HomeMy WebLinkAbout965166RECEIVED 6/18/2012 at 12:07 PM RECEIVING 965166 BOOK: 787 PAGE: 861 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED MARGARET PARK, GRANTOR, whose address is 8800 South Fall Creek Road, P. 0. Box 751 Wilson, Wyoming 83014, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in Band paid, receipt of which is hereby specifically acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to JAMES PARK, GRANTEE whose address is Allen House Apartments, 3601 Allen Parkway #104, Houston, Texas the following real estate, situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming: The premises are particularly described as: The Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4) of Section 34, T21N Ru5W of the 6th P.IVI., Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING TIIEREFRONI the right of 1vay of the Union Pacific Railroad Company as referenced in Deed recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office in Book 25 of Deeds on page too of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land as contained in the Deed to the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company recorded in the Lincoln C T, t Clerk' Offic i Bool' 136PR on p ge 620 o f the r ecot d s of the Lincoln County Clerk. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land as contained in the deed to the State of Wyoming by and through the State Highway Commission from Theodore D. Duthie and Palmira Duthie recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office in Book 22PR on page 48 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 00861 SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights -of -way of record, in sight, or in use. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the land contained in the Warranty Deed recorded August 13, 1997 in Book 400PR on page 400 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Witness my hand this 74-tL day of March, 2008. 1 Y P oc JANET KAY BAKER 4""G1•.t� Notary Public State of Florida S�r�Sd r/� My Comm. Expires Jan 11. 2015 7 Commission EE 54446 7 garet A. Park STATE OF WYOMING a. (g9-/b ss 1/ I 3 0 1 g- VICTORIA E. BOTT NOTARY PUBLIC WYOMING Teton County My Commission Expires Mar. 30, 2012 My Commission Expires: 2A04 °7)--- This QUITCLAIM DEED was sworn to and subscribed by Margaret A. Park on the day of March, 20 08. Notary Public 00862 Individual Acknowledgment "This Notary Certificate is prepared on a separate page and is attached to the document Entitled Quitclaim Deed, containing two pages and is attached to that document by means of staples." State of Florida SS County of Sarasota On this p day of before me year the undersigned Notary Public appeared Notary Public Margaret A. Park. Personally known to me -OR Proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes therein stated. WITNESS nd and official seal. ignature of ot. y Public My Commission Expires: ((2 """"a 1. JANET KAY BAKER c Notary Public State of Florida My Comm. Expires Jan 11, 2015 '.,,,,ftgt Commission EE 54446 G3