HomeMy WebLinkAbout962248WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Daniel V. Brammer 7680 Winterdale Circle Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Parcel ID 35183220104900 QUIT CLAIM DEED KEN L. HEATON, and THE HEATON FAMILY RECREATIONAL TRUST, whose address is 123 2 Avenue Apt. #811, Salt Lake City, UT 84103, hereby QUIT CLAIM to THE HEATON FAMILY RECREATION TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 21, 2000, whose address is 7680 Winterdale Circle, Salt Lake City, UT 84121, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, all of Grantors' right, title, and interest in the following described real property located in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights, under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State: Star Valley Ranch, Plat 13, Lot 10, according to the official plat thereof, on record at the Lincoln County offices. WITNESS the hands of said Grantors this 2011. RECEIVED 12/7/201 at 10 :21 AM RECEIVING 962248 BOOK: 777 PAGE: 559 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 'KEN L. HEATON THE HEATON FAMILY RECREATIONAL TRUST day of 00559 My Co sson Expires: -.1 2 s BY f eit�t SHERIC HEATON, S ly' B /DANIEL BRAM BY e1,2'Ul, u/ FATHY B MMER, Trustee DENNIS HEATON rustee JA HEATON, Trustee By GAYL ustee Trustee HEA ON, Trustee '�j} 1 By �i !;i- DARYL Oil N, Trustee BY al lJ�tkA0 o MAUEN OLSEN, Trustee STATE OF UTAH (ss. COUNTY OF 4J4 L 4 On the f day of teiakd 2011, personally appeared before me KEN L. HEATON, signer of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Z1 NOTARY PULIC Residing at >4/ A to 1 Sv c. Notary Public 1 R GARY LLOYD f 75 871Nillowridge Rd. r� Salt Lake City, UT 84121 1 o� Iwy Commission Expires November 19, 2011 L STATE OF UTAH 00560 STATE OF UTAH (ss. COUNTY OF S VI-W' On the t, day of461yW- 2011, personally appeared before me LYNN HE TON AND SHERI HEATON, signers of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same. My Commission Expires: STATE OF UTAH (ss. COUNTY OF r ,ovz- a On the day of 2011, personally appeared before me DANIEL B MER and KATHY BRAMMER, signers of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same. My Commission Expires: STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF 5n. (ss. My Comm sion Expires: t ic t 3 Z (-a NOTARY PUBL /C Residing at 5 -a /f! t#/ NOTARY Pid`BLIC Residing at a ,/y1 Zilty NOTARY PUBLIC Residing at 00561, 7587 `JWiiiowricigo Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84121 My Commission Expires November OF UTAH 2011 I Notary Public 1 GARY LLOYD 7587 Willowridge Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84121 My Commission Expires November 19, 2011 STATE OF UTAH I On the l day of 51`'( e bf 2011, personally appeared before me DENNIS I4EATON and JANE HEATON, signers of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public GARY LLOYD 7587 Willowridge Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84121 My Commission Expires November 19, 2011 STATE OF UTAH I My Commission Expires: 6-"1/ STATE OF UTAH d ss. COUNTY OF /I l My Commission Expires: 1/- /1LE/ HeatonQCD /D11 4 STATE OF UTAH (ss. COUNTY OF SiO) On the I` day of {0 2011, personally appeared before me GAYLEN HTON and KATHY HEATON, signers of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Pf, NOTARY P/JBLIC Residing at y'h ,IM?/4 On the day of Wt Le- 2011, personally appeared before me DARYL OL EN and MAUREEN OLSEN, signers of the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged to me that they executed the same. NOTARY PUBLIC Residing at 1 GARY LLOY'U 7587 Wiitowridge Rd, d o 1 Salt Lake City, UT 84121 ray, M y Commission Expires L loot November 19 2011 STATE OF OF 00562 Notary Public GARY LLOYD 7587 Willowridge Rd. Salt Lake City, UT 84121 My Commission Expires November 19, 2011 STATE OF UTAH I