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BOOK: 776 PAGE: 218
This deed made between Shane Johnson, Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, grantor herein, and Citizens Community Bank, an Idaho State Banking Corporation,
grantee herein, of PO Box 1706, Idaho Falls, ID 83403.
1. LAZE, LLC, executed a Mortgage as mortgagor to Citizens Community Bank, an
Idaho State Banking Corporation, as mortgagee. The Mortgage was dated January 6, 2010, and
was recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 27, 2010, in Book 741, page 184,
Recording No. 951859.
2. Pursuant to publication of Notice of Foreclosure Sale, the tract of land which was the
subject of the Mortgage was sold at public auction at Kemmerer, Wyoming, on July 5, 2011, at
10:00 a.m., pursuant to W.S. 34 -4 -101 et seq.
3. Pursuant to said sale at public auction, a Certificate of Purchase was issued to the
purchaser, the grantee herein, and no assignment of that certificate has been made since that time.
The Certificate of Purchase was recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on July 5, 2011,
in Book 768, Page 849.
NOW, THEREFORE, know all men by this deed, that 1, Shane Johnson, Sheriff of the
County of Lincoln, in consideration of the premises, have granted and sold and do hereby convey
to grantee, and its successors and assigns, the following tract of land located in Lincoln County,
Wyoming, to -wit:
Real property more particularly described on Exhibit A attached and incorporated
herein by this reference.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the described premises with all appurtenances to the said
grantee and its successors and assigns, forever.
WITNESS my hand and seal as of the /0 day of November, 2011.
The foregoing Sheriffs De
Lincoln County, Wyoming, this
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
Shane J nson, Sheriff
was acknowledged before me by Shane Johnson, Sheriff of
day of November, 2011.
Exhibit A
File 6 010918648 Description
The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is
described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of'the Southeast Quarter of
Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming, and
running thence West 652.0 feet, more or less, to the East Right of Way of U.S. 89 North Highway,
Thence Southeasterly along said East Right of Way 369.3 feet, more or less, to the North Bank
of the East Side Canal;
Thence along the North Bank of said Canal South 73 °13' East, 520 feet, more or less, to the
East boundary of subdivision;
Thence North 476.5 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.
Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Highway U.S. 89 North, said point being
East 679.84 feet from the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
of Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and
running thence East 470.12 feet to the Westerly side of the county road;
Thence along said Westerly line North 4 26'20" West 450.75 feet to a fence corner;
Thence along a fence South 83 45'50" West, 120.68 feet and South 83 30'10" West, 49947 feet to a
fence corner on the Easterly side of Highway U.S. 89 North;
Thence along said Highway South 25 30'20" East 420.76 feet to the point of Beginning.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quit Claim Deed recorded January 22, 1985 in Book
222PR on page 665 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Special Warranty Deed recorded June 16, 2000 in
Book 447PR on page 314 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded January 16, 2001 in Book
458PR on page 3I6 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded November 2, 2006 in
Book 639PR on page 135 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
LESS AND EXCEPT the land- described in Warranty Deed recorded November 21, 2006 in
Book 641PR on page 48 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quit Claim Deed recorded November 1, 2004 in Book
571PR on page 363 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk
LESS AND EXCEPT Right of Way for Hokanson Avenue as described on Plat of Survey for the
Town of Thayne of Hokanson Avenue recorded December16, 2003 in Instrument No. 895989 of the
records of the Lincoln County Clerk
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