HomeMy WebLinkAbout9663001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RECORDING REQUESTED BY Hemb Law Office AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Corliss R. Scott 28907 Burrough Valley Rd. Tollhouse, California 93667 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF FRESNO says: Space above line for Recorder's Use NO TAX DUE AFFIDAVIT RE DEATH OF TRUSTEES OF THE 1995 ARAVE FAMILY TRUST DATED MARCH 17,1995 0000! RECEIVED 8/20/2012 at 11:58 AM RECEIVING 966300 BOOK: 792 PAGE: 5 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY We, Corliss R. Scott and Connie Y. Clark, of legal age, being first duly sworn, deposes and That William L. Arave and Dorothy E. Arave executed a Revocable Living Trust Agreement, dated March 17, 1995, as the named Settlors of the trust. William L. Arave and Dorothy E. Arave are the named Co- Trustees of the trust. Said Trust in known as the "1995 Arave Family Trust." That said Trust, at Section 7.7, provides that upon the death, resignation or incapacity of the Settlors, Corliss R. Scott and Connie Y. Clark shall become Successor Co- Trustees. That William L. Arave, one of the Co- Trustees of said Trust, died on June 24, 2011 and that he is the same person as "William L. Arave" who is the decedent named in the certified copy of the "Certificate of Death" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. That Dorothy E. Arave, one of the Co- Trustees of said Trust, died on July 13, 2012 and that she is the same person as "Dorothy E. Arave" who is the decedent named in the certified copy of the "Certificate of Death" which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. That Corliss R. Scott and Connie Y. Clark, as the nominated Successor Co- Trustees, do hereby accept the trusteeship and consents to serve as Successor Co- Trustees thereunder effective as of July 13, 2012. 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 Parcel No. 35183110306200 Parcel No. 35183110310200 Dated: Alai State of California County of Fresno ss Richard E. Hemb, Notary Public Mail tax statements to party shown on following line; if no party shown, mail as directed above. (Seal) 2 OOuu That said trust holds title to certain real property in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as more particularly described as follows: 1. Grant Deed executed on September 20, 1995, recorded on October 23, 1995 as Document No. 810332, involving real property described as Lot 39 Star Valley Ranch Plat 9 as platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. Warranty Deed executed on January 29, 2004, recorded on February 7, 2004, as Document No. 897037, involving real property described as Lot 5 Star Valley Ranch Plat Eleven (11) as platted and recorded in the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right -of -ways of record of sight or in use. P. Corliss R. Scott, Successor Co- Trustee 1995 Arave Family Trust f� t>r) r a ►h� Connie Y. Clarld,lSuccessor Co- Trustee 1995 Arave Family Trust Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 9th day of August 2012, by Corliss R. Scott and Connie Y. Clark, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. RICHARD E. HEMS COMM. 01917825 NOTARY PUULIC CALIFORNIA 3 FRESNO COUNTY Comm. Exp. JAN. 14, 2015 fir ?kw Decedent: Name: Gender: STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: William Lloyd Arave Male Social Security Number: Date of Birth: August 21, 1925 Age at the Time.of Death: Date and Place of Death: Date of Death: June 24, 2011 County of Death: City of Death: Star Valley Ranch Location: 203 VistarEast Additional Decedent Information: Place of Birth: Alhambra, California Marital Status: Married Edris Gulliver Residence: Tollhouse California Dorothy Armed Forces: Name of Fath Name of Mother: Informant: Disposition: Metho d of Disposition: Other Significant Conditions: Manner of Death: Certifier: Type: Name: Address: Date Filed: 535546 Ves Lloyd Elmer Arav Lavinia lierniinia' Ttlede' Dorothy EdrisAraVe Relationship: Cremation Place of Disposition: Schwab Mortuary CrP•-••••"/ Afton Funeral Home or FaCilitY: Facility: Schwab mortuary, Afton, Wyoming Cause of 1)eath: The immediate cause is listed on the first line follower] by any underlying‘caoses: (a) Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease i 2011-0019 85 years Lincoln Wife Interval: Years Natural Death Time of Death: 10:32 (Actual)' Coroner Michael Richins, Coroner 274 N St Box 57 Grover, Wyoming, 83122 July 01, 2011 k r4 This is a true certification of the document on The in the office of Vital A Statistics Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming. (t54 1 DATE ISSUED: Wednesday, July 06, 2011 This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border, Gladys K. Breeden Deputy State Registrar 01)007 4 1420NN 4r2p/eypeld: IF. /CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD -1 Z UT 8 8 1, NAME OF DECEDENT -FIRST )GIVen). 2. MIDDLE 3. LAST (Family) DOROTHY IEDRIS ARAVE AKA. ALSO KNOWN AS- held. WI AKA (FIRST. MIDDLE, LAST) 4. DATE OF BIRTH mmidNecyy 5. AGE Yr 1 PUN0(00NE YEAR IFUNDER /HOURS ASE, F 08/21/1926 85 Monroe 08/21/1926 De N eer. Mmm,. 0. BIRTH STATE/FOREIGN COUNTRY 1' e001AL SECURITY NUMBER 11. EVER 19 U.S. ARMED FORCES/ 1Z MAROALSTATUS/SRDP'(dT aloeW( 7.. DATE OF DEATH mmAld/ceyy S, HOUR IN HORN) 1625 II1'E ND. um( WIDOWED 07/13/2012 13. EDUCATION -NSal l0NYpepw 14/15. WAS DECEDENT HISPANICAAT INO(A)/SPANISH7 III yea eww0MSel on MA 18. DECEDENT'S RACE- Uplo 3 races may be 66(64 (en Pores on GC10 °wwl°""'mbed HS GRADUATE YES No CAUCASIAN 17.. USUAL OCCUPATION.. Type of wod1 for moat 0191e, D0 NOT USE RETIRED M. KIND OF BUSINESS DR NDUSTRY (c9, (gamy Marc 100d0016100401, employmN6 avow. etc) TEACHERS AID EDUACATION 19. YEARS M OCCUPATION 10 0 21 017 TOLLHOUSE 22. COUNTYIPRDWNCE I FRESNO 23.21P CODE 93667 24, YEARS IN COUNTY 53 25. STATE/FOREIGN COUNTRY CA Z 26:1NFORMANT NAME;RELATIONSHIP CORLISS SCOTT, DAUGHTER 27. IFIFORMANPS MAIUNG ADDRESS Sl,. nd number. or mule amber, d w 2 l0NA,IN(63. dp 28907 BURROUGH V ALLE Y wd RD., TOLL CA 9 3667 2 Pg G H o 1 y t 24 NAMEOFSURVNINGSPOUSE/SRDP' -FIRST 29. MIDDLE *LAST (BIRTH NAME) 31, NAME OF FATHEWPARENT -FIRST RODNEY 32. MIDDLE FRED 32. LAST GULLIVER 34, BIRTH STATE ENGLAND 35. NAME OF .MOTHER/PARENT-FIRST CARMEN 36. MIDDLE EDRIS 37. LAST BIRTH NAME). JENSEN 36. BIRTH STATE UTAH` a g 2 01 -I p 8 39,DISPOS(RONDATE IMRId40W 07/27/2012 40, PEACE OF FINALDISPOS6ON RES OF: CORLISS SCOTT 28904 BURROUGH VALLEY RD., TOLLHOUSE, CA 93667 41. TYPE OF DISPOSmON(S) CR /RES 42. SIGNATURE OF EMBALMER NOT EMBALMED Al LICENSE NUMBER NE TUNE SOCIETY OF CENTRAL CAI IFORNIA 45. LICENSE NUMBER FD1332 46. SIGNATURE OFLOC EDWARD•L MORENO, MD o CtY A7. DATE mMdd/o0W 07/.19/2012, W F 101. PLACE OF DEATH OWN HOME 102, IF HOSPITAL, SPECIFY. ONE IP;' S Ewa' ®°Q^'® 102. IFOTHER THAN MOBPI,TAL, SPECIFYONE HOWER i Hp H BIL te a Other 104. COUNTY FRESNO 1E15. FACILITY ADDRESS OR LOCATION WHERE FOUND (5omltw mm00. or 1000433 29213 SEMINOLE RD 106.077 TOLLHOUSE S. W 0 G 107. CAUSE OF DEATH Enter ONchah063. ras dbedtes, III, Met, W nmpl0M4a., Ea1 9x0/ nosed desk DONOT enterbmnd news a0d1 ee dsc'aded,' eagrNOry aml,w em Mee 404 nxV p ..nowsa6aa hhp. DO NOT ABBREV ATE. IMMEDIATE CAUSE 'w CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE e o alebeneor 1001.07466.1.09 0033433() WO '1010ABIRBWI®TDO63T407 YES 13 NO ew.+nl WD 11ee00 Rn Sep4Mlelly, PM Combos, Reny 108. BIOPSY PERFORMED? S YES la N° (03210210 EMer cause N7), Lna A UNDERLYING CAUSE Idlaebaw 110. AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES El nn V,M 0?I (D1) INII Wed ON Gems l.. moulting N Maln) LAST 116 USED ND T EDM6)ANGCNISE7 El yEs 112. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDMONSCONTRIBUTINGTO DEATH BUT NOT RESULTING IN THE UNDERLYING CAUSE GRIN IN 107 NO` 11E AS OPERATION PERFORMED FOR ANY CONDITION IN ITEM 1070R 1121)2yes, RMtype0l°Pew,oCwddele.), 1134 IF FEMALE, 17EENNITINUSTYFM7 S YES NO SUM( 2 m F H 8 110 I CER1FY1140101PEEESFCF MY IPDALECGEEEASICCCUSIED ATTEHDUi OWE NO R/CESRIEDFFOWIE CIEESSWSD Deceder1 Mended 9nce Decedon,u. aw,AWe 115. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFIER F SUE SOO -YUN YIE,M.D. 116. LICENSE NUMBER' A80793 117. DATE' mm/dd/ccyy 07/19/2012 A) mrrJddccyy 03) mMdO/ceyy 07/07/2012. 07/12/2012 119. TYPE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS. 6000 SUE SOO -YUN YIE M.D. 1616 W SHAW AVE B -6, FRESNO, CA 93711' O N g 120. 0 11B1CISpIFY11MTMM/CRNCNOECHC ATTIEF0.ROVE, AND PULE SMIEDRO'1TE CAFES S132111 MANNER OF DEATT 0 NMute1 S An29Rt S H.dtdde S 50000 E ns II lt ad 120. INJURED AT WORK? S 1 S NO II 104< 121, INJURY DATE 03/431/30yy 122, HOUR (H Houw) 123. PLACE OF (9716,7 N.01, hems, 00nalnmll0n 1116, W00ded area, 3104 124, DESCRIBE HON MAURY OCCURRED (Events when resulted Inln47Y) LOCATION OF MJURY ($110.1 and Runner, or 101elion. end 011y, and Sp) 126. SIGNATURE OF CORONER DEPUTY CORONER 127. DATE mm/d0007 128.1YPE NAME, TIE OF CORONER /DEPUTY CORONER STATE REGISTRAR A e C D E III11111(IIII 111011(( 11111111(( pIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII18IlIIlIIIIIIIIINIIII '0108010112112888• FAX AUTH.A CENSUS TRACT LOCAL REGISTRATION NUMBER (Q; u r. •STATE FILE NUMBER 20. DECEDENT'S RESIDENCE (Slreel 30700,7x, or Io13303) 29213 SEMINOLE RD COUNTY of FRESNO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH FRESNO, CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATE OF DEATH SE USE BLACK WI( MY /NO ES WWIFOUTS OR WHOM 3201210003661 CERTIFIED ALI V R FRESNO IDR S JIF N 1111 111.1M This is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially registered and placed g 0626 on file in the Vital Records Section, Fresno Co, Department of Public Health, PBNCO (Rol 0015 DATE ISSUED p�� This copy n I s repared on engraved border displaying: date, COUNTY HEAL H OFFICER REGISTR O AL. STATISTICS seal and signature of Registrar. 4 1 00008 ;liI