HomeMy WebLinkAbout966297STATE OF U 1 SS. COUNTY OF WITNESS my hand and official seal. 1 CHRISTY L RASMUSSEN NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF UTAH My Comm. Exp. 08/22/2012 Commission 575837 RECEIVED 8/20/2012 at 11:08 AM RECEIVING 966297 BOOK: 792 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that OLIVER ANDERSON, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby remises, releases, and forever quitclaims unto RAY HYDE, a single man, and MARY HYDE, a single woman, as tenants in common, formerly husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, GRANTEES, and their heirs and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim, and demand as Grantor may have or ought to have in and to all of the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. to wit: That property described in the legal description titled "DESCRIPTION FOR RAY L. HYDE AND MARY J. HYDE HYDE TRACT attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon situated or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject to all reservations, restrictions, covenants, exceptions, easements, and rights -of -way of record, in sight, or in use. WITNESS my hand this day of S{' 2012. My Commission expires: 0 a ao I D. ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this day of ANDERSON. 00001 2012, by OLIVER PIntOsional Sunlikvs. PA(1“/.,30ERZIEL :Wo,,liikkatii,iukie. .el*; Alahti*OitsAMW Nc:$00 titAdiAitos.06040,40$ ;parr A. SHEfiEi VEEI 11101; NOt.lsomM5, 3A80. Itigi -POMO* hia AiiiRecttiaitioo NM VirOkii0ittaiktiti3O60 f40 .V 0. ?4, 10A Aft* WYOfi 8 4Piti****4 Merit Os4 Slitievp; Idaho Mo*Ottr..kbft• DESCRIPTJ ON FOR RAY L. HYDE AND MARY J. HYDE HYDE TRACT To-wit: That part of the sEV4sEy4 af S ectior 25, T32N RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being:tbe intent to:inore correctly describe that tract of record in the.orfict of the Clerk of Lincoln GotattyitiBbok 329 OfThotOstatie:aetnrdS on page:433 and that tract in said Office in Book 56.6 on page 488, as BEGINNING at a point on the east line Of that tract of record in said Office. in: BOok 528 of 'Photostatic Records on page 91, N25. 220.65 feet, from the 70.tithwezt corner of Said then0O,N.QQ-42!-,rg 76:94 foot, along said east line, to an...angle: thence 30191 ..fept, along an existing fence :line and :the. easterly OXieXisiOrt thereof to an intersection yielth;tbt.. west:git of Lincoln Street; thence S02° 77,91 feet., along said westline, to atyintOCSOotiOn the :easterly extension ofthe north line ofthat tract ofrecord in 528::okBliOtoatatin Rc.cordsen page thence 100.89: feet, alongthe north line: of said tract in .../3oOk 528, and the north line of those tracts of record in said Office in Book 553 of Photostatic Records en page 571 and in BOA. 455 of Pliottistatid Records an page 246, to the PO!NT OF BEOTNNINO;. ENOOMPAS:ING aii arcn of0.53.tog,tiom pr. lo$s-,. the BASE:BEAR:MO: the: this•:survey is the'south..iiii&..of -the SWY,i-SVii ;of ;.'ectiort: 25 .T:32NOTT9V, hoikg,:$.$ it is. tiwititentiiftiiii..desetiptiimAlitit tho..ottied toaliotliio:i36siitlg 'fence lines,ecintrolthol000pti; each "opixieloitmi cprtiprAgoArd. 404 Officeof thiClerk Line.Olti:COnnty;: each "point and ",intersection by :51$"1,t 24" .0.01.:otrofoi48.:00 With a;:2" altittinumeap SCHE1BEL rib-AFTON WY FL.§:]*.:6.g7 with appropriate: details; all in aocordanoe )4th:the..platprepared to be tiledio the Oft'ee 'Cloilt of Lincoln Coun tit1d FLAT OF DRACT .T9g 14N THE :11460itF.OkAT.Eb t-ftvitTS-OP TEE TOWN b1 AttON IN THE SBF'4SEb-4 SCTrON2s T32:101 719W ONCOLN AOLNTY..., :WYOMWO7, dated 4'. 2012,. as revised. 0 0 0 0 '2 Vodifidation in:any way of ttie foregoing desorOtion ternOatea liability of the stoeyor