HomeMy WebLinkAbout965277WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: J. Russell Point 1415 Antelope Kemmerer, WY 83101 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, J. Russell Point, of lawful age, being first duly sworn an oath, deposes and says: 1. That by virtue of a Warranty Deed, dated December 5, 1979 and recorded December 5, 1979, in Book 162PR, Page 194, Instrument No. 533527 in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio of Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, wherein Richard D Fagnant and Elizabeth M. Fagnant, husband and wife, conveyed to J. Russell Point and Judy K. Point, husband and wife, the following described real property, to wit: Lot Numbered Nineteen (19), Block Numbered two (2), Lincoln Heights Fourth Subdivision, Town of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as the same are laid down, platted, described and of record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements thereon situated. 2. That Judy K. Point, one of the Grantees, died on January 28, 2012 at her Aransas Pass, Texas, home and as a result her previous estate in the above- entitled real property terminated and the entire fee therein vested in the Affiant and co- tenent, J. Russ Point, to whom she was married at the time of her death. 3. That attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" a by this reference made a part hereof, is an original Certificate of Death for Judy K. Point, the decedent, which was issued by the State of Texas Department of Health, which is the certified public authority in which the official death certificate is a matter of record, and that the decedent named in the attached Certificate of Death is the one and the same person as Judy K. Point, one of the Grantees named in the aforementioned conveyance. DATED thisjfay of Ali, 2012. 4v,ve (SEAL ss SAVANNA L. KRAIL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF r STATE OF LINCOLN i;r c WYOMING M) Commission Expires. ll 5 RECEIVED 6/25/2012 at 11:27 AM RECEIVING 965244 BOOK: 788 PAGE: 206 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this Cl tsaPIMA 14_ ay of- 4p i1 -2012. RECEIVED 6/26/2012 at 1:39 P RECEIVING 965277 BOOK: 788 PAGE: 319 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMM 0) My Commission Expires: t4 121 ltD Residing at: el 2,5 e �V- Kemmer.e 1 W' X3101 00319 JUDITH KAY POINT ,il.i- I.SCHAECHTERLE 3. -ACTUAL'OR PRESUMED 01/28/2019' SEX FEMALE 4. DATE OF BIRTH 11/01/1946 5. AGE-Last Birthday Years) 65 IF I ;NOE 1.YR IF I N FR RAY 6. BIRTHPLACE (CIty&State or Foreign Country) KEMMERER, WY MO' Days HoUrs Mi n 7. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 10e. RESIDENcE B. MARITAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH KMerne o Widowed 0 Divorced -LI NeVerfvairted 0 linknoWn' 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE'S NAME (9 w9., give name prior to first marriage) JAMES-RUSSELL POINT STREET ADDRESS 1500 W. MATLOCK LOT 56 100 APT/NO, 100. CITY OR TO ARANSAS PASS 10d. COUNTY SAN PATRICIO 10e. STATE TEXAS 10f. ZIP CODE 78'336 10g. INSIDE CITY LIMITS? 12.1 Yea 0 No 11. FATHER'S NAME ALBERT SCHAECHTERLE 12. MOTHER*NqMEPR OFITO FIRST MARRIAGE :sokiiit mA 13. PLACE OF DEATH (CHECK ONLY ONE) IF DEATH OCCURRED IN A HOSPITAL: El Inpatient Ll ER/Outpatient 0 DOA IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN A HOSPITAL: 0 Hospice Fasility ::1 Nursing Home 1:1_10:4 cedent's Home p Other (Specify) 14. COUNTrOF DEATH NUECES 15. CIROTOWN, ZIP (IF NO),:: CORPUS CHRISTI, 7404 FACILITV.NAME-(If not institution, give street address) CHRISTUS SPOHN HOSPITAL SHORELINE 17. INFORMANTS NAME RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED J. RUSSELL POINT HUSBAND 18. MAILING ADDRESS OF INFORMANT (Street end Number,City,State,Zip Code) '1415.ANTELOP,E ST...KEMMERER-WY 83101 19. METHOD OF DISPOSI Et Burial El brat-nation 0 boriation o Entombment 0 Removal from state 0 Other (Specify) ATUREANDLICENSEINUMBERiORFUNERAL DIRECTOR OR PERSON ACTING As sUckr 1 0 1!.; .'l■ i!', P. •tViAtsil-tEl- bt SIGNATURE 8258 -217 pp, 161 Unknown S005 Block 22. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name of cemetery, crematory, other pace) CHARLIE MARSHALL CREMATORY 23. LOCARON (City/Town, and Slate) .ARANSAS OfAss,z,tx Lot Space 24. NAME OF FUNERAL FACILITY I CHARLIE MARSHALL FUNERAL HOMES ARANSAS 25. COMpLETE•ADDRESS 0E-,FUNERAL FACILITY (Street and Number, C (ty, State, Zip Code) 2CiO3k WHEELER. ARANSAS PASS, TX 78336 26, CERTIFIER (Check only one) El Certifying physidan-To the best of my knowledge, death occurred due to Om cause(s) and manner stetted. J Medical Exentiner/Justice 01 15. peace- On the bests of exandnetion, entlior Inyeallgaliondin my 46114, death oceurred ttirne,dele end pl.* end dUdeO the cetsee(s) end manner slated. 27SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIER ARVIND MODAK, BY ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE 8' DATE c EBTREI:!;( p/Doixo i`,... 01169/9019.;i'.i!ii 2?..1,1,cqNs NUMBER LI397( s 30. TIME OF DEATH(Actual or presumed) 'D5:92 Pm 31. PRINTED NAME, ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (Street end Number, city,Stale,zip Code): '•',1, ARVIND MODAK 7006 CHISWICK DRIVE CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78413 32 TITLE OF- CERTIFIER MD 1.- Li.• .0 W LO 0 33. PART-l. ENTER THE CHAIN OF EVENTS DISEASES, INJURIES, OR COMPLICATIONS THAIDIRECTLXCAUSED THE DEATH. Po NOT ENTER TERMINAL EVENTS NOT S A U BTRAW R E. TIVETW R Okr 41)ARUNJEDgM CR VENTRTU GLARABRILIATIWWITHOUTStiOVVING THE H. IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Final disease or condition resulting in death) a. SEPSIS Approximate Interval Onset to death 4 DAYS Due to (or as a consequence of): Sequentially list cOnditions, If any, leading td the caUse s. COLON CANCER listed on line a. Enter the 3 MONTHS UNDERLYING CAUSE Melo (ores a consequense ofts- (disease oc,Injury that (nitiated, the events resulting in death) LAST Due to (or ate consequence of): PART 2. ENTER OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TOREATH `:"213UT NOT RESULTING-9/ THE tiNDERLythfr CAUSE GIVEN IN PART I. f 34,WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 0 Vas El 'No 35. WEI4E AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE THE CAUSE OF DEATH? 0 Yes 0 No 36. MANNER OF DEATH El NatUral 0 Accident' o 511! de '0 Homicide r3 Pending Investsgation o Could not be determined 37. DID TOBACCO USE TO DEATH? N 0 Yes ES) 0 Probably 0 Unknown 38. IF FEMALE: •I''' 1 g .1,„ ,,t,P,', 3•ZI N t lxignent 11 l■ st„ A '0 Pe 0 NO tttfilent atAltl'iltAtdiet 1 I iilli biti ?Op netliiit pl!ebiiiini)ttirt!iz.zieys of death(' 0 Not lifegraint, but preVin vlhiC to one year befe4death 0 Unknown f pregnant within the past year 39. IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, Y: SPECIFY .'piivio0ptor 01,edestrien 0 oth.. 408. DATE OF INJURY 40b. TIME OF INJURY 400. INJURY ATNORK? E Yet' El N. 4I:XL,RLACE 01ANJURyls.g. Decedent's Some, construction silo, restaurant, wooded area) 40e. LOCATION (Street and Number, City,Stele,Zip Code) •r`' 40f, COUNTY OF INJURY 41. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED' ,i itilIT 42e. REGISTRAR FILE NO. 020172 42b. RATE RECEIV BY LOOM. REGISTRAR 01/31/2012 42osiI0 1 )t .REGISf RAR,4 CORPUS:CHRISTI:ELECTRONICALLY FILED OCH c NI E o z 0 5 0 'W Is. 41, DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES 00 0 VITAL STATISTICS UNIT TRAI SIETRTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES VITAL STATISTICS STATE OF TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE FILE NUMBER 142-12-008923 This is a true and correct reproduction of the original record as recorded in this office. Issued under authority of Section 191.051, Health and Safety Code. SA ISSUED FEB 01 2012 GERALDINE R. HARRIS )11 WARNING: THIS DOCUMENT HAS A DARK BLUE BORDER AND A COLORED BACK STATE REGISTRAR