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Graff 1407 W North Temple, Room 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Project Name: KEM 23 Project Tract Number 6 WO 5611997 RW 20120038 RIGHT OF WAY EASE .EN RECEIVED 6/1/2012 at 10:28 AM RECEIVING 964871 BOOK: 787 PAGE: 88 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY For value received, Westmoreland Kemmerer, Inc., "Grantor hereby grants to PacifiCorp, an Oregon Corporation, d/b /a Rocky Mountain Power its successors and assigns, "Grantee an easement for a right of way 20 feet in width and 3765 feet in length, more or less, for the construction, reconstruction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, enlargement, and removal of electric power transmission, distribution and communication lines and all necessary or desirable accessories and appurtenances thereto, including without limitation: supporting towers, poles, props, guys and anchors, including guys and anchors outside of the right of way; wires, fibers, cables and other conductors and conduits therefore; and pads, transformers, switches, vaults and cabinets, along the general course now located by Grantee on, over, or under the surface of the real property of Grantor in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming more particularly described as follows and as more particularly described and/or shown on Exhibit(s) "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: An easement across part of Tract 74 of T.21N., R.116W., 6TH P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide, 10.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the West line of said Tract 74, said point of beginning lying N.0 °00'32 "E., 1923.88 feet from Corner 3 thereof; thence S.76° 12'08 "E., 505.12 feet. Said easement being 505.12 feet, more or less, in length, with the sidelines of the easement closing on said West line of Tract 74. Also, An easement across parts of Tracts 68 and 72 of T.21N., R.116W., 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide, 10.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Tract 68, said point of beginning lying N.0 °00'32 "E., 136.87 feet from Corner 2 thereof; thence S.20 °54'42 "W., 513 feet, more or less, to an existing power pole. Said easement being 513 feet, more or less, in length, with the sidelines of the easement closing on said East line of Tract 68. 00088 The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be binding upon and shall benefit their respective heirs, successors and assigns. COUNTY OF by Dated this Ai day of STATE OF UV Lisa D. Nuss Notary Public County of Lincoln t State of Wyoming My Commission Expires 03 -9 -16 By: West Notary Public n...... A reland Kemm er, Inc. This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of <G ZI.L REPRESENTATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 2012. Its: A,.� My commission expires: D3 00090 2012, Li. iYl e ke as a of Westmoreland Kemmerer, Inc. _091 Property Description Tract: 74 Township: 2 I N (N or 5), Range I I6 W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: OWNER: e3TMORELAND EMMERERINC. TRACT G8 1 CORNER S TRACT 75 I OHP 01.0 OWNER: CHEVRON MINING INC. TRACT 75 OHP TRACT 75 AIRPORT ROAD P.O.B. CL MENT 0MP tU 0) W E.1 m 0 Z 0 TRACT 74 1 I CORNER 2 CORNER S TRACT 75 TRACT 74 TRACT 72 OMP i 6°12'08" E, 505.12' P.O.E. OWNER: WESTMORELAND KEMMERER INC. TRACTS 73 74 Landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer Inc. Drawn by: Jeff Henderson EXHIBIT 11 A 1 This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, lines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PacifiCorp (SCALE: 1 =400' I Property Description Tract: 74 Township: 21 N (N or 5), Range I I G W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: Legal Descripti An easement for utilities across part of Tract 74 of T21 N, RI 16W, 6TH P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide, 10.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the West line of said Tract 74, said point of beginning lying N 0 00'32" E, 1923.88 feet from Corner 3 thereof; thence 5 76° 1 2'08" E, 505. 12 feet. Said easement being 505.12 feet, more or less, in length, with the sidelines of the easement closing on said West line of Tract 74. Landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer Inc. Drawn by: Jeff Henderson EX h I B I T "B" This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, lines and appurtenances 15 subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PaclfICorp 'SCALE: NTS Property Description Tract: 75 Township: 21 N (N or 5), Range 1 1 G W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: OWNER, WESTMORELAND KpdM LER. NC. WEWM ORCIAN0 R MMERF.RRiC. TRACT G8 P.O.E. N 20 1=, 40.00' N 76q 12'08" W, 40.00' I CORNER 3 TRACT 75 TRACT 75 alp POINT EO WESTMORELAND t Mf& 7s C. CO 0 CORNER 2 TRACT 75 N 7 *12'08" W, 598.84' P.O.B. OHP CORNER 3 TRACT 74 TRACT 72 i OWNER, Wf$TRSORANO KA 0 (ERLR INC. TRACTS 73 0 HP OHP landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer, Inc. Drawn by: Nick Newman EXh I BIT "A" This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, Tines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PacifiCorp 'SCALE: 1 -500' I 00094 Property Description Tract: 75 Township: 21 N(N or 5), Range 1 I G W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: Legal Description An easement for utilities across Tract 75 of T21 N, RI 16W, 6111 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide, 1 0.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Tract 75, said point of beginning lying N 0 00'32" E, 1923.88 feet from Corner 2 thereof; thence N 76°1 2'08" W, 598.84 feet to a point to be known as Point "A thence 5 20 54'42" W, 2067.69 feet, more or less, to the West line of said Tract 75, the POINT OF ENDING of this portion of the easement. Also, BEGINNING at said Point "A running thence N 20 °54'42° E, 40.00 feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this portion of the easement. Also, BEGINNING at said Point "A", running thence N 76 W, 40.00 feet to the POINT or ENDING of this portion of the easement. Said easement being 2746.53 feet, more or less, in length with the sidelines of the easement (excepting those portions starting at Point "A closing on the East and West Tines of said Tract 75. pmt Landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer, Inc. Drawn by: Nick Newman EXHIBIT "B" This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, lines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PacifiCorp 'SCALE: NT5 4095 Property Description Tracts: 68, 72 Township: 2 I N (N or 5), Range I I G W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: 1T i OWNER: WESTMORELAND KEMMERER INC. TRACT 68 OWNER: WESTMORELAND KEMMERER INC. TRACT 72 P.O.6. CORNER 2 TRACT 68 OHP P.O.E. 8q� OHP OHP N 0 °00 E, 136.87 CORNER 3 TRACT 75 5 20 W. 513' CL EASMENT OHP OWNER: CHEVRON MINING INC. TRACT 75 TRACT 75 OHP OHP OHP I I I I I I I I CORNER 2 CORNER 3 TRACT 75 I, TRACT 74 TRACT 72 OHP TRACT 74 OHP- Landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer Inc. Drawn by: Jeff Henderson EXhIBIT "A' This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, Tines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PacifiCorp I5CALE: I =300' 00096 Property Description Tracts: 68, 72 Township: 2 I NI (N or 5), Range 1 W (E or W), 6th P.M. Meridian County: Lincoln State: Wyoming Parcel Number: Legal Description An easement for utilities across parts of Tracts 68 and 72 of T2 1 N, RI 16W, 6Th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide, 1 0.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: BEGINNING at a point on the at line of said Tract 68, said point of beginning lying N 0 °00'32" E, 1 36.87 feet from Corner 2 thereof; thence 5 20 °54'42" W, 5 13 feet, more or less, to an existing power pole. Said easement being 5 13 feet, more or less, in length, with the sidelines of the easement closing on said East line of Tract 68. Landowner Name: Westmoreland Kemmerer Inc. Drawn by: Jeff Henderson EX 1 I B I T "B" This drawing should be used only as a representation of the location of the easment being conveyed. The exact location of all structures, lines and appurtenances is subject to change within the boundaries of the described easement area. PacifiCorp 'SCALE: NTS