HomeMy WebLinkAbout964399WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Pool No. Loan No. 0072684384 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Assi.ga nt- Intesv. Recazz3ed SEE ATTACHMENT A I16111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Loan N o. (NMRI.WY) C= s.378.0011 P =S. 002. 00075. 172 PREPARED BY SECURITY CONNECTIONS, INC. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: S rlY =WrTct nr. 240 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE IDAHO FALLS, ID 83401 PH :(208)528 -9895 ATTN: TERRILL NIELSON ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: MORTGAGEEMBMWVWREGISIMATEWSEMM, INC. SOLELY AS NatTIIv Es FOR METLIFE HOPE LOANS, A DIVISION OF METLIFE RANK, N.A. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSICS, located at P.O. BOX 2026, FLINT, MI 48501 -2026 for value received does hereby convey unto METLIFE HCNIF LOANS, A DIVISION OF METLIFE BANK, N.A. 4000 HORIZON TiRY IRVIM, TX 75063 all of its rights, title, and interest of, in and to that certain Deed of Trust executed by JASON N HOOSON, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. SOTJ T.Y AS NCKENEE FOR METLIFE R 1E TRANS, A DIVISION OF METLIFE BANK, N.A. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIC.S filed for record in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, A recorded as Instrument No. 950344 in Book735 ka' Page 000089 RECEIVED 5/4/2012 at 11:44 AM RECEIVING 964399 BOOK: 785 PAGE: 589 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 of 2 MIN 100749500726843843 MFRS PHONE: 1- 888 679 -6377 J =m18070111ai.s.17224 Lo m No. 0072684384 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MCRTXGE ELECTROiVIC REGISTRATICW SYSTEMS, INC. SOLELY AS NCIVIITEE FOR METIIFE HCME LOANS, A DIVISICBV OF METLIFE BANK, N.A. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS has caused this instrument to be signed by its ASSISTANT SECRETARY and attested by its (Y, this 4- day of ,4p A.D. ,:)010 STATE OF TEXAS SS COUNTY OF DALLAS N T RY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID C aason Aaron Huff (NMRI.WY.2) C= s.378.0011 P =S. 002. 00075.172 27t GE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. SOUL' Y AS i fl N F"uR ZETLIFE iK LOAM- A DIVISION OF METLIFE BAN, N.A. ITS SAS AND ASSIGNS 00590 By �INi Freema ASSISTANT SECRETARY Y AND STATE. B On APR 2 4 201 before me, Jason Aaron Huff personally appeared Nikki Freeman and ia personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who executed the within instrument as ASSISTANT SECRETARY and WA on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. �.c�1,!c":0?.' JASON AARON HUFF V b i Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires June 30, 2015 Page 2 of 2 MIN 100749500726843843 MERS PRONE: 1- 888 -679 -6377 J= m18070111ai.s.17224 EXHIBIT "A" EXHIBIT *A" Unit 403 of Building 400, STATELINE CONDOMINIUMS, PRASE III, as shown on the official plat thereof filed on August 13, 2008, as Document No. 941246, as Plat No. 941246, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, also being a part of Lot 4, STATEL1NE ESTATES, as shown on the official plat thereof filed on November 17, 2005, as Document No, 913797, as Plat No. 293 -E, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and further defined and described in that certain Declaration of Covenants, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Stateline Condominiums located in Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming, created by Document No, 941249, in Book 702, at Page 268 or set forth in the related bylaws in any instrument creating the estate or interest insured by this policy; and in any other allied instrument referred to in any of the instruments aforesaid. ML -FC- 0072684384