HomeMy WebLinkAbout965209STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Eugene S. Call, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: ff 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of a r V401., h and the Affiant herein. 2. That by virtue of the conveyances which are recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming is recorded a Warranty Deed dated the 27 day of July, 1998 in Book 415 PR on page 198 conveys unto Marie P. Call and Eugene S. Call as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship the following described property, to -wit: "See attached Exhibit A" 3. That said (n U rt e. C C a l i on the '2- day of S rl D 1 1 died and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A 4. That by reason of death of said in a r t f C 1 f by reason of 2 -9 -102 W.S. (1980), the decedent's interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Co q y, S Cal f continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. June 1,, 2012 State of Wyoming) )ss. County of Lincoln) AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE SS. The tangoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by day of _Jut r,,e__ 2012 Wi ss mT hand an o ficial seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 1a 9q 00 /Li 00115 RECEIVED 6/20/2012 at 12:50 PM RECEIVING 965209 BOOK: 788 PAGE: 115 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 11-_ Co I this MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 29, 2014 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: September 27, 2011 City of Death: Draper Age: 87 Place of Birth: Fairview, Wyoming Armed Services: No Souses Name::. Industry/Business: Own Home Residence: Afton, Wyoming Mother's Name: Henrietta Harmon Facility or Address: Draper Rehabilitation CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State-File Number: 2011011635 Marie Peed Call Time of Death: County of Death: Date of Birth; Sex: MaritalaStalus: Usu Occupation Edudation: Father's Name: Facility Type: qate 11:52 Salt Lake November F6rnale- Widowed Homemaker High or GEE) Fredrick BUct,Pead Nursing Hbille/Assisted Living outn Jord F)arkw South Jordan iltah Due to (or.as a consi4ence oft' Med Yes-t- AutopsY70:e..T4‘4C-'ed10‘41\470-7-11;1',O.rioi3Elia,..t,hiN..PtUrAr Tobacco kri bate !sit *42011 Wt rk$ This is an exact reproduction of_the document regigteredlin_the State Office of_V itai.-Statisticsic_ Slicurity features of this official document include: R images in top cycloicis, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah Staie1Se the words "State oftlftahn: This fTTI Ill% docutrient displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the County/District Health Officer. "11111 ill 14 1 "It f 1 e.e 1 „.frAft.09 ki 10 tgk Oik V.I.I.:. i Janice L Houston Statel3eg D G l a re r ci or E /H d e vv a a lt rd itqff leer Slikt ValleY Peal,t bel'all'Ort A 'VA 1110101.11 IIIfflJ 0. 0 6 34. 377 tiistics 9 ko• 1.44 Ifeil Kl I IP 1 STA'I'1; ()I WY()Iv11N(l COON, Y OI 1,INCOI.N Witness 11 g l IAIIIK 1'. (:AL.I. AND IeU(:loNle S. (:1\1.1., ax Itllln '1'ei will the Full nights of Survivorship My Commission llspites: I1 II 1() COUR11'CTIV1s 0.in ,r11A1 DEED n KNOWN A1.1. MIiN'11IISSIt )'I1I(SIiN'1'S.'I'hal 111A1(IIS P. CAI.I., u Single ('ersun r 1.s l.lf nook_ l )t id the Comity of I.i15:ulu, Slate ul Wyoming in cnnsldcrullun uI`I'en and 131 IIN)'s ($111.1111) aml ulllcr good and valuable Cnnsillet ;Mon 10 them in hatted paid by Ivlttlle 1'• Call and 1:Itgetie S. Cull whose atklress is 1',0 llolt 42, Alum, WY 87110 The receipt wlteleuf is het dry confessed mid tu:kt wledged, have remised. It:leased, convey and l t(nitclaiuled mul Ily these presents du for my heirs, esecolo15 and adminishtnms, Ientis, release and fotevel' quitclaim toss the said Iwils and assigns, fulcver, all such right, Iitu, ;111111351. propel ty, possession, claim and demand as I have or ought to have lit or 10 ;III the following desclibeJ premises, 1u•wi1: I'ar1 of I.ul '2 of Muck 27 of the Aft \Vyoming'I'lwusile, 1.iacoln County, Wyotning it sclHied as follows: fi Commencing 4 Ilxls West of the Nonhcas! Loner of said Lot 7 and running thence South 12 rods; thence West 3 Inds: thence Ninth I2 sods; thence I?ast) rods or the [mini of beginning. IV( 'I l This selves 311 curlec, ohs Flock in the legal desc,iption td oleo cerl Qnitclaint 1113ed occluded tvhuch 22, 199) 61 114uk ..I 261% oat 1131111 1111 ul recouls ul I.Iucoln County ('l.1 Ilereby 11:11511414 and waiving all ;iglus 111111111 and by viola of the homestead exemptnn Taws ol'the Sollc of Wyoming. I'1) IIAVIe ANO'TO 11171.11 the said pie nines unto the sail{ Illi11IC I'. 3111.1 lahg13ote .S 1113115 111131 assigns, lit Isis 1111,1 Undo Uwm plupcl1y us1 and he10a1 I,IISVer, Sn II011 mch%Iuo 1 own any odor persmt 11 my ouutc 01 bc16111 shall or will hereafter claim or demand any right 10 tide In the premises ur, any (1101 thereof, (1111 they and eve; ymlle of 111e111 511:111 Ily these pleseltls ho exl:lntled tgal IIII wow batted. limed Otis c� day of lull• 1998, h•L,rie 1'. (.Idl The Imesuhtg iushuntem was acknowlcdglal before 1nc by Marie P. ('all this 7 day of July, 1998. 44 Nut/ y I'uhl■c 00117