HomeMy WebLinkAbout963726When recorded return to: Rocky Mountain Power Lisa Louder /Randy Privett 1407 West North Temple Ste. 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Project Name: Williams/Northwest Pipeline WO 5543645 RW Legal Description: See exhibit A RECEIVED 3/19/2012 at 11:44 AM RECEIVING 963726 BOOK: 783 PAGE: 298 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT Assessor Parcel No. (Insert Parcel No. Here) Dated this day of 4v. 2011 Page 1 of 2 Tract Number: 00298 For value received, Roland B. Lewis "Grantor hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, d /b /a Rocky Mountain Power its successors and assigns, "Grantee an easement for a right of way 10 feet in width and 35 feet in length, more or less, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement, and removal of electric power transmission, distribution and communication lines and all necessary or desirable accessories and appurtenances thereto, including without limitation: supporting towers, poles, props, guys and anchors, including guys and anchors outside of the right of way; wires, fibers, cables and other conductors and conduits therefor; and pads, transformers, switches, vaults and cabinets, along the general course now located by Grantee on, over, or under the surface of the real property of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming more particularly described as follows and as more particularly described and /or shown on Exhibit(s) A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: Together with the right of access to the right of way from adjacent lands of Grantor for all activities in connection with the purposes for which this easement has been granted; and together with the present and (without payment therefor) the future right to keep the right of way and adjacent lands clear of all brush, trees, timber, structures, buildings and other hazards which might endanger Grantee's facilities or impede Grantee's activities. At no time shall Grantor place, use or permit any equipment or material of any kind that exceeds twelve (12) feet in height, light any fires, place or store any flammable materials (other than agricultural crops), on or within the boundaries of the right of way. Subject to the foregoing limitations, the surface of the right of way may be used for agricultural crops and other purposes not inconsistent, as determined by Grantee, with the purposes for which this easement has been granted. The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon and shall benefit their respective heirs, successors and assigns. Roland B. Lewis LL County of State of [Seal] GRANTOR INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 14:\h-m.h.el by r\ovt,,c1 __61tA Name(s) of individual(s) signing document SAVANNA L. KRALL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF WYOMING LINCOLN ti My Commission Page 2 of 2 S S Notary Public My commission expires: 00299 N 33' 30' 20" E 870.30' (TIE) WEST QUARTER CORNER SEC 8, T21N, R117W FOUND 1966 3.5" RLS #164 BRASS CAP STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF UINTA 5 Eoak•511DI. s�gales. PRINTED 9/7/2011 FOR DA E 0 PRELIMINARY DESIGN DEVELOPMENT 0 BIDDING 0 CONSTRUCTION (XI APPROVAL AS BUILT 0 REVISION SEE DETAIL PROPOSED POWER LINE EXISTING PIPELINE EASEMENT SOUTHWEST CORNER SOUTH QUARTER CORNER SEC 8, T21N, R117W SEC 8, 1'21 N, R117W FOUND 1908 2.5" USGLO FOUND 1908 2.5" USGLO BRASS CAP BRASS CAP 7 8 S 89' 25' 04" E 2627.64' B A S I S 18 17 O F B E A R I N G THE BASIS OF BEARING IS BETWEEN TWO FOUND CORNERS BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 8, T21N, R117W, 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, A FOUND 1908 USGLO 2.5" BRASS CAP. LOCATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AND THE WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 8 BEING A FOUND 1966 RLS #164 3.5' BRASS CAP, MEASURED BETWEEN MONUMENTS A BEARING OF N 00'18'58" E A DISTANCE OF 2639.65 FEET. L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N A STRIP OF LAND 10 FEET IN WIDTH, SITUATED IN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANCE 117 WEST, 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING; BEING 5 FEET LEFT AND 5 FEET RIGHT OF THE DESCRIBED CENTERLINE, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 8, T 21 N. R 117 W. 6TH P.M., A FOUND 1966 RLS #164 3.5" BRASS CAP, THENCE NORTH 35' 08' 49" EAST A DISTANCE OF 845.30 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE SAID CENTERLINE THE FOLLOWING (1) ONE COURSE: I. NORTH 10' 11' 13" WEST A DISTANCE OF 35.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF TERMINUS, SAID POINT LIES NORTH 33' 30' 20" EAST A DISTANCE OF 870.30 FEET FROM THE WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 8, T 21 N. R 117 W, 6111 P.M. A FOUND 1966 RLS #164 3.5" BRASS CAP, THE TOTAL LENGTH OF A POWER EASEMENT ACROSS THE ROLAND B. LEWIS LAND, AS DESCRIBED ABOVE 15 35.00 FEET OF 2.12 RODS OR 0.007 MILES AND CONTAINS 350 SQ FT OR 0.008 ACRES MORE OR LESS. C E R T I F I C A T E O F S U R V E Y O R I, DALE E. PETERSON OF EVANSTON, WYOMING HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT OF THE EASEMENT FOR THE POWER LINE WAS MADE FROM NOTES TAKEN DURING AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION BY DAVID PETERSON IN JUNE, 2011 AND IT CORRECTLY SHOWS THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED POWER EASEMENT. DESCRIPTION SURVEYORS NARRATIVE THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO PROVIDE A PERMANENT POWER EASEMENT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW POWER LINE TO CP SITE 1947 ON THE 24" PIPELINE FOR NORTHWEST PIPELINE CP, LOCATED IN LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING. 84 DATE REVISIONS I 3 HIGHWAY 30 D'' Dr SRH CAk't 8A me Ne p I 11 -06 -153 DO. 8/11 'SOU AS NOTED ogle 8/11 to 8/11 0 0 O E o N O U) N O SECTION 8 TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH RANGE 117 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER EASEMENT TO NORTHWEST PIPELINE GP CP SITE 1947 FOR ROLAND B. LEWIS SURVEY PLAT Dote Dule OEP DRAWING No. L -01 A B C 2 3 4 A B D E 0 0 3 0 0