HomeMy WebLinkAbout965731STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN RECEIVED 7101.___? at 9:57 AM RECEIVING 965731 BOOK: 790 PAGE: 191 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP 001.91 Grace Ellen Merritt of PO Box 458, Thayne, WY 83127, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That Marvin LaMar Merritt, the decedent mentioned in the attached certified copy of State of Wyoming Certificate of Death, is the same person as MARVIN LAMAR MERRITT named as one of the grantees in that certain Decree Quieting Title dated the 18th day of July, 1994, entered by the Honorable John D. Troughton, District Judge, in the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, grantor, and recorded July 18, 1994, in Book 354 PR, page 280, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to -wit: Beginning at a point which is 208 feet north and 1 rod east of the Southwest Corner of the SW1 /4SE1/4, Section 20, T34N, R118W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence North parallel to the West boundary line of said SW1 /4SE1/4, 1,112 feet, more or Tess, to the North boundary line of said SW1 /4SE1/4; thence West along said North boundary line, 1 rod, more or Tess, to the Northwest corner of said SW1 /4SE1/4; thence South along said West boundary line, 1,112 feet, more or less, to a point 1 rod east, more or less, from the point of beginning; thence East parallel to the South boundary line of said SW1 /4SE1/4, 1 rod, more or Tess, to the point of beginning. 2. That the undersigned affiant is the same identical person as Grace Ellen Merritt named as one of the grantees in the above- described Decree Quieting Title, that MARVIN LAMAR MERRITT and she were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of the Decree Quieting Title described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of MARVIN LAMAR MERRITT, named in said conveyance, the undersigned, Grace Ellen Merritt, became on August 29, 2004, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the owner of the lands or the owner of any interest of MARVIN LAMAR MERRITT, in the lands described in the foregoing, subject to any then existing liens and encumbrances. DATED as of the 3rd day of May, 2012. Witness my hand and official seal. GERALD L GOULDING NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires May 2, 2015 My commission expires: May 2, 2015. 2 Grace Ellen Merritt 00192 Subscribed and sworn to by Grace Ellen Merritt before me this /97 day of July, 2012. NOTARY PUBJIC >5. co MI CC .2 1.9. 1 2 g. rD .J co u- 1 1. DECEDENTS LEGAL NAME (Include AKNo II any) (First. Middle, Last) MARVIN LA MERRITT 2. SEX MALE 3. DATE OF DEATH (Ma/Day/Yr) (Spell Month) AUGUSD 29, 20 4. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 5a. Ade Lasialrawlay (Y 80 5b. UNDER 5 YEAR, 50.1)140 R 1 DAY 6. DATE OF BIRTH (Mo/Oy/Yr) JULY 14, 1924 Months De 5 Honig' midutai 7a. PLACE OF DEATH (Vied ONY 0 5 IF DEATH OCCURRED INA HOSPITAL 0 Inpaltal 0 ER) Oulpalien1 0 DOA IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERE OTHER IRAN AHOSPITAL 0 HOSpice Feeley 0 Rinsing Hans /Log Tenn caroFealty arlaceitenrs Horne 0 Olher eerily) 'TR FACILITY NAME (II notinahlutla, eiveRreet and nurna) 3312 COUNTY ROAD 122 17,-9777:7V4H. OR kMATIGN OF DEATH ,540•:72., 1,0, y, 5d ,COUNTY 01' DEATH LINCOLN B. BIRTHPLACE (CIN ad aisle or foreign country) BEDFORD, WYOMING 9.11ARITAC'UTATUS ib. SURVIVING SPOUSE (11 wile, give name prIo/ to brat marriage) RACE.: ELLEN FLUCKIGER 11 sten 114 LIS.' '5. ARMED FORCES? ox 0 No 72a. RESIDENCE 4STAT k WYOMNa) .0' )c 12.INC01:1■1," 126:6•TY, TOINNOTILMATION 'ORD''' 3312 COUNTY ROAD., 122... la. ZIR6o 8311' J21.risiosciriCiiirrs? 13. FATHER'S NAME (FIrol, Middle, *9, 5 i' GEORGE RERE,R..," 4ERRITT 14.1.10THERU NAME PRIOR TO FIRST MARRIAGE (Firo Lan)," ETIIEL.;SPACIWkli 152.INFORMANTB Iamb GRACE MERRIT;T: 1551 RELK/IONSHIPTOOECEDENT SPOUSE '56c. MARiNOVDRES, b (Stroma Chi, Stat, Elp opiip)'''. 3312 CO YROAtI, 122 BE1)F WYOMING 83112 16. METHOD 06 DISPOS)IIOR6 R1 rial Bu D06911011 0 R Hovel horn Wyerding 0 Cremation 0 EnUbment 0 Other 178, PLACE OF DISPOSITION INem of 7 5, 55' BEDFORD CEMETERY 4 171). LOCATION -000117pWNANDSTATE BEDFORW' V 1 flit. 0 RAL CENSEE Sr 605 Llupusuuo..,, 814=428 taa,..unma OF FACILITY: li 1- -8b51AB' NoFriJARy 18174506161ET OF FAGI 44 EAST it TH' AVE'. ,AFTO.N. M al CC LLI g m 0 ea g I, 20 AC AL E 0'DEATH 040 21. DATE P,RONODNCEDDEAD ihko/Dapp p AUGUST 29f; 2.004 22 timero r 0409' 9 •c AVFQMONERCONIACTED? 24. MAT I. Enter the 44 l-, eiseases, intone dr emplicatlan thafdlrectlicaused thelleatlipRNTnler east respfteaw arail vebtncUlar lathallon wahouiefdlina swaliology. DO NOTABBREVIATE. '"`""r -2, i i IMMEDIATE CAUSE /Fnal caseate or 1...4 a a a II °POW.. TOMB 005056) OURTOlfor a 3 caiequeTnen Sequentially list condllionldanyT .5 'V 7 i leading lo !he cause Mal on Jona a. i lenninal tants such as cease f 14" EMN,baly one caua on Me: Add additional fines ;1, ..li tell 1 -5 4 ./.5 .5 Apprpdmals inlerval: (disease or Innoylhat InIliated lhe puRTOr as aconsequence off: DUE TO(or,es acor10466146 Or l ,i '5 5 9• i PART i Oslo pther significant condilions'abibim lodimin but nol resullinbin the .1*iyjno .110449 V. WAU,AN AUTOPY. PERFORMED? OYES li 26. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE To CONIFLETE THE CALISE OF DEATH? O YES Mk) 2T oiroa,Acco uSE CONTRISUTE TO DEATH? O YES MO 0 PROBABLY CI unkNowN 28.,1F.FEMALE AGED 10,54 0 85* pregnant Minh past year 0 8116 pregnant, but pregnant 43 days lo 1 year before dealh 0 Pregnant at las of death 0 Unknown it moment within 50 626 Tar :•0 No7pf anal. but MegnanEwithin 42 days of death 29 MANNER OF DEATH' 3 8210,21 050,560642 04,500111 0 Fading investigation 0 Suicide' OCould nol be aftwniinad* 30 DATE OF INJURY (Mo/DayN) 31. 71516 06 INJURY l l 5 32 PLACE OF INJURY (Decedent's hdra, m m ai Ion al 6,85* 10) 3D5NJURY AT WORK? 0580 0 NO 34. LOCATION OF INJURY (Street and number, City or Town. Slate) 35, IF TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT. SPECIFY 0 Driver Operator.. 0 Pedestrian 0 Passenger 00510, (51..4?)' 36. DESCRIBE liOiv wutaw oc0FIRED.ANO)E TRANSPORTAYON INJURY. THE TYPE(S) OE VEHICLE(5) INVOLVED (Ainornobee, plaup, rnolorcych6ATY, bicycle, etc.) I 370. CERTIFIER (Cheek only one) FFiyiiciAN IIR bat oirny i r l i w l e d g e 0.01515100094 a1 the Ilme;•date and pRa, and RN to the cause(s)ad manner Haled. CORONEFI. On 50 5. )71 evanaation en0/0 5 ve. tlenIPM Raton. bbeth ciecuad adhe me. date end Mace, and due to the eausom and A Signature el Certifier 4.•10 0 _IP.' Ad mannastated. 5 1110 37b. DATE CERTIFIED (Mo/Da .s 0 oi_.... '6 374.4AME.117 140ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (Type 02 ant) ti. t. PERKES MD' 110 HOS.? ITA LAME' AFTON', WYOMI 133110 39,. 911019711 l. 5 3135. DATE RECEP/E0 BY REGISTRAR (Ma/day/TN' r C CERTIFICATION VITAL RECORD LOCALFILE NUMI3EFI DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Morning. SEP 3 20 DATE ISSUED:' STATE FILE NUMBER ;r Lucinda McCaffrey Deputy State Registrar This copy is valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border displaying the date, seal and signature of the Deputy State Registrar. FIE 31/