HomeMy WebLinkAbout966179STATE OF WYOMING TOWN /COUNTY: LINCOLN Loan No.0070875901 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111 Trustee: N/A RECEIVED 8/15/2012 at 10:44 AM RECEIVING 966179 BOOK: 791 PAGE: 559 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RELEASE OF DEED PREPARED BY SECURITY CONNECTIONS INC. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: SECURITY CCENEC1TCNS fl 240 TECIECILCGY RIVE .M4H0 FALLS, ID 83401 PH:(208)528 -9895 ATI': =RILL NIZISCH The undersigned, owner or nominee of the beneficial owner of the indebtedness secured by that certain Deed of Trust described below, does hereby release and reconvey to the persons legally entitled thereto, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the real estate described in said Deed of Trust, forever satisfying, releasing, cancelling, and discharging the lien from said Deed of Trust. SEE ATTACHED LEGAL. Recorded in Volume 715 at Page 000627 No.945340 Parcel ID No. of Mortgages for LINCOLN County, WYOMING Instrument of the record and more particularly described on said Deed of Trust referred to herein. Cert Borrower: KENNETH L STEWART MARI HEGGE STEWART, HUSBAND WIFE Property Address 112111 HIGHWAY 89 ALPINE, WY 83128 00559 Beneficiary: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Solely As Naninee Fbr MetLife Have Loans, A Division Of MetLife Bank, N.A. 1TS SOBS AND ASSIGNS Lender's address: P.O. BOX 2026, FLINT, MI 48501 -2026 Date of Mortgage: FEBRUARY 10 2009 J= ML8102 0 09RE.157784 mar 100749500708759017 IBS Pgfl' 1- 888 679 -6377 (RD01) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed on AUGUST 7, 2012 STATE OF IDAHO ss COUNTY OFBONNEVILLE WITNESS My hand and official seal. BONNIE LOVELL Y NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO MORTGAGE' EGEC3R WIC Rr rS1RA1T v SYSTEMS, Dr. ASSISTANT SECRETARY On this AUGUST 7, 2012 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in said State, personally appearedKRYSTAL HALL and personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as ASSISTANT SECRETARY and respectively, on behalf of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. Solely As Naninee Fbr MetLife Name Loans, A Division Of MetLife Bank, N.A. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS P.O. BOX 2026, FLINT, MI 48501 -2026 and acknowledged. to me, that they, as such officers, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained and that such Corporation executed the within instr Trent pursuar± to its by -laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. :r, I t PI 04 NOTARY PUBLIC J= ML8102009RE. 15778 4MIN 100749500708759017 MFRS PHONE: 1- 888 679 -6377 (RD02) 00500 CCMIISSIaT III. 05 -31 -2018) ML8102009IM- RE0070875901 A portion of the Southeast 'A Northwest 'A of Section 22, Township 36 North, Range 119 West, 6` P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set near a corner fence post in the curved Westerly Right -of -way line of Highway U.S. 89 concave to the East and having a radius of 1969.859 feet, said pipe being located South 55 °44'69" West, 3550.649 feet from the Northeast Corner of said Section 22; thence running South 88 °02'55" West, 494,49 feet; thence South 2 °51'10" East, 60.51 feet; thence South 86 °08'07" West, 98.90 feet; thence North 1 °39'23" West, 79.99 feet; thence South 86 °49'47" West, 134.23 feet; thence North 1 °22'45" West, 84.10 feet; thence North 84 °48'28" East, 690.44 feet to said curved Westerly Right -of -way line, a radial line to said point bearing South 75 °19'69" West, thence Southerly, along said Right- of -way line through a central angle of 4 °07'36" and an arc distance of 70.609 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 00561