CLARK, a single woman, GRANTOR, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in
consideration of Ten and No /100 Dollars ($10.00), in hand paid, the receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS and QUITCLAIMS to KENNETH SHANE
CLARK, a single man, GRANTEE, of Lincoln County, Wyoming, all right, title,
interest, claim and demand that she has, if any, in and to all of the following described
real property situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit:
SUBJECT to easements and rights of way of record or in use;
hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead
exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
WITNESS my hand this G day of 2012.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged
PETERSON CLARK this St-h- day of
That property outlined in the attached Exhibits A and B labeled as
the Clark Homesite and Shane Clark South Parcel;
TOGETHER with all buildings and improvements situate thereon
and appurtenances thereunto appertaining;
SUBJECT to mineral interests, covenants, exceptions, reservations
and restrictions of record; and
WI PNESS haddrahtludffieial my seal.
State of
My Commission Expires:
me by TRISHA
Notary Public
RECEIVED 4/13/2012 at 10:40 AM
BOOK: 784 PAGE: 625
Description: Clark Homesite
A portion of the Clark property, as referred to in the Deed
recorded in Book 587, on Page 826, within the E1/2SW1/4 of
Section 24, T31N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the boundary being more particularly described as
BEGINNING at a Point in the East line of the W1 /2SW1/4 of
said Section 24, said Point of Beginning being, 1,132.79
feet N0 37'49 "E, along said East line, from the Paul N.
Scherbel PLS 164, 1985 location for the Southeast Corner of
said W1 /2SW1 /4;
thence NO 37'49 "E, continuing along said East line, 447.45
thence S89 °22'11 "E, perpendicular to said East line, 661.77
feet to a Point in the West line of the E1 /2 of said
thence S0 °37'53 "W, along said West line, 447.45 feet;
thence N89 °22'11 "W, perpendicular to said East, 661.76
feet, to the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 6.80± Acres
of land.
SUBJECT TO: The 60 feet wide Right -of -Way Easement for
Lancaster Lane County Road, as referred to in the Right -of-
Way Easement in Book 413, on page 82, with said office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: ALL Easements, Exceptions,
Restrictions, Reservations, Rights -of -Way, Improvements and
Conditions of sight and or record, including but not
limited to those shown hereon.
Description: Shane Clark South Parcel
A portion of Parcel D of the Clark property, as referred to
in the Deed recorded in Book 587, on Page 826, within the
E1 /2SW1 /4 of Section 24, T31N, R119W, of the 6th P.M.,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, the boundary being more
particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a Point in the East line of the W1 /2SW1 /4 of
said Section 24, said Point of Beginning being, 416.67 feet
N0 °37'49 "E, along said East line, from the Paul N. Scherbel
PLS 164, 1985 location for the Southeast Corner of said
thence N0 °37'49 "E, continuing along said East line, 245.60
thence S86 °11'27 "E 811.45 feet to the Northwest corner of
the Lancaster property, as referred to in the Deed recorded
in Book 388PR, on Page 452;
thence SO40'09 "W, along the West line of said Lancaster
property, 234.15 feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel E-
2, as referred to in said Clark Deed recorded in Book
587PR, on Page 826, with said Office;
thence N86 °56'31 "W, along the North line of said Parcel
E -2, 15.0.33 feet;
thence N89 °55'45 "W, continuing along said North line,
185.58 feet to the Northeast corner of Parcel E -1, as shown
on the Plat of Boundary Adjustment for The Richard K. Sager
Revocable Trust, dated 10 November 1988, Terryl. L.
Lancaster and Jeannee Lancaster, recorded with document No.
852451, on Map No. 67 -Z, with said Office;
thence S89 °52'41 "W, along the North line of said Parcel E-
2, 335.14 feet to the Northwest corner thereof;
thence..S42 °23'02 "w, along the West line of said Parcel E 2,
30.00 feet to a Point in the Northerly line of the Clark
Family Trust property as referred to in the Deed recorded
in Book 285PR, on Page 615, with said Office, being a Point
in a 118.33 feet Radius Curve to the Left, from which the
radius Point bears S42 °23'02 "W;
thence, Northwesterly, along said Northerly line, the
Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a
Central Angle of 19 °51'05 an arc length of 41.00 feet,
said curve having a chord of N57 °32'30 "'W 40.79 feet,
N67 °28'02 "W 83.86 feet, to the beginning of a 104.30 Radius
Curve to the Right, and
Northwesterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a
Central Angle of 4 °02'11 an arc length of 7.35 feet, said
curve having a chord of N65 °26'5794 7.35 feet, to the Point
of Beginning, from which the Radius Point bears,
N26 °34'08 "E, encompassing 4.70± Acres of land.
SUBJECT TO: The 60 feet wide Right -of -Way Easement for
Lancaster Lane County Road, as referred to in the Right -of-
Way Easement, in Book 413, on page 82, with said office.
TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: ALL Easements, Exceptions,
Restrictions, Reservations, Rights -of -Way, Improvements and
Conditions of sight and or record, including but not
limited to those shown hereon.