HomeMy WebLinkAbout961738mmission Expires: AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE File No.: 115742 STATE OF j,,ciz 0rY1 /e0 COUNTY OF ,Z. I, Marjorie A. Johnson, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of `L L and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyances which are recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming is recorded a Warranty Deed dated the 5th day of August, 2010, in Book 751 PR on page 562 conveys unto Robert R. Johnson, Jr. and Marjorie A. Johnson, Trustees, or their successors in trust, under The Johnson Family Trust dated September 27, 1996 the following described property, to -wit: 3. That said Robert Royal Johnson aka Robert Royal Johnson, Sr. and Robert Johnson on the 10th day of October, 2010, died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said Robert Royal Johnson by reason of 2 -9 -102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Marjorie A. Johnson, Trustee of the Johnson Family Trust dated September 27, 1996, continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. W Marjo A. Johnson State of ACet d )ss. County of /jdy T The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Mp RJAR Ir A TOAb1 SUt� this day of M4/E's 1,SCK. a'0 f 1, 2011 and offic seal. RECEIVED 11/4/2011 at 1:55 PM RECEIVING 961738 BOOK: 775 PAGE: 653 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY o a CRAIG PATON .1 Notary Public State of Florida 53 0FFo My Commission Expires 00 945246 f 4 000653 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT SUCK INR DO NoT UBE FELT TIP PEN FOR INSTRUCTIONS SEE HANOBCOKs 0 DEATH WAS DuE To OTHER THAN NATURAL CAUSES. THE CORONER M COMPLETE AND SION THE CERTIFICATE OCT 2 2 2010 DATE ISSUED- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS #5 AMENDED 10 -22 -2010 CMW DATE FILED BY STATE REGISTRAR: State Of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE FILE NO. 2010- -08565 10114/2010 Reg No. INFORMANT DISPOSITION PLACE OF DEATH DATE OF DEATH ITEMS 32.38 TO BE USED FOR EXTERNA CAUSES ONLY )CORONER) 1.DECEDENTS LEGAL NAME (Include AKA's if any) (First, Middle. Last. Suffix) ROBERT ROYAL JOHNSON t a 4a. AGE -Lass Birthday 4b UNDER 1 YEAR :eq. Hours 0ER 1 DAY 7 F (MOJDaylYO Months Days Hours minutes 8 5� 8 L 1 LBIf�TI�J 31 5 79 (Years) X3'1 7a. RESIDENCE STATE OR FOREIGN COUNTRY :7b. COUNTY o WYOMING LINCOLN 7d. STREE NUMBER 182 YELLOWSTONE DRIVE m 8. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH 2. SEX 1. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. MALE 6. BIRTHPLACE (City and Slate, Territory. or Foreign Country) SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 7c. CITY OR TOWN THAYNE ;7f. ZIP CODE 7 INSIDE 7e. APT. NO. I g. LIMITS? CITY 83127 Yes (E) No 9.SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (If wile. give maiden name) E 10 Married 0 Married. but separated 0 Wldawed 0 Divorced 0 Never married 0 Unknown MARJORIE ALICE PALMER E z ,10. EVER IN U.S. 11a. FATHER'S NAME (First Middle. Last, Suffix) 11b. BIRTHPLACE (Slate, Territory. Or Foreign Country) •c ARMED Z FORCES? ROBERT ROYAL JOHNSON SR ENGLAND as ❑Yee 1Ta. MOTHER'S 1i1A10EN NAME (First, Middle. Last. Suffix) i12b. BIRTHPLACE Territory, or F oreign Cuunlry) E 00 JESSAMINE PEARL DEEBACH MINNESOTA U 13a. INFORMANT'S NAME (Type or print) '134. RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENT 13c. MAILING ADDRESS (Street and Number, Cily, State, Ziptode) Z MARJORIE ALICE JOHNSON WIFE P.O. BOX 816 THAYNE, WY 83127 14, METHOD OF DISPOSITION ,15. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (None and address of cemetery, i' 16. NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRE50 OF FUNERAL FACILITY BurtaI I• Cramalion crematory, olher place) Donati on 0 Entombment EAGLEROCK CREMATORY WOOD FUNERAL HOME re D Remo I1 om Idal 273 NORTH RIDGE AVENUE 273 NORTH RIDGE AVENUE 0 ORlher(Sp oily) IDAHO FALLS IDAHO 83402' IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 83401 "170. SIGNATURE OF FUNERAL SERVICOLICENSEE OR PERSON ACTING AS SUCH 17b. LICENSE NUMBER (Of licensee) 18, WAS CORONER CO TATTED OUE TO CAUSE OF dEATH7 P ELECTRONICALLY FILED: CHRIS PETERSON M0778 0 Yes BM_ PLACE OF DEATH (19 -22) 193,1F DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: 194. IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL: 101npallenl 2 'DER/Outpatient 3 DOOA 40 Hospice facility 5 Nursing home /Long term care facility 60 Decedent's home 70 Other (Specify) 20.FACILITY NAME (II not lacilily, give street and number) 21. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH, AND ZIP CODE 22. COUNTY OF DEATH LIFE CARE CENTER OF IDAHO FALLS IDAHO FALLS, ID 83406 23. DATE OF DEATH (Mo/DaytYr) (Spell month) 124. TIME OF DEATH (2441)! 25. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD(MolDay/Yr) (Spell month) October 8, 2010 07:30 October 8, 2010 27. CAUSE OF PART 1. Enter the chain of events diseases, injuries. or complications -that directly caused the death. DO NOT enter termina' events such as cardiac arrest. respiratory arrest, or venlricular fibrtlla9On without showing the etiology. DO NOT ABBREVIATE. Enter only one cause on a line: IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or condition �p resulting in death) MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DUE TO (or as a consequence 01): fi Sequentially Hs) conditions, b ATHEROSCLEROSIS m if any, leading to the cause o listed on line a. Enter the h UNDERLYING CAUSE LAST (disease or injury that initialed the events F, resulting in death) d. DUE TO (or as a consequence on'. DUE TO (or as a consequence of) n r. PART II. Enter other slq itiwnl contlilions conuibu11inq to death but not resulting in the e underlying cause given in Pan I c !SOAS ABSCESS g 29. DID TOBACCO USE 30. IF FEMALE (Aged 10 -54): CONTRIBUTE TO DEATH? O Not pregnant within past year 0 Not pregnant. but pregnant 43 days 110 1 yea! before death o. 0 Ves 0 Probably Pregnant at lime of death E El No W Unknown 0 Not pregnant. but pregnant 0 Unknown it pregnant within the Pest U within 42 days of death year 280. WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? ❑Yes El No 31. MANNER OF DEATH El Natural Accident 0 Suicide BONNEVILLE TIME PRONOUNCED DEAD 1241111 07:30 Approximate Interval: Onset to Death 10 MINS 30 YRS 285. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE TO C OMPLETE THE CAUSE OF DEATH? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Homicide Pending Investigation 0 Could nol be determined 32. DATE OF INJURY (MO /Day/Vr) W (Spell month) LL F 36. LOCATION OF INJURY: re Stele 35. TIME OF INJURY (24hr)' 34. PLACE OF INJURY (Decedent's home, /arm. street. construction site, nursing home, reslauranl,110,0811. elo.) City/ Town or County TRANSPORTATION 38a. WAS DECEDENT: 0 Driver /Operator 0 Passenger ;38b, WHAT SAFETY DEVICES(S) DID DECEDENT INJURY ONLY 0 Podesloan 0 Other (Specify) 0 Seal belt 0 Child safely seal 0 Helmet Zip Code M 06919 35. INJURY AT WORK? 0 Yes 0 No W Street and Number or Location Apartment Number 37. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, STATE THE TYPES(S) OF VEHICLES) INVOLVED (Automobile. pickup, motorcycle, ATV, bicycle, etc.) SPECIFY WHICH VEHICLE DECEDENT OCCUPIED. If applicable USEIEMPLOY7 0 Alr bag 0 Nghe 0 Unknown 39b, LICENSE NUMBER 39a. CERTIFIER (Check, only one, based on official capacity for This certificate) PHYSICIAN PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ADVANCED PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL NURSE To the best of my knowledge, death occurred al the lime, dale, and place, and due to the natural cause(s) /manner staled. 0 CORONER On the basis 01 examination and /or investigation. in my opinion, death occurred al the lime, dale, and place. and due to the cause(s) and manner slated. Signature and Title of Certifier 11 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED: WALLACE C. BAKER, M.D. 39d. NAME, ADDRESS, AND ZIP CODE OF CERTIFIER (Type or print) WALLACE C. BAKER, 1880 JOHN ADAMS PARKWAY IDAHO FALLS, JD 83401 408. REGISTRAR'S SIGNATURE 405. DATE SIGNED 7 n10 This is a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS. This copy is not valid unless prepared on engraved border displaying state seal and signature of the Registrar. STATE OF IDAHO