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AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE IX, SECTION 4 OF THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PLATS 1 -18, Prater Canyon Estates Unit 4 aka PLAT 20, 21 -22 Including any Amendments and First and Subsequent Filings A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN SS. OU04O2 COMES NOW, Jere Kovach, duly elected Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc., a Wyoming Non Profit Corporation, being duly sworn on oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. I am an adult, mentally competent, resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. I was elected to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc., on the 25th of June, 2011. 3. According to Article IX, Section 4 of the various Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for PLATS 1 18, Prater Canyon Estates Unit# 4 aka PLAT 20, 21 -22, including any amendments and first and subsequent filings for Star Valley Ranch, as filed with the Office of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions may be amended by the written agreement of seventy percent (70 of the Lot Owners. 4. There are 2041 Lots in the Star Valley Ranch subdivision. RECEIVED 11/16/2011 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING 961965 BOOK: 776 PAGE: 402 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 5. The Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc. has obtained the signatures of 1,476 Lot Owners within the Star Valley Ranch subdivision who desire to amend the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. 6. The agreement has been signed by at least seventy percent (70 of the record Lot Owners of the Star Valley Ranch subdivision. 7. Attached to this Affidavit and incorporated herein as EXHIBIT A is the written agreement to amend the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. DATED this f day of August, 2011. STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN NOTARIAL OFFICER On this day of August, 2011, personally appeared before me, JERE KOVACH, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commissions Expires: TRACY MATTHEWS NOTARY PUBUC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming M Commission Expires September 26, 2013 2/, A( JtRE KOVACH, Chairman Board of Directors Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc. l I\fot• rial Officer 'F 000403 uu04Q4 STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION PLATS 1 -18 and 20 -22 AMENDED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Effective January 1, 2012 THIS DECLARATION made on the date hereinafter set forth by THE STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION, declarant, hereinafter referred to as the "Association" WHEREAS, the Association is a non profit corporation known as THE STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION, INC., which, as the successor in interest of the original declarant, Leisure Valley, Inc., has the authority and power to maintain, administer and enforce the covenants and restrictions touching and concerning the real property described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the Owners of Lots referred to herein may be assessed by said Association for their share of common properties and recreational facilities which have been or may hereafter be acquired by the Association for the benefit of Lot Owners; and WHEREAS, the Owners of Lots referred to herein have entered into binding covenants, conditions and restrictions with the Association and its predecessor in interest touching and concerning the real property described on "Exhibit A and by their terms, these covenants may be amended or extinguished by the written agreement of seventy percent (70 of the then record Lot Owners; and WHEREAS, the Parties hereto desire, as of the effective date of January 1, 2012, to revoke all previous and existing covenants, conditions and restrictions, replacing all previous covenants, conditions and restrictions in whole with this AMENDED DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS PLATS 1 -18 and 20 -22; and the Lot Owners, by written agreement of seventy percent (70 of the record lot owners, as required, have evidenced a desire to revoke all previous existing covenants, conditions, and restrictions and replace said covenants, conditions and restrictions, with the amended covenants, conditions and restrictions contained in this declaration. It is the intent of the parties to impose upon all of the real property described in "Exhibit A" the mutual beneficial restrictions under a general plan or scheme of improvement for the benefit of all of said lands and the future owners of those lands; and NOW, THEREFORE, effective January 1, 2012, the Association does hereby revoke all previous Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions entered into between the Association, or its predecessor in interest, and the Lot Owners and their predecessors in interest. The Association hereby declares that the Amended Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions contained herein shall replace all such prior covenants entered into by the Lot Owners or their predecessors in interest. The Association also hereby declares that all of the property shall be held, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased, rented, used, occupied, and improved subject to the following easements, restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of the real property and every part thereof. These easements, covenants, restrictions, and conditions shall run with the real property and shall be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the described property or any part thereof. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS SECTION 1. "Association" shall mean and refer to THE STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns. 000405 SECTION 2. "Property" shall mean and refer to that certain real property described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION 3. "Common Area" shall mean all real property acquired by the Association for the common use and enjoyment of the members of the Association including any structures or other improvements thereon, and any real property used for ingress or egress to the property which has been dedicated to, but is not being maintained by the County of Lincoln. SECTION 4. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded subdivision plat map of the Property, with the exception of the Common Area. SECTION 5. "Member" shall mean and refer to any person or entity who holds a membership in the Association by reason of purchasing or owning a portion of the Property. SECTION 6. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of a fee simple title to any Lot, and shall also include contract purchasers, but shall exclude those having such interest merely as security for the performance of any obligation. ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Every purchaser or owner of a Lot which is subject to assessment, as set forth in Article V herein, shall be a Member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to each Lot and may not be separated from the interest of an Owner in such Lot. Ownership of such interest shall be the sole qualification for membership. ARTICLE III VOTING RIGHTS All owners or purchasers of a Lot shall be entitled to one vote for each Lot in which they hold the interest required for membership in Article II. When more than one person holds such an interest in any Lot, the vote for such Lot shall be exercised as they among themselves determine, but in no event shall more than one vote be cast with respect to any one Lot. ARTICLE IV PROPERTY RIGHTS SECTION 1. Members' Easements of Enjoyment: Every Owner shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and to the Common Area and such easement shall be appurtenant to the respective Lot for which each Owner holds such interest, and shall pass with the title to every assessed Lot, subject to the following provisions: (a) The right of the Association to limit the number of guests of Members; SECTION 2. Delegation of Use: Any member may delegate, in accordance with the By -Laws, his right of enjoyment to the Common Area and facilities to the members of his family, his tenants or contract purchasers who reside on the Property. ARTICLE V COVENANTS FOR MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS 406 (b) The right of the Association to charge reasonable admission and other fees for the use of any recreational facility situated upon the Common Area; (c) The right of the Association, in accordance with its Articles and By -Laws, to borrow money for the purpose of purchasing and improving Common Areas and facilities and in aid thereof to mortgage or otherwise encumber said property; (d) The right of the Association to suspend the voting rights and right to use of the common facilities of a Member for any period during which any assessment against his Lot remains due and unpaid; and for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after notice and hearing for any infraction of its published rules and regulations; and (e) The right of the Association to dedicate or transfer all or any part of the Common Area to any public agency, authority, or utility for such purposes and subject to such conditions as may be agreed to by the Members. No such dedication or transfer shall be effective unless an instrument has been signed by two thirds (2/3) of the entire membership. SECTION 1. Creation of Lien and Personal Obligation of Assessments: Each Owner or purchaser of any Lot is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association (1) annual assessments or charges, and (2) special assessments for capital improvements; such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. The annual and special assessments, together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof, as hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the property against which each such assessment is made when the Association causes to be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Lincoln a notice of assessment stating the amount of such assessment and such other charges as herein below provided, a description of the property being assessed, and the name of the record Owner thereof, executed by a duly authorized representative of the Association. Each such assessment, together with such interest, costs, and reasonable attorneys' fees shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the Owner or purchaser of such property at the time when the assessment fell due. SECTION 2. Purpose of Assessments: The assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety, and welfare of the Members of the Association and in particular for the improvement and maintenance of the property, services, and facilities devoted to this purpose and related to the use and enjoyment of the Common Area. SECTION 3. Basis and Maximum of Annual Assessments. On January 1, 1972, the maximum annual assessment was SEVENTY -FIVE DOLLARS ($75.00)_per Lot. This is the basis used to establish maximum annual assessments based on the following protocol. (a) The maximum annual assessment may be increased effective January 1 of each year by the Board of Directors, without a vote of the membership, in conformance with the percentage increase, if any, of the Consumer Price Index, United States City Average for all Urban Consumers, as published by the United States Department of 000407 Labor for the immediately preceding month of July over such Index for the previous immediately preceding month of July (b) Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, the maximum annual assessment may be increased for the next succeeding year above that established by the Consumer Price Index formula by a vote of the Members taken within the last quarter of each such year, for each succeeding year, provided that any such change shall have the assent of two thirds (2/3) of the votes of the Members, present in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all Members not less than thirty (30) days, nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting setting forth the purpose of the meeting. (c) After consideration of current maintenance costs and future needs of the Association, the Board of Directors shall fix the annual assessment at an amount not in excess of the maximum established for the subject year. SECTION 4. Special Assessments for Capital Improvements: In addition to the annual assessments authorized above, the Association may levy in any assessment year, a special assessment applicable to that year only for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the costs of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a described capital improvement upon the Common Area, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto; provided that any such assessment shall have the assent of two thirds (2/3) of the votes of the Members, present in person or by proxy, at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be sent to all Members not less than thirty (30) days, nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the meeting, setting forth the purpose of the meeting. SECTION 5. Quorum for Any Action Authorized Under Sections 3 and 4: At any meeting called, as provided in Sections 3 and 4 hereof, the presence at the meeting of Members, or of proxies, entitled to cast sixty percent (60 of all of the votes of the membership shall constitute a quorum. If the required quorum is not forthcoming at any meeting, another meeting may be called, subject to the notice requirement set forth in Sections 3 and 4, except that the required quorum at any such subsequent meeting shall be one -half (1/2) of the required quorum at the preceding meeting, and no such subsequent meeting shall be held more than thirty (30) days following the preceding meeting. SECTION 6. Uniform Rate of Assessment: Both annual and special assessments must be fixed at a uniform rate for all Lots and may be collected on a monthly or other convenient basis. SECTION 7. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments: Due Dates. The annual assessments provided for herein shall commence as to all Lots on the first day of the month following the execution of a Contract for Deed or the conveyance of a deed to the purchaser. The first annual assessment shall be adjusted according to the number of months remaining in the calendar or fiscal year. The Board of Directors shall fix the amount of the annual assessment against each Lot at least thirty (30) days in advance of each annual assessment period as herein provided. Written notice of the annual assessment period shall be sent to every Owner subject thereto at least annually. The due dates shall be established by the Board of Directors. The Association shall upon demand at any time furnish a certificate in writing, signed by an officer of the Association, or a duly authorized agent setting forth whether the assessments on a specified Lot have been paid. A reasonable charge may be made by the Board for the issuance of these certificates. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any assessment therein stated to have been paid. SECTION 9. Exempt Property: The following property subject to this Declaration shall be exempt from the assessments created therein: (a) All properties dedicated to and accepted by a local public authority; (b) The Common Area; and (c) All properties owned by a charitable or non -profit organization exempt from taxation by the laws of the state of Wyoming. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall exempt land or improvements devoted to dwelling use from said assessments. ARTICLE VI ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL ARTICLE VII USE RESTRICTIONS _WW 408 SECTION 8. Effect of Non Payment of Assessments: Remedies of the Association. Any assessments which are not paid within thirty (30) days after the due date shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum allowable rate per annum, and the Association may bring legal action against the Owner personally obligated to pay the same or foreclose the lien against the Lot for which the assessment is past due. Interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees of any such action shall be added to the amount of such assessment. Such foreclosure will be by appropriate action in court, or in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of a trust, deed or mortgage as set forth in the laws of the state of Wyoming, as the same may be amended. In the event the foreclosure is in the manner provided by law for foreclosure under power of sale, the Association shall be entitled to actual expenses and such fees as may be allowed by law or as may be prevailing at the time the sale is conducted. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for assessments provided for herein by non -use of the Common Area or abandonment of his Lot. SECTION 1. No building, fence, structural wall, or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon any Lot, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, heights, materials, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing, as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography, by the Board of Directors of the Association, or by an Architectural committee composed of three or more representatives appointed by the Board. Prior to the commencement of any excavations, construction or remodeling of any structure theretofore completed, there shall first be filed with the Board of Directors of the Association or the Architectural committee two complete sets of building plans and specifications therefore, together with a block or plot plan indicating the exact part of the building site the improvements will cover, and said work shall not commence unless the Architectural Committee shall endorse said plans as being in compliance with these covenants and are otherwise approved. The second set of plans shall be filed as a permanent record with the Architectural committee. In the event said Board or its designated Committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within forty -five days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required and full compliance with this Article will be deemed to have been made. A water reservoir will be located on Lot 15 in Plat 11 and said Lot shall not be utilized for any other purposes other than purposes relating to said reservoir. All other Lots of Star Valley Ranch shall be used solely for private, single- family residential purposes, and there shall not be constructed or maintained thereon more than one single- family dwelling, one attached and /or one detached private garage(s) and /or one auxiliary building with a minimum square footage of 120 square feet and door sizes no larger than 6' wide x 7' high. In addition, the Lots shall be subject to the following restrictions: SECTION 1. No residential structure having a floor area less than 900 square feet, not including open porches, patios and garages, shall be erected or placed on any residential Lot. All structures shall be furnished with a pressure reducing valve and an anti siphoning valve. SECTION 2. No building shall be located on any Lot less than 30 feet from the front Lot line nor less than 10 feet from the rear or side Lot line, unless said line borders the golf course, in which case said distance shall be 30 feet. For the purpose of this covenant, eaves, steps, and open porches shall be considered as part of a building for the purpose of determining such distances. SECTION 3. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring, mining or quarrying for water, oil or natural gas or precious mineral shall be maintained or permitted on any Lot in said Plats. No oil drilling, development operations, refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted on any Lot. SECTION 4. No mercantile, manufacturing, mechanical or trade business or business establishment of any nature shall be maintained on said land. 000409 SECTION -5. No animals of any kind, including horses, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, chicken or rabbits, shall be raised, bred or kept on any Lot, except that dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept, provided they are not bred, kept or maintained for any commercial purpose. SECTION 6. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any Lot, nor shall anything be done thereon that may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. Without limiting the generality of the forgoing, no laundry, clothing, rags or any similar material shall be hung or displayed on the eaves, door or upon the portion of any building or Lot which faces upon or is visible from the streets in the property. SECTION 7. After the commencement of any building, structure, fence or wall permitted hereby to be constructed, the same shall be prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. SECTION 8. No structures of a temporary nature, trailer, basement, house, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be used at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently, nor shall said structures be permitted on said Lots at any time. No old or second- hand structures shall be moved onto any of said Lots, it being the intent hereof that all dwelling and other buildings to be erected on said Lots shall be new construction of good quality workmanship and materials. SECTION 9. Members may park or store passenger vans or pickup trucks not exceeding one -ton capacity in driveways or on a portion of a lot that is least visible from the streets or roadways. Operable farm equipment shall not be allowed on any Lot. Construction equipment shall not be allowed on any Lot except during periods of construction. Members may use one space on each Lot for the parking or storage of recreational vehicles, motor homes, camp trailers, utility trailers, motorcycles, all terrain vehicles, boats, personal watercraft, and snowmobiles. None of the items listed in this section, including automobiles, shall be repaired or painted upon any portion of any Lot visible from the streets or roadways. 0 10 SECTION 10. All slopes or terraces on any Lot shall 'be maintained so as to prevent any erosion thereof upon adjacent streets or adjoining Lots or Common Area. SECTION 11. There is hereby reserved from each Lot and the owner thereof an easement for the installation and maintenance of all utilities and draining facilities, together with reasonable rights of access to said easement. SECTION 12. No billboard of any character shall be erected, posted, painted or displayed upon or about any Lot. No sign shall be erected or displayed upon or about any Lot unless and until the form and design of said sign has been submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee. No "For Sale" signs shall be displayed upon or about said property without approval of the Architectural Control Committee. SECTION 13. No Lot shall be maintained or used as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste. Such trash, rubbish, garbage or other waste shall not be kept, except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and no rubbish, trash, papers, junk or debris shall be burned upon any Lot except within a standard concrete incinerator. SECTION 14. No individual water supply system shall be used or permitted on any Lot or group of Lots unless such system is located, constructed and equipped in accordance with the standards of the State Health Department and approved by such authority, and unless such system is permitted and approved by the Architectural Control Committee, which may deny approval if, in its sole discretion, such a system would not be in the best interests of the Association. SECTION 15. No fence, wall, hedge, trees or shrub planting shall be placed or permitted to remain in front of any building or residence placed on a Lot, without first obtaining the approval of the Board of Directors or the Architectural Control Committee. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 1. Enforcement: Each and all of said conditions, covenants and reservations is and are for the benefit of each Owner of land or interest therein in Star Valley Ranch and each thereof shall inure to and pass with each and every Lot and shall apply to and bind the respective successors in interest. Each grantee of a deed to any part or portion of a Lot shall be deemed to have taken ownership subject to the declarations and covenants contained herein. The Association or any Owner shall have the right to enforce by any proceeding at law or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants, reservations, liens and charges now and hereafter imposed by the provisions of this Declaration. Failure by the Association or any Owner to enforce any covenant or restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. A breach of any restriction, condition or covenant may be enjoined, abated or remedied by appropriate proceedings. No such breach shall affect or impair the lien of any bona fide mortgage or deed of trust which shall have been given in good faith and for value; provided, however, that any subsequent Owner of said property shall be bound by the said conditions and covenants whether by foreclosure or at a trustee's sale or otherwise. SECTION 2. Violation Constitutes Nuisance: Every act or omission whereby any restriction, condition or covenant in this Declaration set forth, if violated in whole or in part, is declared to be and shall constitute a nuisance, and may be abated by the Association or its successors in interest and /or by any Lot owner; and such remedy shall be deemed cumulative and not exclusive. SECTION 3. Severability: Invalidation of anyone of these covenants or restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. Revocation of Previous Covenants: The conditions, covenants, and restrictions set forth herein constitute a modification of all previous covenants entered into between Owners and the Association, or the predecessors in interest of either party. All prior Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions are hereby revoked or extinguished, and are replaced solely with this document. SECTION 5. Duration of Restriction: All of the conditions, covenants, and restrictions set forth herein shall continue and remain in full force and effect at all times against said property and the Owners thereof, subject to the right of change or modification hereinafter provided until January 1, 2020, and shall as then in force be continued for a period of eight years, and thereafter for successive periods of eight years each without limitation, unless within six months prior January 1, 2020, or within the six months prior to the expiration of any successive eight year period thereafter, a written agreement, approved by seventy percent (70 of the then record Lot Owners who vote on the proposed changes, be placed on record in the office of the County Recorder of Lincoln County, by the terms of which agreement any of said conditions and covenants are changed, modified or extinguished, in whole or in part, as to all or any part of the property subject thereto, in the manner and to the extent therein provided. In the event that any such written agreement of change or modification be duly executed and recorded, the original conditions and covenants, as therein modified, shall continue in force for successive periods of eight years each, unless and until further changed, modified or extinguished in the manner herein provided for, by mutual written agreement of not less than seventy percent (70 of the then Owners of record title of said property who vote on the proposed changes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc. or the Declarant herein, has hereunto set his hand and seal this day of August, 2011. By: JE'' E KOVACH Bo rd Chairman ATTEST: (SEAL) I K thleen Dauiton, Secretary 000411 Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc. A Wyoming Non Profit Corporation, STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this day of August, 2011, personally appeared before me, JERE KOVACH, known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instr m.e t, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. NOTARIAL OFFICER My Commission Expires: TRACY MATTHEWS NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming Commission Expires September 26, 201 a NOTARIAL OFFICER 000412 Plat 1 Lots 1 through 71 Plat No. 173 Instrument No. 424556 Filed: August 5th, 1970 Description of Plat: PLAT 1 STAR VALLEY RANCH 0007113 BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION A TRACT OF LAND CONS /STING OF THE 1..1 OF THE N.E. 4 AND PART 1 OF THE E. 2 OF THE S.E. j OF SEC. 14, TUN., R /19 W., 6T11 PAM., MORE PARTICULARLY OESCR/5EiD AS 6EG/NNING AT THE AYE. EN Of SAID SAID SEC. 24 THENCE S 0'17'W 1194. 17' TO THE 6A5T J COQ. OF SA/O SEC. 14; THENCE 50'03'W 11.64!'', TuINCE 115T 609. 106' THENCE NORTH 15.1 THENCE NEST 414. 00' SOUTH 4710Z, THENCE NEST /511/4 70 THE WEST L /NE OF THE E t S E J THENCE /10'08'14 E 52.259'• THENCE NO' /1'53 "E 2610.181' ALONG THE NEST 114/1 06 THE If *El TO THE ,VO,PTJ/ LINE OF 5411) 51C 24 THENCE 566'4.!'40 "E /.519. 4/' TO PIT P01117 01" 49E'6/1// /206, C0 A TA l 1 i 46 71076 .4 C. PE S. 000413 Plat 1 Lots 1 through 86 Plat No. 174 Instrument No. 427346 Filed: January 6, 1971 Description of Plat: PLAT 1 AMENDED STAR VALLEY RANCH CEPTIFICA -E OF O1WA52S STATE OF WYDM /A/G COUNTY DF LINCOLN Jt KNOW ALL MEN 55 THESE P2£5E1/75 THAT LE1102E VALLEY, INC., A NEVADA CORPORA? /DA/ 00ES HEKLBY CERTIFY rHAJ THE A 04601i/1510N, 611419 THE E y NE s AND 2417 OF THE E i 941 fEC.14, .5511. ,e.119 W., 6 TH PAIL, 44016 PARTICULARLY 065[2!8£0 AS BEGIN N1N6 AT THE N.E. CO2. :1410 SEC 24; THENCE 50'17'W 2594.87' ALONG THE 64ST L/1/£ OF 54 /0 .SEC. 24 TO THE 1,1 402 OF SAID S6C. 24; TJ- /6410E 50 03'W 12. 649' ALMS SAID EAST LINE 711EUCE WEST 603106' THENCE 1102TH 11.955' THENCE WEST 474.00'; ?HENCE 50U7H 47. 582' THENCE WEST 251. 5/4' 70 'THE W65T LINE OF THE T416 /.IC£ 110 °00'14'4 3 460114 14/0 19E67' LJNW, THENCE 410 /5'53 E 26/8. 20o' ALONG 71/6 WEST L/116 0J' rHE 6I NE¢ To THE /1011TH L /111 OF 5,4/0 16C. 24 THENCE 580 43'40`1 131941' ALONG 1410 4102711 11116 To 71/E POINT OF 846141411416, (0N7A/l/lNG 79.898 ACR AS AP'P,A25 OA/ T11/5 PLAT, 15 WITH 7)16 FREE CONSENT, 411.0 141 ACC0(9,410E WITH THE DESIRES OF THE UJ/D626/6.UED 0111/125 A1/0 2202216702S of .fll0 LAND 71147 THE 11464£ OF THE SU80/1//S10A/ 5IA1L 01 A.N£WDID PLAT of 57A2 YALLEY 2411tH PLAT l 7/117 711E 20405 PIMA/ ON 771E PL4T 44'6 /1E2gSV PEDICA714 TO 711E 115E OF THE PUBLIC AND THAT 7116 50801V/5/04/ IS SUBJECT 7O 711E C01/EA/ANTS A/10 RESTA'ICT7ONS 01 R&CD2D. 000719 000414 Plat 2 Lots 1 through 61 Plat No. 175 Instrument No. 424555 Filed: August 5, 1970 Description of Plat: PLAT 2 STAR VALLEY RANCH 000720 8:00NPARY 945C PIPTION A TRACT OP LA,VD NPAPIA' OF TI/2 EiREV, :SEC. 24 Allti THE ei/VA 'Sec 25, 7; 35:14_2: /19 N., 6 TW RM., MOPE R4/Cl/4 PLY afdal5E0 46/4/4i/A/a AT A PO/A/7 Ti/A.7 /1 f 0 '1).5'W Pteli CAW 7 WA .CXC. 14, 7 .33 ,V., /f P44., SA/P Roufr 11/X/6 7114 ca,e ang 59AR.1/A4LEY 'PAR/CH PLAT I Ti/1/C/a 5 O'03'1(/ 1.704;441.'„ 589l'Or50."iy 77/E/4/CE 5o0750”14/ 1 1 1 7.003' •77/4',(ICE7 ieg''.14' zeg 66. 4,e, THENCE 'Al 0'6'854" 2597. 274' TIILVCE fAST 211. 7/1'; 77/EA/CA AM.' T// 41 322' T 474. 001 •THLitta 5 /1. 91f THENCE MST 609./04' TO TWE' PONT or 5b6/;1A/A4/‘; CbilITA/V4/6 000415 Plat 3- Lots 1 through 125 Plat No. 176 Instrument No. 428885 Filed Received: March 3, 1971 Description of Plat: LEISURE VALL y, IAIC., A AIEVAD.4 C0/IPD,QA -77071/ i .1.9'.4 /i.f. 17 L/2— r i ce(// tlegtir' �XA'frkleil, PR,- S7DE,vr ,42aLP f i'4Er, SEC:PE74Zy FO: SEAL :1 PLAT 3 STAR VALLEY RANCH CERTIFICATE of OIVA/ERS 5rATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE S.S. ,.NOW ALL MEd/ BV 7I/ESE PRESENTS 7 LEISURE v4LLEV INC., A NEv,0A CDVDE.4T 10n1, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY 711.47 THE FOREGOING SUBDIVIS/O.V, BEING THE WISE a SEC. 24, 7.35,V., R. /19 W. 6711 /?M., MOQE' PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS BEGINAI/N6 M AT 77/E S4 CO2. SAID SEC. 24; 7NE/fC£ NO° /4'48 "E 16,37 4/9'. op ALONG 7h'E WEST L /NE OF rfiE Wr SE 70 THE' Cre. of SA/O 51C. 24 T'J/E;UCE 589 44'E 1128.166' ILO,V6 TWE ,{/O,971N LI,(/E OF [NE W Z S6 J TO TWE 514./ CO2. E i NE 4 i THENCE .S 0 °08'54 "W 2635179" ALOAIG 717E WEST L/,VE OF SW MLLEY .PAAJCH PLAT 2, A SUBDIV /5 7011 7 711E SW CO.P. El SE j; TW6NCE N BP 4B' /3 u/ I33Z.89' ALO,UG TJIE SOUTH L /WE DF S4 /0 SEC. 24 r0 7WE PD /4/T OF GIj/mij COA/TA /N /71/6 80.540 ACRES AS APPEARS OA/ PLAT, /S will PIE FQEE CO.USE//T AND /N ACCO.2DA,UCE GI//rW TN6 DESIRES OF 711E U.UDERS/GAIED OIU,UEes 4110 PROPP /ETO.CS OF SAND 'I- L 4 /ID TNA 7 TWE NAME 07 77/ SUBD /Y!S /OW J7/4LL 8E: 51712 VALLEY £AAICW PLAT 3 THAT TILE ,e0445' SWOWA/ ON 771/5 PLAT A.OL' IJEREBY DEO /CA750 70 TWE US6 OF 7WE PURL /C AND 71/47 T// SUBDIVIS /0,'/ IS XUBJEC TO THE COVEJ/d.UTS 41/0 QErr270 /0ur OF RECO.?D. r.> ;W?(4T, P1MEA/r WAS ACZAIOWLEDOED BEFD,RE 7196 TyIS :AL? /Q71. Iu/r.VESS Af y IJ4JID A.UD DFF /c' /AL ij1 I My COM44 /SSI04I EXPIRESfF45.25, /s74 000721 uuu4 .6 Plat 4- Lots 1 through 13 Plat No. 316 Instrument No. 637329 Filed/ Received: June 19th, 1985 Description of Plat: CERTIFICATE OF OWNER STATE OF WYOMIN(/ COUNTY OF L INCOLN SS PLAT 4 STAR VALLEY RANCH KNOW ACE MEN By THESE PRESENT'S THAT LE /SURE ✓ALLEY, /NC, A NEVADA CORPORAT /ON DOES NEREBy CERT /FY 79,47 THE SUBO /S /ON SHOWN HEREON/ BE /4/0 /N THE EAST 1 /2 OF THE NW %4 OF SECT /ON 1, 9',3 ,fN, R/49 N. 67// P, M., 11/100[4/ COUNTY WYOM /4/G 41/ BE /4/6 022/418F/! A0: BE6 /NN /4/4 Ar A PD/NT by YN£ CENTER OF CR /2 1/8 W///CN 15 :NEST 70.00' FROM THE NORTH 1 /J CORNER OF. SECT /ON 7,' 514 R /19 1 BT 5:••••.; T/ /ENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY 4 /42 O/' 07,45 yALLEy RAND1/ 54A7 5, SOUTH /20,755'; 5 /097 440N9 AN 1190 FOOT 540/15 CUR1£ 560.77' S 27'00' ;n 958,028', AND N 6E' 00' W 45.00' TO THE AfoST NO27HER1Y 4ORNE'R OF 107 /2 STAR VA LEI' RANCH PLAT THENCE S 27'0O'W /5/.598'; THENCE 5 6+'00'E 25,00'• THENCE 5 27' 00' W /90.00 7h 1163' 00' W 599 THENCE .927' 00 W /02,92' T N£A/CE 4' 3 4 9. 439, 405' •7N•C5 N 27'00'2 /433.454' THENCE NORTH /12.0/..9%, THENCE 2497 35/.920' ro r7E PO /N7 Or 1 3 E9 /4/8///19 CON74/N /4/6 /4,39/ ACRES, TN.PT THE Su2D /S /ON NAS d£EN PREPARED /N ACCORDANCE W /T.9 71/ OWN2R5 0E5 /52S 7'HA7' TA PORT /ON OF 74/ /5 51.47 !N CEDAR CREE5 ROAD /S DEDICATED FOR 409114 055; THAT /NTER/oR ROADL✓AYS ARE PR /✓ATE N/ /TN 7/15 1416/r OF /4144555 AN0 E4,9E58 6RANTEO TO THE TAW OWxERS OF 1075' .41/7/:/1/ THE 8U90N /5 /0N 4140 FOR OWNERS OF 5742 VALLEY RAN04/ P147 5, 44/0 71447 SA1O 80404 ARE D£01CAT£D FOR THE 051 By 1QATE,e, 504/55, TELEP401./5 ANO 7(412 /5 /04 Ur /E /r /ES FOR /NSTALLAT /ON, 0PE74A' 104/ M.4 ■N7E4/4NCE AND REPLACEMENT' 7HA7 THE 80440 02 COUNTY CON41/4/0.VER4 /.P UNDER 4/0 091 46471O/•/ 70 C04157RUC7; 4/4 //17414/ OR ACCEPT FUTURE 06'0/497104/ OF /NTE,R /OR ROADWAYS THAT ALL NOTE5 4/✓0 047.4 5/10WN NE220A/ ARE HEREBY AFF /5 /5.9 By 7A /2 1 1/05'X9 /0 NEL 0 40 4'41' 7 M47 ER R 14/75 W /T'4/ .54,0 PROPERTY SNAG[ B6 4 /0/150 TO /0r OWNERS /N ACCORD W/7 61 OM' /4/G ST475 57,470755 41/0 71147 5A /0 SUBDI✓IS /04/ /5 5 0 89'347 ro CO✓ENA,NrS 0F' RECORD /N THE o2/' /C9 0 :'4/E' 41 4/4404' COUNTY RECORDER. 00072,2 000417 Plat 5 Lots 1 through 161 Plat No. 177 Instrument No. 431709 Filed/ Received: Date Unknown Description of Plat: PLAT 5 STAR VALLEY RANCH CL.QTIF/CATE OF Olyut/IS ,5TArs Or UTAH COUNTY 05 SALT LAIC.'? VOW .4 L /AL(/ 8i/ TNES4' Pz85E /JTS 7 85451, .E VALLFY, WC., A A8VAO4 CD,'Po,QAr /o1, POs"' 1 /6288V C8,Q7/FY 7 /A7 THE' F02L6O /716 SURD /VISIO,V, B&I,t /G ,4 4A,PT OF 11 N l 7 34 A1, R. /19 N.. 6 774 PM, /058 pA27! CULALL Y 0ESC2 /B,80 A5 6EGl// /11E6 47 THE S.E. 00.2. LOT 1/0 STA2 PALL6Y ,'.4/10/1 PLAT 4 A SUBDl1/ /5'10,1, 5,4/0 POI,UT 3EIt/G OUL SOur14 165//..9/' .4110 0(15 EA57 1903. 90' 520 /1' THE /1M CO.II SA112 S8C. A/ 4891, 489 /15 THE 54ST55LY 50U,U0•11 OF SAID 5TA2 VALLSV /1A,UC1-1 PLAT Z7 °E 11,5.957', S 63 6. 898 7127 °5 190.00; A16571 25.00', 1127'5 /5/. 538', 5 63 °E .¢5.00', A/17 °E 618.028; Y AL0,V0 TN6 A ?C OF AAl 1190.00' PADJUS CU2VE 70 7LIE L857 7N,eOUG/1 A CE,1/T24L ANGLE OF 27° A DISTA /JCL OF 5,60,77', AND ,t /02TH l Z0. 755' To THE /)027/1 LING OF SA ID SEC. l 775 /JCS 4804/5 SAID .10271-1 LhV8 EAST 70. 00' TO T 1 Al 4 CO5. 5A /0 SL I Tl16NC6 ALO/ /G' 541,0 go, 77/ LINE E AST 660.00' T1 /LAIC SOUTH 563/. 9B 70 77/8 E- p✓. 58C. 8 /,1/E OF SA /.0 S 1 7718.10E A L01J5 SAI S6C. X159° 34'P✓ 655. 745' 70 TN6 C7P. 4 CO2. SA10 S!C. 1 721ENCE AL0,15 SAID 6 ki' SLC LINE A 189'34'N 659. 570 1 N0 °111 W 967. /44', 77./ENCL• WEST 80.679' TO 77, POU.Ir OF 8 INN /716 C0A1T.4 /.1/,15 66.31 ,4(4'85 As APP8/25 O.1 T71 /S PLAT, IS JVITI/ 77-16 5,2E8 CO,US5_AIT A //D l/✓ ACCO,PDAXJCE P1171 77/5 0851285 o5 T71E /X/08,2515 /JE D Oi1//J82S 77'4 T 7/JC NA/A8 OF 71,E W9- 01V15I0.0 511.488 88 STA2 VALLEY FAA/Cy 08,47 5; T//AT 77/8 204D5' 51OWN 0/ 7/115 PLA7 ARL //4555y D601(4T60 70 718 Pd1-Jc, ANO VAT 7 SU8D /V /570N l3 5(18./607 TO 77/s COVEA/A917't AN0 PE57 /C740,11 O5 C>BCOTIO. LSIu2 8Y We A/ ,V8VAD,4 505002,4T1o/1 .L L. I. Y_ �T ,C P2E >/OEN7 zoLD P. 574 w42r SE z LTARy THE I F088&0 /A/6 /115r,2U,V AIT 1V45 CL'41011/LSDGE0 BEF02E /18 T/1 /S DAV o �Ti� v A.O. 1911. iUITNEss ,wY 14.4/10 410 OFFICIAL SEAL et MY CD,4b1.r5/0N 5%P /2 /o 4.7 Ri)ra Y OUdLIC MST 000723 000418 PLAT 6 AND AMENDED PLAT 6 STAR VALLEY RANCH Plat 6 and Amended Plat 6 Lots 1 through 132 Plat No. 178 instrument No. 431710 and 936025 Filed/ Received: June 30th, 1971 and January 7th, 2008 Description of Plats Begins on page 2: 000724 1 000419 CEPT/F /CATS of °WEIRS 57;47 OF ur,4H CO0J7 Y OF SALT LA1'E S.S. WOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRLSE,ITS THAT LE /5112 VALLEY, IA/C., 4 ,(11/40,4 CO2P0LU 770/1, D045 l- IERgy CE,OTIFY TH47 THE FO2E60J/jC SU8411/1510,(1, 82 /,UCy CURT OF h'O,t rS7EA0 E,VT21 SU,'V 63" ,4/V0 PAPT OF Not//857 ,40 LA/ 7,0 i7J VEY 66, 5T.7G OF Wyo %1i/0, 4,4028 PAPT/C- ULA,PLY DL5C,2184'D .45 BLG1/✓,Ul/JG ,4 CO21J4f 1, SAID W.E.S. 65 A,UD RU,U,UIdjG 7HE,UGE .4L0,UG TINE WEST LI/,/E OF SAI0 N.E.S. 63 AI 0°06'15 /31"/.624' TO CO2/J6,2 2, SAID 115.6 63 71-/E /CE Al o °05'19 "N✓ 522.959' ALO,v' 77-14 WEST L1,1/E OF S4I0 H.C. S. 65; 7118110E E4S7 /59.74Z' TI/EA/CE AloPTN 3 956' TN EAST /9/. 58' T//EA/CE. 567 151.58' 77- IE,VCE ,U 22 °20'E6 85 00' T//E.UC6 567 °4o'4 153,84* TN,E,j S Ad° 20'W 302. 947' T//Ej/CE 522 °20'W 98/662' T1/E,JCE 5 0 °06'15 "E 8/.662' PIS /JCE. 5 7 °06'/5 "4 357 664' 7"1-/E,(1C4 501171 168.354' 70 7/1 Sovr1 LIVE 64 ID. N.E.S. 63 7N4A1C4 480,/6 SA /D 5011711 87,U< ,J 80 50'5 7 "E 573. 982' TH ,V /8 °E 14.346' 7'7-/641C4 12° W 043.086' TN,C /(4 ,(123 °L 378.46'; 7 iv 72 °2 5/1.460' THENCE 518 °E 276.227; T1-/E,10E 5 46 °1,✓ 103.244' T/ -/EUCL S 60 °16'40 ";U 212, 4f39'; 7118//14 S /8 °Iv 110.00; T7/E/1C4 ,172 °1.✓ J76.2661; 7/14 /JC4 S18°l1/ /24.346' 70 T,NE SOUTH L1/14 SAID 63 11144/ 1189 °50'57 "c 694.873' Azov 5410 SOUTH L //✓E 711 ,61104 4 20000'; 77/4V CZ ,1146 °4 180.00' 7 44° L. 15'0. 00' Tl /4/04 A/46 °4 169, 626' 71/E,UC8 Al0Pr 1-fE,?Ly 480,1/6 77/4 4PC OF 4 193, 93' 24D11/5 CUQVL 70 7'/ LEFT TH20116Al ,4 CE4 1T2.4L 44E614 OF 73° A D/554,UC4. OF 217. 08' 7NL/JCE 1.127°x/ 554. 568 77/4)1(4 ,UORr/ ALol/0 77/4 APC OF A 362.594' 24011/5 CUQVL 70 THE 2 /61 7//2011611 A CE,uTPAL 41168E ,0F 27, .4 01STA/JC4 OF 170, 87'; 77.1 WEST 42. 185' 7'114,11 04 Al 11° 30' Y✓ -128,271'i 7/141104 .0 /9 °3O' w 367 567,. 7116,10E N¢ 90. 00 711 4104 1136 °4 /89. /8 7 4 457 178. 246' 71/4,1108 NO2771 40.658. TNE,v04 OAST 426.086 70 714 E451 L /,1/4 OF 5A /9 N.E.S. 66; 7/{4,104 4/.0,16 SAI0 EAST L/118 S O° /6' 10 "E 505, 874' TO 0021142 5 SA10 11.E.S. 65; 71-162CE V 89'55'4 658, 853' 480,1/0 77/4 ,10871-1 81/1,6 5,4/0 11.65. 63 To C0.2,VE2 3 54/0 H.E.S. 63 71;'8,10,6 480,116 THE EA57"" W L I,VL OF S,4 /0 N.E. 5. 63 S 0°05' 20"4 950. 214' 71/8,166 WEST 388.44' 71lF/JCE' 560 °i1/ 31/ 27; 77--/E 810E S °W .509. 493'; 714,'184 ,1144 °lU /70.00' 7 /✓6E 544 °W 174,626" TO 7748 5,410 501177-1 L INL 1- 1E.5. 63 5 AS (60,UTI1UED 1,u CE, (o',Q 07 SNcET 000725 2 000420 DESCRIPTION OF PLAT 6 CONTINUED: CE,PTIFICATE Of aiUULPS COIJr'D. THfECL 5' 89'`!0 "Y✓ /508.135• ALOi/G SA /o SOUTH L/,U£ To ryE POINT of BEGIAIA.016, CD.UT4 /Nl4/G 55,32 ACRES AS APPEARS 041 Tills PLAT IS :V /TH TN6 FREE Co'S[,UT WO zu .4c:o.P0ANCE :um./ TIM OE57e2s 0,� TAM LVDEP57C,VF_O o/VAUE:PS TNAT T //G ,/4ML• OF T//E SURD /v /S/O,/ WALL 82 ,STAQ VALLEY RA,ICN PLAT G+ TNA7 71/2 ROADS 5NnlUAl ou THS PLAT A.PL IMTEBy DE1%/1AT20 TO rI /3 Us'E OF MA PUBLIC 4,/D 7KAT TWA fa80IPIS /0,U /t fi8JEC7 ro 7HF_ C/VE,U4.V75 480 7ESTRfC7 /DAIS OF 2ECOPD, LE�St(XL ALLEY, C., 4 ,VEV4D4 Co2PDPA10.// ,Astir P? S W /eN, 399 1 (a[n O s-7 !+GIF rL•C 7a.c. J4 GO /NG I, UST //U,IAF_.VT N/A2 ACL'AJOIdL EDGED BEFo, ?L M6 TNI S )AV or .7t�.r D 1974 /Tl✓('si M f /AWD AND oFF7O& l /14' 00/18 /57/2 Al E/P/PE io a 7.7 s ,V I 4/,. R' l l /l 1§ y a a 4 000726 3 000421 Plat 7 Lots 1 through 117 Plat No. 179 Instrument No. 432466 Filed/ Received: August 4 1971 Description of Plat is on Page 2: PLAT 7 STAR VALLEY RANCH 00072"' 1 000422 C 2TJF /.CAThh OF 0.014,L�5 000726 STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE S.S. KNOW ALL MEW SY TI/E58 P2ESEWTS TWAT LEISU,PE •YALLLY, INC:; A /JLYADA CO2P0QAT /ov, DOES y6RL9Y CEQTIFY TWAT 711 F02E- 6.01A/G SUBDJ•V /SIOAJ, QEIUG PAQ7' 8/' 1-7 61/1.01 SURVEY 65, 57.476 OF X /Y00/116, MOQE P42T /CU142LY DASCR18E0 AS 88G /NNI,I/G AT CDRN62 3 Il E. S. 62 4110 Qu,V.V I,(/6 7W61JCE N 0°01.'14 ALO,UG 7116 k/82T .1.1,/E OF 5410 1/.E.5'. 65 547.653' THENCE 8451 /80. 786' THENCE SOUTH 8.4/0' THENCE 81ST 190.00; TWENCE ,V02TH 49.-75 7NENC6 £45T 232. 50; TWENGE SOUTH 5500; TH EAST 182.50' T/IENCE NORrw 28..766' rf/E,(ICE 8457' 182.50' 7WENc6 iORTH 50' TW /NCE EAST 183. 6 TN6AIC6 S 5O'E 5/8. 945' THENCE 1185 °8 79. 107' T116NC K EAST 340.543' 70 TW8 EAST LANE OF 5410 H.. E. S. 65 dT W1l /C1/ Pa/N1 c02AIER 4 of SAID /LL.S. 85 8EA.PS N 0 "W /84/. 486; T/IE,UCE S 0 °16'45`1 1047.078' 770 17/8 1102711 800.U04iV LIU.E, 0F' 5T42 VALLEY MICA/ PL.4r. 6 THENCE ALaNG Salo /102711 BOUNDARY LINE WEST 176.080; SouTN 40. 658', WEST' .178.246' AND 5' 86 °lV 189.18/'; 7.1 A1C6 114 °W 68.257' TN8UCE 1154 /0'E 119. 7/6' 70 A POJWT ON THE ARC of A 249 127' QADIUS CUPVE rN6 CENTE2 of WHICH BEARS 554 /a'IJ, T116NCE A10277/wESTERLY 4L0.416 THE APC OF SAID Cu2VE To THE LEFT 711200011 A CEUTP,(L AJJGL6 OF 3/ °50; A DISTAUC5 dF /18. 4/' T11ENC6 N 667 °40' IV 511. 547' 7W8A10E 5 22 °20' W 173.00; 71/81105 5.67 °40'5 153. 703' 77/8NC6 5 16°20'W 206.122' TO T1/5 SAID 1102 T LIA/6 OF s7A,P VALLEY' 24,UC1/ PLAT 6; TNE/08 ALoA1 SAID LINE 1167 °40'W /53, 84', S a°20• 14/ 8500, I67' 'W 15158', W65T 191.58', SO17H 596', AUD W27 139 742' To 7116 ALA/. COP. LOT /2, SA/O STAP'SVALL5V`:.PA.FC// 'PLAT 6, SAID co. R .8Z1A1C ON Ti L WEST LIN5 SRO N.E.S. 65 TF/EA10E NO °o5'Iq"W ALaWG 1,410 l'ESr 21,0E 802.347' TO 71/E PO 1117 of 0 E 6INAIJ•U6, C0/ITA /N1AJG 54.522' QCPGS As APP 0AI T1/1S PL41 /5 WITH THE /LQ28 COAISZNT A,UD IN ACCORDAAICE WITH 1118 085/265 OF TH6 UA1DERs1CAI oWA1ERS 7-NAT 71.1E NAME OF THE 'SUBDIV(SIo,V SHALL 86 STAR Y4LLEy 24A1CH PLAT 7 TWAT THe ,POADS 51/0/111 0,v FLAT A22 /1126011 DEDICATED TO 77/8 1156 OF 71x6 P0861C AND TH47 77-15 SU.801VIS10N lS SUBJECT 70 THE COVENAUTS AND L OF 2ECORD. L 1502E ALL y, INC., A NEVA :OA CO2P02ATr..v P 1 k4r Pa s7' y 02 sio4;vr ,uarazv pelf Ali Y:576W 8X9/2 2 23- 7T 2020 _p fr1.w4or sse. FRES. TN° Fa2E40110 /AISTRU/IEA17 WAS 4CKAI0WL6DGED ,■8 77' /S r :DAY OF ut Ap 197 WITA1815 MV NAND RAID 0/F(C /.4L SEAL STM 2 000423 Plat 8 Lots 1 through 73 Plat No. 180 Instrument No. 432466A Filed/ Received: August 4 1971 Description of Plat: CPT /F,cATE OF tWAJ 25 STAr£ OF Urdu CODUTV OF SALT LAKE 1:',410W ALL LIEU BY rHESL PRESENTS THAT L£ /S(126 VALLLy, /NC., A AIlYAOA CORPa247 /041, DO H6QE PY CERTIFY THAT 7Nl FOREGOING SUBDI VI S /0//, BEING PAR! OF HO/A£ST£4D E/l7Ry SURVEY 45, STATE OF WyOMI/IG, 1400£ P4ITICULARLY D£SCQIBED AS BEG /NAJIUG Ar THE U.W. OR. 107 20, STAR VALLEY 24A/CH PLAT A SUBOIV /S101J, SAID P01.VT Bsa/6 au Till WEST LINE OF SAID HF.S. 65 50 1087/27' F20/1 CO2. I N.E.S 65 TA/ENCE ALONG SAID WEST 11UL A/0 O /s "l 608. SB9' TN£A/cE S62°£ 708. 264' TO A PolAIT o l 7/12 ARC OF A 370.00' 240/u5 CURVE, fill MUTER OF W// /CH 2E405 561'£.; T/J2AJC£ ilORTI1E4STEBLY AL01JG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE To tits 71GNr .100.38' rHRoUGN A CIA1T2AL ANGLE OF 62'; T/1,VCE EAST 65750' To .4 POI.UT OF CURVATURE TNE,UCL EASTERLY ALOA/G 711E ARC of A /078. 765' 0,401US CURVE To 7J11 0 /61/T /71.91' T//BOUGH A CEUTRAL ANGLE OF 6'51' 13 THENCE N 4' §'A'15"4 74.495' TO (0e. 5, 6410 H.E.S. 66. 71/Eva ALO/JG THE 1457121v 1.1/11 OF 5AI0 N.E.S. 65 589'59'/0 "E 654.007' TO COkWLQ. s 5410 1L1.S. b6 .duD S 0 °16•¢5 "l 109[486' 70 THE /1.£. COR. or LOT 73, SAID STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 7; 11/111(1. ALONG THE 1102TNLRLY BOUPDAPY LI//E OF SAJD 5742 VALLEY RAUCN PLAY 7 1V&S7' 110.51V, 5 S w TR 107', ,u5o'w 578.9415', WES7 /83 654; 5007H 500 1V15r 182.5o; SourH 2o. 764', iv.sr /82.50; Noer/ 5S 00 WEST 232.50', sour// sq. 76• ivssr /90.00', .0007 8. sltr AAi9 WEST /80. 784' ro 7)11 PDINT OF 0E6Ii//AJG, Co.U7ALULUG 56.14 ACRES ,1S APPEARS 011 MI5 HAT /S WITH Till FREE (0)151,07 AND IN ACCOPO4.UC-E 1.7:1 •THE DESIRES OF T1/E UU,D1PS/01J1D oIUNERS .THAT 71/1 /14411 OF 711E 5UB0/1/15.10// 511ALL 2£ STAR VALLEY PA/JCN PLAT 8 7//4T "NE POADS SHOWN 0/I 711 PLAT ARE HEREBY DGD1C4710 70 THE PFQPETUAL US£ Of rill. PURL IC ANA 7/1A7 THE SUBDIV /S /OAi lS SUBJECT To Till COYEAIANTS ARID .PES7RICTIONS OF .25(0 LEISURE. YALLEV, Till FOP£G0 /AIG WSW CIML/1T W45 ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE /-f1. 7N /5 .3O OF J' Y ,4.0. 197 IVI TNss d1Y NAND AND OFF/( /AL 5145: C UV ENNIS £YPl2ES 7. uor.RV PLAT 8 STAR VALLEY RANCH 1AI C., A NEVADA (0 t 1 LD STAP/427, SEf,. Tess. 000729 000424 Plat 9 Lots 1 through 96 Plat No. 198 Instrument No. 476272 Filed/ Received: March 16 1976 Description of Plat: CEZ.r /,c/C OF 6YJ,e4EYO.Q PLAT 9 STAR VALLEY RANCH C62T /F /CA7 :e STATE' oFNCY,4D,4 I cat/Niro,Cza ie KAIOW ALL MOLE BY THESE P0ESE1175: THAT LEISURE VALLEY, IA1C., 4 IJEVADA CORPORATION/, 00E5 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE F0RE601126 SUBOIV /S /01V, B6/AIG A PART OP T'110 ALi OF.SEC.3/, 7.3511., 2.118W., 6T11 P.M., LIAICOL,V COU,U7Y, Wy0M1.U6, AA/0 561116 005c21500 AS BE6 /AIAIJA1G AT 4 PORT WNICH IS .50 °01'16 "E AL0/10 7110 SEC. LIVE 36.42 FE FROM THE N.E. CORAIEQ OF SEC710/1 ,3/, 7.35/1., 2.1/5 W, °671 P14., SAID CORAIE,Q 501116 4 BRASS CAP M01.141- 410,(17; 711EA1122 50 °04'16 "E ALOAIG 5410 SEC. LINE 124'5.36 FEET To A 811ASS CAP MOAIUl1E .1T AT C04A102 6 OF H.4.5. 07; T1IE1C6 50'04'/6`0 401/G 5410 SECT/OM LIA1E 16.23-FEET; 7110IJCE 1.149°54'44"W 2481.28 FEET; TH,EAIC6 110 °0516 "E 134.25 FEET; THEAICE AI 77°E 225.00 FEET; TI10,UCE SdD °E 27.15 FEET; THE/ICE /150 °E 190.00 FEET; THE!/CE 1140 °W 25‘..4/ FEET; 711641CF_ 550' kV /32.92 FEET T1/E,UCE 574 °W /38.00 FEET, TNEUCE Al /6 °W 198.51; THE/ICE S 74°W 50.00 FEET; THE,UC6 Al/6'W 255.00 FEET TWEAICE EAST /90.00 FEET; THRICE /J50 °E 387.10 FEET; TH0110E 560•0 174. FE67; TNE.VCE A150 °0 2I4. 85 FEET; THEAICE ,540 "E 30.00. FEET 7o A POI11T 011 7;HE ARC OF A 199.57 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THE CEA1702 OF WHICH 5E445 ,V W THECICE NORMEASTERLY /2.18 FEET AL0/16 TWO ARC OF 5410 CURVE 70 71.1E L47:7 TNR0U61-1 4 CEAITRAL 41161.E OF 3 4 30,. TH &.uCE Sd3 °30'0 /67. 73 FEET; THEAICE 550 °W 599.701;0E7; THE,VCE 540 °E 205.01 FEET; 7-1EAICE 1150 °E 527. 26 FEET; THENCE A137 °30'6 342.18 FEET 7/1 110E S47° E 115.77 FEET; THE/ICE A1413 °E 160.22 FEET; 711E110E 547 °E 334.31 FEET T1ENCE 1124•0 190.51 FEET THEAICE S3/'6 427.67 76 T /1EA/CE 1159 °E 843.61 FEET TO 711E POIMT OF'566141AIIAIG, CO,UTAIAI/,UG 52.02 412465:. A5 ,APPEARS .0A1 TIPS PLAT IS WITH THE FREE C01J56AIT 4120 1,U 4CCORDALICE WITH THE DESIRES OF 711E U,VOERSI6NE0 0W/JEERS, 7HA7 TP0 /14)45 OF THE 51/50!VI5 /0,1/ SHALL BE STAR VOLLEY 24.1C-1 PLAT 9, 71.147 71-10 ROADS SI/0W41 012 71-115 6147 ARE /1REBY DEDICATED TO PIE PUBLIC 4410 TH47 THE SUBDId/S10/J 1S SU.BJECT TO 7115 COVE)./A,UT5 4/10 ?E.577./C7 /O,US OF. RECORD, LEISURE !/QLLE y WC. -7 ALDEIJ L. 57E14 PRES. 0 00, SEC. 77/ 6 170EE6O //(/6 M 457; '6 /41:5.A /T!/ /q,5';gC.eiVOWZZOSSO Bt: 4 .By ALO0/2 L. STEW4RT ,AND PAUL ,71/00 0/1 77115 a. 49 4 Y Or' 71,4'7,',.!--: ..4i.,1 a. D. /975. 14r/7,fNESS 4W/,451NO A,(40 0//' /C /AG SE.,1L i ,r(2'.s/_4 1.i %;�..•'YS' .t /YCD4fif /SS /OiVEX- ,gES .11 AV0P4 ,./.8.4/1:-..'.1 l/ 000730 1 000425 DESCRIPTION OP PLAT 9 PAGE TWO: CERTIFICATE OF 014 STATE OF VEVADA COUNTY OF CLARK S.S. KNOW ALL MEN 8l! 71/055 PRESENTS: THAT LEISURE VALLEY, /NC., 4 X/EV40A CORPORATION, 00E5 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREG011JG ACCESS ROAD, BE1NG A PART OF STAR VALLEY 2A,UCN PLAT 9 AND 851115 PART OF THE ALA OF SEC.31, 7.3511., 2.118 N., 6TH2M., L/,VCOLU COUXITY, BIOA/111J6, DESCRIBED 45 BEGIAJNING 47 4 PO /117 WHICH /5..50 07'56 "E' ALONG THE SEC. LIVE (761.66 6557 FROM THE ,V. W. COR. OF SEC. 3 7: 35E., R.11.8 W., 6714 P.M.; THENCE 1165 °.16'52 1 FEET TO THE P.C. OF A 587. 2/9 FOOT RADIUS CURVE 7I-/E CENTER OF WH1CH BEARS 5 24 °/3'08 "5 THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT 81.97 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8 TO THE P.C. OF A 138.586 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THE CEIJTSR OF WIJICH BEARS S77 °YV THENCE ,UOQTHWESTERLY ALONG TN6 ARC OF 54 /0 CURVE 115.142557 THROUGH 0 CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19'; THENCE 4155 °E 60.00 FEET 7 0 A POINT 0 J T H E 4 5 0 2 4 4 9 5 5 8 6 12 0 7 2 4 0 0 5 CURVE Me CEN755 OF WHICH BEARS 558 °W; THENCE SOUTHE4STERLV ALONG THE ARC OF 5410 CURVE /65.31 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 19° TO J Pa /117 ON THE ARC OF SAID .5.87. 219 FOOT RA0I05 CURVE; 7HEECE 8457512LY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 104.12 FEET 7.4ROUG11 CE117241 4/GLE OF 10 °09'54" 7HEUCE 589 °54'14"E 1622. 75 FEET, THENCE 50 °05'16 "W 60.00 FEET; THENCE 1J89 54 44"W /622.75 FEET TO THE P.C. OF A 527. 2/9 F007 RADIUS CURVE THE CE,U7E12 OF WHICH BEARS 50 "W,. THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 223. 60'F65.7 THROUGH J CENTRAL ANGLE OF 24 °18•24"; THE/JCE 565 °16 w 1065.49 FEET TO 7HE WEST LINE OF SAID SEC.31; THENCE 1J0 400116 .54/0 SECT/Oil 1/115 65.72 FEET 70 THE P01,U7 OF BEGI.U,U/d/6, 45 APPEARS Oil 711/5 PLAT IS WITH rim' FREE CONSENT AND 111 ACCORDA/JCE W /711 THE DESIRES OF 71-IE UIJDEQSIGIJED OWNERS, THAT 711/5 ACCESS ROAD 15 HEREBY DEDICATED TO THE PERPETUAL USE OF THE PUBLIC 4140 /5 SUBJECT TO THE COVENANTS 4110 Q65751C7I01J5 OF RECORD. ©00731 2 UU0426 Plat 10 Lots 1 through 100 Plat No. 199 Instrument No. 476273 Filed Received: March 16 1976 Description of Plat: CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS' STATE OF NEVADA COUNTY OF CLARK S.S. PLAT 10 STAR VALLEY RANCH 000732 pKuvlvty Y 1A DE/VE. SEE STAR VALLEY QAIJCH PL,47 KNOW ALL MEN BY 71-1_<55 PRESENTS THAT LEISURE VALLEY, JNC., A NEVADA CORP0247 /0N 00E5 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THAT THE F02_<60/1V6 SUBDIVISION, BEI,U6 A PART Of 7110 NA OF SEC. 31, T.35N., 2.//8W., 6171 RM., .LINCOLN COUNTY, WY0N,IN( AND BEING DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT THE N.W. CORNER OF 54 /0 SEC.35, 5,410 CORNER BE1N6 4 .85455 CAP MONUMENT THENCE 50 07 56 "E ALON6 THE 5EC7/011 L /NE 1471. 01 FEET; THENCE N6d 03'29 "4 773.36 FEET THENCE 1169 35'34 4 196.54 FEET. TW_<IJCE 545 °4 13.55 FEET TO THE P.C.OF A 438.58i F007 44011/5 CU2YE 714E CENTER 05 /1/14/0F/ BEARS 545 °W; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 99.51 FEET ALONG THE Age Of 5410 CURVE THROUGH 4 CENTRAL 4116LE OF 13 THENCE /158 °E 364.50 FEET, 71 /EUCE 510 °E 226.72 FEET"; THENCE S64'W 60.00 FEET THENCE SOUTH 103.10 FEET THENCE 589 5.C44°4 /456.15 FEET; THENCE' NO °0576"4 37 .6.25 FEET; THENCE .577'W /062.24 FEET; THENCE WEST 210.00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 82.08 FEET TO THE PC. OF A Z30.101 FOOT RADIUS CURVE THE CENTER 06 WHICH 04425 DUE EAST THENCE NORTHERLY 96.34 FEET ALONG 711E ARC. OF 54 /D CURVE THROUGH 4 CENTRAL ANGLE OF Zd°; THENCE 552 °E 7/.15 FEET THENCE N74 °E. /199.50 FEET; THE/JCE•N/6 °W /98.5154 THENCE 574 °W 50.005447; THENCE 1116 °W 045.0026E1; THENCE 574 °W 922.00 FEET; THENCE 551 °W 167.06 FEET; THENCE 550 °E 21411 FEET TO A POINT ON 7HE ARC OF A 480.101 F007 440 /US CURVE THE CENTER OF W CIi BEARS 566 °E .711ENCE SOUTHERLY .117.33 FEET 440/16 THE 420 05.5410 CURVE THROUGH 4 CENTRAL AN6LE OF 24°; THENCE SOUTH '52.08 FEET THENCE WEST 87.54 FEET, THENCE /140 °W 532:59 FEET THENCE NORTH 150.00 FELT THENCE 1166 °E /000.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH /29.93 FEET THENCE 589•49'E 701.08 FEET THENCE 110 °06'15 "W 50/07507707/14 10 NORTH LINE •0F 5410 SEC. 31; THENCE 1189 °55' /3"W ALONG SA/0 110271/ 560. LINE 52.56 FEET 70 Ty4 .NORTH 4 CORNER OF 54/0 5EC. 31, 5410 CORNER BEING A BRASS CAP .1O.NUNEN7, THENCE 1189 49'W 2653.53 FEET 70 THE (OMIT CF BEEINNING, CONrAI.WN6 ACRES, AS APPEARS ON THIS PLAT, 15 WITH THE FREE CO,U5EN7 4/10 111 ACCORDANCE WITH THE 045 /255. OF 7116 UNDERSI6.VE0 OWNERS, 000427 Plat 11 Lots 1 through 18 Plat No. 317 Instrument No. 637329 Filed/ Received; June 19 1985 Description of Plat: PLAT 11 STAR VALLEY. RANCH STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT LEISURE VALLEY, INCI.A.NEVADA CORPOOATION, 6015 05RL *Y F4"/..1 F4"/..1 I, O TNAT TN! .Su!O/V /S /O■ SNnWA/ o4' lau, 047/N6 A PART OF NE5 43, 6414 /D AND I/ SECT /ON 30, 01010 7 1 ,1/If OF 3107 /04/.3/, 135N. 3, /10 89. 6 RN., LIN1060/ COUNTY 8/Y5,MI /N0, 4510 31/1/9 07563,810 93: BEGINNING AT THE. MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF L07 17. STAR ALLEY RANCH, PLAT 9, SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 19.45' AND EAST 458.07 FR08 •CORNER NO I OF HES 63, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING 86169 IN SEC. 31, T.35 N., 8.118 W., '611 P,M,; THENCE N WOO' E 151.234'; THENCE N 23.00' E 34.920'; THENCE S 72'0' E 243.086'; THENCE 2 18.00' E 95.00'; THENCE 572 00'6 176.261'; THENCE 53743'56 "E 233.50'; THENCE 11 37 30'E 316,879' TO THE MOST WESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 54, ST VALLEY RANCH, PLAT 6; ALONG E S44 46.00''E 474.634244 (70.00', 14 46.00'E 309,494 4 6202' V 31 AND EAST 384.7,7' 9 ;We' LIST LIN! 01 1,7 /1, 3l4T /s/l30 t'33N ,9 //B A/, S AM.' 4N7NC/ 309'0f J6 331.774 AL04{ TNl -3457 L3/! 07107 /),3fer/oA/ 0 30 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 7.35N. R.II8W. 6714 PM., THENCE S 00.0416 "E 36.42' TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT 01' WAY LINE OF GREEN CANYON DRIVE; THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE 559.00'W 843.61' TO THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF LOT 60, STAR VALLEY RANCH, PLAT 9; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID STAR VALLEY RANCH, PLAT 9, N 370' W 42767; S 24.0'W 190.61, N 47.00 W 338.309', 543 163,22 AND N 47•00'W 116,77' TO THE 51057 NORTHERLY CORNER OF LOT 39, STAR VALLEY RANCH, PLAT 9' THENCE N 41 "W 23350'; THENCE SI8 193.312'; THENCE 550.00 W 90,612, THENCE 3 1 43 16073' TO A POINT ON A 199.37' RADIUS CURVE, THE CENTER OF 84(0 CURVE BEARING N 43.30' Wj THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 12,18' TO A POINT WHERE THE CENTER OF SAID CURVE BEARS 940'0'W, I< THENCE N 40'00' W 50.00'; THENCE 850.00'W 214.85'; THENCE N 40 174,83' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 18.63 ACRES. DAY OF. THAT THE SUBDIVISION HAS BEEN PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OWNERS DESIRES, 182 T UN06881GNED 1 THAT INTERIOR ROADWAYS ARE PRIVATE WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS ANO EGRESS 'GRANTED HAROLD 9 STEWAR• TO THE OWNERS OF LOTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION; two 601!,9 c44V0A/ CIRCLE BF 0ED/CA7E0 616. THAT THEY SIG FOR ,7.97 /Y/R3o3F O/ V>TALCAY /ON NA/NYLVANCE, OP7RA7,0N AND RIR/ALENENT OF Noo'rg ON BEHALF OF LEI J 3 AN0 7(LFPRON! SYSTEM T 7N! A0A30 OF =-0,7-1:7,5Z''',;;;'';,75 /3 0400 NO WITNESS MY HAND !['6.073.4 70 MA /Nra OR A!CtPT .V OF /N 7 96, 80/V4YS: 74 444 A/0MS AN0 OATASN0WN N1RLOA/ ARE RFRE /Y 4 50.34 47431' 7 /446fArS /64/! 044!43 THAT 4/A70R ,9 A/ /I// S4 /0 P4031gry SNALC 3! 43.0047■•4!0 70 4O7 OW4:R3 /4 ACCO30 8,1174/ N/YO.V N6 J7A14 STAror!S AA/0 ry.1r 4470 3010 /V /5 /ON 43 SOJJ1cr 70 COV(A/4N75 0f 30.040 /N 74l OF/ /74 O1' TNL 444!.44/ 4 R7e*33 V/9 pEG3 /OIUY 1 u90428 Plat 12 Lots 1 through 104 Plat No. 209 Instrument No. 196703 Piled/ Received: August 10 Description of Plat is on Page 2: PLAT 12 STAR VALLEY RANCH 000734 1 000429 CE.e77,c"rc4rE Qrg"OIVNE.C$ swe 49, 0O44/./YaorZ/Afraeh 4 .3ez',i ,g Y7 '3r4'Se",,eC•st47,i ;z407Z4/saee 041,46"); /4/C ,41A C7i0e24 eae2ae f7.1et,t;.. 5.4'f., 4.6,- Coe 27,.+Y77lAr TX/BFI:ldGaWG .54490.07.5" ale; l5G/,Y A/'I.era, oFS6C.3 r..3.5/Y,.e /8H!, d �'"Yf'.f4, /4/cDL.YCDY✓MY ii7 /O,4! /NCr .421/,0 4e,W8 .46.SC.e /.gyp q,S BGrC✓wHiNG ArA".°t1iN1 0 4/740Sal./77 .D oa./00....CYL /.4/4 OF.ST,/,C i�tlLLEY AX .04 /o Ruereir4rea /'4'M 6' .9,4hva 30 C.L/c 45 .E /683 267..4t/1J /1/2/9'..3" 60. ao FEE7FEO Ll.4 8ei,ss e. 4 P. 4, oa✓a/fie/t/T'AretLGSt/.e,C 40. .v� u� 47 4 e.e.lS7: /,41.5 0 F5Ze/744/.9J, J' .e..//81K, 67,:!/A,4Z.; T, s//43/CE A/80 15:fe 44t Y'Ald t/E .574/D 30Z/74/1/V2 Df.SJ.P.B' I 'E' 44 e0 Zrsr; rw6,vc- .5/2E °E 2•EZ.7L" ff. E7 Tar/ G 3'3z .e 2 6 L 7 3 F E 6 T 7 4 9 1 V C E 5 4 2 r e 6 1.2/ Sd 66.57,• 7//E7YCE /1/7 t' 2 /A:4 'T 70 A /1/,1/Y04/7Y/G "lee a," 6 Fad?' eAA U.3' r/(/.E CE/i/r4.2 O.CiY/.f/iC;f/d.e.V.CS .57/ 'IV: THE/(/rENO,2rf4 t" E�YACO 7,4/E OF$.4 /0 rU.eJ-2 rdrl/E LE�TTS/eDUGN re/yr w ,l% /61.5 4C /5; A o /ST.O/ac.E' az' /SS. F.4rer,' T /63.00 F, EeT,• rs/. eh ic.. e'.v 19° 7ZL' 9iR' /:37..39 4095.c467;• 7 4 .t 1/CE 4/,58°.e /5e. /8 'e'T Arz yG'E 37 f1/ 14d. S4 76z7" 77,ff/S/CE' .S(97 °/'373S9r"•G'G'r; 7/Ye",YCE S46 °iY e06.0,5Aze ;.7A/4 /476/vow* 8/,. /2 77/4 cZ 4/7 °iv 9ZB. 15r847 'T.vE/YCE /499 54 4 11/ /62. 62 2B2 °7j-7 e °0526 7 /.36.67 477 /v ZY.E.SOSlri1/ /NE O/ S,4 /.a. 5717 Y.d1Lfy.e.4,1/L,f/P/,g7^9; 7//ewC,E ,j 39 °.S•f ALO/Y!, S,4.0 .5 4/4/4 345. ao FEG>; T/i54'Ce"S4°so:E 99,5 26FB.e. T//.e,1/Ce 5324 /8/ 0/ /857 T//E4 c4- 5 9 4 °7 3/7.91 F.EE>;'7/,. 'C.E /Yd7 °E 6.99. 7..9 -A7e r; 7 /4 4 :C 5.56 20 E f:3 to T //.E/YC.E 5�37 3 2Ei''r; 7 f CNCC s73 0 47 25 E /Z 37FG C^6 3'66 °,302: /64. 26' Az T/ /ENCE ,V /8 °..30 JY 5/7..1 FEET'; rx/e4/4-4 4 3o E fig. 57 F 4, r, 4/2.5 °45 %v 75; 00 f75T; rxr,,94'Ce .990. r.c/44re °V 8.S.S 93 ET; r!/.ENC6/i/8e9f./4sr /D99.89 Ft e'7 3 7 `4 /3 9 VeZ 860W65. :5'0 A57 TO A POINT o/ V rr/, a. Ate d.'s/ 367700 Foor o U•e'e r/1r.EG.ENrre acifv 6; 7 /YO.C7//z.81•YA10,1/G Ty6 qCC OFSA /fl CLl 'r7 TO 714/6 .G/G,vr 77,4/.COL-5".'4' Ce /7CAI /4,4/ L7 oFJ O. OS% 3;AG ?.tST.�ikeeo/r /P.Zd9,ced7; 7W 44E 569 °5d E /373.36'/ 7 /Yre <5.53,!.ge Et7 67fEC,Y; 77/6 4/6w1 'Y.5 7 ezrzoA P0/NTD/VT,f/.e'A.tCOFA• 8Z9 £31;500r •,e'.o/ris <vev2 .r/s/4 CGNr.E2'OFif'(r�/yLc� ltd N50'P /09 E T.//,E%'C7 ,YcaCT,S/E2°eY VG 74/2' ACC O/ ,j 4 /.G' C�i.�' '7j T•YG C` /CvGT rxeaLGxS//4 CENr.P.,4L 4'4' L7 0/" 9 .6 Oi"/59.31J A :6" i AV /4 0 A ne6 G C0.4/7A 63 8.57 4'C. S,, .!f .4/!6A.es ON 7",f/tS Ar..9:, /5 ,9+/x,4/ 22°e E Co/1/Szwr. ,V.9 //4/.derae.0,I/YC6 .07.5/.07'5 0/ /a/o' V 4/v4,e..5/4'55 0/Y,1/7.t'J, rfar, 4Y.4,4Y.E OF7/YG 3 UB a /s/ /s /v V 5%' +1l BE 71.61 l/ 77 CA/t�,f /8, 7 ..5 44:4!Y/Y DA/Try/5 AG-17'4,G"C d✓2r2EdY dez 774 4 E,9;/.5l /C, Amp zior 77/Z SGIBL /Y /S /O4Y /5 5d75772' 7.!/E COYf.Xf9'NJ'.S.(40 ,e,ezgre /27474/.5 UFC�COE'O. eiserze 1 //vr 2 000735 jar x,46 /a 6 //t r ea -7E,vr /YASAC,e' .+KeZO E,D 45.eird,e.E ,41.4 e y s .A4.2) t/ j' Gcj/vrY ry /s�+14o,4Y Dr /`Cry .4 D- /97Z tY /rN.ZSS /41Y./.l,vo .4,1/0 0/i' /C /4t674/ 2'22 Z ?l .41Y CO,N,wSS /G v.e..Yi/.e.6S ,L 2 9 A'074.6/ 7ZJ8L vv 1130 Plat 13 Lots 1 through 87 Plat No. 210 Instrument No. 196704 Filed Received: August 10t 1977 Description of Plat is on Page 2: PLAT 13 STAR VALLEY RANCH 000736 000431 CERTIF /COTE OF UWNEgS STATE OF 1YYDMIAIG COUAJ7y OF LIAICOL/4 S.S. RA/OW ALL ME// BY THESE PRESEAITS TNAT LE /SURE VALLEY, !A/C., A UEYJ0.4 COEPORAT /OA/, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGO/AIM SUBD /V1S /WJ, BE /Al6 A PART OF THE L`Z OF SEC. 3/ AND PART DF H.E 67, Z 35 Al., ,Q. /8'y,V.., 6rE P.M., L/A/COLN COMITY, WY01,11A%6 /AID BE/N4 OOZE AJ2 r/cuc 42/L V DESCRIBED AS 5ECIAJAJ; /6 AT THE sour,/ EAST CDRAJER DF 574! VALLEY RAAJCY PLAT 9, 5!/0 PO/NT BEING 50.04. 16 E ALOAIG TIE EAST L /A/E OF S4 /0 SU80IV1- s1011 /6. Z3 FEET FROM THE BRASS C4P MDAIIIMEA/T AT THE CORAIER 110. 6 OF H.E.S. 67 /AJ SEC.32, 7 35AL, 2.1/8 W. 6711 P.M.; THENCE /69'54'11 "W ALO,U6 THE SOUTH LIVE OF 5410 506 D I V ISI OAI 60.00 FEET 70 71JE P.C. OF A 22 9.6 94 F007 RADIUS CURVE THE CE117E,e OF WHICH B&41S 539 THEAICE SOUTHEASTERLY ALO/!F 711E ARC OF SAID CURVE 70 THE LEFT THROUGH d CEN724 L ,4,U &LE DF 60 A D13 OF 24'2. 14 FEET THEAICE S 1Z•30'/V 684.40 FEET; THEAJCE 5 /2.30'6 4A 4.13 FEET; THEAICE 1175 °30'6 116.42 FEET; 7HEA1C5 A186•E 412.53 FEET; THE1JC5 SOUTH /50.09 FEET; T//EIJCE 588 °11/ 390.86 FEET; THEAJCE S 75 °30' W 414. 3Z FEET THEAICE ,l189•31 5Z" /16.6'8 FEET; THEAICE 535'/ 261.10 FEET THENCE S55•E 565. 06 FEET TO 7HE P01A/T Of 7AAJ0ENCY WITH A 1174.468 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 4L0/JO THE ARC OF SAID CURVE 71-ROUGH d CEAIT24L d.U6LE OF 17 d DISTANCE Of 341.45 FEET; THEAICE 5 38•5 514.37 FEET 70 THE P01117 OF 74A/OEAICY WITH A 550.842 FOOT RAD IUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT; THEAICE SOUTHERLY ALO.AI6 THE ARC OF 5410 CURVE THEOU5/ 4 CEJJT2AL AA/GLE OF 58°, A o /STA.UCE OF 365,31' FEET; THEAICE SOUTH 1.37.2Z FEET TO d PO /ET 0AI THE ARC OF A 998. 91/ FOOT RADIOS CURVE THE CEAJ7ER OF WHICH BEARS 53•36'57 THEIJCE EASTERLY 4L01,1 6 THE ARC OF 5,1/0 CURVE TO THE RIGHT THROUGH A CENTRAL A1/6LE OF /4 °21'03; A DJ_174.UCE OF 250. 78 FEET; THEAJCE 1118 °E 319.37 FEET; TNEECE 1 hl 329.53 FEET; THEAICE Al 41 569.58 FEE7; TNEVCE Al 9 W 530.19 FEET; THEAICE /J 88.5 /5/.29 Peer THEAICE 59"30' 467.15 FEE r; THENCE 5 4/ °30' 211.54 FEET; THEAJCE E.1S7 335.64 F E57" TO THE EAST LIVE OF THE AFOVES410 H.E.S. 67; 71.1E//CE 1.10 04'32 "W ALOAIG SA10 ,E;1ST H•E.5. LIME 2273. /5 FEET 70 CO211E12 1.10;5, SAID /-/.E.S. 67,- THEAJCE Al 89'54'06"W 1318.61 FEET TO CO21/E,Q /10. 6, 5410 H.E.S. 67 THEAICE 50'0476 E 16.23 FEET TO TEE PO /AJ7 OF SEGINAIING, AS APPEARS 0/1 71-115 PLAT 15 WITH THE FREE 00/1551/7 AND 1A1 Ac0ORD4AICE W/71 WE OES/LES OF 7HE OW/f5125, 71.147 THE 1151..45 OF Th'E SUED /V15/01J SH4LL BE SW VALLEY ,24/JCH PLAT 13, TA/AT 77-IE 20405 4WD :ACCESS.14111.,0w415 s1OW/I F1ERE0AJ. ARE H,E2E3.Y'DEDIC.07ED 70 THE POSLJC 4/10 Thor THE SUB PA' V IS/'c)J. IS 5U$c/ECT 70 7HE' •'•RErt,e /C 10/13` 4111' COV1A/A/I7S OF EECOED. LEISURE VALLEY, 1110. 2 00073'7 000432 Plat 14 Lots 1 through 88 Plat No. 14 Instrument No. 196705 Filed/ Received: August 1.0 1977 Description of Plat: CERT /F /CATE pF OfrOVE 5 7/74 O/,WYOALWO SOLWAY Of[7NCOL,, 4 S,S. PLAT 14 STAR VALLEY RANCH 7.4' .CJ'4f01N4 /.r7GYM 4.65. 'Ge16'GD BGFO,Ce.4lC LY�w.7'7 A L a rS 000738 .CA4H'4.4 NLW Oy 7 A'ESL,43444 /S /./'[4499 'AVM; /NC., ANL9444 <4G444I0N 34134lEA// em FOfd(0 /Nif Sada/el /0/4 &SA4 4✓'4GT A/ 5, 3 4e.3 /4NJ MlJ 67 T.95N L, /yw 47#,644 <44' <44',4'4444, A419 4444 4 2 4 2/544 (4 44.644444.447744' SOVINe;457 CGf64L OF [0769, .7743 A ✓4'.,WcNP447 /C, SA /0,wv4VrS74 6 S0L7/ 76.95± 4741. 7 yLS7 /!9.S /F.:LrFR:.4 /YNL EAJ7 h:INfL 0F,seC7/Gy,A6 >•3SN L NJW 54, eN.; 7/4:'94 A4407 71:4 3664 424 ✓B7 -444,C1'OF JA//l LL4a y74O,WAin, 344%' /4{.2A 4147.445, N,%/'I7', w't5,17,"'67 '47.444' J407/A1L97 pF Sa76- /6 SJ2'W 572. Se /4'7; 76..AC4 wSL N .40.44' F4.471' TN2:4/CL 492E 6/737 'f7707 /4 904 408439 0, 4447 GK, .S/40 5. Y4[[E ✓4..44 9 /1,47/2; 74444'4 4144.46' 744 SO4 a/ .4 •4(664,4 ONT'E. 9440X /N644Upj E,f,' '6I'44'36/. ,15 FLG>,'S /9' /d 2!A' /J7J9,G6l; SJe'ry' /4 ,1.00344 SDL /.✓4'0.6 /454 4.344 FOp7E;JOV'CU 7 0, 744 .844/ 744 444[4 /$',O.0' /6S.92FG'/ S7'/4'dee 4 536. 30 ,3477 add 47JOL X.S.SLY CO2WGL OF 467 /47 744 s'4 9,19 520.00 7/L4C4 SS/ f 744 3/,244' /.L'.ACd 960'4' 45477 /4'4/ 744439 376 670. S7 F4E7; 771Z/94 .S70 6 862.24 .444 483 '4 /ea .14I feretr,,' 7 14 /SS..43 447 70,4 A 74 29/6.0/0 007540/03 /6 99 746 CG9 O� /i;4, NJGJL! Ni 'O6J7 NCL 4 /qE 449 0,34.:+ /07YL 707u' 4117 27/6064w4 9647444 494[4 V/ 4 '04'S7'4O /174.VS 0 F947 1/,447,' 54ACS 2.437 7/ an FG;7' r0 JAZ ,+✓7 pf ✓aNOL'V 4/ s' 4 998. 9//,007, LAG /ai COZY'S 7 074'L.C10:4 7.3444 4 4[✓ 4La .6 768 42/ 444 5 /J Cd' {,.L !.4',4444./ 96.7444 4.014 4 96 :57,"40 4.T7AAKG QF 63. 01,.46 T07NL0eSS7.;G( /6O 4L✓ 46.94,' ':4GCLr',G44C/ 07,,/7 /3; T 4''9 /N 440/4 SA 039/444' 800 60.44 /37e2 9467 76 7,4 PNN74C746,i'd4/4)/ N!TX'4 San 612 FA07 F.40,LJ C6G3Y 707NL L.5 J'; 7,0'NcG 7f'64LC OF,[I(4 [41 ^N /C4'//L.4 44414 A-'8519 44.6(37 /4 ,111 60 30 »'/46.20360:4'747NC4 431 /44. 7/,4E7; 74.499,2 a3 L'' 814..47 FLGT; J•NG.VCG 4'S.4'Op',,3 ,'S5 Se F467; 742.944 NJd :Y 4S4 3467; 7NG41e7 .era'/ Ode. /..4 y 534 474:5010 6/3.70 FEE7 4, 4 ?U /.y7 a,i ,'4 4 <C 494 936. 270 F007C4N4XS 39 ✓d )74,' 0G4/7.L.e 4/ WN /CN4CAIS S66'4Z'vd 6'7/4/94 NOLTN45L✓ 440/4 me /.CC .5.4. C6A'H97c THE L/y4'7 754 4'f, .4 %N 4L OF 9'//'.86 4 ✓/9 /4A4SbC /6%/9,f4/.r• 7/4'H E 672.30E .54.1.44 ,'4/7, 7/1,45' ,0494' .5-8 67 FLCJ' 77/4/94 336 'L 7I0, 171 7' 7 /FCL7 70 O4 /W 4e, 81 /4.4 SSO. 012 7547LA4/ J' C[4'✓6; 7NL.CE 490/6 ee /0 7✓ fJ '7C.eZY0,V/NO4Ly0,41.4.41044L✓ Av;4Fl4>/J 0I, 74, 9019443: NO27NM6 .KC O1'S4 /0 OJD.042 ,507.C/04(S /p!' ✓L 7{'.8(1.1.• 4/4 44: /h'f [G 4129'45 45' 2 40.'/74/4464366.84,434 NJd.4'574,47Ffl >7D 7.1,4-pN3✓70F74N6'.GNC. ✓ip7,0AN /71..006 .'407 '.:'[4•YG r0 Lfl/ /J. >L4L ✓4L0.✓f 7.4'44.99 OFJ-4w G6{YL 7 C+!.(/7'C4L 4.t' (4 0. /7 /4 y .Y .o /J7A.: 415. 15,.76 NS 365 a6 FLG7 .rNp N3 66/,70 iGG 74 ,NAS7A4147X1.46.L✓C6 eeC 49 4O, P 39; 748.444 N6 '30 iy /_4.On /.(G/ 70 7•44/04 F 02 5 /•4,9 0454444944 it. /544944'• 4J 4 44.4444y/,;;45/E /S '/7 04.4843 Cy434 74"CA,":414CG IY 4/44444444.A4:0 a7✓,y4.CJ 7 1/7.49 A.WLa,7cl Suck': ✓iS.;rN JAaLL QG .4/ 2/112.".CtNCNO.:gT /O 7/774144(44 42 46C6SS 44414145. 6NOON 5414041 6RE NS'R46Y '40444740 10 17/6 ,1453 444, 60 /44 7,4W7 744 c12SO/7%S/vA//1' 34547697 74Pere OD✓C: 7 9/.: 0 A'.9-ST.C/C7/0y. 0• 4490.93, L.VU,ef MLLEY /44'. 7 .477, 000433 Plat 15 Lots 1 through 79 Plat No. 229 Instrument No. 514466 Filed Received: September 27th, 1978 Description of Plat: PLAT 15 STAR VALLEY RANCH eli ".4TE 2/ 601/1767 STR OF UT4H COI/A/7 0 S�FG T 5: .4W4/ A// /Yf dy' ,aiPESE /,/TS Ti7.1T ✓U'f t '2 y /,{/C, _y ✓ELi/Q.9 /r/' 4' /7 /O r> '3J 4/ E 4"4 4- 51/ CEJfT /AJ 7X/17 T/-'E FO.�°� X 82 ?Rl,' :SBD /!%..57/O B/7 A /31/P7 /!E. s /2c5' /,f/ slCT /Z'v l9 i ✓riU, f' C C'O /J /."/G ,9Jf/.. 7/Yel /10A 3 .fi /C✓//A /l 1 rJESeirY,e OAS $E6' (/,U /x.V.4 7 JOVT/iJ� ST ''//r'/( OF J-1 /O .5ECT /Oif/ /9/e'd ,P,(/tu�p //O. 4 //•E.S. ZB �lfiCE O Or 38'E 'Zoe/ .7d 7?O,v /,r/e- mss,^ eo FEE7 7O 7X ..A r 0.014'7 ,f' CO/'//E,P O, S;? /.D SEC7/0 /9 /COP.f/EiP %/0 S. /2E /j Tf/Eit/Cc 3d9 °67%2 /322.57/27 727 ca w4c2p M 2 E. S. ?4 /CE S 0 w a2 %a/ 2633 .3 '7 %O CO/'//E,' //O. /iYE/ ✓C%" Wow' 7 C5EC- T /O/c/ /,(/E /3/3. D7/ TO THE ,a0 //T OFd.E6/if//f/ /if/G 61•2,/7-1 /1/6 79 Gdd /Ci,°fS, �J 1i°/°EA/r'.5 OA/ 7.1/.5 A1,4/7 /S /r/ /71 7//E A/FEE' NSEf/T /',G' 7 /V AcCD/?04/(/0E /i /T// 0..ES',9ES a T•S<EOha/1 PS 1TT 7//f ,(/Af /5' 7 //E 9//612////.1/0, S3'•9/L 06 ,2f /4111/)/ PA /CH /2//T 7? 17 T,sJE ,424.05 .5,-Yoh/A/ //E'.P.`ON �9?E D /6 -1.7/4 j?)T /C .4W- 0T/, -/7 7.50' 3d6.0 /17.57a4/ /S ,,5!/5,../E 7 TO 7, ✓73 ■!,//O PEST/P /C770/V:S OFA'ECOipo. G li /47.5z//E //A /X/C. ii C 7/Fu/le,V7 /!///3, e)p 4 .sEi ,BY HAROLD P. 57£1",';"7 ,1#2) JJM S 4: TR IBE \k 77//,1 30 i/ OF A6/6°5'7 g' NOT-13401/-6e 4 /Y./ i; %G 1 „/O 0.5 /1 j{ 1 rtilklt/ ft ti 000739 000434 Plat 16 Lots 1 through 93 Plat No. 230 Instrument No. 514467 Filed/ Received: 1978 Description of Plat: CE4'Ti'/W'4YF s AVAV,RJ PLAT 16 STAR VALLEY RANCH 577.47t eF cowl 10f4Y7V aF 51L7 L12L OS, A4/44/ A.'( /!,V 3/7NFJf A' JE,VT,f T.1'Ar%5%f.'5 /241./ .1; /NC, ANE3110i1 CO.PPo./AT /ON OOES ,1F,f (E,PT /f/ 7HA175/E 749/60 /y6 51.114Y12SI0N OE /NV A ,41.PT O/' JF ^l /ON Jy IJJ,•/ .P. ///44, s' "P. m., /NCOIN 60UN1/; i �'OH /N6 /NO 4 /N6 HO "i.er /d51,,ete✓ OESGP/eEO r e'.•.✓H /No" '77//E A'Per /,!✓fSr GO.?A. q= JT./.A Mile)/ .fANCW /1.4T /4 .£//O R7 /N7" d! /NC NO OS J /;Y ./GON6• /yE .fee7704' l.F/F /307 Z3 f. E7 JNO #IJ'5,d:4/2/ 310.!'6 THE 4 .YN avd,va4/y /NE 5552.4• /'i/!!fY /6f4/CH PLAT /2 p7AS. /!ET /M 4' 72VEfJS7 aae.eree eo.p.VE,,. O! ,r,th JfCT /ON 7#f.V. E f92I54'A6 /55 571,9'5 UW 4.4'y /yE O/,5I /O 5274 4. /J!/Ey?JNCH /!Jr /9 YO OS,�•,L 5 /7,455115 JJI'E E62,71fllT; T,rF.✓Gf J.41'f 65 T 7P THE//osT SGY/7.f'E•P!1'G,a.Pylf a~ !eV s._15 JJ /v YJ(lfy "VW' rNs'ie.e"WI O,!✓ /NG 7X'f ,f✓FJrt t°LI' 5a/TH2"-P1 y ,44.24 %/A Cl .3/55 /A/(f /.PJ.CCN 5.47 V SJ.P ;f/ 535 cU ZNf5CE 7JJ /,2 ;''�,w •y ay'f• 6:4!77 /E TyfNCE J75' 1 '42 57/fEJ•TNfNCfS55f 05166" f:Er% /722",(/CfJ75 .'J. ,l,."17jj,HF 4/1." "LiS /51,Z A.42/Hl ON 7,1f.4C O /.I 2356 O/OfOOl /UJ LU E472.2,5 7.PENL5 EAJr /,P /YA1Oy6 T,YEJ,C „TWO G %{YE Td 7.i_% 1.177 T,P735W .I61+5.3/AN6 /EOEAfctei7 /O /57Jt4 OF,(l f7 /fET. TNENGF /fJ /y6 J!�^ 6a44'.5L 44'.75r %I /lEYAJNCNf1 /5 ANO PUNK /N67.YENCE 552/ )yJ7,//lE/JryfyCEN /dSCNX.Y A3 .{/M:{/ 55.1//57, 7 /744 ^E ,{/6 /tJ /fl�'TdfNCE ,1797,/ /91.' e/fff7 /T.f'f.1. E 37/x✓ %7 %S9ffET7.9Y.fQE NJ7L/J,lr J'. /JOd' 5555 /NENCENJ /;4 f /S. yp /_f7 '54',,5 .✓FJ7/17.135517 T,/ENCE n O Y f 5 1 1 7 3 1 1 5 .12 A At ,r.re7; 7,41/N 6 F 5'57;✓ F A f f s s E Y ENCE.I SJ;N/ ODEEfr,yAep( S,. YBf//!✓ a/ 7�r„ If%!(" fA' rNS '..W'.d�.fiErlA;ltY:✓.�/slx/?7r ryfA'C6 /535CE54'»' 1 a RWWEE3 5' T %N9dr /`�s,f.. Ffi /JHE•ft! N,iV'.[/AW7 75417, pE. fYENT J• Y /j>t7 /f7.), 'CIyJ ?s'/S0J7 /.vlp0614 Ar:4 eJ7f.2- 1;..n',4'c:% f'(:� N3O;f/ /7AB1EEf7 ryE PO/HT 4'"TJ4 Of .4 617 /7/ fmr ,r'. /5/55 ctr fl'f �,i:,✓:!NO.PT.PETLY J /0 757 der 0E J1/OC//.r//570/H55'W7T,Yf0U6N;ICfyl- M// /.W15 d' „b; J.5 /•S..,/<'f(' tJ/J1J 36'!!ET'744 4'C7 yO,3T. 3%2.41 /717,9 JA5 JaY',w /Me 1 N G Y .91T. 7/541/ J A D i i 4556 541 .5,1420' V .0/55,24/2 /d 7yf .4:741/7 a 4/ H 6, C O w %A N i 6 4..12A: .IC:YE.1 .;T //f,, //9 ek',44,C55 IT /5 .Y /755:'47.51'5 G19 7y 15534/415 /�iy �1'F of34?2 of s's 044 4-4W- ,55.15 87 .75/3 41 N 4'44.7:44; 374'7 THE,Pq.(03 .YHO.✓N .97 /923/ 431/3)' 555.'L'A.'!O 7d 7/5 /..LOV /7 JNO PA THE 1.gola /.1 /J .,TU6 ✓!C/ y, yf,pC3r,}!'C7.f9NJ 5//12 CNfl'A,G "J5 .y.rY.�f� 7f 532.5E /'J1! l' P "lL Cc.. tt 000435 Plat 17 Lots 1 through 131 Plat No. 235 Instrument No. 523541 Filed/ Received: May 3, 1979 Description of Plat is on Page 2: PLAT 17 STAR VALLEY RANCH Page 1 of 2 00074/: tniu43G <OUYTy DFS. /(7 -1;1 E 7 S7217 df UTi9// J ss /fiViO'ALL il_'` ✓By)yo o-, �sEy >S TH• <f /s ✓nom 2LEY, /.!/C., /i'4, ea"s5rP.�T /Gnj DOES �f/dfDf Gf ?T /Fy '7 Fd�.'6D /e4/G 5 ✓d0 //%5 /0H ,9E /,UG APAiPrGf H f S /40.6 /7/ Sr"C7/04 /9? p4R7. Of SyC:3l, 7..15U.., Ligri.., /AV 0f WW. 54C.4 SBC.6, .'..3�iJ., /BJv 5�^Obfy /!<O /i codYlj D %o�YiaG 9E /i ✓6 /yo�1 /°•��TlCa6<.P //f ,U °S<//;/9c0 .%S d_= G /•/i /YC AT C 4,4 /✓0..9 D,L/E. S /4/0.67• Ti9E�✓CE3'i 29',t3E diY6T// E. E./ S7„/ �YF Ovw// r9//£° S. NO DEQ', 9. 9fFE J' /d /SF? 2 F� FrET f ?OIJ cG? 4/E? A/o. e S.+' /d /Y S. A/O G'7 %+'/0 GO 9E7:4/6 7/j'E !/wire? ;r h G"pDi'_P?J,S.iiO,S <'G.'%O�YS 3.?./iYJy•J1 /_•�',riCf/Y /EST/// 9dfE ,ET,•T.!/Ei/G,E.1"oUT /f /!/ES• ti Tf:Y/i' A!ONG T/'_ °il. ?c dF if /*Vol d96A /'✓s 7 Try 7d T /E/T /cr4.7 73 ti a L3 YG �r F ?j O /S7d OF?d/. •S6/:? F7T i1 //%y ,ei✓TEy3' /5 ,9• ?y 7- T// <S Cc` !!✓ES7�`/ll/'i9t0/✓s °^✓/f dFA 61!.r ?7r /do, aaoivs Cl ?vE TO ;WE C FT Ty ?dd6//�s CEiY e .1iyGl 0 /.3;; mr sty. 4%, 7 Td A /'/P. C.." /E ?E "zee dfT.r/E_-7../A G////t!:� C r7£/rs /S /./.91,'/,• ii/ °Nc_F %✓S7fir Y.f 9y6 T//_�'i/,�< O,=.A a✓ /o. X90 /o c.//iP.9E7o 7,yE.f� /GiYTTy ?dUGif 9CEjy1P�'L,liYG: /E 9/ ?7i!.6• /,ST9 /,9,%2/F�•°t %T/i�:o.�S_ iY /S,i,9yfc T /cA/Cc /YdB E,i'9d. 20 /GET THrNCEJ'.Ti'E 2 9// srt` fT% i/_ NlfS2P:!/.7• 9. 3frE7,•% Y'SI/C_�rS' %!/dZ..f'S ?i�•`r• 7g":142 /OVJGi•�°e7 r ✓.!f� iac /GO.GG; /ix'•iYlf /2f 9>e 67,29 TiYrwor Y.%.11 ra0.3A/T. 10 a/'�d //✓T /v;; /,S ✓'i. Sig° E. 1CG,✓ s7i/!.'` Q/ il. 7G` /r /cr /diY! /iL:f.3D3.G? «j. F/PO4r.:.f pv,rr- 4/.4.? 7o,if.4/Ws.3?a ✓o, Sd /D /✓Ud?7.. !cT %'t/ %Y� 693. 20 i'<1"TT. ✓G�.SS� %%/79, /Of.E�T,�T /ENeE!f/ES- k, /sS.doerody,P.IOiUS CUPdf ./.e77 cfy7e 6" 0F69j AD /.//A i'407./f_rr•JU4YCE s'7rt%y /.,as ?�F• <rT/✓ENCfir... /E'?LY V• N ./LO NGTff' I d/ dj?/ SG. �T9% i�G/ f/✓' C!/ iPiFroTi' fif/ C• 4' rT,+'TTOt/6ylC /T /�s //Y6,{ 1t Of ed,' %i410,�:.><G!, 1T•Tye�ir'e_ YTe9% VJr/ 3: S+. i/= �fT ,•T.r/er/c_�s/1 /.at7.• /fa'GT )V ,wer .SOGJ'.f/i" /"J;; /'i' 77..:/?C Of,./ SG /.72 ?fOGT/T!0 /U✓ Gd/Jl s %o7i4'CT /GyT 7iY, ?O!/G:%',.' tai %7 ✓L,a, %s£ CF G.' S/j .,r0 /S/,t /C_� dT./fG.,/,9/'ffr TH'NCE Sa^3%//3O d6• h ,.;10NG /."7.14.PC D /.1 coo :449, oor n' /CHY %%l//d(/ N./ Ct.Y7/� Ze Of? p /✓T /i!/C GF9ZC, /•.7fl-lT.yiYCf,ivST /r.Y ?.S °7 TO d ?c'✓U7' cd/7H_/? 7G /O JYC %7 %Ii'0•THFi!/Gt ✓O /d 2 f/G/d S SECT.7,44/ E 6.2dfEe7 TO Tii/_•`"/✓D J %(T r' C9/P.v.ce f e:T/Y0 dA.^770 //S .S 6•.. Wvee,SCO'Wk6ft/.ILO/YO J!• /2 /J ,f! D! ✓./JOSE!, /V/ /6 /O.9Af_F�'T T.YE /CE/ /.9/J/ ✓...?rgS' T.NE•Ulf.e/J9i/ %9, f_! T /E /C!'/!/ /sr,,e/.Vd. 2?. _'t �•T' %E/Yt°END ?7�Y 2B of_rE j•TiYENCEH6%G' ZOd.><JifEr• I3. 7 /4!/G' '2 /f_ %S' ,NCf iY7i1'75:✓/f_' /•7iY1we, As✓. /9Ff y//.EV d .f/O/?T//f/TL% .1>4%r:9•gf0.o7 :://iTrE70T/f= °/P /6/S'7rr'4W69 CC//T/P -9? ./�%.'i; f o /ST.1NC°f Gf /?7.9df_ =T 70 5 3`vUl.f/fir'ST Cd?A/EA' Of <OT 2� s7�/F T 7..1_r/YGE .5' E SOdT//E?/ '27mE OF '.S// s:,' /BD %s <r:•,-_ vices' SOOry� .1s7E /ily.>.LGr/d7/iE,tT <Ofd 2dX99aEdd/ 4/ e:Wri'!' 7D ;ter /S Ti/�d ✓6/r a�� y»�/ /tic dr1s, .r Derr✓,dc.E' d/ 2asBOSi7 T�:4Ce YSi °aGf_ ,;:.rCc"S7 3?° 0%�� T,S f#Y 1DOT/! //6• /9 /7xeyee o 7 /;974t5V, 7,- r;_711n= .�.'Y i.?(l,9 3v'Ff.�T'T .Y 27E /.SS9�tf El7,YeMS ...f4071/72;7 /Po, /T9 /G3•CUP•y'( 70 7, ifE .PdS.?/77;Y:POG03i'. i?%YGCE %'Tv':i'. i/:_<".%. r/ v' 9.?/ irT• T//_ r CEJ9. S 'Y /vo. ?ai'f%Er7�•' 9%% �f ci 3SZ.>9.EET 7H_�CE !G'f57f}°!Y /!?/N6Ti %!.1P <Of %B9fVO7 /P./O /.//S CI.fS'� a ✓si ..1457,79.L.fiY tf of/,= to ?p'j ./O /lT.�iYC•� 0r >too 7/E we'o 39:. %'r' f G_= ✓J7%Y O/?Of= T•T/%FfCE/y1ST ?BO K^?FEETr�i YCENBO 4‹ d% ff_'T i /E.PDf lOT 24' ✓a0 •?7./,y' f./L! //.Id,,^4^ .4% ✓?F�! /✓tiG' ,r�= dis:/iO SS/6O /yi %G.!/? 779ffLT 7:7 TD//T/Y /'E o'r /4'M .../Zlenb^sa•Cdi2S973 z- t�cv /,pr w,fsr %T1y✓L�yG 7P.- /e O/OFGOl//,io%Yr CA.°:r°• V i%/ "L=, 7T C= .G7//,/e ./.YOYE c/'.S> ./A,c/'/r. r r ?02• /f° T//fil/<E S 7/o ®G. /ffj %5:r; L 6 TH. tiP./' RF. /9rT9.9.' /�97//.✓0 /!/JC,PrE i07yE "7G #T T///TOd6H b 614. -_e- o' 9/ 3 BZf_= 7 T/'-/ 1r/' /BE'60.00F�f7'77?7.'/£opeo.s ^I E1 ✓7Cdi&.= -2/ 4??, 4wo' /°!aT .4.5 •TiiEiYlE ✓g0 ///Ei+'YTE7Pl}'/ /Oy T//E -KPlG /dos' y` SC%/T/E707Y //p /Gi,rd//GUGA /lYT/ldL9vGLE� /1 S 9 SE?? D. 93 f�T• r/.;.. s/ cE fiJSTf/j <YAIO/✓6T/ICF•A.P Oid ✓.i0 /S/ffo: ?rimv: .Z17./= lrfTT///POUGNd C:r /yiP,o! /9.r/CCEDf6ti :/.9/37.✓/t/CEGf Z F`t E/4/c0 etR, %OP.77Fffri 7.df ✓lf6/S% t'G //i^.!- d/ G .17+'/f�sT f9G//SC ✓?d 4WAYr,r/AVeGVAI M-11 Y c l �S 1• <Gf/.1J,%9f✓fTTOAOiP. rryr?fir#2 ��reroo d °TIYEE/YGd9Oe 9/,J7./il'C Of?d•P:ODFEfTJ0.1 ?.P. t^ yf/E,f:"7NEB_l.1^ .P //Y ?B- TEE;f •s /.S ,ti12= 'TH_r/✓ <E yA?'T,Y, 57E,p1Y..e'd' T.i/Ed,/G 41 B /9.OA..9 ✓:.T %7i% "/i'/G//7Tii'/rOd6i/A c_iY %�L.ry6LE D,F,3'7, O/ST.1if'dE o/ 9"�d•.9 /rr_•"T•T.-4irl =4/.,% f- tT• Tiy <f /1•//,' %/%r ?L7,/10,4'G' 7//Ed/TCGFit 'AO7 //i•' /US c:%i•!_•', j" 4 .:'ii'/r'ddG. rd -.s'- dit/ 6_!'- Gi9v'�O ✓Tdil/C�'"Of7`1,5�f6fT. 4 9 �Tii /OJ.'f. s. /7¢.iC' J44 Sd /O /E S. ::rte .''T,77//- '/�i OF6£ �•rilU/YC.fs.li°i°,r.//rs dvr//' /s Peal /sr ✓i//F Tt'ffiT i ^c:;5f:: i >O tYG or, 27(4 O/dpfiP'J 7 /•1TTNC dfr /yc' O: i -i „;s T /PlaG'f/ P! /YPlrTi7,7f SYDyY/YE7E< Snit L 65 cau5 uc., :co,e,7, 4 wcb' mTR m 5744ta4zos, RULES, zilp. of 7'1 COwir' OF Ll4' !Jr T,/s Sd50 /v /STOi /S StBJEcy TD T1-/2 tariAlAJ7S 4.4.1D ,e6STRIC1/0N5 o;' ei Page 2 of 2 000742 000437 Plat 18 Lots 1 through 190 Plat No. 236 Instrument No. 523540 Filed Received: May 3, 1979 Description of Plat: ,i?'44 AlG i /E// By TyfS T////7LE/SU/ff Kik/EY //(/G A N E O i C o r D 7 7 7 D y p p E S f 1 9 k' C E P 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 7 f0/PE 6D /A/6 P./ /vGA�v '7 ).W.j V'SR.." SEC. 5, 7.348.., 2.i /8W., r' /4'02.4/ CO!/il/Ty /Y///D/y /y2) ,5'74/6" /y04..E,?9/P,r /C'l/LA ,P/7)1 ,"45 .z.:? .z.:? 4'7 o?// D/ sT9? !/ALLEY MI /Vl)y P/, 7 ,S/ /O T0/X/7 BE /.t/6 S p° 2? E ALONG z v. SECT70/(/ //A /E 20,- f6" T f/JO/1 7//E ✓o/r'T/' O NE- S /XTE 274' CO /r7r TO SA /D S,2.77. ,-/i(i0 SEC/7,94/6 Ty'.f/CE E/I57B/eL/ .147.-Yo" 7:YE SDUT•�'E /PG/',�;>: ?y OfSA /O ST9? bAGGEY ?f,(zeW /7 D/f/( Tii!r F� /l0,!/ e, VG/ Ei157/92 6"2�EET 7 7f/4/'',V7 OF 7214/451- 7/ c DfoDT�9oi//s D��a• yCE. .6f5/ '7 ✓!O, Pr of ,s",//D C f 2'- To 7:7.e IEFT /s/ ?Ovary A CE?!T/� (/o:' OF 7 D /✓TA f/CE OF 328./9 FEET J7/ENCE f 6 3 E 3 0? 6 6 f l ..;2 j E D T O F T 9 6 4 c 50/772 FOOT t! 'G s T -EyCE 4 or// Ei sTEPl y riyE if ?C Of SA /.O Ci' ?1 7, %AFT T///TO(/G// CLF4T/ -//L �D/574; /.'CE O/” 'FEET TH�f/Cc 2' /q'73/ THE//ce 5 74 %1S. 9s' f.' 9 2.-'&'4Y7 4 Tilil/GE,(/CYY .w /79.-/A/ -//4' 'S2/.56' fG�T O /l /s CG ,/LO//c' /'14'(' OF ✓.f/O i6" 71l/CE JF O�� G :'i' •TYL.L'Cf 771°G /95. /2FEET TD 7//E /4'7 /i CW -6=7. TD 7d' /6"'//'T cre AO ✓TAycE OF /B X97• 7 Tt/ T//�` ✓oUTY >ST t OfCo7�� SA /D /E' f/A ,17 /"i7 ...5 G' .y�LOy6 7//E /i'D9.: DF 3l //J 3G ZHeikte- „S 719OOc" r F t/CE <SOD 25 fEETT/JE•YGE S6cPE 2/O. 7 S 3a 5 f r T j G E T E f 4 E S/, ^if/2 CD ?%/e SS /0'e635 0 3a. 7 /Xi'/ 77/' S/XT'c',!//// Spa/.0�ECTio f/.59if/ps,CCT /O//6• TiYE/vCE yOQ9 i/l/OG c ,f% -s5 iYdB7Z /fEETTO T'YF/ /i(/6" /5/97 T //71/_F f/pEEC ACCGLf 'G %E ✓7.9/P //AELE/' ?!,e/CSf' PLAT /B co,VS7RUC7E0 hJ 4CCORD4NCE IVITN THE S74,UDARDS, of 711E COU,V7V OF LGi1COLN, /W0 7147 THE 70 7// COYENAN7S ARID RES7,ZIC7IONS OF D /f /CE 0:;• ,r i 7HA7 7115 5'04115' RULES 111,'0 REG 'JL. SUBD/VI IO J /5 5 RE cozn. PLAT 18 STAR VALLEY RANCH J2 7.2 DF !/TAH CDa-1'7 Ore SA2T/A/YE 16 lE /SUPE !/lCCEy /.YC. Page 1 of 1 000743 00043S PRATER CANYON EST TES IT 4 K.A. PLAT 20 STAR VALLEY RANCH Prater Canyon Estates Unit 4/ Plat 20- Lots 1 through 105 Plat No. 168 Instrument No. 423838 Piled/ Received: July 6, 1970 Description of Plat: BOVND4PY PESCRIPT/oN 8F_6JNN /NG AT THE NE. COR. OF SEC. Z5 T. 35N., R. /19ff/., 6TH RAI, THENCE 50 "/V ALONG THE EAST 1 /NE OF SEC. 25 26411S52' Td THE EAST Cue. OFSA /0 SEC. 25'; THENCE &W OW/ 728.96,; THENCE Neer J97(7 592.11/', THENCE NO °2557 E 26/3,/62' TO 4 I'0 /NT ON T NM/7/ L /,U£ OP SA /0 J'ECTJO.V 25, THENCE 4/89 a6'20 "E 41.53.24' To THE 'amp"' OF IEC /NN /NG, 8E /AM THE EAST op THE N.E. i• d/ 5A /D SECT /o4J 2s AND CONTA /N /N6 7997/ACRES. ro gC B A5 OF BEA,PINC 50'I/'04' "it; B._ /'G THE BEARI.0 ALONG THE EAST L /NEOF THE 4 OF C. 25, 7:35 N., X.//9X., 6TH /'1 000744 000439 Plat 21- Lots 1 through 114 Plat No. Unknown Instrument No. 586332 Filed/ Received: October 22mi, 1982 Description of Plat: CERTIFICATE O,c Obv4UE,g,..5 5 re. OF 1./v0 1 /.uc co( /,/r y OF' L /IC O Lk/ J ,f. /:'OW ALL N!L-iI OY 7'044. p,e6 SEUro 1'14 L! /Je%e F -✓oce[Y zuc.,A //A C-o,4 4 7"404 ,jOEJ NF_.e46Y CG.2 Y /p 77/4'r /C sun O,'! ,5//a4.�A/ lE:eFaA� 43 /.i/c r o�:'/"2reiOA/s .3" d 7. Gr �L /.0 COL C0!/A. rr, :n /YO.N /.V /JO B E /,4o OES0E /OGO CIS ,45,70 /.4.V /uo Ar 4. CO.e. OF SECria 6,Y.34 ./,/.4, //B W., 6r// 06e 7 J /E SO. C- .5d "J!/g4O.V4: 7.V0 SECT /0 z,.'E /320:4,e9'• 7WCUC4 .40'/4'4/',5 /99/,80 'ALOA/6 .4,u 6ASr L 4.44E o. nW CEOA2 C,C:EC.G' .eA /cN4, 7NE.4C6 413 47'/9 4404/4. A Sour 4/u4 Op C40,4e CR :GeL'ti'AUC//.0s TO APO /A/Y S 0 27'45'.4 /6.5;Y 'rK, l XAff_ S4f/ ca.3A40'.e of ST4.4 V4444'3" .C.su,/✓ AN/ 3 /JO G Of Y//EA/C6 ,U0 27'45'11 /G S/t/O 5 GOA.uE C' Pz.'4 c6 A/.99..2/!/!G `L• AL0/l.o PA 4 .504/7'./!. /A/F 00 J4 /O r /u" /J 1 4. /4/ 7 44../c4 50 .09'39',L '/924. S0U7'// /.•✓E CF SfC LION 5 J Ti /EA/ 568 °.9.9'24 "W .4.40440 :,A/O .Sour,/ .L /A. /C /340.54. 'T0 7Nf PO /Air f5ec%'/ J.4 /JG CO,(/PA /,VI ..6 .80197 AGoE+. i /A!; 04,,./ 0.:(E po..4 /u A C::OR k/ 4741 rNe. owes Rs'04.514!': /,rF/!,e A; /us.4AU6 a60L0 /04re.0 FO.epaa Fa4e1/e'. /7 //4r %//E s ueo,w04u 6e 14.40: ✓.4445 Sr,4 4 ✓ALLOY 1, A/C At 2/,- 7N.I rwA YE.e R /c./ /rr 7o ,VPY 4T/ /oL(:n c ol,!L:,'vs A3.2e WrOW2 57�J�'ST,17 ras 77-14r 541b 5.'r.' f 70 c.. !.v T.:C 0-7,P4Za.-7/ /0Lh'ro(-/c.,. cC.-5n 1/,'4r/ R/,K,' j,1oJS A4S A W4'7/, A4`-igrcr 501:0 AVO ON /✓!/^5 O`C'2s 2' //N 1 4.7/4 4 '4 <6.CY0 4./4. 747 rAis 4 0.404.4 ,G.V./ ,40,4' To ;;VCS LVV ,0)1.7:V4"ALi Non's A,. cer. owNo.s, .44/ r, =.Ln" 7' //5 C: 77714.. OV7%i5 4 47-, ((�J L(5/5//44 '6 /A ..n /��f »c�/ur4 J.. A4� ,(J C) IA/L r- c A.11 r �,,,.,;,..h, ..q. A .0,!9B 1., Pe :R5°4/4 C.A, .0 PPF_A.e,6° :,n..1..1 ?iG e/r FO.G E' 1. T. (/n. /4.41.517 Al0 TA .0 Y A l /O /•l.G 7'N 7A ff OF ,.':'r'9 ✓G /.4 .o r'. 5YCIS/447 A -.UO JA,NS:s .e. ",1 ?5vN 4 ✓NO A.:, /10 CO 4.0 70 H'4. 7'47 TA/ 4 Y S /4. .4O THE O 4J)7',4 Y Au0 VO4,0,4 74p_1LY O,V d4H.0.4F 0c /.4/ 4 6 y -Y'. ,'b 2 7/r t PVOOS B,S 447E a',?EP, k l ,J 6 4. S /4,7- r. 97.4 4. t s :i"O ?y 0 •TUY.,;' A /9.07 un YAA: Y '°u�z 4 i CbHH /ss /OA/ thePACoo PLAT 21 STAR VALLEY RANCH Page 1 of 1 '1 7 6/ 000745 000440 Plat 22- Lots 1 through 68 Plat No. 318 Instrument No. 638245 Filed: July 3, 1985 Description of Plat: CERTIFICATE OF OWNER PLAT 22 STAR VALLEY RANCH 000746 .5 A M O V r N G C o u f 7 r e f lf,V;'o/4f j .s. Knownl by;,,,.,, p,;,,,,•, L //of !,assn i4 bey inc., 0Neeecee Lerewofion, beethy urh {as /ha/ /he .sek/Wrei n shown ineresn,bzi49 par/ a/; i.:,:., e.., 9O, 9:35n:,N..R3W.,64fric.Merirent bineehr County, wyering and gain efeaer /6earea: han:aniny ,,/Ma Ves /'4,ea, of area/. JO, Ti54R /l3,v,ar a„dranni y "we., N Vee.V. /377,/377,,,12', 2 11e959,. 2a:24.475; h%er/ce Sa'a5" /Z" t 1551-605'; Minya e9'5d'I1.6' /1 1636.33t'/e /4e pp!, of Aa9�' ning, r M,),ii' Baoase Me Tha/ e sebd,vision hes 6e en at-seared rb ceedence tv %h fie ewners d sirs /he/ !n /erica aadwoy 'ore,erive,'e :OM /he r y:,f er :ogre:: ..I,.; "wane,/ /e /be owners of ibis wi /b n Ma u6e /b /sior7 /hat /he Boardercoenfy C „iasr'enine ender..:, ,�.:1i,e /ion le dams free', /win on, or oeceof fuf o /nvf raadvo Mal ys; o/ /nefes r d deAr /ruw,r i cr an re ore heby a/fe� w ed by /h underefried own are owners, /he/ w fnr nigh/5 with said 3411/ h ppa N wed rn ivi own... tir actor nt:a ,/4 wyee y shale secrete/es tine' riot aerial ,sirbd /wsion is enea ecf en n/5 ale reeo,S in /,b¢ oflie of /he b4welo 4a� f epecie. 1//d taw /her, /ed'eile /e fh+pa AN. ieparpe "Idly r N d„ .si ing Rc mod} r w ler' roods era elan drdcaha Te' oein i eara 4Yeapere /je ereWiate �,ro,ver/i /eph,v,e ystias. 1,7-, Z.r'riyJ �i..i:�: „,vf z L;.. v r YYC= ,,psi i?'Sfuwm .:IcL_�_ antes l: 7iiba i Vce r maiden/ vice prealdrnr �o -h °.:v:.Se.�F 000441 Description of Plat: PLAT 22 SECOND FILING STAR VALLEY RANCH Plat 22 Second Filing: Lots 69 and 70 Plat No. 57 -A Instrument No. 925700 Filed: December 29th, 2006 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERS STATE OF WYOMING ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN The undersigned, hereby certify that the division of Lot 42 and Lot 43 of Star Valley Ranch Plot 22 to the Town of Star Valley Ranch, being part of GLO Lot 5 of Section 30, T35N R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming as shown hereon and more particularly described under the Certificate of Surveyor, is with the free consent and is in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors; that the name of the subdivision shall be STAR VALLEYRANCHPLAT22 SECOND FILING that we do hereby vacate said Lot 42 and sold. Lot 43 In acordance with Section 34 -12 -106, Wyoming Statutes 2005, as amended, and respectfully request the Clerk of Lincoln County to so mark said plot in accordance with Section 34 -12 -110; that the subdivision is subject to easements of record; that all rights under n-.d by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming are hereby i :,loused. Signature Obtained by Separate Affidavit Signature Obtained by Separate Affidavit Alfred J. Nickels Teresa M. Nickels Karen M. Drennan thi Trust, 'doted 16 July 1991 Signature Obtained by Separate Affidavit Karen M. Drennon, Trustee 00074' vVO44