HomeMy WebLinkAbout877410USDA SATISFACTION OF LIEN :" Form RD 460-4 Position 1 (Chattel SecuritY) (Rev. 4-97) Position 5 (Real Estate Securio,) The 'United States of A~nerica, acting through the United States Department of Agricultur6 as owner and holder of the following-described lien instruments, made and executed by B r ~ a n O . M a and Tpudy Marx , and recorded or filed in County of L i n c o ] n : State of W y o m i n 9 , satisfies and discharges this lien instruments. LIEN DATE OF DATE RECORD OR B(J~ PAGE INSTRUMENT MORTGAGEE INSTRUMENT FILED FILE NO. NUMI NUMBER '~; RE Mortgage USDA-FmHA 8/25/87 8/25/87 677392 245PR 337 Assumed by K rby Joe Booth and Donn~ Booth ,~ 'RERECORDED ': '~'2,.,$/8/97 1/8/97 83~595 392 n 593 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the United States of America has caused this satisfaction to be signed the 1 3 1; h ___ day of bi o v e m b e r , 2 0 0 l, pursuant to delegation of authority published in 7 C.F.R. part 1900, subpart A. UNITED SIATEs OF AMERICA Title Rural D~vel 0pme~__Mana~~ · United States Department of Agriculture RD 460-4 (Rev. 4-97) STATE OF W .y o m i n g COUNTY OF. L i n ¢ o ] n / ss.. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Onthis 13th day of. lqovember , 2001 ., before me, the subscriber, a lqotary Public ,in and fc~r the above county and State, appeared Linda Ziegler , known to me to be Rural Development Manager United States Department of Agriculture, and the person who exe. cuted the foregoing instrument, and he/she acknoxvledged to me that he/she executed the same as the fi'ee act and deed of the United States of America, for the uses the purposes meutioned in il. IN wrrNESS WttEREOF, I have set my hand and seal at A f t o n ~ W y o m i n g ~ ~J e w. ~to~ I~ i '~ e*~ (. the clay and )'ear listed above. My commission expJres k~ct-~( .~1 ~OO~' ~'' / ' [ , ..... (J 'U.S. Government Printing Office: 1997, 579-260 i;.,. .... ' · ;i