HomeMy WebLinkAbout964085HARPER LEAVITT ENGINEERING, INC., An Idaho Corporation, Claimants, vs. CLOUDVEIL RANCHES, LLC A Wyoming Limited Liability Company P.O. Box 550 Afton, WY. 83110 Defendant(s) Harper Leavitt Engineering RECEIVED 4/13/2012 at 10:32 AM RECEIVING 964085 BOOK: 784 PAGE: 618 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CLAIM OF LIEN 00618 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Kim H. Leavitt and Bryce D. Jolley, doing business as HARPER LEAVITT ENGINEERING, INC., of Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho who are licensed surveyors, claims a lien upon that certain tract of land hereinafter described, and the tenements and hereditaments thereon, for the sum of 250,000.00 with interest thereon from the 2nd day of December 2008. The amount is due and owing to said claimant who, under contract, prepared or furnished designs, plans, plats, maps, specifications, drawings, surveys, estimates of cost, on sight observation or supervision and other professional services f or which claimants are legally authorized to performing connection with the hereinafter described real property and pursuant to contract. THAT THE AMOUNT of claimant's demand is the sum of 250,000.000 after deducting all just credits and offsets, together with 26.00 for the recording of this Claim of Lien. Therefore Claimants claim the total sum of 250,026.00 as a lien against the hereinafter described real property. THAT THE NAME of the person for whom and at whose request said services were furnished is Dan Schwab; that the date on which the last service was furnished is September 30, 2010. 1 Claim of Lien THAT THE DESCRIPTION of said land and premises upon which said services was made and performed and which is to be charged with said Lien is: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED THAT THE NAME of the owner of said land and premises at the date of making this Notice, according to the best information claimants now has or is able to obtain, is Cloudveil Ranches, LLC. THAT THE post office address of the claimants is Post Office Box 866, Blackfoot, Idaho, Bingham County, Idaho, the street address of the claimant being 800 West Judicial Street, Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho. DATED this 3rd day of April 2012. Harper Leavitt Engineering HARPER LEAVITT ENGINEERING, INC. By: Title: Vice President 2 Claim of Lien 00619 State of Idaho County of Bingham BRYCE D. JOLLEY, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: That he has read the above and foregoing Claim of Lien, knows the contents thereof and is familiar with the facts set forth therein, and that the same contains, among other things, a complete statement of the demands of said Harper- Leavitt Engineering, Inc., after deducting all charges, credits and offsets, and that he executed the same for the uses and purposes therein set forth. On this 3rd day of April 2012 before me a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Bryce D.Jolley who, declared that he is the Vice President of Harper- Leavitt Engineering, Inc., that he signed the foregoing document as Vice- President, of the corporation, that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Harper- Leavitt Engineering, Inc. (Seal) Harper Leavitt Engineering ss VERIFICATION 3 ■04e(Sikk-9,r Notary ublic of Idaho Residing at: Blackfoot, Idaho My Commission Expires: 04.03.2018 00620 3 Claim of Lien State of Idaho County of Bingham State of Idaho County of Bingham (Seal) Harper- Leavitt Engineering ss. ss. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Bryce D. Jolley 00621. Bryce D.Jolley, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says: I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing Claim of Lien on the Defendant Cloudveil Ranches, LLC, by depositing a true and correct copy in the United States mail, certified, postage prepaid no later than twenty -four (24) hours following the filing of said Claim of Lien. On this 3rd day of April 2012 before me a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Bryce D.Jolley who, declared that he is the Vice President of Harper- Leavitt Engineering, Inc., that he signed the foregoing document as Vice- President, of the corporation, that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Harper- Leavitt Engineering, Inc. CiLk) SlaQrs NotaryPublic Residing at Blackfoot, Idaho My Commission Expires: 04.03.2018 4 Claim of Lien NT.L-58869 "EXHIBIT A" TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 117 WEST, 6TH 'NH LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING: SECTION 5- NW1/4SW1/4, SE1/4SW1/4 SECTION 6- LOTS 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 'TANEY, (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO ZEBRE AT BOOK I.19PR, PAGE 461 SECTION 7 LOTS 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, SE1/4NE1/4, N1/2NE1/4 SECTION 8 NEKNE1/4,SW1/4NE1/4, W1/2SE1/4 SECTION 9 SW/NW/4 SECTION 17 NEVNW1/4, NV2SW1/4. SEC I ION 18 -LOTS 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, SWANE1/4, NE1/4SE1/4 SECTION 19 LOTS 13, 15 SECTION 20 NW1/4$ W1/4 SECTION 22 SW1/4SW SECTION 23 SWY4SWI4 SECTION 26- NWY4NW1/4, SW114NW SECTION 27 SEVISW SECTION 28 NW/WEI/4, NNWINI,V SECTION 29 SY2NW% SECTION 30 LOT 10, SV.TIE1/4 SECTION 32 NEV4SW1/4, SE SECTION 33 NW/NE% SECTION 34 NW%SEV4, NW1/4SWV4 SECTION 35 SWVINW1/4 TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH RANGE 118 WEST 6TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING: SECTION 1 LOTS 5, 6, 7, SI/SNP/4, N1/2SE1/4, SW1/4SW1/4, SE1/4SE1/4, SWASE1/4 (LESS DEEDED TO ZEBRE AT BOOK 119PR, PAGE 461) SECTION 2 LOTS 5, 6, SW1/4SE1/4, SW1/4NE1/4, NW1/4SE1/4 SECTION 4- LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, SW/NW1/4, S14SW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4 SECTION 5 LOT 5 SECTION 8- SEMNE1/4, E1/4SE1/4 SECTION 9- NNV1/4NW1/4, N1/2SW1/4, SWASW1/4 SECTION 11- SWANE1/4, NE1/4SE1/4, SWASE1/4, NW/NEV., SW1/4SW1/4 SECTION 12 NE1/4NW1/4, WAWA, EViSE%, SEI4NE1/4 SECTION 13 N1/2SE1/4, W1/2NW1/4, SE1/4NW1/4, E1/2NE1/4 SECTION 14 SE1/4SW1/4, NEV6E1/4, SW/6E1/4, NE1/4NW1/4 SECTION 1 E%, SW'/4, VANW1/4, SWANW1/4 SECTION 20 NE1/4, E1/2NW1/4 SECTION 21 SWIANWA SECTION 24- SW1/4SE1/4, NE1/4SW% SECTION 25 NE1/41 SECTION 27 NE1/4NW1/4 TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING: PART OF TRACT 79 (ORIGINALLY LOTS 3, 4 OF SECTION 7) PART OF TRACT 80 (ORIGINALLY LOTS I, 2, OF SECTION 7) TRACTS 97F, 97G (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO JOHN RUSSELL THORNOCK, SR. AND EMMA LUCY THORNOCK AT BOOK 509PR, PAGE 572) 00622 SECTION 6- LOTS 20, 21, 22, 26, WI2SEY4 AND ALL OF LOTS 17 AND 25; AND THAT PART OF LOT 14 AND LOT 24 OF SAID SECTION 6 LYING AND BEING SITUATED SOUTHERLY OF TIIE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED EXISTING FENCE LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 24, N0028'15"E., 578.54 FEET OF CORNER NO. 2 OF SAID TRACT 97, FOUND AS DESCRIBED IN THE CORNER RECORD FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY; THENCE 89°0 1`12"E, 583.41 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; NTL-58869 THENCE S88°4549"E, 457.47 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; THENCE S88° 50'51"E, 42L64 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE AND AN EASTERLY PROTRACTION OF SAID FENCE TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 14 SECTION 7- LOTS 5, 10 11, W1/2NE%, NWASE% SECITON 21 EVaSE%, NV/4SW%, SEVNEVt, WViViz, SE'/ISWV4, NWV4, NE1/4NE% SECTION 22 SWVASW'/4 SECTION 27 NEY4, NV2NW1/4., NW VsSEV4, VASE% (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO ZEBRE AT BOOK 119PR, PAGE 461) SEC rION 28 MANE3/4, E'AWV2, SW/NEVI, WASE% SECTION 33 SEVNW1/4, EViSWY4, NEV4, SE% SECTION 34 NEY4NEV4 (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO ZEBRF, AT BOOK 1 I9PR, PAGE 461) TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST, 6TH P.M., LINCOLN.COUNTY, WYOMING: TRACT 50 (ORIGINALLY N'/1N'/2 OF SE(. I ION 27) LESS AND EXCEPT THAT PART OF THE GLO TRACT 50, T24N, RI I 9W, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT NO 50 AND Ri JNNING 1 HENCE N 00'05'31" W. 1320.00 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE THEREOF TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER. OF SAID TRACT: THENCE N 89°43'17" E, 2705. FEE" ALONG TIE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT TO AN EXISTING .FENCE LINE: THENCE S 07-02'19" W; 1335.14 FEET; ALONG SAID FENCE .LINE TO THE SOUITI:LINE OF SAID TRACT: THENCE S 89°4905" W, 2539.43 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TRACT 78 (ORIGINALLY WY2NW%, SW%, WX:SE% OF SECTION 12) PART OF TR.Acr 79 (ORIGINALLY E1/2SE% OF SEC LION 12) PART OF TRACT 80 (ORIGINALLY VANE% OF SEC1 EON 12) TRACT 81 (ORIGINALLY WKNE%, EllINW% OF SEC HON 12) TRACT 95 (ORIGINALLY NWY4SW1/4 OF SECI ION 2 AND NE1/4SE% OF SECTION 3 LESS PARCEL, DEEDED TO TowN OF COKEVILLE AT BOOK 388PR, PAGE 206) TRACTS 970, 97E, 97F AND 970 (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO JOHN RUSSELL THORNOCK, SR. AND EMMA LUCY THORNOCK AT BOOK 509PR, PAGE 372) THAT PART OF TRACT 97-11, TRACT 97-1, TRACT 97-J, TRACT 97K, AND LOT 46 EN SECTION 1 AND LOT 38 IN SECTION 2, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTE!, RANGE 119 WEST, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, LYING AND BEING SITUATED SOUTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED EXISTING FENCE LINE: BEGINNINTO AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 1, N00'14'38".E, 583.78 FEET OF THE CLOSING CORNER BETWEEN SAID SECTION 1 AND SECTION 6, TOWNSt HP 24 NORTH, RANGE 118 WEST, ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 97, THENCE N88°53'04"W 881.38 FRET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT, TI.MNCE N88°50'13"W, 1070.76 FEET ALONG SAID FF.NT:F, TO A POINT; THENCE N88°47'59"W, 690.86 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; THENCE N88°47'13"W, 101130 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; THENCE N88°4226 "W, 93430 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; THENCEN88°4149 w, 457,76 FEET ALONG SAID FENCE TO A POINT; THENCE N88°20'37"W, 560.07 FEET MORE OF LESS, ALONG SAID FENCE AND A WESTERLY PROTRACTION TO SAID FENCE TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 38 SECTION 1 LOTS 20, 21, 24, 25, 33, 34, 37, 45 SECTION 2- LOTS 30, 33, 35, 37, SWI4SW1/4, SIASE1/4, SE%SW1/4 SECTION 3 LOT 43, SE',4SE'A SECTION 10 N'ASEV4, NE% SECTION II NIANWA, SWANW NWASI,V1/4, W14SP%, NWANPA, NPANEL/4, SY2NE1/4, SPANW/4, PriSW NPASE1/4, SE1/4SE% SECTION 12 LOTS 10,11, 18, 21, 22, 25 SECTION 13 LOT 3 SEC IION 14 N'ANE NEV4NW14. LOTS I, 4, 6 00623 NTL-58869 SECTION 18 E'ASW1/4, LOTS 9, 10, 17, 18 SECTION 19- VANW1/4, LOTS 5, 6 SECTION 22 SE%Nt1/4, MASE% SECTION 23 LOTS 113, 22, 23,MASW V4 EXCEPT N 75' OF E 220' SECTION 26 NE1/4NE1/4 SECTION 27 LOTS 12, 15,.N%SW% SECTION 30 .LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, NE%NW1/4, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 120 WEST., 6TH P.M, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING: TRACT 39 (ORIGINALLY SYINW% OF SECTION 13) SECTION 13 LOTS I, 12, EV2NE1/4, SE% SECTION 24 LOTS 1, 14, SEWNE1/4, BASE1/4, MANE1/4, EV2NW1/4, SW1/4NE1/4 SECTION 25 NE1/4NW1/4, MANE SE1/41NE1h, NY2SEV4, MASW1/4, WY2NW1/4, SW1/4NE1/4, SE1/4NW1/4 SECTION 26 MASElh, S'ANE1/4, N1/2SW1/4, NW% (LESS PARCEL DEEDED TO ETCHEVERRY SHEEP COMPANY AT BOOK 28PR, PAGE 429) TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 117 WEST, 6T11 P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING: SECTION 8 S'ASE%. NY2SE%, NI4SW%, SEVISWIll SECTION 9- SI/2SWI/4, NI/1SW%, SE% SECTION 17 EY EV SNY'ASW1/4 SECTION 20- NE1/4, S'/, WW% SECTION 21 W1/2NW1/4, SW1/4, NWASE%, SE'ASE1/4 SECTION 27 SW 1/4SW W9'iNW1/4, NWVISNV1/4 SECTION 28 NW% SECTION 29 SE1/4, N1A. SECTION 32 NW% SEC .FION 33 NSEI/ NIANW1/4, SE1/4NWI/4, SWIANW% SECTION 34 SW1/4NE%, VANIV% SECTION 35 SI/2S%, N%SWIA, SEWN W1/4, S W 1/4NE1/4, MASE1/4 00624