will 0oyy ewneon ele. to'hfp ablieot two Note If 1 do tp, 1 Will pay Ld,- tf,t thint. mb Inaludy,iuJ, to any IJbnIt Undr enpflyab law, l,en�er'a r�eeahth etv3meya teeo end Ieg expo yfp, wheth or- not tJer, 1 o ba4yajjr, Irvludfng wi lirnitelor eU. teanoneIbe $Uorney,' loss end Iy& .inpenna, 'or benbuvp prnaae Irg lbndbodiry efforts IQ riydrry or 4reraj arry elimalo stay or lfllfnyboyb, ertd Oprmebs. ltnat yo1bbftetj by ppIlceb laNwill pay 0Ty court 000., In er0Uon W 011 af, zurn. provided by law, LAW. 11,1, Nba. Nin 3. *dd*nfd by leWe) ¶aw ppyoebjj endW 1aw,-th l.o of tboa 3e'. nI Wyoy ab1aut,erd to its nlliyyj, Iyw pzm l�nd. TWa Nob ?ws bis anoapte by Lamfu In Me a"" at ryi-nbnp. CH0lc 0P\b0UF. 11 hOro le: a lavvqult, 1 egree14p00 Len9.rj UatW*bmjI tIIbJ1d1a1 lirtho cvtw oiUnntn Cyuy, 310ta of Wyyrrrbyy. IloFbrQt OErvFy, Th The, Ofltfi nItedby t ab1 rh,ckJn yw,v.y, this does r Inalude any RA dyt,y t4g14t �f jdteff wit I.dn4t l0hf�r Se3Iyg 0o or b either eccoyn1. Thia bivlud., 11 tccouyr. 1 ko1 j0nriy wtth amiteno, "'t" end 01 a c c o unts 1 may opei lqtbre future. H Kaaptt toauura or any 'e I'o- a1,tI ,,fy he proh 1' Ino. 1 to the etent permjrred by a pplicable 1 .w, o cge or 01 cern.. Owing O r r the IfWebtcnesi .gaIr. AM and 01 tyli and 0 .lend.,'* 00100, lb afrntrr1nftbvafy f,otgo tr uth npIe Landr top teat L,,,'. aW, ndff yr, provided In PrnCgzesh. COL 'I eokg rgi this be e1yr,d 141' thc ?QO,I, apIboami icibcd In Th 0Irjy bmd I'tr&n: da e 2(0. 200C, to r oq Isel tnparry Itcated In UNCotjg Ccinty, Stei, of Wym103, it kja tJC933()F1 IN1EEPTg. The torms f 131* Nota Moll be binding upon me. ap 4100 my haIr.. PCt00tlaICprees,Iu.n, 0u'Itt. anctefl.bb inure to 138 bene 11 [001,7 e Its .uc i�JCCrt C$ntp 0007.0000ra and n,: NOTIFY US Op INAC INFORMATION REPORT TO CONS REl0R1Ty EN� p. A P1Cbo. dulty ui If we reprrt any }Wyy,Ir,te to 138 following eddrun: totBarrI-i�tjy i nfo dbnynt yot- &e to aorr0.nar bpQrd M*rSir, r,p vte ton, sony, Wy 82031. 7rnryitftt,n bcederpjy tb3�cf10 ina0outay(jy Cl,rnjkj he aest t at OENWAL PlICIVISIONg. 11 any pert tit tltl. *to aSI' 0101 ,eilfofti,j f30tw0ft.ut*ft1 1h9Net Nut, (flder toty del. V or erborolty any at. 3. rbdhtt or Yer.d oncfer 11, bIote wi losin and 8nir other pernon who ne 0uaranrj or 80Wres, '3). Note, 00 Ole Oxtrn,t al(owy by law, we've pzW9nymnt, demand for I'8ymenb, and nodesnr rthrhor,or, iipan a,o' ohengy Tr, 041, ter,,. o thi t4yt., end udeo, afkewa *xyleesry sta In wrIlbirg, no party wtN sign, ‚3* No icheyyr ee rnok-, guyror, Co rt8ker nr *ndorsr, *310 be rCbea., fro tol, 10* agree 010 U may r000w or extend 1tep8*i 000 f any. I*" of 00) Iton or rdIe0, Of, pnrty cy pto o liability, Al E ar- or 001 00e,a ar'1rnp, f ar perteot lMrsdat'i eCnir3y illter,I 1, aoIlate, All wch 3J1 ItCe I Vtil: JON' 20-2008 01:3 s PM 'First Bank. -65413523 1 NOTE tonn'At4 Pogo. 2 pole. AO* egreif INC Lowder way rnddity this ham lekithOut the Seneca OT notice to stwanoother thew the cern with whorl uw wrothricetket parsons tiOreng below.. br The obnpedOrni tinder Ibis Ntltb• ant Mot and straiii. 'TO& rneens tint-the words 'me% and mt• frontO.eett end ell.pt th e Au TO THe TOM VF THCIOTE. imil011.17• Sferiiio THFS'NOTk, 1,•Apro F.Ack OF OS; KAL).Anio.untitastooDALt.trit ittiDE1i r,* I iltKNOLEOISIE•fftEilirtiVk 6olsitkE1tii HOfiWR 1,EttLiet 6.1.1 F..14414.11.4.1,444..«. OP. Ka. re, INLASOrnlIINKCI71,0bAN cniCue 4131 000450 7 Ratoronoes In the boxes above are for Lendr's free only end de not limit the epplicebIlny of this document 10 any particular loan b 11 Any Rem obeys conteining hes been omitted due to text length limitations. Letidert 1S18imir Alpine 79 HigtrwaY tP3' .O P Elx eow 3 v 11 0 0.. ,3120. 1307.1 4544829 BO r OW f: PETERS:WELKER PAIGE.A WELKER PO BOX 3033 ALPINE, 93118 ANGt IN iERMS AOREEIVIE •-•,,,--.-...—i--..--.,..: Pringlpat AttlOttritt. 3299,80,22 Tate of Agfeatitigtitt Danger 14,1008 e- DESCRIPTION OR. EXISTING INI3ESTEDNESS. PROMISSORY ...NOTE:n.64008104 WITH AN ORIGINAL AMO1-1NTOP4301,708;21, AND A. CURRENT BALANCEVF S289,1320.22 DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL. '8 16 SADOLE 01 ETNA, M and LOTISSHADOW DANCER ESTATES, ALPINE, .WY 81128 DESCRIPTION. OF CHANGE iN TEBM.S. 'AS OP TODAY'S 'DATE WE AFIE EXTENDING THE MATURITY DATE PROM JUNE- 26,. 2013 TO .AUGUST 20, 2028, THERE WILL BE 12.MON1111.:Y iNTEREST.PAYMENTS BEGINNING OCTOBER 20, '2008. THEN THERE wiLL .BE 228 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST lf BEGINNING SEPTEMBER' 20,-2009 AND CONTgAM10 uwill'MATUBMr. THERE WILL'BE A 4300.00 FEE ADDED TO THE. CURRENT BALANCE DF THE LOAN',. PAYMENTi i 'win PaY thia 1000 la -aaaafaaTlae with tba t011oWirig painter* whetters., ch calCulates interest an the Unpaid pnticlpal defences at described :in the 'INTEREST CALCULATION METHOD' paragraph using the Interest fates desctibed In this peregiaphi 12 monthly consecutive interest payments. beginning September 20, 2008, With interestealcutsted on the. unpaid principal balances uektg art Interest fete of 725014 poi annurot 2.26 monthly consecutive minaleal and Irnemst payments of $2,436,12 each hagelning October 20, 2009, with interest calculated .ort Ole unriald wincipol balancretrusing .ervinterest Imo of .7.25014 per smarm endow principal and interest payment of al.284 Minuet 20, 2029, with. interest .calouleted og the.unpold PrinciPtit balances Ming an interest ram al TASOlk nor anniim. Thts 'estimated final paynwrit Is based on the' rissuMption 'that ell payments. win bit mode exactly as scheduled: 'the NOWA final payment win be for ell principal and.accrund interest •not yet paid, together witfi•any other unpaid amounts ortella lean. Unless otherwiie agreed Or reldirild by tIPPlictibie laW, payment0 win he livened first to any unpaid aaffelnkal anIffix■ittan• ta anY Mtn c'tangaliff lhan YI allY =Man unisold Interest: Mid then to princlpaL t win pay Lender et t.ander's.addreas shown.abovifor.ra•auch other plate as tondo may tleshutote In wining, INTEREST •CALCUIATIONMETHOD. Inlereet 011 thiS Wm ts .compvted oia a 346/365 simple Interest baits: itiat le, by apsiNing tha refio'id the. interest rate over the •rannber of days 11! If year, multiplied.by thryoutstending Principal. Winer,. multiplied by the actual number of days the principal balance is outstanding, .AP intetestosyelde under lttla Man* iter.oPttleflusing.this method; PREPAYMENT. I' Mint PaY 'Wilhaut.Pclialty-fill or a porilorVoltilf eincrien coved eiirlierthogit Is due- nariv.Pairnarda.wit not. untries ejitied to e by Lender In writing, relieve m of rny condnue to reakepsyntentstinder this payment schedule,. Reeler, early payments will reduce. the principal belence due end May result In .niy•ineking fewii.paymanta.• ragree not ta Lender payments milted "poid In Mr. "without. recourse', or similar language. If laerel Such a payment, Lender may accept)! without losing any of Lender's undirthisAgmerrient, and I will remain obligated to ply any YOrtn0f amount aWOCI *0 Lender; All Written commUnfeatIona concerning disputed amounts. IncludIng any check or tither playmaptInstrument that indicates that the Payment constitutes 'payment inleir of the mount owed or that is tendered *with other. 'conditions. or limitations ,or as full satisfaction of a disputed amount Must be malled.or delivered to: 1st Be*, Alpine, 79 Highway 89, P.O. Sox 3110, Alpine, WY' I131 20. LATE CHARGE; itti payment: ii '15 days 'or more la. I Will be charged 5,000%0 the VegUlatlyacheduied peienint: INTEREST' AFTERDPAULT. Upon default; including felhart tosy upon final malutity,.tha interest yeterin ilia loan shall be:increased: bit adding a 2,000 porcentege.pointgin ("Default Rate Margin"), The Default Rate Margin shall also opply to each succeeding interestrate chenge that Would have applied had Mere 'boon no default. After maturity. orafterAhls loan would have Matured had there been no default, the Default•Rate Mangle will continue to apply to the' final irderest rate.descilbed in this 'Agreement. However, in no event will the Interest rate exceed the' 'maitintilfrtinterest Ilinitedoits•under appncable law. 0EPAOLT. I Will' be iridefauft under dilir Agreement if any al the hindering iiipnerr. .Payritent DeWitt I fail te.hilike any P'avnicirit'when due under:the Indebtednesa: Break Other Promisesi I 'Wei* ;MY promise made irrlenderorlitil to ,petterm promptly at thetiirivaiiri•itilcily in the manner •PriWided'In. 'fills Agrgainellit, .iri ony'Ergreoment ieldterl: w Agreement... False Statements, .A.nr rePresenteilon or 'stelerilerit Made: or Itablatied lb Lender by me O1 on my behalf order this Agrairlient or Arlf Related Documents ie false or inielearlIng In any materiel respeet, either now 01 81 the time made' or furnished. Dmith or Insolveney.. Any' Etertower-Oure 41064005 409.01414.4; •*.niativotis arrpoleatici for any part' of my properly; I mike ail aielgtiment lortho benefit of creditresr or any proceeding la otimnienced either by Ms or 89830 108 under any bankruptcy or I05014 laws.. Taking -of the Proporty: Any creditor'bi vaveirnmentar ifOnOi fileS to'taka giaProperty or any other alt my prePerW in 11 o Lander .has .a lien: 'This Includes takkig.ef; garnishing -Of orlievying ti,irty -accounts with Lander. However; fl I diem:de-in good lalth.'whether the laim on which the taking of the property !abased is.vell'd dr reaeonabla„ merit+ give- Lender writtexr notice of MO claim and furnish Lender .tylth monies or a surety.bond satisfactory' Ici Lander te eadafir, the clair,-itien this.default provision will-not apply. Defective CellateraliZetiOn. Thia4;griernent tiCany of the Related filodunientssceates le be 10 tuff force end OW priciutting'finiae'el any collaterardocument to- create a vend and perfected. security intoreator lien) litany time-and fer•any reason. Property Garbage Pettiss..:Thb ProperlY-is lost; *Mien,. sUbettritially demaged, or borrowed sgalnit. •Everne Affecting Guittantbi. Any.ef tha.precedIngeveine'occfirs tiro Magat1.1.0 any.guerenter; endersar; suretf rir eetortitikidation Parti of any of die Indebtedness or any guanintOr, entierier, stirety',..ot licsommodailea party dies or becomes. Incompetent, or revokes or .distimes the-vatkfity of. or liability under, enyElueranty:of the indainednetievidenced /walla Nola. LENDER'S' RIGHTS. Updn.defeult, Lendetiriai. 'declare the 1 1 13 9 03 11 13 Waist*** ontler this Agieernentend elt ecerimd Unpaid interest Immediately due, end then I will pey.that aniourit. ATTORNEYS'FEES; EXPEASES.' Lander may lilriortetYagineone else 'to iteln deflect this Agreerlient if i de not Pak: I Will pay 'Lender 'Mat amount. This includes. •subject to any Ittnita under applicable few; Landar'crisasoltable lampreys' fees.andlegal expenses,. whether or not there IS a lawsuit. Including without limitation all reasonable attorneys'faes and legal expen.sca for bankruptcy proceedings (including efforts to modify. or.vacate eny automatic.. stay Or InjunctiOn)...andappeals. If not.prohibited by applicablotaw. I alsa'w111 ?lay any court costs, Inadditlon to ill other-awns provided by law. GOVERNING tAW.. This Agreamenc win •begeveinted by federal lava sintincable totander anti, ter the extani.noi federal IeW the taws- 01 1118 State of ANYtimIng -without regards. its confacts.oftaw pro.visions: This Agnomen* has bean Amassed by Lander in,the State. of. Wyoming. CHOICE"OP :VENUE. Al there-itra lawsuit: i-egree Otkor Lltndierf roriu*Iii'lli trubnift TO the jUdadictiOn of the courts' of Linboln CouniY, State of Wyoming, RIGHT OE' sETOaa. the 44 In 4PPliti16.104,.•1-0.1.404.45551'555'5.110b4 04 504044 in Al t0Y W146' titid5i 41004her checking, savings, orsorrie -other occou(tt). This inctudes all accounts thfildloIntly wIth.semeoria cies and allacceunts 1 may open In the Mule, However. ..this does not Include. any MA or Keogh accounte, any Omit. accounts for which eetoff would tut prohibited by taw. 1 authorize 'Lender, to the extent permitted byapplicabletaw, to charge oramelff alt sums robing on the indabtedmiss against any end ell suchectounts, :COLLATERAL I acknowledge-this Agreernent is secured:net the lollowing collateral deacribed 'in -the. Security instrument Until 'herein!' a Mortgage. dined June 20, poe,- to Lender on reel property. loceted in LINCOLN County, State of Wybrning. CONTINUING VAtIDITY, Except 8* expresily .ohangeti 'by this.Agreement, the nirms ot the otigInal obligation or obilgatione; 'including eil' rigreOrneirt* eYidanced.or securing the obligation's?, remain unehanged and in:full. force end affect. Cimsent by Lender to this-Agreernont does not Waive Lender's right to strict performance:Of the obligetionlal es.ahanged, nor obligate tender to rriske any future-change in terms. Nothing' in this Agfeernorxr will Constitute, rt -satisfaction of the obilgattonial.. It ia the intentlop of Lender to feting as lieble pardes .all makers and erfrfOrsors of the briginerobligetionisl„ inaludirya'acobaliodaalibmParnaa. unless H la a*pie*Sly reltrefirsd by Lender in' writing. Any maker or' endorser, including accornmodation makere;wiii not fro. rifionierti blf yktue of this A7 lf .any pereon who' signed the briginei Obliontion. doss. not. sign this Agreemem beim. that' fasnmail'ainning below acknoWledge•that thls Agreement is liven conditionally, based on Me. U00451 'Lb eft NM 764006184 by It. ThiS waiver applies net Only ttr any Initial extension, modffieellan orrelease, but 'deem 4 11 4tfeli .1 51. 1 b404 1 04ra aiIcn SUCCtSSOFIS AND ASSIGNS. Sect to arty Emitations stated in thia.kpeenitint on transfer Ofory intereettlifi Agreenient shell be 'binding .upon end inure to tha. benefit dt the parties, Mak" auecessert and assigng. 11 owner:Moor the. Property becomes vested in a person other than me,. tender, without notice to me may deal With iny suctuaiorsolth reference to this Agreemeritond the Andebtedness by way ot forbearance •or extension without releasing ma from the °besieger's of this Agreement pr liebility.under the Indebtedness, NOTIFt US. OF INACCURATE INFORMATION WEREPORT to CONSUMER REPORTM10 AGENCIES: Please not* us If we report any'lrittathirste information about your accountial to a donewoerleportifig agency... Your written notice describing the specific inacouracyfies1should be sent to us et ma 1otIoWln g address: 14d aark 1001 Theln Street Svemnen, WY 02931. MISCELLANEOUS rgovrtams. if'any thialtgreement cannot be *Merced, this .fait will nai affect 'Me lest chile Agreentent, tinder .may delay tlf. forgo- enforcing any of its tights or remedies under this Agreement withrul toeing thorn. '1 and any other person who signs, guarantees or endorses this Agreement, to the extent allowed by kw, waive presentment; demand or ',aliment, and notice Of dishonor, Upon any ,ohenge M the terms ot wile Agreement, and unless otherwise espressly.stated Itt wibing, f10 part wire signs this Agreement, whether at maker, guarentOlyaccommndation maker .ar. endorser, shall be rejoined...titan :liability. MI such nettles agree that Lender may telle.W. Of extend trepeetedly and for.arty length of limo) this loan Or coleus any party oripmrentor or calf tenni: or Impair, fail to realize upon or perfect Lender's •ocurity Interest*, the C0114terr, .A1144411 parties also egraeffist Lender 414i Modify this loan WithOUt the consent Of dr notice' to anyone other than the party with whom the. mOdificailan i ands. The obligadone tinder this Agreement are print and several. This means that the words 'I% "Me", and "niy" mean each and all of the persons 'signing below. PAMIR TO .siorouo THJS AGREENIENT, 1; Asp mg OF us, 'mkt ANe siabiliatoet) AU. THE,PROVISIOAM OF tat KOSEEMENT: t.ANO EACH OF US, AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT... Ve., MAW= 'AMORE, :AiAr+i9E IN TERMS AGREEIVIEN' (Continued) RI.60101.11.0. 141IRC 0 0,0 4 5 2 Page 2 'F. I AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 000453 John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: 1. That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 1 Bank of Alpine, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgage dated June 20, 2008, made, executed, and delivered by Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to 1 Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 24, 2008, in Book 698, at Page 297, Rec. #940061, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. 2. That on September 26, 2011, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Foreclosure Sale, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following persons, at their last known address, they being the owners of record and persons in possession of the mortgaged premises: Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83118 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, WY 83128 Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 12106 Jackson, WY 83001 3. That on September 26, 2011, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Foreclosure Sale, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following holders of recorded mortgages and liens subordinate to the mortgage being foreclosed: Shadow Dancer HOA P.O. Box 3207 Alpine, WY 83128 4. That a true copy of said Notice of Foreclosure Sale is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. DATED this John P. LaBud State of Cyoming County of Sublette day of October 2011. :ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 601 61t( day of October, 2011, by John P. LaBuda. Jeannie Whinne County of Sublette Commission Expires 5/24/2014 eo�m�oao Notary Public State of Wyoming aL. y Public AiLiA- 000454 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, the power of sale in the following- described Mortgage, duly recorded as hereinafter specified, having become operative by the default in a condition of such Mortgage by the Mortgagor, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted to recover the debt thereby secured, or any part thereof, 1st Bank, Alpine, Alpine, Wyoming, the Mortgagee therein, hereby states and gives notice that: 1. The aforesaid Mortgage, dated June 20, 2008, was filed of record on June 24, 2008, Receiving 940061, in Book 698, Page 297 et. seq., in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds in Lincoln County, Wyoming, which mortgage was modified on February 25, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on February 27, 2009, at Receiving No. 945594, Book No. 716, Page No. 419. 2. That written notice of intent to foreclose the aforesaid Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon Peter L. Welker and Paige A. Welker, husband and wife, as record owners and persons in possession, by certified mail with return receipt, mailed to the last known address of said record owners, and persons in possession on the 29th day of August, 2011. 3. The amount claimed to be due on said Mortgage as of July 1, 2011, for principal, interest, and late fees, is the sum of $173,348.52, together with all accruing interest at the rate of $31.07 per day, advances, attorney fees, costs, fees, and expenses of foreclosure. 4. The mortgaged premises are described as: Lot fifteen (15) of Shadow Dancer Estates Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof recorded August 11, 2004, as document number 901862 and map number 173 -c in the office of the clerk, Lincoln county, Wyoming. Together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith, subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, covenants, conditions, and rights of way record. 5. That by virtue of the power of sale contained therein, said Mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the above described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary, at public venue, at the front door of the Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming, by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, to satisfy the aforesaid amount, and accruing interest, advances, costs, fees and expenses of foreclosure. 6. Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 1- 18- 101(b), "The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid." DATED this 19th day of September, 2011. PUBLISH: September 29, October 6, 13, and 20, 2011 000455 John P. LaBB Ai/ LaBuda Office, P.C. P.O. Box 1240 Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 (307) 367 -3927 Wyoming State Bar No. 5 -2966 1 1 T 1 1 1 a 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 J 3 a 3 3 u 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 J 9 3 CERTIFIED MAIL., RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com, AI-lE F L1 C Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $0.44 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 IAA. USE ;0 -3 1 Here Tot' $e Shadow Dancer HOA eh P.O. Box 3207 c Wyoming 83128 $5:59 09/26/2011 PS co 'everse or Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.coma„ ET W 3 Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) ICIAL USE $0.44 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 0493- Y4 k Po3fRiar Here j $5.59 09/26/2011 Paige A. Welker 1 1 iretP•O. Box 3033 orP( Alpine, Wyoming 83118 Cit PS F. ee everse for Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAIL:, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comr, Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) f3iICIAL USE Postage Certified Fee $0.44 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 0493 03 7 Postmark n•Here Total $5.59 Sent T( Peter L. Welker P.O. Box 3033 o r po ;Alpine, Wyoming 83118 City, SI 09/26/201 PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Postal ServiceTM CERTIFIED MAILT,, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.como .]A( Of Y 0l1CIAL USE Postage Certlfled Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $0.44 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 $5.59 09/26/2011 Tote! Pr Sent To Peter L. Welker Street, Ai P 0 Box 12106 B° Jackson, Wyoming 83001 City, Stet PINS rl:lnUfi_ WARIR. iaciGrursurtu..i1•,unu j ra r'9 m p- r- o m J1 m m D O 0 CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.conk, AL FIR2I CIAL Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $0.44 $2.85 $2.30 $0.00 Total P $5.59 Peter L. Welker s ent To P.O. Box 3033 0 o &Alpine, Wyoming 83128 City, Sta U.S. Postal Service•,., CERTIFIED MAILT,, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com.,, '10.44 MIEN $2.30 80.00 ALty F 2C A S SE Retum Receipt Fed (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total P Postage Certlfled Fee Sent To Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Po scAlpine, Wyoming 83128 City, Stal PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Complete items 1,.2yarld :3. Also cdreplete item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired: Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Paige A. Welker P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, Wyoming 83118 2. Article Number (Transfer from service iabeQ PS Form 3811, February 2004 B. Received by Printed Name) Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Paige A. Welker ;P.O. Box 3033 Alpine, Wyoming 83128 2. Article Number (transfer from service label) `PS Form 3811, February. 2004 *5.59 09/26/201 ,.0493. lie 09/26/2011 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVER B. Received by (Printed Name) A. Signature. X Domestic Return Receipt D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type CT32ertified Mail Registered Insured Mall Domestic` ^Return -Recelpt ture 000456 C. C Express Mail GI•Fretum Receipt fl C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 7011 2000 0000 8336 3084 GO.ek2-c 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 7011 2000 0000 8336 3077 C. D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type ri ertified Mail El E ;press Mail Registered C9'Return Receipt Insured Mail C.O.D. PINEDALE POST OFFICE PINEDALE, Wyn' ing 82941905u 0723550493 -0097 09/26/2011 (307)367 -2650 03:25:37 PM Sales Receipt Product Sale Unit Final Description Qty Price Price ALPINE WY 83128 $0.44 Zone -1 First -Class Letter 0.60 oz. 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Expected Delivery: Tue 09/27/11 Return Rcpt (Green $2.30 Card) Certified $2.85 Label 70112000000083363121 vuO45'7