Comes now, Kyle Dwayne Hansen, Tamera Ann Miller, Dale Lee Hansen and Clay Lamar Hansen of
2402 Hunts End Drive, Sandy, UT 84092, County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, who does hereby make the
following statement of facts:
1. That, Kyle Dwayne Hansen, Tamera Ann Miller, Dale Lee Hansen and Clay Lamar Hansen, are the
owners of the following described land:
Lot 1 of North Knoll Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat
filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, with Accession No. 935937.
2. That, the owners hereby vacate the lot from said subdivision in accordance with Wyoming Statutes,
2009, as amended, Section 34 -12 -108.
3. That, the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County approved said vacation at its regular
meeting on 20 March 2012 in accordance with Resolution No. 2012- 05lated 20 March 2012
4. That, in accordance with Wyoming Statutes, 2009, as amended, Section 34 -12 -110, the County Clerk
is requested to write the word "vacated" across the face of above referenced lot and make reference to
the same in the book and page where it is recorded in accordance with Section 34 -12 -110.
5. That, Kyle Dwayne Hansen, Tamera Ann Miller, Dale Lee Hansen and Clay Lamar Hansen affirm all
rights of the utility companies to the streets, alleys and the easements for utilities such as water,
sewer, electrical power lines, gas lines, telephone line, etc. of said subdivision as granted on said plat
and confirms that these elements of said subdivision are unaffected by said vacation;
6. That, such vacating does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of other proprietors in
said plat; and provided, further, that nothing contained in this action shall authorize the closing or
obstructs of any public highwa s laid out according to law.
j ai wayne Hanse Tamera Ann Miller
Dale Lee ansen
RECEIVED 3/26/2012 at 12:19 PM
State of VT-PA BOOK: 783 PAGE: 638
County of ape L
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kyle Dwayne Hansen, Tamera Ann
Miller, Dale Lee Hansen and Clay Lamar Hansen, this day of .ipAGH 2012.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Drat of Utah
My Commission March 24, 2013
Comm 1 5
Clay La ar Hansen
Notary Publi
My commission expires: S 2- `f 20 2_