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HomeMy WebLinkAbout965085RECEIVED 6/14/2012 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING 965085 BOOK: 787 PAGE: 776 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, c/o P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, with an undivided 73% interest, and to MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON NON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, c/o P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, with an undivided 27% interest, as tenants in common, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, c/o P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTEE, and her successors and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on September 6, 1996, in Book 387 PR at Pages 802 through 807 as Instrument No. 826037, a copy of which is attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights -of -way, and easements of sight and/or of record. WITNESS our hands this 6th day of June, 2012. M THA 1 HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011 MAR D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON NON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011 00776 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 6th day of June, 2012, by MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, acting pursuant to authority provided to her in said Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires: July 16, 2015 My Commission expires: o7//6 As STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 6th day of June, 2012, by MARTHA D. HALVERSON, TRUSTEE of the MARTHA D. HALVERSON NON EXEMPT MARITAL TRUST dated January 1, 2011, acting pursuant to authority provided to her in said Trust. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires: July 16, 2015 My Commission expires: 7 NOTA Y PUBLI 00777 os28sa. v�:2;11,",032 WARRANTY Moab JIM C. Omal and Jaok 0. borel, 'Matsu of the Nun iVe Mount* lend T dated NovamMr 1, 1084, Otanbn, of P,O, Boo MI, Mol WY 881111, for and In oonoldemliOn of Tan and Non00 Donee (810.001 and other Waft c bil4, atIonr, In hand pyd, taalpt when of 1. haroby aNnddoCkfad. CONVEY and WARSAW to W. alaton NBWa1►d Ja, a Monied mall, Mlle 10fe and sephrsle impiety, Olant.R of P.O. Boa 200, WYoOmbo, PA 10D11 the bdnowni0 deeorbed ram Nada, .IbreiI In L SIR and SUM of Wyomlh0, boreby retooling and MINN ell AIM under mid by *tug of Via homaaWd w:mPOon loot of lha 8lrte, 1744: EU28E1/4 of Section 18, Towhal4p 00 No1114 Rape 119 Wool, 8Ih.P.14, tktoobt county, Wyoming. Codyeyunee of Ba.ament TA01E1'NBR wail the bWbw da.dba8 prrgturl ddh•ol•way w4ment km the 10000 Potpeea and under Me hl4owlIM MANIKIN: 1. an Female. err fl ir,e.,,, l B d Mout Ohio t I llie ep0emal nt for lh'e.ptuPoa P d tuvkl(ID a P1f(0iTW 884040 Who I hI.oOjly m *low d 4(Ileerid tfrproMefej dda1b9d Meow from ti. GAiotgkhdity Qdnliy Reed No, 18.118, Malady the fpht to ddnlaimt and 0aM0ln a IowwW&, to P1odd., that laoreeo and amine and MO any end all Wilda to Oros the PloPalY bane001q'8o m'thb anemia 0. ranalloas.ollitidooklabutziaboyai The oondWons of ink easement are: (a) That tile a 1701111001 amemadfor the bandit!), the 0tanb% and OradNei (a) that no tonne. salaam NW obstmodQneNMI be oonamrMed On or actual I adamant Inda0 a mane a aaa.a. %roue' au* mine pal. or other•obWuolbn la prodded 1 0 0 1 10 0 04 4 0 9 to 8wrlght 0o um the aadtam. 0. any .gentled at/ Erg t, yips *Monona la f01 the benentol the -'a1 MOONY of Mt Oedema deeplbed abo* 00 C00381 000382 000 778 t) Jo�C}rOS2 doe 1 LINCOLN CO CLEW 052811'7 IoltoWe; QA ecdn a e Ths easement N d.soreted .a 4 That put of Saogm 13, Totes, mum, Woolf' Couhly, Mate padtotgdeaetbr dal aa� an the aly DeedrI on hem Menryti MounMn land Tont to Willem Sudden HaNsmon, Henry's Mountldn Road and (booked Canyon OW. a f31ndI0o.Etl t. The tome and oondlgans of des elaemantshall be Muting upon end Inure to the bonadt of the helms, eueosiaots In Interest and mime o1 the Minton and trams.. named Ih Ms InWUment e. wpyger 9t W,m..r..n eleht.. The grantor's hereby wall" and release .1 QM. to Mil Mantled wwnant wide end by sinus at ih. hornomead WBnlpilon Wm of lite Sete of Nyoodilb y the nmht that iuih VIM May Inlarlere RIM the 'Gu'pdtil W thIe msamidt ON.W.tIan Or Ut11Ry Easement EXCIhTING and RESERVING unto Me Grantor° and emir helm, auooIr ors end asepne, a 404Oot wldeplM1wival d ok*/ eo ifiant br ON p3r(100 of o0ne6Qd0n0 and meInWnbp my and .3 WIG* Mr, tomes ant along a Wip of renal bdy(40)le.tln Wldat MUM qu E1{16E1/4 of SeMon 10, T3u1 R1 WIN, Lincoln County, Wyo'ridna 1wsnty (20)1.41 on each erne 0113° oentsdma mars parooutey daferlbed on the attached 'Ossodptlon for KINIMI Mountain Land Twit of a WEy Eaeammt wMN p1118E114 Saabs 1e, rooN, R114W OUOJECYiQ the fallowing resinoum covenant? MOM ere perpetual Rastrlottvr CRYIOelde, memento tanning With the lend and binding grydees and their aueaeseon In 'MOW N to desadbed real mowed na mmgad herein. NM them samurai an attprasd•agsptd by as a Condition m um conveying. Mtn. (foothold real property: 1. Th e mai property bap motored hasps may be used only for aNpM family reelde3W papaw and may not be dlvldd.or subdMd.d kite Ilion than epht (e) note. each of any catch dlrldd or subdlvldd tract. not to have more then ono simile Way residuum and aemelated mabttodings boald thereon. No mob3e homes or caller houus shall be ;Wed 00 the prep•dy. 0 000383C 000768 000384 er a L No animate of any khW may be kept on me Wopary erroePt horses and damask pets. d. Any forma oonabyoted shoe be wooden oonayTpyon of the buck and polo mWhad Uft dnbi nagva fbati►Yla. No wire fellow shag be af lowad. Any lanai but aloe bb oonatrucaed In such a Mannar Win opaiIngs a1 welsh pfaaa Wong Old POO,tor of the propaltY to do* the tree told uNmPNted movable° of wpga throuiali the propldy. SUBJECT TO ag olheraaaamon4, rights of wry at eight orremrd. eMOeP raW¢Wohg reservations and WITNESS Our hai ds uu of see gib day at SNNambar, tgga, Mar oonimladon aglh s y -//...Loco O Jatdt O.00ril, Truysa aTATROP WyONINq CQUNTY OP LINCOLN The foregoing Warmly D..a wu.oknoodadged before mo by Jack E Oozy and Jaok 0. Ooral, 'Matsu of the Hamy's Mountain Land True, this (et day of September, teeth Mimed my hand and offload asu, x0383 0007C9 •.!.,a 92 137,17.41005 1145PM LINCOLN CO CLOY 092811 lUaamat« ...r WWI Mag131 LAW yut 10 a MAN 13351.8. MAY3.•■ >D01g•■• ANNUM MM im 3 h1.W 333M11 Ma, ab•111,•. tot= e! :ran 1a, Tim nun. 11 .W woman,. ntna. 3µ4w 1 3315 t aW 1141• (MI L t r to th •1cY 3.1 o[ n1A 3 ••••o LA c hi�eqcr ptl W L• •••e a iniftw t[ t4• Leltw 1.5..1KNMm{yI /3418.11835 ac. 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