HomeMy WebLinkAbout877399 EASEMENT AGREEMENT Agreement made, effective as of September 13, 2001, by and between Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable TruSt, dated March 17, 1997, of 522 Bedford-Turnerville Road, Bedford, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming and Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, of 1340 Estates Drive, Turlock, County of Stanislaus, State of California. The parties recite and declare: A. The parties have an interest in adjoining real estate situated"in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming., and described, respectively, as follows: Barry G. Fullmer Revocabl~ Trust, dated March i7, 1997 and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997: Attached "Exhibit A" Quitclaim Deed recorded in Book 470 Page 85,4 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office for and in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming as if fully set forth herein by reference and incorpOration. Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987: Attached "Exhibit B" Warranty Deed recorded in Book 417 Page 361 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office for and in the CoUnty of Lincoln, State of Wyoming as if fully set forth herein by reference and incorporation. B. The parties desire to create an easement for ingress, egress and between the above-described adjoining lots owned by them for the benefit of the herein described real property owned by Glenn A. Hackwell and. Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987. THE PARTIES AGREE, AS FOLLOWS: The easement for ingress and egress, in favor of the herein described property owned by Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, is creatbd over the herein described property owned by Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, Bowers Law Office, P.C. -PR PAGE 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box1550 i,.l~''t ..... '~ ~' " ...... ':'~'~l"";r' Ii! Fl:l Alton, WY 83110 , dated March 17, 1997, and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable TrUst, dated March 17, 1997, and is described as follows: All of Cougar, Lane as depicted on Plat No. 194F of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "FINAL PLAT COYOTE HILLS SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE SE¼SE¼ SECTION 32 T34N R118W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING"; AND the north thirty (30) feet of Lot 10 of said Coyote Hills Subdivision; AND the south thirty (30) feet of Lot 2 of said Coyote Hills Subdivision; all in accordance with the plat prepared and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "FINAL PLAT COYOTE HILLS SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE SE1/4SE¼ SECTION 32 T34N R118W LINCOLN COUNT'Pi WYOMING", dated 8 March 2001, as revised. EASEMENT LIMITATIONS The above-described grant of easement to Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, by Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, shall be limited in nature as follows: A. The abOve-described easement shall be for purposes of private ingress and egresS. B. The only utilities which shall be allowed to be placed in the above-described easement shall those utilities necessary for the installation of a telephone line and water, should the Bedford Water and Sewer District extend their boundary, to the now existing trailer on the benefitted Property. C. No commercial use of the above-described easement is granted. Specifically,, the above-grant of easement shall be only for the priVate use of " the parties to and from their residence. There shall be no use by heavy equipment, whether it be commercial use for Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell or any other party. Only privately owned vehicles and trailers , shall be allowed to use the above-described easement for ingress and egress to this now existing trailer and future home on the benefitted property. Bowers Law Office, P. C, 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Alton, WY83110 (307) 885-0640 Page 2 of 7 D. The above-described easement is intended to give Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell the right of ingress and egress to their future residence. This grant of easement shall only run to the five acres that the now existing trailer that Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell reside in. E. In the event that Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell subdivide or sell any portion of their above-referenced property the above-described grant of easement shall only run to the future residence and the five acres that the existing trailer is Iocate¢ on. It shall not run with any other portion of the easement and this easement shall not be construed or interpreted to give any other easement, rights to the real property of Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, as described above other than the residence and the five acres that it is situated on. F. In the event the existing residence and five acres that it is situated on is transferred, sold or conveyed to a third party, this easement shall run with the real property to benefit the existing residence only. CONSIDERATION Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, agree to pay the sum of $5,000.00 for this easement on the date Of the execution of this easement to Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997. EASEMENT NOT TO INTERFERE WITH THE GRANTORS RIGHTS The above-named grantees shall use the rights granted by this instrument, with due regard to the rights of Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March i7, 1997, and Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, their heirs, and assigns, and shall not use the road in anyway that will impair the rights of Barry G, Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, and Christine' E', Fullmer Revocable Bowers Law Office, P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box f550 Afton, WY 831'10 (307) 885-0640 Page 3 of 7 Trust, dated March 17, '1997, their assi§ns and shall not obstruct the road. This easement shall be a non-exclusive easement concernin§ the Granters. The Granters may grant other Third Parties easement rights at any time they feel it is appropriate. IMPR 0 VEMEN TS Either party making or desiring to make improvements in the easement (road) will make them at their own individual expense, unless otherwise agreed on by the parties. EASEMENT TO RUN WITH LAND This grant of easem, ent shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties to this agreement, their respective heirs, successors, or assigns. NOTICES Any notice provided for or concerning this agreement shall be in writing and be deemed sufficiently given when sent by certified or registered mail if sent to the respective address of each party as set forth at the beginning of this agreement. GOVERNING LA W It is agreed that this agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the-State of Wyoming. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreemen,t shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. Bowers Law Office, P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Afton, WY83110 (307) 885-0640 Page 4 of 7 MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Any modification of this agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with this agreement shall be binding only if evidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative of each party. In witness whereof, each party to this agreement has caused it to be executed on the date indicated below. DATED this i~ day of September, 2001. BARRY G~ULLMER Trustee Bar~ GJ;.Fullmer Revocable Trust ~_./' ~, ) ~ . ~-~ ~ ,. ..... CHRISTINE E. FULLMER, Trustee Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust ;'/ ?z~,: '-, - ' "' . .' j GLENN A. HACKWELL, TruStee Glenn A. Hackwelt and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust DOROTHY~A. HACKWELL. Trustee Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, Bowers Law Office, P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Alton, WY 83110 (307) 885-0640 Page 5 of 7 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was executed by Barry G. Fullmer of the Barry G. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, 1997, that he personally appeared before me and was dually sworn and upon oath represented that he was the trustee of the Trust that the' foregoing Easement Agreement was executed on behalf of the Trust and that he~ had authority under the terms under the written Trust and that it was the Trust's free act and deed of the Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. :' NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ~?,- ~ COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was executed by Christine E.. Fullmer of the Christine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust, dated March 17, '1997, that she personally appeared before me and was dually sworn and upon oath represented that she was the trustee of the Trust that the foregoing Easement Agreement was executed on behalf of the Trust and that she had authority under the terms under the written Trust and that it was the Trust's free act and deed of the Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. PUBLIO My Oommi~ion Expire~: ~ -/ ..... Bowers Law Office, P.C. 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Aflon, WY 83110 (307) 885-0640 Page 6 of 7 STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was executed by Glenn A. Hackwell of the Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, that he personally appeared before me and was dually sworn and upon oath represented that he was the trustee of the Trust that the, foregoing Easement Agreement was executed on behalf of the Trust and that he had authority under the terms under the written Trust and that it was the Trust's free act and deed of the Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires: STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was executed by Dorothy A. Hackwell of the Glenn A. Hackwell and Dorothy A. Hackwell Trust, dated April 3, 1987, that she personally appeared before me and was dually sworn and upon oath represented that she was the trustee of the Trust that the foregoing Easement Agreement was executed on behalf of the Trust and that she had authority under the terms under the written Trust and that it was the Trust's free act and deed of the Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. "";~'/; "?"' '" ~" ' :/. :-_'.!.'~ (.,'t (.,, , NOTARY Pu~'LIC My commission expires: - C', Bowers Law Office, P.C 106 Hospital Lane P.O. Box 1550 Aflon, WY 831~0 (307) 885~0640 Page 7 of 7 875326 · .:. :":"KEMMERER, WYOhtlN6 ~OWN ALL MEN T~SE P~SENTS, ~t CI'~S~ E, F~L~R ¢ BAbY G. ~L~R~ Wife ~d H~band, C~ST~ E. FULL~R, TRUS~E C~IS~NE E. F~L~R ~VOCABLE TR~ST'~ted 3/17/97 of the Coun~ of L~coln, State of Wyoming.' in consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other gbod:~nd vfluable conside:ation to fl~em in h~d paid by C~istine E. ~llmer, Trustee of the Ct~istine E. Fullmer Revocable Trust dated 3/17/97 whose address is P.O. Box 4182, Bedford, ~ 83112 The receipt whereof is hereby coeessed and ac~owledged, have remiSS, rele~ed, convey ~d forever quitcl~ed ~d. by these presents d~ for my heir¢, ~ecutors and adetrator,, remise, :'dease TROSTEE OF TI-~ C~S~ E. ~'L~R ~OCABLE he~s ~d ~ssi~ns, forever, all such right, title, ~tere~t, prop6rty, possession, claim haw, ought to have in or to all tt~ folloMng described premises, to-Mt: ~ ~divded onelhalf inter,st in d~6 following described l~d: ?h¢ ~SE~J of Section 3~, T34~ RllSW of thc dth P.M:, Linco~ Co~ty. Wyoming. ~XCEPTING TH~ROM ~¢ north 7 rods of tlm East 10 rods of Section,32, T34N RI ISW. ~SO LESS CD'ExCEPT tl~e l~d combined in W~r~ Deed recorded Book 50PR on pa~e ~0 of ~e records of the Lincoln Cowry Cler~. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT the Im~d comained in W~m~ Deed recorded Deceit;bet 26, 1995 in Book 378PR on page 92 of the records of De LNeoln CounW Clerk. ALSO LESS ~D EXCEPT the l~d contained ~ W~W Deed recorded Septe.~::=ber 25. 1997 in Book 402PR on page 228 of the records of ~e Lincoln Coun~ Clerk. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT the lm~d contah~ed ~ Quitclaim Deed recorded Maj.'ch 2, 1998 in Book 408PR on page 400 of the records of fl~e L~coln County Clerk. ~SO LESS AND EXCEPT the land contained ~ Wan~ty Deed recorded Book 415PR on page 788 o~ [tie records of the Lincoln Coun~ Clerk, I-Iereby releasing and waiving ~I rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of State of Wyo~ng. .. ... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premise~:;~dt; flie-said Christine E. Fullmer, Trustee of ~e C~ist~e E. ~l~er Revocable Trust dated 3/17/97 heirs and assigns, to' his ~d their own prope~y use ~d behoof forever, So that neifl~er e~;, nor =~y other person in my n~¢ or behalf ahdl or w~[ hereafter cl~ or. d~and any right to title to the premises or ~y pan thereof, but they m~d eVe~01l* of fl~em ,~ll by lh~"pt~t~:b', ,Xeluded ~d '~'orew~ Barred. q 7o 855 STATE O~ WYO~NG COUNTY OF MNCOLN Tha foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before meby ~tht~e E. Fullmer ;~nd Ba~ g. Fulhner, in&vidually, ann as Trustee of the C~istin~ E. Fullm~r ke~.y~able Tins: dat~ 5/17/9~ ~is ~q~ day of August, 2001.. .';"' . Witness my had a~d offici~ seM.  ?~..;. . b;ot~ Public My Co~ssion Expires: ._ ~ ~ ~1 -0 ~ ' ( poun~ ol ~ 'S~te of ~' L,n~ln ~ Wy~lng ~ ~10~ · ty ~mm~sslon Expires ~ ' ~ RE~D C, SiiDKES and COLLEEN A,. STOKES,. husband and wife ~,e.tora: o[ Bedford , c~.ty of Lincoln , GLENN A ttAC~WEI;t, anti ~RU.[t~ A. liA~I~ELL, Co-l~ustee~ o~ the ~tenn ~nd ,Dorothy A, Uackwell Trust dated. April 3, ~987 g,~n,. ~ 'or 1340 Estzt~s Driva, 'tMrl. ock, ~ 95380 for the ium o{ Ten Dollar~ and other go~ and vaku'able consideration ............ th~ (ollowlng ae,eH~aa ,,,~, o~ land in Li~col~l county, Stmt~, to-wit ~ SEE AI'rAOIED EXII%BIT "A" $0bject to restrictions and reservations 'co. tained in the Uni,~ed States Patent and to easements and rights-of-bay pf record or in uss. 'l'og~th~r with all imrpovemm~t~ and Bppurtetmnce~ '[~E~IER WI'Ill ANY AND ALL HINERAL l{~.glrl'S GRA~R PRESEg,t'LY O~S. ~ ' ~: ~' T' .' ' '""~' "'"'::"' " '-' " ," .. ' WII'NE'8fi, ill. hand s of ~sld §w,.tor ,~ , thl~ ~ ~ d,y of Novmnbsr A. D, 19 94 ~l~ntd 1. the presence ol '~, e Co,~,t~ or. Lincoln ~n.y No. Fe~ $ ' on th, ~ ~ ds? o~ Nov~r , A, [~, 19 94 . pe.o,,~ily ~ppe,~ed before ma " j -.. ' PgATT~D ~ A8ST~ACT~D~ .: R~ C' S~okes and .~l. le~n A, ........ an~nowledg~d~o me.th~t'""'~ke~{ exe~utedth~me XHIBIT NO. ' _ .:. ...... ' .......... . ........................... GWi/4 SEI/4i Lhor'~ce ~0'o5'67"E ~J, oI'I~.l mai. ii EarL Lido arid t'.ho said NWl/4' 8E'1/41 Lhence SS~ G7'og"E alono't, lle Iqoyth ~[1{~ of tile