HomeMy WebLinkAbout963336OR 1 a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME BRUCE LEE JORGENSEN, ORGANIZATION -TRADE NAME, DEBTOR 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 1c. MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 3186 CITY Alpine STATE WY POSTAL CODE 83128 COUNTRY USA 1d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L INFO RE lie. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR 1 DBA 1f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION USA 1g, ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any NONE Not A Applicable pP OR 2a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 2c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 2d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS Not Applicable ADD'L INFO RE 2e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION DEBTOR ORGANIZATION I 2f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any ri NONE OR 3a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME Jorgensen FIRST NAME Bruce MIDDLE NAME Lee SUFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 3186 CITY Alpine STATE Wy POSTAL CODE 83128 COUNTRY uSA UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) Bruce Lee Jorgensen P.O. Box 3186 Alpine, WY 83128 uSA L 1 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insertonly one debtor name (la or 1 b) -do not abbreviate or combine names 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) do not abbreviate or combine names 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S /P)- insertonly one secured part yname (3aor3b This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following collateral: FILING OFFICE COPY UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 05/22/02) 00597 RECEIVED 2/23/2012 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING 963336 BOOK: 781 PAGE: 597 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY Be it known that Bruce -Lee: Jorgensen has filed a Declaration of Land Patent on the real property described as the following: See Addendum, Section 14, for Legal Description of said property attached hereto and made part hereof. NO third party having a claim, lien or debt or other equitable interest has made ANY claim. As such, all interested or third parties have waived any and all future claims against said land and it has become the property and allodial freehold of the assignee, Bruce -Lee: Jorgensen to said Private Land Patent. Any and all claims are now subordinate and inferior to the claim of the Secured Party, Bruce -Lee: Jorgensen. 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable]:( (LESSEE /LESSOR 1 ICONSIGNEE /CONSIGNOR (BAILEE /BAILOR 1SELLER /BUYER7AG. LIEN NON-UCC FILING 6. I A This FINANCING STATEMENT is to be filed [for record] (or recorded) in the REAL 1 Check to REQUEST SEARCH REPORT(S) on Debtor(s) V I ESTATF RECORDS Attach Addendum fif applicable) IADDITIONAI FEE1 foptionall All Debtors Debtor 1 Debtor 2 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA OR 11a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 11b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 11c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 11d_ Not SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADM INFO RE 11 TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANI DEBTORZAnON I 11f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 11g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any n NONE Applicable 12. OR ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S or I I ASSIGNOR S /P'S NAME insert only one name (12a or 12b) 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 126. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 13. 14. LOT SUBDIVISION THE CLERK APN: 15. Bruce P.O. Alpine, This FINANCING STATEMENT covers timber to be cut or as- extracted 16. Additional collateral description: Homestead Declaration Exhibit A Declaration of Assignee's Update of Land Patent Exhibit B Notice Declaration of Updated Private Land Patent Exhibit C Proof of Publication of Land Patent Exhibit D Certified Copy of Land Patent Exhibit E Legal Description of Portion of Said Land Patent Exhibit F Memorandum of Law on Rights, Privileges Immunities Patent Case Law All proceeds, products, accounts, fixtures, timber, materials, etc. and the orders therefrom are released to the Debtor. collateral, or is filed as a J fixture filing. Description of real estate: 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING. 12- 3718- 29 -4 -16- 003.00 Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of above described real estate (if Debtor does not have a record interest): Lee Jorgensen Box 3186 WY 83128 17. Check only if applicable and check only one box. Debtor is a vi Trust or n Trustee acting with respect to property held in trust or n Decedents Estate 18. Check only if applicable and check only one box. effective 30 years effective 30 years Ki Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY 1 Filed in connection with a Manufactured -Home Transaction 1 Fled in connection with a Public- Finance Transaction UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM AME OF FIRST DEBTOR (la or lb) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME BRUCE LEE JORGENSON ORGANIZATION TRADE NAME, DEBTOR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME MISCELLANEOUS: FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 9. OR 10. 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one name (11a or 11b) do not abbreviate or combine names FILING OFFICE COPY UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Ad) (REV- 05/22/02) 00598 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY Requested and Prepared by: Bruce Lee Jorgensen When Recorded Mail To: Bruce Lee Jorgensen c/o P.O. Box 3186 Alpine, Wyoming [83128] Space above this line for recorders use DECLARATION OF HOMESTEAD 1. I, Bruce Lee Jorgensen, do hereby declare: 2. That my mailing address for my Homestead is: Portion claimed: LOT 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING. APN: 12- 3718- 29 -4 -16- 003.00 Which currently has the address of: 338 MEADOWS DRIVE, ALPINE, WYOMING 83128 (FORMALLY KNOWN AS 1444 OLD SAWMILL ROAD, ALPINE, WYOMING 83128) 3. I, hereby declare and claim said premises as a Homestead. 4. No further Declaration of Homestead has been made by me except as has abandoned. 5. See Attachment Exhibit "A Declaration of Assignee's Update of Land Patent, Exhibit "B Notice and Declaration of Updated Private Land Patent, Exhibit "C Proof of Publication of Land Patent, Exhibit "D" Certified Copy of Land Patent, Exhibit "E Legal Description of Portion of Said Land Patent, Exhibit "F Memorandum of Law on Rights, Privileges and Immunities; Patent Case Law, and Exhibit "G" UCC Financial Statement. 6. The facts stated in this Declaration are true as of my personal knowledge. Dated: «2 7 By: *See NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Attached Bruce L. Jorgen$ �b eclarant 00:59`9 CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN On c2i Vr,?o a before me, dc h� s NOTARY PUBLIC, personally appeared Bruce Lee Jorgensen, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity, and that by his /her /their signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Wyoming that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature NOTARY PUBLI (Seal) HEIDI ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COUNTY OF 1���: LINCOLN WYOMING A COMMISSIO EX PIRE S OCTOBER 16, 2014 00000 Requested and Prepared by: Bruce Lee Jorgensen When Recorded Mail To: Bruce Lee Jorgensen c/o P.O. Box 3186 Alpine, Wyoming [83128] Space above this line for recorder's use DECLARATION OF ASSIGNEE'S UPDATE OF LAND PATENT Patent Number: 678737, BLM WYE 0000959 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT BRUCE LEE JORGENSEN, DO SEVERALLY CERTIFY AND DECLARE, THAT I BRING UP THIS LAND PATENT IN MY NAME. (1) The Character Of Said Property So Sought To Be Patented, And Legally Described And Referenced Under Patent Number Listed Above Is: Wallace Vail, Township 37N, Range 118W, Section 29 of the 6 Principle Meridian. Portion Claimed: [LOT 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING.] APN: 12-3718-29-4-16-003.00 (2) Notice of Pre Emptive Right. Pursuant To The Declaration Of Independence 1776], The Treaty Of Peace with Great Britain (8 stat. 80) known as the Treaty Of Paris [1793, an Act Of Congress [3 Stat. 566, April 24, 1824], The Oregon Treaty [9 Stat. 869, June 15,1846], The Homestead Act [12 Stat. 392,1862] and 43 U.S.C. Sections 57, 59, and 83; the recipient hereof is mandated by Art. VI. Sections 1, 2, and 3; Art. IV. Sections I cl. 1, 2; Section 2 cl. 1 2; Section 4; the 4th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments [U.S. Constitution, 1781- 91(j)] to acknowledge Assignee's update of Patent prosecuted by authority of Art. III Section 2, cl. 1 2 and enforced by original /exclusive jurisdiction thereunder and it is the only way a perfect title can be had in our names, Wilcox vs. Jackson, 13 Pet. (U.S.) 498, 101. Ed. 264; all questions of 1 006011 EXHIBIT A 00603 legal effect a conveyance of land. U.S. vs. Steenerson. 50 Fed 504,1; C.C.A. 552, 4 U.S. App. 332. A land patent is conclusive evidence that the patent has complied with the Act of Congress as concerns improvements on the land, etc., Jankins vs. Gibson, 3 La Ann 203. (5) Law on Rights, Privileges, and Immunities; Transfer by Patentee. "...[t]itle and rights of bona fide purchaser from patentee... will be protected United States vs. Debell, 227 F. 760 (C8 S.D. 1915), United States vs. Beamon, 242 F. 876, (CA8 Colo. 1917); State vs. Hewitt Land Co., 74 Wash. 573, 134 p. 474. from 43 U.S.C. 15, n. 44. As an assignee, whether he is the first, second or third party to whom title is conveyed shall lose none of the original rights, privileges or immunities of the original grantee of land patent. "No state shall impair the obligations of contracts united States Constitution Article I. Section 10. (6) Equal Rights: Privileges and Immunities are Further Protected Under The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. "no state.... shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws In cases of ejectment, where the question is who has the legal title the patent of the government is unassailable. Sanford vs. Sanford, 139 U.S. 642, 35 L. Ed. 290. In Federal courts the patent is held to be the foundation of title at law. Fenn vs. Holmes, 21 Howard 481. Immunity from collateral attack; Collins vs. Bartlett, 44 Cal. 371; Weber vs. Pere Marquette Boom Co.,62 Mich. 626, 30 N. W. 469; Surget vs. Doe, 24 Miss 118; Pittsmont Copper Co. vs. Vanina, 71 Mont. 44, 227 Pac. 45; Green vs. Barker 47 Neb. 934, 66 N.W. 1032. (7) Disclaimer; assignee's seizen in deed, and lawful entry is inclusive of specifically that certain legally described portion of the original private Land Grant or Patent PL 678737, (BLM WYE 0000959) and not the whole thereof, including hereditament, tenements, pre- emption rights appurtenant thereto. The recording of this instrument shall not be construed to deny or infringe upon any others right to claim the remaining portion thereof. Any challenges to the validity of this Declaration and Notice are subject to the limitations referenced herein. Additionally; a common courtesy of five (5) weeks' newspaper publication was published as confirmed in the attached certified Proof of Publication providing for any challenges hereto within sixty (60) days' of the initial date of newspaper publication; otherwise laches /estoppel shall forever bar the same against allodial freehold estate; assessment lien theory to the contrary (Ors. 275, 130), included. The following documents are attached to this declaration: (1) Certified Copy of Original Private Land Grant or Patent, (2) Notice and Declaration of Updated Private Land Patent, (3) Certified Copy of Proof of Publication, (4) Legal Description of Portion of Said Grant or Patent, (5) Declaration of Homestead, (6) Memorandum of Law on Rights, Privileges Immunities, Patent Case Law, and (7) UCC Financial Statement which are by reference, made a part hereof as though fully set forth. (Filling /recording and any other fee(s) associated with this document will be tendered in united States coins). 3 Dated: d STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature otk. By: c Bruce L. Jorge overeign Elector Assignee CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTARY PUBLIC On before me, go L NOTARY PUBLIC, person. ly appeared Bruce Lee Jorgensen, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his/her /their authorized capacity, and that by his /her /their signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Wyoming that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. NOTARY PUBLIC (Seal) 4 HEIDI ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COUNTY OF WYOMXNG LINCOLN MY �MISSS ON EXPIRES OCTOBER 16, 2014 i 00604 Requested and Prepared by: Bruce Lee Jorgensen When Recorded Mail To: Bruce Lee Jorgensen c/o P.O. Box 3186 Alpine, Wyoming [83128] Space above this line for recorder's use KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: EXHIBIT B NOTICE AND DECLARATION OF UPDATED PRIVATE LAND PATENT 00605 UNITED STATES PRIVATE LAND PATENT NUMBER: PL #678737, BLM# WYE 0000959 issued on the 22nd day of May, 1919 by Woodrow Wilson, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THAT I, BRUCE LEE JORGENSEN, do certify and declare, that I bring up this land patent in my name. Private real property so sought to be patented, and legally described and referenced under private Land Patent Number PL# listed above is: [LOT 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING.] APN: 12- 3718- 29 -4 -16- 003.00 For the Lot one, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section twenty and the Lot three of Section twenty -nine in Township thirty seven north of Range one hundred eighteen west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, containing one hundred fifty -one and fifty -five- hundredths acres; also together with assignment of any and all Rights, Title, Interests, Privileges and Immunities, as assign(ee) of the Wallace Vail Original Patentee or Grantee of PLC# 678737, to that portion of those portions of above described legal description. No claim(s) is made herein that Claimant /Assignee has been assigned the entire tract of land described in the original private land patent listed above. This assignment is inclusive only of the above legal description. The filing of this Declaration of Updated Private Land Patent shall not deny or infringe on any right, privilege or immunity of any other assignee to any other portion of land covered in the above described Land Patent Number PL# 678737, (Filling /recording and any other fee(s) associated with this document will be tendered in united States coins). I, Bruce Lee Jorgensen, do swear and state that the above is true or is believed, by me to be true and correct to the best of my ability and knowledge. Dated: 02/7/2a /4„._ State of WYOMING County of LINCOLN My commission expires CLAIMANT, /U ip /f By: 7 2 Bruce L. Jorge e j Sovereign Elector Assignee JURAT Subscribed and sworn to before me on this .7- day of at 2012, by Bruce Lee Jorgensen, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory idence to be the person(s) who a.p' be e. Notary Signature o ZLtit i Printed name�,� HEIDI ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE Or LINICOLN! 1?,' WYOMING MYCOA9NAISSIOW [WIRES OCTOBER t w t 00606 EXHIBIT C 00607 I SARAH HALE, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for consecutive issues, commencing with the issue date e c a .7 2011, and ending with issue dated r J D ri 2012. scribed and sworn in before me this day of 2012. My commission expires August 31, 2013 NOTICE AND DECLARATION OF LAND PATENT NO. #678737 Be it known that Bruce Lee Jorgenson has filed a Declaration of Land Patent on the real property described as the following: LOT 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY S/D AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. Parcel 12- 3718 -29-4- 16-003.00 If any party having a claim, lien or debt or other equitable inter- est fails to file a suit in a court of law within 60 days (60) from the date of filing December 29, 2011, then they shall waive any and all future claims against this land and it will become the property and allodial freehold of the assignee Bruce Lee Jorgenson to said Land Patent. Published in the Star Valley Independent, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Publish December 29, January 5, 12, 19 26, 2011 00608 JANA BRYAI iT NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln Wyoming State of My Commissinr "August 31, 2013 EXHIBIT D 00609 I WiltREAS, ,'a Certificate his bsen deposited lip the 1 Ytall Veil F according to .the provisions of the Act of Congress approved I March 3' 1877, entitled "An Act to 1 provide' for the sale of desert- In certain "States and as amended by the Act of March 3, 1891, and supplemented III- bu the Act of 4, 1915, for. the Lot eiie, the southwest quarter. of the southeast quarter,: and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of twenty and the Lot three of .Section twenty nine in Township thj:rty, seven' north of i4nge' one hundred 'eighteen, west of the Sixth Principal 4ierid tan, W omi y ng, containing ohe hundred -one and fifty -five- hundredths 11 sores; according to the Official Plat Of the Survey of the said Land, returned to the GENERAL LAND OFFICE by the. Surveyor- General: NOW KNOW YE, That the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several Acts of Congress in such case made and provided, HAS GIVEN. AND GRANTED, and by these-plesents DOES GIVE AND GRANT, unto the said claimant and to the heirs df the said claimant the Tract above. described; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, 'together with all the rights,.privileges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said claimant and to .the helr's and assigns of the saidrelaimant forever; subject to any vested and 'accrued. water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing, or other I purposes, and rights to ditches.and reservoirs used in connection with such water rights, as may be recognized and acknowledged -by the local customs, laws, and decisions of courts; and there is reserved from the lands hereby granted, a right of way thereon for ditches- or canals constructed by the authority of the United States. I RECORD OF PATENT A mg z e (SE CE WIFE) to bee ru of the'. REAU OF ln itv *fit yes au to 11 i 14nr -}tr8 s4all rnme. 6t p 1 I o t Register of, the Land ORice at': $Van$ ton, Wyo I Gets4l Land _Office, whereby it appears i corn, arative copy ecords on -file IVO_ u1ANAGEMUfE[ rr 'aibgt Number 1 7 81 3t 4- 1028 –R. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Woodrow Wilson, Preside of the United. Statels'of America, have caused these letters 'to- be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. GIVEN under my hand. at the City of Washington, the TWENTY SECOND day .a. MAY In the year of our Lord one thousand I nine hundred =Ind. N��ETEEN and of tt United States the one ,hundr-d and FORTY THIRD. By the President: -By hat ;full payment J been made by the ngs AN0.76.40E44.,..,4 ®.0 6.1 Recorder of Ms Beard Laird claimant 44 2 44.d or te Secretary, Space above this line for recorder's use LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF SAID PATENT EXHIBIT E [LOT 3 OF THE GREYS RIVER VALLEY SUBDIVISION AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING.] Township 37 North. Range 118 West. Section 29. 6 Principle Meridian 00611 Space above this line for recorder's use EXHIBIT F MEMORANDUM OF LAW ON RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES 00612 Transfer by patentee... "Title and rights of bona fide purchaser from patentee will be protected" United States v. Debel, (1915, CA8 SD) 227 F 760: United States v. Beaman, (1917, CA8 CO) 242 F. 876; State v. Hewitt Land Co., (1913) 74 Wash. 573, 134 P. 474 from 43 USCS 15, n. 44. AS AN ASSIGNEE, WHETHER HE BE THE FIRST, SECOND OR THIRD PARTY TO WHOM TITLE IS CONVEYED SHALL LOSE NONE OF THE ORIGINAL RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES OR IMMUNITIES OF THE ORIGINAL GRANTEE OF LAND PATENT. The U.S. Constitution says in Article I Sec. 10: No State shall impair the obligations of Contracts." EQUAL RIGHTS PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES ARE FURTHER PROTECTED UNDER THE 14th AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION WHICH SAYS: No State shall deny to any person within ifs jurisdiction the equal protection of the law." In cases of ejectment, where the question who has the legal title, the Patent of the government is unassailable. Stanford v. Stanford, 139 U.S. 642, 35 L. Ed. 290. In Federal courts, the Patent is held to be the foundation of title at law Fenn v. Holmes, 21 Howard 481. IMMUNITY FROM COLLATERAL ATTACK: Collins v.. Bartlett, 44 Cal 371; Weber v. Pere Marquette Boom Co., 62 Mich. 626, 30 NW 469; Surget v. Doe, 24 Miss 118: Pittsmont Copper Co. v. Vanina, 71 Mont. 44, 227 Pac. 46, Green v. Barker, 47 Neb. 934 66 NW 1032. "legal title to property is contingent upon the patent issuing from the government. [Sabo v. Horvath, 559 p. 2d 1038, 1040 (aka. 1976)] "that the patent carries the fee and is the best title known to a court of law is settled doctrine of this court," [Marshall v. Ladd, 7 Wall. (74 U.S.) 106 (1869)] "a patent issued by the government of united states is legal and conclusive evidence of title to the land described therein, ho equitable interest, however strong, to land described in such patent can prevail at law, against the patent. [Land Patents, Opinions of the United States Attorney General 's office. (Sept.1869)][Hafer v. Melo, 90 681 U. S. (1991)], that held under title 42, United States Code, sec. 1983 suits "every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any state subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured." Title 18, United States Code, sec. 241 Patent Case Law ALLODIAL TITLE MATTHEWS V., 10 GILL J (MD) 443 WALLACE V. ARMSTEAD, 44 PA. 492 WENDELL V. CRANDALL, 1 N.Y 491 STANTON V. SULLIVAN 7A. 696 McCARTEE V. ORPHUM'S ASYLUM. 9 COW N.Y. 437,18 AM. DEC. 516 PEOPLE V. RICHARDSON, 269 M. 275,109 N.E. 1033 LAND PATENT SANFORD V. SANFORD 139 US 642 FENN v. HOLMES, 21 HOWARD 481 LOMAX V. PICKERING, 173 US 26 GIBSON V. CHOUTEAU, 80 US 92 WILCOX V. JACKSON 13 PETER (US) 498 UNITED STATES V. STONE, 2 US 525 MINTER V. CROMMELIN, 18 US 87 JOHNSON V. CHRISTIAN 128 US 374 DOE v. AIKEN 31 FED. 393 SARGENT V. HERRICK STEVENS 221 US 404 NORTHERN R.R. CO. V. TRAIL COUNTY, 115 US 600 BEADLE V. SMYSER, 209 US 393 BAGNELL V. BRODERICK, 13 PETER (US) 436 00613 Allodial Title Via Land Patent STEEL V. ST. LOUIS SMELTING REFINING CO. 106 US 417 HOGAN V. PACE 69 US 605 LANGDON V. SHERWOOD 124 US 74 CARTER V. RUDDY 166 US 493 RUDDY V. ROSSI 248 US 104 GOLDING V. SCHUBAC 93 US 32 SAVILLE V. CORLESS 46 US. 495 ECHART V. COMMISSIONERS, C.C.A. 42 F2d 158; 283 US 140 CLEVELAND V. SMITH 132 US 318 PEOPLE V. HINES, 89 P. 858,5 CAL. APP. 122 MITCHELL V. CITY OF ROCKLAND, 45 ME. 496 STATE TREASURER V. WRIGHT 28 ILL 509 WHITAKER V. HALEY 2 ORE. 128 TOWN OF FRANKFORT V. WALDO 128 ME. 1 McCARTHY V. GREENLAWN CEM. 158 ME. 388 CASSIDY V. AROOSTOCK 134 ME. 34 BARKER V. BLAKE, 36 ME. 1 MARSHALL V. LADD 7 WALL 74 US 106 UNITED STATES V. CREEK NATION 295 US 103 UNITED STATES V. CHEROKEE NATION 474 F 2d 628 MARSH V. BROOKS 49 U. S. 223 HOOPER V. SCHEIMER 64 U.S. 23 HOW 235 GREEN V. BARBER 66 N. W. 1032 W ALTON V. UNITED STAPES 415 F 2d 121,123 (10th CIR.) 2 00614 Allodial Title Via Land Patent UNITED STATES V. BEAMON 242 F. 876 FILE V. ALASKA 593 P. 2d 268 LEADING FIGHTER V. COUNTY OF GREGORY, 230 N.W. 2d 114, 116 CHISHOLM V. GEORGIA, 2 DALL (U.S.) 419 WILCOX V. CALLOWAY [I WASH. (VA.) 38 -41] STATE V.CRAWFORD 441 P. 2d 586590 YOUNG V. MILLER 125 SO. 2d 257,258 BEAVER V. UNITED STATES, 350 F 2d 4 dert denied 387 U.S. 937 STOLL V. GOTTBREHT 176 N.W. 932,45 N.D. 158 REICHERT V. JEROME H. SHEIP. INC 131 SO. 229, 22E ALA 133 SUMMA CORPORATION V. CALIFORNIA ex. rel. STATE LANDS COMMISSION, 80 L.ED 2d 237 OLIPHANT V. FRAZHO 146 N.W. 2d 685 UNITED STATES V. SPRAGUE 282 U. S. 716 UNITED STATES V. REYNES, 9 HOW (U.S.) 127 WISCONSIN C.R. CO. 124 U.S. 74,81 PUTNUM V. ICKES, 78 F.2d 233, CERT. DENIED 296 U.S. 612 KALE V. UNITED STATES 489 F2d 449,454 HOOFNAGLE V. ANDERSON, 20 U. S. (7 WHEAT) 212 THOMAS V. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. 139 F.SUPP. 588596 STATE V. CRAWFORD 441 P.2d 586590 (ARIZ.APP) WINEMAN V. GASTREL 54 FED, 819,4 CCA 596,1 US APP 581 CAGE V. DANKS 13 LA ANN 128 U.S. V. STEENERSON 50 FED 504,1 CCA 552,4 U.S. APP 332 JENKINS V. GIBSON, 3 LA ANN 203 3 Allodial Title Via Land Patent 00615 DINGEY V PAXTON, 50 MISS 1038 EHLE V. QUACKENBOSS 6 HILL NY 537 OAKLEY V. COOK 41 N.J. EQ. 350A.2d 496 DONOVAN V. PITCHER, 53 ALA 411 BIRGE V. BOCK 44 MO APP 69 CONVERSE V. KELLOGG 7 BARB N.Y. 590 BLOCH V. RYAN, 4 AOO CAS, 283 RYNOLDS V. BOREL, 86 CAL. 538 MOORE V. WILLIAMS, 115 N.Y. 586,22N.E. 253 ROBERTS V. BASSETT, 105 MASS 409 WRIGHT V MATTISON, 18 HOW. (U.S.) 50 JOPLIN BREWING CO. V. PAYNE, 197 NO.422 94 S.W. 896 ST. LOUIS V. GORMAN 29 MO 593 RAW SON V. FOX, 65 ILL 200 DAVID V. HALL, 92 R.I. 85 MORRISON V. NORMAN, 47 ILL 477 McCONNELL V. STREET 17 ILL 253 DEMPSEY V. BURNS 281 ILL 644 Allodial Title Via Land Patent LITCHFIELD V. THE REGISTER, 9 WALL (U.S.) 575,19 LED 681 UNITED STATES V. DEBEL227 F 760 (C8 sd, 1915) STANEK V. WHITE, 172 MINN. 390,215 N.W.R. 781,784 WARE V. HYLTON, 3 DALL (3 U.S. 199) LOMAS V. PICKERING 173 US 26 43 L. ED. 601 COLOR OF TITLE MAHRENHOLZ V. COUNTY BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF LAWRENCE COUNTY etal. 93 ILL APP 3d 366 00616 DRYDEN V.NEWMAN, 116ILL 186 HINCKLEY v. GREEN 52 ILL 223 BUSCH V. HUSTON 75 ILL. 343 CHICKERING V. FAILES, 26 ILL. 508 SAFFORD V. STUBBS 117 ILL. 389 HOOW AY V. CLARK 27 ILL. 483 McCELLAN V. KELLOGG 17 ILL 498 GRANT v. BENNETT 96 ILL. 513 MORGAN V. CLAYTON, 61 ILL 35 BRADY V. SPURCK 27 ILL 478 BUTTERFIELD V. SMITH ILL. 111 KENDRICK V. LA TRAM, 25 FLA. 819 HULS V. BUNTIN 4711 —L 396 WALKER V. CONVERSE 14811 —L. 622 PEADRO V. CARRIKER 16811 —L 570 CHICAGO V- MIDDLEBROOKE, 14311 —L 265 PIATT COUNTY V. GOODEN, 97 ILL 84 STUBBLEFIELD V. BORDERS 89 ILL 570 THOMAS V. ECKARD, 88 ILL 593. COLEMAN V, BILLINGS, 89 ILL 183 WHITNEY V. STEVENS, 89 ILL. 53 HOLLOWAY V. CLARKE, 27 ILL. 483 BALDWIN V. RATCLIFF 125 ILL. 376 5 00617 Allodial Title Via Land Patent BRADLEY V. REES, 113 ILL 327 COOK V. NORTON, 43 ILL 391 COUNTY OF PIATT V. GOODELL, 97 ILL 84 SMITH V. FERGUSON, 91 ILL 304 HASSETT V. RIDGELY, 49 ILL 197 BROOKS V. BRUYN, 35 ILL. 507 McCLAGG V. HEACOCK, 34 ILL. 476 BRIDE V WATT, 23 ILL 507 WOODWARD V. BLANCHARD, 16 ILL 424 MARKETABLE TITLE AUSTIN v. BAMUM, 52 MINN. 136 ROBERT V. McFADDEN 32 TEX -CIV. APP. 47,74 S. W.105 BARNARD V. BROWN, 112 MICH 452 ORMSBY V. GRAHAM, 123 LA. 202,98 N.W. 724 WICHELMAN V. MESSNER, 83 N.W. 2d 800 CLOSE V. STUYVESANT, 132 ILL 607, 24N.E. 868 CUMMINGS V. DOLAN, 52 WASH. 496 100 P. 989 SABO V. HORVATH, 559 P. 2d 10381040 (AK 1976) DEFECTIVE TITLE HELLER V. COHEN 15 MISC. 378,36 N.Y. S. 668 PLACE V PEOPLE, 192 ILL 160,61 N .E. 354 COSPERTINI V. OPPERMANN, 76 CAL. 181, 18P. 256 RASCHELL V. PEREZ, 7 TEX, 348 HERMAN V. SOMERS, 158 PA. ST. 42427 A. 1050 6 00618 Allodial Title Via Land Patent SABO V. HORVATH, 559 P. 2d 1038 PORTER V. BUCK. 335 SO. 2d 369,371 WILD DEEDS THE EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK V. LAWNDALE NATIONAL BANK, 41 ILL 2d 316,243 N .E. 2d 193, 195 -96 MANSON V. BERKMAN 356 ILL 20, 190 N.E. 77 SCHELLER V. TRUSTEES OF SCHOOLS OF TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH 67 ILL APP. 3d 85 MORTGAGE AS A LIEN NOT TITLE Allodial Title Via Land Patent UNITED STATES V. CERTAIN INTEREST IN PROPERTY IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, STATE OF ILLINOIS 165 F SUPP. 474 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORP. V. GANSWER 146 NET 635,20 N.W. 2d 689 SOUTH OMAHA BANK V. LEVY 95 N.W. 603 FIRST NATIONAL BANK V. SARGEANT 65 NEB. 39491 N.W. 595 MORRILL V. SKINNER 57 NEB. 164,77 N.W. 375 BARBER V. CROWELL 55 NEB 57173 N.W. 1109 SPEER V. HADDUCK, 31 FREEMAN (ILL) 439,443 UNITED STATES V. UNITED STATES CHAIN COMPANY 212 F. SUPP. 171 (N.D. ILL.) COMMON LAW UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. V. CALL PUBLISHING CO. 181 U.S. 765 ROBBEN V. ()BERING 279 F. 2d 387(7th CIR.) KARLSON V. MURPHY 56 N.E. 2d 839387 1LL 436 PEOPLE ex. rel. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS V. BARRETT 46 N.E.2d 951,382 ILL. 321 MITCHELL HUTCHINS AND CO. 54 N.E.2d 708322 ILL. APP. 409 HEINEMAN V. HARMANN, 52 N.E. 2d 263, 385 ILL. 191 7 ®619 Allodial Title Via Land Patent WILLIAMSON V. WINNINGHAM 86 P, 2d 644, 650 (OKLA.) MISSOURI, KANSAS TEXAS RAILWAY CO. v. KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., 97 U.S. 491,497 MARKS V. DICKSON 61 U. S. (20 HOW) 501 COUSIN V. BLANC'S EX., 19 HOW (U.S. 206,209) STATUTES AT LARGE THE MAIN PATENT STATUTE IS 3 STAT, 16th CONGRESS, SESS. I CH. 51 (1820) 12 STAT. 392, 37th CONGRESS, SESS II CH. 75 (1850 THE HOMESTEAD ACT) 9 STAT. 520 31" CONGRESS SESS I CH. 85 (1850- MILITARY BOUNTY SERVICE ACT) 8 STAT. 123 29th CONGRESS SESS II CH. 8 (1847- RAISE MILITARY FORCE) 5 STAT. 444 21" CONGRESS SESS II CH. 30 (183]) 4 STAT. 51, 18th CONGRESS, SESS I CH. 174 (1824) 5 STAT. 56, I8th CONGRESS, SESSI CH. 172 (1824) 2 STAT 748 12th CONGRESS, SESS. I CH. 99 (1812) 2 STAT. 716, 12th CONGRESS, SESS. I CH. 68, (1812- GENERAL LAND OFFICE ACT) 2 STAT. 590 l lth CONGRESS, SESS. U, CH.3.5. (1810) 2 STAT. 437, 9th CONGRESS SESS. H, CH.34 (1807) 2 STAT. 437, 9th CONGRESS, SESS. H. CH. 34 (1807) [sic, sections U and H above are more likely II] 00620