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Robert B. Kennison and Patricia J. Kennison,
wife, Grantors, as Trustees of the Kennison Family Trust according
to that Trust Agreement dated ¥.~-,-~'~/-' 4 , 1991, of P.O.
Box 240, Thayne, Wyoming 83127~ for ~nd in consideration of $10 00
and other good and valqable consideration, hereby convey and
warrant to Dean Barber and Beverly Barber, husband and wife, as
tenants by the entireties, whose address is P.O. 421, Thayne,
Wyoming 83127, the following described real estate, situate in the
County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing
all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of
the State of Wyoming, to wit:
A portion of the Northwest (unnumbered block, sometimes
called Block 8) of the Van Noy Park Subdivision to the
Town of Thayne~ Lincoln County~ Wyoming being more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the point 836.50 feet north and 43.55 feet
east from the Brass Cap Monument marking the center 1/4
corner of said Section 23, said point of beginning also
lying in the easterly line of Highway U.S:',,;89, 80 feet
wide, and being the southwest corner of the Hitching Rail
of Don Aul.lman property; thence easterly, .northerly, and
easterly along the lines of said Aullman property the
following courses and distances:
East 74.45 feet;
North 27.00 feet;
East 64.45 feet;
S 83046, 39" E, 92.20 feet to the westerly line of
Lincoln Avenue, 33 feet wide; thence running south S
0°30'40" along last said westerly line, 107.00 feet;
thence S 88042, W~ 230.00 feet to the said east line of
HighWay U.S. 89; thence N 0o 56'40" W, along last said
east line, 95.22 feet to the point of beginning;
Together with and including all improvements thereon and
all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging.
Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions,
easements, reservations, rights and rights-of-way of
sight and/or record.
Witness our hands on the date indicated below.
Ro4~ert B, Ken~sdn
Trustee T~:~:~ 'J.~e~ison
State of Wyoming )
County of Teton ) "
appea~ .~ [obert B. Kennison and Patricia J. Kennison and
ackno~le~ ignatures on the foregoing Warranty Deed.
Notary Public
My commission expires on."