HomeMy WebLinkAbout965691Name of Spouse Date of Marriage Living /Dead Divorced Date of Death or Divorce Was there a property settlement? If "Yes attach copy. 'i12ro a l e 2 t// 4 i 3 /t.V.c e c�u) l /.79® x/ /f9 M n" 4. 1C C k „e4-x7. l j- .1111.1/ Z. `vo2/ .a<.aaaa. A.LV\ laLt1L71�• nr,.,l LIMN 11): 1J. rLeeman, -1. HePtelerSonvi fl TN 3/6-7-7 If Qz)...k J 3 70 G (.1) AFFIDAV OF HEIRSHT OF C,/ r-e-f'.614/ 164 Deceased STATE OF COUNTY OF oath 0/1/2.0U (5 n 1 V/feJ% of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That affiant was personally and well acquainted with the above named decedent during the latter's lifetime, having known deceased years. Decedent died at .0a/ ,l/i 2 on or about the it day of s 4":" 19 ,f being years age, resident of /�L�.e41"l at the time of death. 1 111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 Hill 111111011111 LORETTA 1 of 0 CLERK o SWEETWATER C WY Page PG2 P101377 T the following statements and answers to the following questions are based upon the personal knowledge of affiant and are true and correct: 1. Did decedent leave a will If so, has the will been admitted to probate Give name of County and State in which such proceedings are pending, and name and address of executor. (If decedent left a will, please attach a certified copy of same, together with a copy of the order of court admitting it to probate, and letters testamentary.) 2. If decedent Left no will, have administration proceedings been started') If so, give the name of the county and state in which said administration proceedings are pending and name and address of administrator 3. Have ancillary probate proceedings been had on decedent's estate? If so, when? Where? 4. If no administration proceedings have been started, are there any plans to have the estate administered') 5. Did decedent leave any unpaid taxes, including federal estate or state inheritance taxes or other debts? 6 4-- Z 1) If so, give as nearly as possible, the amount of such taxes or other debts, to whom owing, and whether they have since been paid 6. Was decedent surety on any bond or guarantor of any other person's indebtedness at time of death? C� If so, give details as to principal debtor, amount, etc 7. Were there any suits pending or judgments rendered against decedent at time of death? If so, state briefly the nature, amount involved and partiec 8. Marital Status of Decedent at Time of Death (married, single, divorced, widow, widower) -"r CJ C� �l r.Ge 9. If decedent was ever marred, give the following information for each marriage: (List names in order of marriage) 10. If decedent had any children by any spouse, or adopted any children give the following information: RECEIVED 7/23/2012 at 2:2 RECEIVING 965691 BOOK: 79P PAGE: 39 JEr,.,..L_ NAGNER •a.. ,c24 00039 County, State of 74-- ears e and a resi t Name of Child Date of Birth Address Living /Dead Date of Death By Which Spouse ''...r/ c. C M n" 4. 1C C k „e4-x7. l j- .1111.1/ Z. `vo2/ P40 t 1 l Ml A 4 1/707 LIMI 7' f 9 I rAIIIII I1�e�1 t .a<.aaaa. A.LV\ laLt1L71�• nr,.,l LIMN 11): 1J. rLeeman, -1. HePtelerSonvi fl TN 3/6-7-7 If Qz)...k J 3 70 G (.1) AFFIDAV OF HEIRSHT OF C,/ r-e-f'.614/ 164 Deceased STATE OF COUNTY OF oath 0/1/2.0U (5 n 1 V/feJ% of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: That affiant was personally and well acquainted with the above named decedent during the latter's lifetime, having known deceased years. Decedent died at .0a/ ,l/i 2 on or about the it day of s 4":" 19 ,f being years age, resident of /�L�.e41"l at the time of death. 1 111111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 Hill 111111011111 LORETTA 1 of 0 CLERK o SWEETWATER C WY Page PG2 P101377 T the following statements and answers to the following questions are based upon the personal knowledge of affiant and are true and correct: 1. Did decedent leave a will If so, has the will been admitted to probate Give name of County and State in which such proceedings are pending, and name and address of executor. (If decedent left a will, please attach a certified copy of same, together with a copy of the order of court admitting it to probate, and letters testamentary.) 2. If decedent Left no will, have administration proceedings been started') If so, give the name of the county and state in which said administration proceedings are pending and name and address of administrator 3. Have ancillary probate proceedings been had on decedent's estate? If so, when? Where? 4. If no administration proceedings have been started, are there any plans to have the estate administered') 5. Did decedent leave any unpaid taxes, including federal estate or state inheritance taxes or other debts? 6 4-- Z 1) If so, give as nearly as possible, the amount of such taxes or other debts, to whom owing, and whether they have since been paid 6. Was decedent surety on any bond or guarantor of any other person's indebtedness at time of death? C� If so, give details as to principal debtor, amount, etc 7. Were there any suits pending or judgments rendered against decedent at time of death? If so, state briefly the nature, amount involved and partiec 8. Marital Status of Decedent at Time of Death (married, single, divorced, widow, widower) -"r CJ C� �l r.Ge 9. If decedent was ever marred, give the following information for each marriage: (List names in order of marriage) 10. If decedent had any children by any spouse, or adopted any children give the following information: RECEIVED 7/23/2012 at 2:2 RECEIVING 965691 BOOK: 79P PAGE: 39 JEr,.,..L_ NAGNER •a.. ,c24 00039 County, State of 74-- ears e and a resi t Description Name of Child Date of Birth Address Living /Dead Date of Death 7//7 4} 7 t&oLai°) kA Mother in L Sl Name of deceased child j% —1" 1IIE1 (!I1IJ� ar d s d Eli -01NMAINIMIN IILLIN POMO a a _�a Name of deceased child 1111111011101111110111110111111111111101110111011111111111111111101111111I111 Description Name Address Living /Dead Date of Death Father 7//7 4} 7 t&oLai°) kA Mother Description Date Acquired From Whom? State How Acquired (Gift, Purchase, Inheritance or Under a Will) /2e4.(� c. r, If acquired by Purchase, were funds used those of decedent only or community property funds with spouse? 4 /97' I..4/ 4} 7 t&oLai°) kA 11. If a deceased child left descendents, give the following information: RECORDED 4/30/2001 AT 09:00 AM REC# 1333602 BK# 0669 PG# 8224 LORETTA BAILIFF, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WY Page 2 of 2 12. If decedent left no children or descendents of deceased children, then please furnish the following information: a. Give names of parents of decedent: b. Give names of brothers and sisters of decedent: Y/?4 Relation Address Living /Dead Name c. Give names of children of deceased brother or sister: Name of Child Date of Death Child of Date of Birth Address Living /Dead 13. If decedent left no heirs covered by item 12 above, then attach a full and complete affidavit of heirship of said decedent in narrative form. /4 14. Give location or description of homestead of decedent, as of date of death' 15. As to each tract of land or interest in land owned by the decedent at the time of his death which concerns this company, give the following information which will be used primarily for the purpose of determining whether property was separate or community: (If space provided is insufficient, attach exhibit giving same information as to each tract). 16. Here briefly state facts and circumstances (such as being a relative, a close friend, or attorney or agent for, decedent) which will show basis and source of information given above. STATE OF l COUNTY OF �!�1 p SS. Subscribed and sworn to before me this o before me this day of e Affiant 94A 14 /vr>'� (//b4½, 75■1.t3r40 Ad ess i..4 otary Public trl the 9th day of March, 2001 before ire per appeared, be the person described in arld who executed the foregoing the execution of the qwPb'RT G S FiH1 I and dead- 525 69 -5 -4-e/ day of My commission expires 00040 to rre known to t, and who acknowledged of lawful age, being first duly swor on oath states: ,y, That �1 g i was personally and A4 47 1 ndw te ehl acquain i 1 11 •t s T t! may ��ii urmg_,>Zlifetime: that �L /J has read the above affidavit b 53 y .a 'f e•the'f therein are true and correct. i7 i eTARY