HomeMy WebLinkAbout877380 RELEASE ;"" i-' [ii ~ ESTATe- MOD' 'AGE (DY CORPO~ATI C;;~RM NO, 101~ ,~, ~,~u~o~. ~. ~ntury Egui~ent ~moanv. a Utah ~r ration KNOW ALL MEN,By. THESE PRESENTS,. ana~ ...................... ~ ............... ~_~ .............. ~ ........... ~ ~o~omio~, o~ th~ co~ty o~ ..... ~A_I_~JS~ .............. ~a s=~ of_. .... U~ ........................ do. ee~ff7 ~ha~ a ceftin ~or~age, Bearing d~te the ...................... da7 of .............................. , A, D. ~ ..... m~d~ ~d exeeu~d b7 ....b2[9~_b~¢ex_nu~_~ke_~k~x~_hua~_~~ ................................... ~a ~ntur ~ ul eat ~m n . a .Utah ~T~orat5 ........................................................ ns mo~gage~, convesqn~ ce~,~n ren~ ~s~Ma }her-tn ~¢:t[.:'",>~ ~ ~ru~t~, for'the pp_5~,r,t of $___~ >~.~ ........... , ~ therein s~t'~, which.mo~age was ~ecorded in the of Iice of the County Clerk ~nd ~x. Offido Re~ater of ~ee~ of .......... .................... y- ........... ~ - _ r ...................... i~ ts, with a note secured thereby, and the a/...~ementioned debt, fully paid, ~atisfiedo released, and discharged and ia conaider~tion, ,'.. thereof the zaid mortgagee doe~ hereby rdea~e ann qui~laizn unto tho ~aid mortgagor the ptemiao~ thereby conveyed and. mortgaged. · . ,~. ' ' Centu~ g~ipment Com an.,-Inc' - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, . ...................................................... ~__~ ....... t has caused the~e Present~ ~o be si~ed by i~ .................. ~esident thl~ ...................... day ,. ................................... A.D. Signed, Se.~ed and Deliver~ in the presence of ' G~N]'UF~Y ~;ViEN'r COMPANY, INO, Centu~ E~ipment Co. any, Inc. Nc~e: If it 18 not de,ired ~ de~cdbe l~nd~ in ~pace thief, insert tho following: "All lands deuefibed in ~'id mo~ga~." THE STATE OF ~~..,~ on t},~, .............. !.~[N ........... ~v et .......... ~9~Oer .............. , ~0_gg.,before meper~onull~ appeared J. R. ~edon to me personall~ known, who, being b7 me duly swom, did nay that he i~ th~ .......... ~.esiden[ ..................... Cent9_~ E~ipmene C'o ap~. Inc ............................... ~nd that the ~eal aff~ed to uaid.in,tmment is tho corporate nam of ~aid co~oration, and tlmt naid in=tmment wa~ ~i~ed ~d acknowledged ~aid instrument to be the free act ann deed.%f~id~oration. - ...................... Given under my hand aaa no~al ~al ~is ....... 22~ ..... day~f ....~ .............. p~g~mber , ~ ~ ~ 90 THE STATE OF WYOMING, ~ . " County of ................................................ ] ~' . Tht, inatrument was filed for ~eord at .......... o'clock .... M.. on the 1 ........... ~y of ........................... A. D. 19 ....... , and duly ~eorded in Book ................ on Page ..................... , By ........................ ~ ............................... N0 .............. : ..... Pee~, $ ........................... Deputy Clerk 141 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL A parcel of land in the W½ of the SW¼ Section ~4, T36N, Rll9W, 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: " '"' Commencing at the section corner common to Sections 14, 15, 22, 23, said Township and Range, thence S89a35,27.1,,E, 35.03 feet to the true point -of beginning; 'thence S89°35,27.1,,E, 591.24, feet; thence N00°08,18.1,E, 2612..71 feet; thence N89o43,5.2.2,,W, 591.23 feet; thence S00°08,18.5,,W,. 2611.26 feet more or less to the true , point of beginning. Said parcel contains 35.45 acres more or le~s. Said parcel subject to. the following two access easements: (1) Beginning at the above-described'true point of beginning; thence S89°35,27.1,,E, 591.24 feet; thence N00"08'lS.1,E, 50.00 feet; thence N89°35,27.1,W, 591.24 feet; thence S00"08'18.5,,W, 50.00 feet to the point of beginning. This is an exclusive priva~easement for parcel 3 0nly. ' (1) A 60-foot access easement being 30 feet either side of the following described center line; commencing at the S¼ corner Section 15; thence N89'52'47.5,,W, 348.56 feet; thence N02o20,25.0,,E, 951.03 feet; thence N78°45.,17,,E, 1,168.28 feet; thence S87"29'32,,E, 396.07 feet; thence N70Q46' 57.6"E, 446.59 feet; thence S69Q22'12.9"E, 845.92 feet; thence N72~12,25.4,,E.,. 249.32 feet to the true point of beginning of this easement, said point intersects the west boundary of 'this parcel; thence N72°12,25.4,,E, 370.91 feet; thence N61°21,14,,E, 181.09 feet; thence N76"29'22.5,,E, 81.94 feet, said point intersects the east boundary of said parcel. This is an exclusive private ~asemen~ fo~ parcels 1, 2. 3, 4, 5~, & 6 only.