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MORTGAGOR: QUINN R. HEINER JR. Spouse of DIANA E. HEINER 779 COUNTY RD 120 THAYNE, WY 83127 DIANA E. HEINER Spouse of QUINN R. HEINER, JR. 779 COUNTY RD THAYNE, WY 83127 HUSBAND AND WIFE QUINN R. HEINER JR. Wyoming Real Estate Modification WY/ 4XXXCRICH00000000000625026012612 N RECEIVED 2/8/2012 at 10:08 AM RECEIVING 963120 BOOK: 781 PAGE: 79 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1111110 111010 VIII0111011101110111 1 1 5 0 6/ 101101110111II1 3 III illIII IIII 0 IIIIIII11110111IIII1 2 6 IIIIIII 0 01110111II 1 2 1111 7 0 Space Above This Line For Recording Data MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE 00079 DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Real Estate Modification (Modification) is January 26, 2012. The parties and their addresses are: LENDER: THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY Organized and existing under the laws of Wyoming 384 Washington P.O. Box 8007 Afton, WY 83110 1. BACKGROUND. Mortgagor and Lender entered into a security instrument dated jUNE 23, 2009 and recorded on (Security Instrument). The Security Instrument was recorded in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming at BOOK 726, PAGE 283, DOCUMENT 947988 RECORDED 06/26/2009 and covered the following described Property: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The property is located in Lincoln County at 781 COUNTY RD 120, THAYNE, Wyoming 83127. Wolters Kluwer Financial Services 1996, 2012 Bankers Systemse" Page 1 70080 2. MODIFICATION. For value received, Mortgagor and Lender agree to modify the Security Instrument as provided for in this Modification. The Security Instrument is modified as follows: A. Secured Debt. The secured debt provision of the Security Instrument is modified to read: (1) Secured Debts. The term "Secured Debts" includes and this Security Instrument will secure each of the following: (a) Specific Debts. The following debts and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. A promissory note or other agreement, No. 0170111506, dated June 23, 2009, from Mortgagor to Lender, with a modified loan amount of $198,981.46. (b) All Debts. All present and future debts from Mortgagor to Lender, even if this Security Instrument is not specifically referenced, or if the future debt is unrelated to or of a different type than this debt. If more than one person signs this Security Instrument, each agrees that it will secure debts incurred either individually or with others who may not sign this Security Instrument. Nothing in this Security Instrument constitutes a commitment to make additional or future loans or advances. Any such commitment must be in writing. In the event that Lender fails to provide any required notice of the right of rescission, Lender waives any subsequent security interest in the Mortgagor's principal dwelling that is created by this Security Instrument. This Security Instrument will not secure any debt for which a non possessory, non purchase money security interest is created in "household goods" in connection with a "consumer loan," as those terms are defined by federal law governing unfair and deceptive credit practices. This Security Instrument will not secure any debt for which a security interest is created in "margin stock" and Lender does not obtain a "statement of purpose," as defined and required by federal law governing securities. This Modification will not secure any other debt if Lender fails, with respect to that other debt, to fulfill any necessary requirements or limitations of Sections 19(a), 32, or 35 of Regulation Z. (c) Sums Advanced. All sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender under the terms of this Security Instrument. 3. CONTINUATION OF TERMS. Except as specifically amended in this Modification, all of the terms of the Security Instrument shall remain in full force and effect. SIGNATURES. By signing, Mortgagor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Modification. Mortgagor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of this Modification. MORTGAGOR: QUINN R. HEINER JR. Individually (DIANA E. Fi I�ER Individually QUINN R. HEINER JR. Wyoming Real Estate Modification WY/ 4XXXCRICH00000000000625026012612N UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 .11IIII111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII���� IIIIII liilIII�� ll IIIII31 1111111 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 5 0 6/ 1 3 4 3 0 1 2 6 2 0 1 2 Wolters Kluwer Financial Services ©1996, 2012 Bankers SystemsT"" Page 2 LENDER: ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (Individual) ti The Bank Of Star Valley By Seth Jenkins, Vice °res dent OF OF r,, ss. This instrument was ac,knowled,god before me this day of 1 2 r. t f .1),' by QUINN R. HEINER JR., spouse of DIANA E. HEINER, and DIANA E. HEINER spouse of QUINN R. HEINER, JR.. My commission pires: An il ae d r ru i•I DV, IiY r'! li'31 p COUN ri STATE OF WYOMING MY Cl'MNII:',i011 DWI 23 FEHROrtRY 7, 201.5 fl This instrument was ackriowledged bq)re me this Seth Jenkins as Vice President of The Bank Of Star Valley. My commission expires: JASMINE NEWELL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN ti WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOVEMBER 20, 2013 QUINN R. HEINER JR. Wyoming Real Estate Modification WY/ 4XXXCRICH00000000000625026012612N 10110 IIII 1111111 10IIIII1011VIIIVIII0111 III 1111011 101111114IIl 111 111 II1I10I 111I1I I111 11l1I; II (Notary Public) 00081 Wolters Kluwer Financial Services 1996, 2012 Bankers SystemsTM Page 3 6/29/2009 Order No: 6010918136 LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT 'A' A portion of the Heiner property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with Document No. 900183, in Book 558PR, on page 865, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 34 North, Range 118 West, of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Boundary and Encumbrances being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the Clark property, as referred to in the Affidavit Correction Legal Descriptions, recorded with Receiving No. 943397, in Book 708, on Page 444, with said Office, said Point of Beginning being 770.33 feet South 89 °56'16" West, along the North line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18, of said Township 34 North Range 118 West, from the Baker Engineers PE /LS 698, 1971 location for the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter; Thence South 89 °56'16" West, continuing along said North line, 192.58 feet to a Point, said Point being 357.58 feet North 89 56'16" East, along said North line, from the Lloyd B. Baker PE /LS 698, 1989 location for the Northwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18; Thence North 0 41'27" East, 452.40 feet to a Point in the North line of said Heiner property; Thence North 89 °56'16" East, along the North line of said Heiner property, 192.56 feet to the Northwest corner of said Clark property; Thence South 0 °41'14" West, along the West line of said Clark property, 452.40 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.