HomeMy WebLinkAbout877412 !l '~ !3j' ,? ' : ..... SPECIAL WARRANTy DEED ........ '"': "; !'"' ....... ~' ,~' ........ ..z I~, ~ J l,,, t. 5 T~HS I~ENTU~, made ~e /~- day of November, 2001 by m~d be~een ~e ~DERAL HO~ LO~ MORTGAGE CO'OPTION, a corporation org~ed and e.~st~g under and by vkme of ~e laws of the U~ted State of America the G~TOR, and STEP~N LEE D~L~E ~D N~ I,~AH H'usb~d a~ Wife as Ten~tts by the En~efies, whose address is 2003 Del ~o Drive, Ke~erer, WY 83101 as ~TNESSET~: T~t the gr~tor, for and ht consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and o~.er good ~md wduable consideration in ba~d paid, ~e re~ipt whereof is hereby ac~owledged, does, by ·ese presenu, gr~t, bargain, sell, CONVEY ~ W~NT unto ~e said Grantee all ce~ah tract, lot, piece, and parcel of land sitaated ~ ~e Coun~ of L~coln, State of Wyoming, and described as follows to-wit: Lot 14-D3 of the Rolling Hills 1 st Addition to ~e Ci~ of Ken~.erer, Lincoln Count, Wyoming as described on the offici~ plat ~ereof. IN WITNESS ~E~OF, ~e Grantor has caused ~ese presems to be si~ed by its duly authored officer, the day ~d ye~ first above walden. ~EDE~L HOME LO~ MORTGAGE CO'OPTION Cmm.ty of On of November, 2~I before me persom~y appeared -- to me person~ly ~own, w~o, b~g by me duly sworn, did ' ' ,---~ m~,-w-c~a~'. ~ Feder~ Home Loan Mortgage Co~oration ad atat said ~rmment was signed on behalf of said co¢oration by authori~ of its Board of Dkectors ~d said. ~:~.zt,T~' ac~owledged sad i~a~ment to be ~e flee act and deed of said co~oraaon. Given under my hand' and not~ial seal t~s /Z day of November, 2001. No~u Parc My Co~ission Expires. [} ..-/d -. OS