HomeMy WebLinkAbout962761STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN )SS CERTIFICATE OF SALE 00349 SHANE JOHNSON, by and through the undersigned Deputy, of lawful age being first duly sworn upon his oath, states and certifies as follows: 1. Shane Johnson is the duly elected and acting Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming„ and this Certificate of Sale is made in his capacity as such. 2. A default has occurred under the terms of that promissory note and mortgage executed and dated June 29, 2007, from Mortgagor, JM Land Development, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Sherry Merritt, individually and Joel Merritt, and Sherry Merritt, husband and wife, payable to Lender and Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside, which Mortgage was recorded on September 12, 2007, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 672 PR, Page 49, encumbering in part the real property more particularly described as: Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and GLO lot 1 of Section 19, Township 34 North Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quitclaim Deed recorded October 4, 2004 in Book 569PR on page 17 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk; and LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quitclaim Deed Recorded October 4, 2004 in Book 569PR on page 19 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk; and ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded August 7, 2007 in Book 668PR on page 140 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Corrective Warranty Deed recorded August 7, 2007 in Book 668 on page 139 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded October 11, 2007 in Book 675 on page 264 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Corrective Warranty Deed recorded October 31, 2008 in Book 708 on page 249 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded January 23, 2009 in Book 713PR on page 570 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded February 27, 2009 in Book 716PR on page 442 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded March 24, 2009 in Book 718PR on page 531 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded December 13, 2010 in Book 758PR on page 565 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded April 25, 2011 in Book 765PR on page 765 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded November 9, 2011 in Book 775PR on page 846 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Page 1 of 3 RECEIVED 1/17/2012 at 10:07 AM RECEIVING 962761 BOOK: 779 PAGE: 349 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00350 SUBJECT TO all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, grants and plat warnings set forth on the official plat of the North Forty Phase One Subdivision, a/k/a North Forty Subdivision, filed with the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on July 6, 2007, as Receiving 930990. 3. No suit or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 4. The power of sale contained in the Mortgage having been made operative by reason of such default and The Bank of Commerce Eastside elected to foreclose the same. A Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage was served upon the record owner and the party in possession of said real property at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the first publication of the foreclosure sale notice as shown by the affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 5. The Mortgagee, has caused publication to be made of a Notice of Foreclosure Sale in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper published and having general circulation in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, once a week for four consecutive weeks, commencing with the December 22, 2011, issue of said newspaper and ending with the January 18, 2012, issue thereof and the Affidavit of Publication is attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. 6. Prior to the first date of publication, a copy of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale was served by certified mail with return receipt requested upon the record owner and all holders of recorded mortgages and liens subordinate to the mortgage being foreclosed, which appear of record at least twenty five, (25) days before the scheduled foreclosure sale as shown by the affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit C and by this reference made a part hereof. 7. On January 17, 2012, the time and place specified in said notice of foreclosure sale at the front door of the Lincoln County Courthouse in the City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming the undersigned proceeded to sell the above described real property at public auction in accordance with the Notice of Foreclosure Sale by then and there calling for bids on said real property. Because the mortgaged premises consisted of distinct lots they were offered for sale separately pursuant to W.S. §34- 4 -107. No one present at the sale made a bid for any of the distinct lots of the mortgaged premises. Thereafter all of the distinct lots of the mortgaged premises were offered for sale as whole. 8. The undersigned proceeded to sell the above described real property at public auction in accordance with the Notice of Foreclosure Sale by then and there calling for bids on said real property as a whole; and that the highest and best sum bid for said real property was the sum of -2- i f /1 0 which was bid and offered by The Bank of Commerce, an Idaho banking corporation. And that after soliciting and calling for other and higher bids therefor, and receiving none from those attending the sale, said real property was struck off and sold by the undersigned to the said The Bank of Commerce, an Idaho Banking Corporation for the sum of ;54'1 J o Gl and that the sum bid was thereupon paid and the sale of said real property Vas then and there completed as by law provided. 9. The sum of $2.500.00 is to be paid to Dennis M. Boal, the attorney for Mortgagee, as compensation for services actually rendered in the foreclosure proceeding, said attorney having made an affidavit as required by the statutes of the State of Wyoming, said affidavit being attached hereto as Exhibit D, and by this reference made a part hereof. 10. The Bank of Commerce, an Idaho banking corporation, shall be entitled to a deed for the property at the expiration of the period of redemption, unless the property is redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. The redemption period is three (3) months and thirty (30) days from and after the date of sale, January 17, 2012. DATED AT Kemmerer, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming this 2012. Page 2 of 3 /7 day of lia4- SHANE JOHNSON, Sheriff in and for Lincoln County, Wyoming Title: Deputy STATE OF WYOMING )ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN On this 11.1 day of January, 2012, the above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by County, State of Wyoming. My Commission Expires: j i rkrtOt 1 k n Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln its Page 3 of 3 00351 Notary Public SAVANNA L. KRALL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN My- Commission Expires STATE OF WYOMING EXHIBIT A AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE STATE OF WYOMING )SS COUNTY OF UINTA Comes Now, Dennis M. Boal, being first duly sworn under oath, deposes and states: 1. I am an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming representing the Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside, in a procedure to foreclose the real estate mortgage from Mortgagor, JM Land Development, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Sherry Merritt, individually and Joel Merritt, and Sherry Merritt, husband and wife„ payable to Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce- Eastside which Mortgage was recorded on September 12, 2007, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 672 PR, Page 49, by advertisement and sale as provided under the provisions of Wyo. Stat. §34 -4 -101, et seq. The mortgage was foreclosed by reason of default having occurred under the terms of the note secured thereby. 2. Written Notice of Intent to Foreclose the Mortgage by advertisement and sale, which complies with W.S. §34 -4 -103, has been served upon the record owner and the persons in possession by certified mail, return receipt requested, mailed to the last known address of the record owner and the person in possession at least ten (10) days before commencement of the first publication of the notice of the foreclosure sale as follows: JM Land Development, LLC 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail No.: 7010 0290 0000 1313 8025 Sherry Merritt 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail No.: 7010 0290 0000 1313 8018 Joel Merritt 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail No.: 7010 0290 0000 1313 8032 3. The Notice of Intent to Foreclose was served as described above on October 19, 2011. The date of the first publication of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale was December 22, 2011. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT Dennis M. Boal Attorney at Law P.O. Box 370 Evanston, WY 82931 Subscribed and sworn to in my presence by Dennis M. Boal this ‘10 day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal MARYKIM,BATEMAN NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF UINTA STATE OF WYOMING `MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 13, ,20141 00352 KEMMERER GAZETTE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kemmerer Gazette Kemmerer, Wyoming NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Default existing on a promissory note and real estate mortgage dated June 29, 2007, from Mortgagor, JM Land Development, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Sherry Merritt, individually and Joel Merritt, and Sherry Merritt, husband and wife, payable to Lender and Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce- Eastside, which Mortgage was recorded on Sep- tember 12, 2007, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 672 PR, Page 49, encumbering in part the real property more particularly described as Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and GLO lot 1 of Section 19, Township 34 North Range 118 West of the 6'h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quitclaim Deed recorded October 4, 2004,in Book 569PR on page 17 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk; and LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Quitclaim Deed Recorded October 4, 2004 in Book 569PR on page 19 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk; and ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded August 7, 2007 in Book, 668PR on page 140 of the,records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Corrective War- ranty Deed recorded August 7, 2007. in Book 668 on page 139 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded October 11, 2007 in Book 675 on page 264 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described. in Corrective War- ranty Deed recorded October 31, 2008 in Book 708 on page 249 of the records of the: Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded January 23, 2009 in Book 713PR on page 570 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty, Deed recorded February 27, 2009 in Book 716PR on page 442 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded March 24, 2009 in Book 718PR on page 531 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk., ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded December 13, 2010 in Book' 758PR on page 565 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded April 25, 2011, in Book 765PR on page 765 of the records of the Lincoln: County Clerk. ALSO, LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded November 9, 2011 in Book 775PR on page 846 of the records of the. Lincoln County Clerk. SUBJECT TO all of the terms, conditions, restrictions, grants and plat warnings set forth on the official plat of the North Forty Phase One Subdivision, a/k/a North Forty Subdivision, filed with the County Clerk of Lincoln County; Wyoming on July 6, 2007, as Receiving #'930990. Non- payment existing, acceleration having been declared and the entire remaining mortgage balance being now due and payable. No lawsuit has been filed to collect the mortgage debt or any portion thereof; The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospec- tive purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid; Take notice that the mortgage will be foreclosed and the above de- scribed real estate sold by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming to the highest bidder for cash at public venue at the front' steps of the Lincoln County Courthouse in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyo- ming at the hour of 10:00 a.m. on January 17, 2012. The balance due is $702,109.02 for principal and interest, legal fees and appraisal fees as of December 7, 2011. An additional sum will also be owed by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee for attorney's fees, collection expenses, tax payments and accruing interest through the date of the foreclosure sale. The Bank of Commerce- Eastside Dennis M. Boal Attorney at Law P.O. Box 370 Evanston, WY 82931 PUBLISH: Dec. 22, 29,2011; Jan. 5, 12, 2012 1222B by FTEF e Notary 00353 KEMMERER, WYOMING Michael n, Publisher Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me on this 12, day of jam A.D. STATE OF WYOMING )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ensen, Publis I, Michael Jensen, do hereby, upon my oath, depose and say that I am the Publisher of the KEMMERER GAZETTE NEWSPAPER, a once weekly newspaper published in the City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, in the State of Wyoming, and that said newspaper has a general circulation in said County and State; and that the legal notice herein attached was published in said newspaper for the full period of consecutive issues /weeks; the first p blication being on the .u day of e '.0 pilyi.\)`eA) 20 11 and the last publication being on the i PI day of l./ ajWithi 20 12 and that said advertisement appeared in each and every number of said newspaper during the period of publication as above stated. (Signed) EXHIBIT C AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE OF NOTICE FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF WYOMING )SS COUNTY OF UINTA Comes Now, Dennis M. Boal, being first duly sworn under oath, deposes and states: 1. I am an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming representing the Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside, in a procedure to foreclose the real estate mortgage from Mortgagor, JM Land Development, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Sherry Merritt, individually and Joel Merritt, and Sherry Merritt, husband and wife„ payable to Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside which Mortgage was recorded on September 12, 2007, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 672 PR, Page 49, by advertisement and sale as provided under the provisions of Wyo. Stat. §34 -4 -101, et seq. The mortgage was foreclosed by reason of default having occurred under the terms of the note secured thereby.. 2. A copy of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale was served prior to the first date of publication by certified mail return receipt requested upon the record owner, persons in possession and all recorded mortgagees and liens subordinate to the Mortgage being foreclosed, which appear as of record at least twenty -five (25) days before the scheduled foreclosure sale, as follows: JM Land Development, LLC 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8056 Sherry Merritt 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8063 Joel Merritt 285 Duffin Thayne, WY 83127 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8070 Bart F. Merritt P.O. Box 4478 Bedford, WY 83112 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8087 Deanna M. Merritt P.O. Box 4478 Bedford, WY 83112 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8094 HK Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 51450 Idaho Falls, ID 83405 Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested 7010 0290 0000 1313 8278 00354 3. The Notice of Foreclosure Sale was served, as described above on December 14 2011. The first date of publication of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale occurred on December 22, 2011 and the foreclosure sale took place on January 17, 2012. Page 1 of 2 FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT Dennis M. Boal Attorney at Law P.O. Box 370 Evanston, WY 82931 Subscribed and sworn to in my presence by Dennis M. Boal this Ivo day of 2012. Witness my hand and official seal Page 2 of 2 MARYKIM BATEMAN NOTARY PUBLIC 2 COUNTY OF STATE OF UINTA �t OM MYCO ISSION EXPIRES AUGUST I 00355 STATE OF WYOMING )SS COUNTY OF UINTA EXHIBIT D AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY FEES Comes Now, Dennis M. Boal, being first duly sworn under oath, deposes and states: 1. I am an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Wyoming representing the Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside, in a procedure to foreclose the real estate mortgage from Mortgagor, JM Land Development, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, Sherry Merritt, individually and Joel Merritt, and Sherry Merritt, husband and wife„ payable to Mortgagee, The Bank of Commerce Eastside which Mortgage was recorded on September 12, 2007, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 672 PR, Page 49, by advertisement and sale as provided under the provisions of Wyo. Stat. §§34-4-101, et seq. The mortgage was foreclosed by reason of default having occurred under the terms of the note secured thereby. 2. I will charge as the attorney for the Mortgagee, fees totaling $2,500.00 as compensation for services actually rendered in the foreclosure proceeding. 3. The above mentioned fee for services rendered and incurred in connection with the foreclosure shall be retained entirely by my law firm Dennis M. Boal, Attorney at Law. There is no agreement, express or implied, between me and any other person as an attorney in this foreclosure proceeding, for any sharing or division of attorney's fees so to be allowed or added to the debt involved. This fee, added to the debt of the mortgagors, is only as compensation for services actually rendered in the foreclosure proceeding. 2012. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT Witness my hand and official seal Dennis M. Boal Attorney at Law P.O. Box 370 Evanston, WY 82931 Subscribed and sworn to in my presence by Dennis M. Boal this liki`( day of MARYKIM BATEMAN COUNTY OF UINTA MY COMMISSION NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING Si AUGUST 13, 00356