HomeMy WebLinkAbout963723QUITCLAIM DEED 00286 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that TOWN OF THAYNE, WYOMING, a Wyoming municipality, P.O. Box 298, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has hereby remised, released, and forever quitclaimed unto ALLEN DELAND LAINHART and OLIVIA D. LAINHART, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, 500 Roberts Street, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTEES, and their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim, and demand as it may have or ought to have in and to all of the following described property, to wit: See the legal description titled "DESCRIPTION FOR ALLEN DELAND LAINHART AND OLIVIA D. LAINHART LAINHART TRACT" dated 11 November 2010 and revised 10 January, 2012, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights -of- way, and easements of sight and /or of record. DATED this /6 day of March, 2012. RECEIVED 3/19/2012 at 11:22 AM RECEIVING 963723 BOOK: 783 PAGE: 286 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ATTEST: WITNESS my hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED NOTARY PUBLI County of State of Lincoln Wyoming MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 4 30 2013 My Commission expires: y3 U /3 TOWN OF THAYNE, WYOMING, a Wyoming municipality BY: •!A��`% ROBERT E. KI MAYOR CARRIE TAY TOWN CLERK ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the .9 day of March, 2012, by Robert E. King, Mayor of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming, acting for and on behalf of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming as authorized by resolution of the Thayne Town Council. 7" NOTARY PUBLIC Professional Land Surveyors PAUL N. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 SCOTT A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Utah Registration No. 372111 Idaho Registration No. 8026 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 KARL F. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 11810 Idaho Registration No. 13493 CFEDS No. 1223 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR ALLEN DELAND LAINHART AND OLIVIA D. LAINHART LAINHART TRACT To -wit: 00287 That part of the W %2SW'/4 of Section 14, and that part of the NW1/4NW /4 of Section 23, T34N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 23 of Deeds on page 12, and part of that tract of record in said Office in Book 23 of Deeds on page 212, and part of that tract of record in said Office in Book 23 of Deeds on page 213, and part of that tract of record in Book 112 of Photostatic Records on pages 159, 160 and 195, and all of that tract of record in said Office in Book 636 of Photostatic Records on page 793, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said W' /2SW'/4; thence N00 57' -30 "E, 1389.12 feet, along the west line of said W %2SW'/4, to a point on an existing east -west fence line; thence N88 46' -38 "E, 19.93 feet, along said fence line, to a point on an existing fence line; thence southeasterly, generally along said fence line and the angle points thereon, as follows: S09 33' -02 "E, 75.45 feet, to a point; S21°-33'-53"E, 177.26 feet, to a point; S01°-56'-54"W, 301.92 feet, to a point; S10 38' -l0 "E, 147.98 feet, to apoint; S89 07' -10 "E, 135.90 feet, to a point; S00 26' -24 "E, 631.15 feet, along said fence line, in part, to a point on the north line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 314 of Photostatic Records on page 73; thence along the northerly and westerly lines of said tract in Book 314 as follows: S89 57' -06 "W, 11.00 feet, to a point; N51 12' -48 "W, 81.16 feet, to a point; N76 39' -49 "W, 95.30 feet, to a point; S87 55' -54 "W, 31.49 feet, to a point; S00 46' -24 "W, 17.61 feet, to a point; S32 17' -59 "W, 43.80 feet, to a point; S02 05' -36 "E, 158.89 feet, to a spike on the centerline of Roberts Street, and leave said northerly and westerly lines; thence N89 49' -14 "W, 62.17 feet, along the centerline of Roberts Street, to a position on the west line of said NW1/4NW1/4; Town\Th yne\ 3 N JZI l9 ection 14 \Thayhe Sewer "Modification in any way of the forPnninq descript terminates liability of the SLlrvevor Professional Land Surveyors PAUL N. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 SCOTT A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Utah Registration No. 372111 Idaho Registration No. 8026 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 KARL F. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 11810 Idaho Registration No. 13493 CFEDS No. 1223 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR ALLEN DELAND LAINHART AND OLIVIA D. LAINHART LAINHART TRACT PAGE TWO thence N00 06' -54 "W, 72.06 feet, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 5.12 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWt/ of Section 14, T34N R119W, being N00 57' -30 "E; it is the intent of this description that the called -for monuments, and not the existing fence lines, control the location of the property lines; TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO that roadway and public utility easement of record in said Office in Book 158 of Photostatic Records on Page 695; AND TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a variable width strip of land, described as follows: BEGINNING at the northeast pipe of that tract of record in said Office in Book 314 of Photostatic Records on page 73; thence S03 07' -36 "E, 142.92 feet, along the east line of said tract in Book 314, to a spike on the centerline of Roberts Street; thence N89 49' -14 "W, 33.32 feet, along said centerline, to a spike; thence N01 48' -01 "W, 145.96 feet, to a point on the northerly line of said tract in Book 314; thence N00 26' -24 "W, 628.08 feet, to a point on a southerly line of the above described LAGOON TRACT; thence S89 07' -10 "E, 15.09 feet, along said southerly line, to a point; thence N89 57' -06 "E, 15.00 feet, along said north line, to the PIPE OF BEGINNING; AND 00288 thence S00 26' -24 "E, 631.15 feet, along a west line of said LAGOON TRACT, to the southernmost southwest point of said LAGOON TRACT, on the north line of said tract in Book 314; SUBJECT to a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, being ten (10) feet each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a position on an east line of the above described LAINHART TRACT, N00 26' -24 "W, 261.80 feet, from the easternmost southeast point of said LAINHART TRACT; thence N17 04' -18 "W, 189.72 feet, to a position; thence N12 00' -26 "W, 193.64 feet, to a position on a northerly line of said LAINHART TRACT; the easterly and westerly right -of -way lines of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet to meet a southerly line and a westerly line of said LAINHART TRACT; Town\Th ne\ .3 N RI 19 ection 14 \Tha 1,� Sewer "Modification in any way of the foregoing descript terminates liability of liability surveyor Professional Land Surveyors PAUL N. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 SCOTT A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Utah Registration No. 372111 Idaho Registration No. 8026 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 KARL F. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 11810 Idaho Registration No. 13493 CFEDS No. 1223 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR ALLEN DELAND LAINHART AND OLIVIA D. LAINHART LAINHART TRACT PAGE THREE thence S01 14' -09 "E, 161.67 feet, to a position; 00289 that it is intended that this description describe the centerline of an existing underground culinary water pipeline; should it be determined that the position of the actual pipeline differs from that described herein, the centerline of the actual pipeline automatically becomes the centerline of this description and easement; AND SUBJECT to a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land thirty -two (32) feet in width, being sixteen (16) feet each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a position on a northerly line of the above described LAINHART TRACT, S89 07' -10 "E, 12.39 feet, from a northeast point thereof; thence S21 59' -38 "E, 144.63 feet, to a position on the north line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 158 of Photostatic Records on page 693; the easterly and westerly right -of -way lines of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of thirty -two (32) feet to meet a southerly line of said LAINHART TRACT and the northerly line of said tract in Book 158; that it is intended that this description describe the centerline of an existing underground sanitary sewer pipeline; should it be determined that the position of the actual pipeline differs from that described herein, the centerline of the actual pipeline automatically becomes the centerline of this description and easement; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike, referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; each "pipe" marked by a 1" iron pipe with or without a yellow plastic cap inscribed "PE /LS 698 all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF TRACTS AND EASEMENTS FOR THE TOWN OF THAYNE AND ALLEN DELAND LAINHART AND OLIVIA D. LAINHART AND DON AULLMAN FAMILY TRUST, DATED 1 JANUARY 2007 AND LARRY DAVID LAWTON AND IDA BETH AULLMAN LAWTON AND KAREN AULLMAN JENSEN AND ROBERT E. KING AND DONNA JOY KING WITHIN THE SW'/ SECTION 14 NW' /4 SECTION 23 T34N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 26,Qctober 2011, as re 10 January 2012 -RE 11 November 2010 "Modification in any Tomah yne 3 "119 \section 14 \Thaype Sewer descript terminates ity of the survPvor