HomeMy WebLinkAbout963709This document prepared by Name: David M. Amolds Firm/Company: Chevron Mining Inc. Address: 116 Inverness Drive East, 207 City, State, Zip: Englewood, CO 80112 Phone: (303) 930 -4040 After recording return to: Steven L. and Laurie R. Peternal 4182 Hwy 233, Kemmerer, WY 83101 Suite SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED (Corporation) For ten dollars ($10.00), and other valuable consideration, cash in hand paid, Chevron Mining Inc., f /k/a The Pittsburg Midway Coal Mining Co., a Missouri corporation, 116 Inverness Drive East, Suite 207, Englewood, CO 80112, "Grantor hereby conveys to Steven L. and Laurie R. Peternal, husband and wife as joint tenants, whose mailing address is 4182 Hwy 233, Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 "Grantees the surface only of the described real estate in Lincoln County, Wyoming as described in Exhibit A attached hereto. SUBJECT to all easements, rights -of -way, and all other interests of record, if any. GRANTOR warrants title to the property against any person claiming by, through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise. Dated this theiST11 day of C-13iZthA 2012. RECEIVED 3/16/2012 at 4:27 PM RECEIVING 963709 BOOK: 783 PAGE: 254 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CMI to Peternal SWD (704- 00I -AA) -Above This Line Reserved For Official Use Only CHEVRON MINING INC. f/k/a The Pittsburg Midway Coal Mining Co. 00254 STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE I, the undersigned, a notary public in and for Arapahoe County, Colorado, hereby certify that James A. Tarazoff, whose name as Attorney -in -Fact for Chevron Mining Inc., a Missouri corporation, is signed to the foregoing instrument, and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being informed of the contents of the instrument he, as such officer and with full authority, executed the instrument voluntarily for and as the act of the corporation on the day it is dated. Given under my hand this c 2 6' day of 2012. My commission expires: j c,26/ca CMI to Peternal SWD (704 001 -AA) 2 Notary Pub L CHERYL PAINTER ¢y NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO Expires: July 21, 2013 00255 A parcel of land being lots 9, 10, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and part of lots 8, 27, 28 and 29 of Section 35 and lots 22 and 23 and part of lots 12, 20 and 21 of Section 36 of the resurvey of T. 22N., R. 116W., 0 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being part of Tracts 75, 76 and 77 of the resurvey of T.21N., R.116W., 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at Corner #1 of Tract 77 of the resurvey of T.21N., R.116W., of the 6` P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming where is found a stone monument appropriately inscribed; Thence S 2 °37'57 "E, 1196.46 feet to Corner #2 of Tract 77 where is found a U.S.G.L.O. brass cap; Thence S 10°36'17"W., 204.88 feet to the easterly most corner of the Gail R. Dawson Meacham Trust parcel as described and recorded in book 705 on page 379 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. The following four (4) courses being along the northeasterly boundary of said Meacham Trust parcel; Thence N 53 °09'04 "W, 176.22 feet; Thence N 36 °21'50 "W, 222.87 feet; Thence N 51°23'42"W, 289.54 feet; Thence N 35 °40'50 "W, 569.76 feet to the northerly most corner of said Meacham Trust parcel. Said point also being the easterly most corner of the Cowboy Estates Subdivision, the plat of which is on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. The following four (4) courses being along the northerly boundary of said Cowboy Estate Subdivision; Thence N 78 °'36' 40 "W, 304.81 feet; Thence N 40 °59'54" W, 317.84 feet; Thence N 3 °02'51 "W, 92.06 feet along the common boundary line between said Tracts 76 and 77 to a point from which corner #1 of said Tract 76 common with corner #4 of said Tract 77 bears N 3°02'51"W, 65.91 feet and is monumented by a standard U.S.G.L.O. brass cap. Thence N 48 °14'09 "W, 526.81 feet to the northerly most corner of said Cowboy Estates Subdivision and being common with the easterly most corner of the Pronghorn Estates Subdivision the plat of which is on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. The following three (3) courses being along the northerly boundary of said Pronghorn Estates Subdivision. Thence N 48 °12'57 "W, 512.04 feet; EXHIBIT A To Special Warranty Deed Part of Lots 37 and 49, T.22N., R.116W Part of Lots 12, 21 and 22 of Section 36, T.22N., R. 116W CMI to Peternal SWD (704 -001 -AA) 3 00256 Thence N 71°00'57"W, 140.37 feet; Thence N 47 °48'12 "W, 502.24 feet to the northerly most corner of said Pronghorn Estates Subdivision and being the easterly most corner of the Frontier North -4 Subdivision the plat of which is on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. The following four (4) courses being along the northerly boundary of said Frontier North -4 Subdivision. Thence N 81 °25' 46 "W, 258.40 feet; Thence N 63 °20'50 "W, 297.50 feet; Thence N 76° 40' 46 "W, 706.20 feet; Thence N 85 °50'38 "W, 265.40 feet to a point on the line between corners #8 and #9 of Lot 38 to of the resurvey of T.22N., R.116W., 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Thence S 89 °41'20 "E, 1053.68 feet along the southerly lot line of said Lot 38 to Corner #8 of said Lot 38. The following three (3) courses being along the common boundary line of said Lot 37 and Lot 38 of the resurvey of T.22N., R.116W. Thence N 1°06'39"E, 1366.10 feet to corner #7 of said Lot 38 and being also a corner of said Lot 37; Thence S 89°18'11"E, 1234.61 feet to corner #4 of said Lot 37 and being a corner of said Lot 38; Thence N 1°35'59"W, 1360.15 feet to corner #4 of said Lot 38 and being a corner of said Lot 37; Thence S 89 °01'35 "E, 1069.20 feet to corner #5 of said Lot 37 being monumented by a stone; Thence S 1°55'55"W, 1344.33 feet to corner #6 of Lot 37 being monumented by a 3" aluminum cap on a 21/2" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "CCI, PELS 5465,2011" with other appropriate markings; Thence S 89 °52'38 "E, 486.51 feet to a closing corner of said Lot 37 and the common boundary line between said Sections 35 and 36 from which corner #1 of said Lot 37 bears S 89 °52'38 "E, 499.24 feet where is found a 3" aluminum cap on a 2'/2" diameter aluminum pipe stamped "CCI, PELS 5465, 2011" with other appropriate markings. Thence S 0 °12'46 "E, along the monument boundary line of said Sections 35 and 36, 10.62 feet to a corner being the southerly most point of the west boundary line of the Kemmerer Gun Club Parcel as described and recorded in book 455 on page 42 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office. Said point being monumented by a 3" brass cap on a 21/2" steel pipe, stamped "LS 2616, T22N, R116W, CC Lot 37, S351S36, 1984." The following seven (7) courses being along the southerly boundary of said Kemmerer Gun Club Parcel; Thence S 89 °24'48 "E, 39.80 feet; Thence S 47 °22'27 "E, 265.35 feet; CMl to Peternal SWD (704- OOl -AA) 4 00257 Thence S 63 10' 19 "E, 269.26 feet to a point being the intersection of said Kemmerer Gun Club Parcel and the common boundary line of said Lot 37 and Lot 41 of said T. 22N., R.116W; Thence continuing S 63°10'19"E, 181.49 feet; Thence S 40°36'32"E, 378.60 feet; Thence S 29 °54'11 "E, 30.64 feet; Thence N 89 °44' 28 "E, 416.45 feet to the C -N -SW 1/64 corner of said Section 36 where is found a rebar with a 1' /2" aluminum cap stamped "Cloey Wall, RLS 482" with no other markings. Said point being a point on the west boundary line of the Michael Sims parcel (also known as West Willow Creek Ranches as per map of survey filed and on record in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office as receiving #940192). Said Michael Sims parcel being described and recorded in book 580 on page 123. Thence S 0 °01'57" W, along said west boundary line of the Michael Sims Parcel and the Douglas Parcels as described and recorded in book 650 on page 272 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, 1982.00 feet to the W 1/16 corner of said Section 36 and being a point on the township line being T.22N. and T.21N. Said point being monumented by a 3" dia. Aluminum cap on a rebar stamped "Uinta Engineering Surveying Inc., T22N, R116W, W 1/16, S36, RLS 482,2006" with other appropriate markings. Thence S 89° 37'26 "W along said township line, 1021.71 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 270.6 acres more or less. CM 1 to Peternal S W D (704 001 -AA) 5 00258