HomeMy WebLinkAbout962269When recorded return to: Rocky Mountain Power Lisa Louder/Randy Privett 1407 West North Temple Ste. 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Project Name: Richard Gunyan WO#: 5552515 RW Legal Description: See exhibits A and B Tract Number: RECEIVED 12/8/2011 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING 962269 BOOK: 777 PAGE: 638 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT For value received, Richard A Gunyan and Tara A. Gunyan("Grantor"), hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, d/b/a Rocky Mountain Power its successors and assigns, "Grantee an easement for a right of way 20 feet in width and 38 feet in length, more or less, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement, and removal of electric power transmission, distribution and communication lines and all necessary or desirable accessories and appurtenances thereto, including without limitation: supporting towers, poles, props, guys and anchors, including guys and anchors outside of the right of way; wires, fibers, cables and other conductors and conduits therefor; and pads, transformers, switches, vaults and cabinets, along the general course now located by Grantee on, over, or under the surface of the real property of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming more particularly described as follows and as more particularly described and/or shown an Exhibit(s) A and B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: Assessor Parcel No. (Insert Parcel No. Here) Together with the right of access to the right of way from adjacent lands of Grantor for all activities in connection with the purposes for which this easement has been granted; and together with the present and (without payment therefor) the future right to keep the right of way and adjacent lands clear of all brush, trees, timber, structures, buildings and other hazards which might endanger Grantee's facilities or impede Grantee's activities. At no time shall Grantor place, use or permit any equipment or material of any kind that exceeds twelve (12) feet in height, light any fires, place or store any flammable materials (other than agricultural crops), on or within the boundaries of the right of way. Subject to the foregoing limitations, the surface of the right of way may be used for agricultural crops and other purposes not inconsistent, as determined by Grantee, with the purposes for which this easement has been granted. The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon and shall benefit their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Dated this 25 day of 2011. Page 1 of 2 00638 INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of *IVI OVA i County of W €4-\- L /AA ,.e( SS. This ins t was acknowledged before me on this c2 S`da of by i olArA Cievt. 'TA ra. 4. 41 t,w1 Name(s) ofittdhidual(s)signing document y [Seal] Page 2 of 2 Notary blic My commission expires 00639 Profeadonal Land Somalian Pad N. Schethel Wro. Reentrance' No. 164 UWA Regn6s6on No. 1670 Idaho Registration Na 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scott& Sdbrbel Wyo. Regktation tie 3889 ldoho Regista6m Na. tea Utah Registatian No. 372111 OWE A. SCNERMEL Reentrance No. SSW Slaver« Sarertel. LTD. Anon, Wynn* eig ft Jackson, Lave Not Sprigs, Intro Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR RICHARD A. GUNYAN AND TARA A. GUNYAN POWER LINE EASEMENT #2 To -wit: Power Line Easement #2 A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, over, under and across the SE'/4SE'/4 of Section 3, T22N R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being ten (10) feet each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a position on the east line of said SE'/4SE%4; N00 44' -00 "E, 349.82 feet, from the southeast comer of said SEY4SE' /4; thence S41 21' -22 "W, 463 feet, more or less, to a transformer pole on the south line of said SE/4SE'/4; the Base Bearing for this survey is the west line of the SE' /4SE/4 of Section 3, T22N R116W, Lincoln County, Wyoming being N00 35' -54 "E; that it is intended that this description describe the centerline of an electrical line; should it be determined that the position of the actual line differs from that described herein, the centerline of the actual line automatically becomes the centerline of this description and easement; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR RICHARD A. GUNYAN AND TARA A. GUNYAN POWER. LINE EASEMENTS WITHIN THE SW%SW'4 SECTION 2 SE1/4SE' SECTION 3 GLO LOT 5 SECTION 10 T22 Ri 16W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 9 July 2010, as revised. 26 July 2011 \T&R\22- 116\Richard Ounyan Section 3 10 `Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" 00.40 0 le 11411E. 9 ,turn 2010 MAIN Blf Karl F. $tharbei !A1W..41D or Karl F Sdrer*er CAZD7YPY/MPT.• 7 k ,rzp mem 7R -13 PP 7 -9 0741/ F.• r►?!!arirgs mentZ nra utility pale SWt /4SIMi /4 I et x PLOT 1147E' ZS .460 2011 #Wrrdobr,. r 7A5J?O A 7/4'.101 7A447-0,5 1.17.104' LWOW 0 or fled Corner t he Moo of tb. Cleric of Uncatn County. indtoates a parser pole. Indicates an easement line. x indicates an iodating fence line. m ak X Inticatee a calculated position, no mantnent found est. Indicates of power One attar: of 8ea tt s c f Se b tl3 16'��i N 1 00 ra Ccunty�, EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION POR kW A GUNMAN AND TARA A. tRINYAN POWER DNB BA. dENTS maw TEM SW1I4SW114 SBC1XIN 2 SW/4M/4 Sl9C1 13 .LOT 5 10 TT r WYOMING LINCOLN COUN s j !I YO Dwight 2011 by Surveyor Stherbd L14. A/ debts named. R R SCZAZJQ� r Z,1' .li'R�II lifl®.�'QKEWS' _.._s Oaf SW m oray M4SW.E7DS ARR rflf]WIO E W7 -2)W -J 7 iglyr ypr oriv 117-rs-4,lls, teir y %.7- 79?- 544:+; w suata2_ ^:se_ ^:..r. 00641