HomeMy WebLinkAbout965001OR 3a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of Washington D.C. 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 3c. MAILING ADDRESS 451 Seventh Street, S.W. CITY Washington STATE DC POSTAL CODE 20410 COUNTRY USA UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] Melissa Luizzi 800- 828 -0938 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) Rational Corporate Research, Ltd. 194 Washington Avenue Suite 310 Albany, NY 12210 [elissa @nationalcorp.com 1 1 DEBTO EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME- insert only one debtor name (1aor1 b) -do notabbreviate or combine names 1 a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME EMERALD HOUSING, INC. 1 b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME MAILING ADDRESS SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L INFO RE Ile. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION DEBTOR ORGANIZATION I C orporation FIRST NAME CITY KEMMERER 1f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION WY MIDDLE NAME STATE WY POSTAL CODE 83101 -0000 1g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any 1980- 000159378 n OR c. C/O KEMMERER CITY SR. CENTER„ 105 JC PENNEY DRIVE 1d 2. ADDITIONAL DEBTORS EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one debtor name (2a or 2b) do not abbreviate or combine names OR 2a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 2c. MAILING ADDRESS 2d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L INFO RE 12e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR .This FIrvHrvCIN STATEMENT covers the following collateral: FIRST NAME CITY 2f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 3. SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR S /P) insert only one FILING OFFICE COPY UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC1) (REV. 05/22/02) RECEIVED 6/8/201 at 3:43 PM RECEIVING 965001 BOOK: 787 PAGE: 545 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY MIDDLE NAME STATE POSTAL CODE 2g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any 5. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION [if applicable):I ILESSEE /LESSOR 1 ICONSIGNEE/CONSIGNOR BAILEE /BAILOR 1 JSELLER /BUYER 1 AG. LIEN 6. A This FINANCING S' ATEMENT is to be filed [for record] (or recorded) in the REAL 7. Check to REQU ST SEARCH REPOR (S) on Debtor(s) It-. -••.0 ifa••licable •k; q o•tiona 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA Filed With: WY Lincoln County; P# 109 -EH005 00545 SUFFIX COUNTRY USA SUFFIX COUNTRY For a description of the collateral covered by this Financing Statement, see Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. F #325979 A #475544 NONE fl NONE All Debtors Debtor 1 NON -UCC FILING Debtor 2 OR 11 a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 1 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 11c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 11d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L INFO RE 111e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION DEBTOR 11f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 11g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID if any NONE 12. OR ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S r I I ASSIGNOR S /P'S NAME insert only one name (12a or 12b) 12a. ORGANIZATIONS NAME 12b. INDIVIDUALS LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 12c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 13. 14. See 15. This FINANCING STATEMENT covers, timber to be cut or as- extracted 16. Additional collateral description: collateral, or is filed as a i fixture filing Description of real estate: Attached Real Estate Description Name and address of a RECORD OWNER of above described real estate (if Debtor does not have a record interest): 17. Check naly if applicable and check nnly one box. Debtor is a n Trust or Trustee acting with respect to property held in trust or Decedent's Estate 18. Check only if applicable and check cly one box. Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY Filed in connection with a Manufactured -Home Transaction Filed in connection with a Public-Finance Transaction UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY AME OF FIRST DEBTOR (la or lb) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME EMERALD HOUSING, INC. 9b. INDIVIDUALS LAST NAME MISCELLANEOUS: 9-EHOO5 FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME,SUFFIX 9. N OR 10. 1 11. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME insert only one name (1la or 11 b) d 00546 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY International Association of Commercial Administrators (IACA) FILING OFFICE COPY UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC1Ad) (REV. 05/21/09) Together with the privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all of the rents, issues, and profits which may arise or be had therefrom; and n ®547 Together with all buildings and improvements of every kind and description now or hereafter erected or placed thereon, and all fixtures, including but not limited to all gas and electric fixtures, engines and machinery, radiators, heaters, furnaces, heating equipment, steam and hot water boilers, stoves, ranges, laundry equipment, elevators and motors, bath tubs, cabinets, sinks, water closets, basins, pipes, faucets and all plumbing and heating equipment, mantels, refrigerating plant and refrigerators, and air conditioning equipment, mechanical or otherwise, cooking apparatus and appurtenances, furniture, shades, awnings, screens, blinds, and other furnishings; and Together with all building materials and equipment now or hereafter delivered to said premises and intended to be installed therein; and All articles of personal property now or hereafter attached to or used in and about the building or buildings now erected or hereafter to be erected on the lands herein described which are necessary to the complete and comfortable use and occupancy of such building or buildings for the purposes for which they were or are to be erected, including all goods and chattels and personal property as are ever used or furnished in operating a building or the activities conducted therein, similar to the one herein described and referred to, and all renewals or replacements thereof or articles in substitution therefor, whether or not the same are, or shall be attached to said building or buildings in any manner. It is hereby agreed that to the extent permitted by law all of the foregoing property and fixtures are to be deemed and held to be a part of and affixed to the realty. LP.¢al Descri t.i.on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block 39 FIRST ADDITION Town of Kemmerer County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming 00548