HomeMy WebLinkAbout967007STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN David E. Collings, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and say: 1. That David E. Collings is of adult age and is the surviving husband of Kathleen L. Collings, who died March 23r 2012, in Murray, Utah, as hereinafter more fully appears. 2. That on April 19, 2007 Kathleen L. Collings and I were husband and wife and intended to take title as tenants by the entireties. 3. That by a Warranty Deed dated April 19, 2007, and recorded April 19, 2007, in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk in and for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Book 655 PR, Page 135, Mark Mackey and Stella Mackey, husband and wife, conveyed to David E. Collings and Kathleen L. Collings, Grantees, of 296 Lincoln St., Afton, Wyoming 83110, Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, the following described real estate situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to -wit: Lots 1 and 2 of Lincoln Addition to the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on January 25, 1983 as instrument No. 590689 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 4. That Kathleen L. Collings died on the 23r day of March, 2012, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and thereupon, the certificate of her death was duly filed with the State of Utah and made a matter of record in said office, and a certified copy of said certificate is attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit. 5. That upon the death of Kathleen L. Collings, as aforesaid, David E. Collings, surviving husband, became vested with all of his right, title and estate in the above property. DATED this (90 day of September, 2012. David E. Collin -s )ss. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by David E. Collings this ()CPI day of September, 2012. NEUENSCHWANIDH W T.AFrl/ PUBLIC Co ui gty of Stan; of Lincoln bllyoming My Corrunr ul.an August 31, 2014 AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP RECEIVED 9/24/2012 at 11:59 AM RECEIVING 967007 BOOK: 794 PAGE: 592 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY A J i"�.�i� Lac i .QJ, Notary P u lic 1 1,1 1, 1 14. 44 DECEDENT Date of Death: March 23, 2012 City of Death: Murray Ade: po Place of Birth:_ Sacramento, California Armed Sevides: No Spouse's Name: David Earl Collings industryffusiness: Law Enforcemerht Residence: Afton, Wyoming Mother's Name: LaNa Hokanson Facility or-Address: Intermountain MedicaLCenter 'AIV'IVW`oVAW.v. ANI,A,V.PNWAVIvANWI•AW CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2012003777 Kathleen LaNa Collings Fern Secretaru HiglfSchool orGED Grant Allen r Hospital ER Time of Death: 20:37 County of Death: Salt Lake Dateof Birth: Sex:- Marital-Status: Usual Occupation: Education: Father's Name: Facility Type: Name: INFORMATION co PO Bo726, Afton, VV,yornifig 83 INFORMANT INFO Mailing Address id Earl ngs 4 DISPOSITION INFORIVIATIOAA' Method of Disposition: Re_ oval Place of Disposition: Aftpn,Qarrietery, Afton, Date of Disposition Athatch2 8,'2012 N FUNERAL. 1-10NIE- INFORIVIATION 'Funeral Home: 4 k Carver fi4Ortuary4,Servi,beILO 1 Address: 5945 Saiuth 350 Murray Utah 607 4 Funeral Director: k,„." Tyler 4Carver or MEDICAL. CERTIFIC2k Certifying PhysicianL-'9 Frank T homas MO,Interniountain Medical _c_ w_ood e Murray:, Utah 84157 1 CAUSE OF DEATH 0'',-, t'' Cardiac arrest ,,•1 l... Due to or as a consedt,t9nce of): Hypovolemic Hemorrhagic Shock Due to (oras.adonsequence of) Possible CardiacContusion fR A DUe to (or conseque,,pse of): Massive TraurnajnvOlving cbest, and pelvi s= s ine Tobacco Use-Did CaRfribute i Medical Exarniner es Autopsy Performed: NO Mannerof Death AcPiderit 4 Date of Injury: March23N;012 I -Tirne4dt Injury* 14:51 Injury atWork: No Place.df Injury: High y:- Location of Injury' Milepost 59.4 Highway 30, Kemmerer' Wyomirlg How Injury Occurred: Vehiclehit head'on'by-othe,r Vehicle Motor Vehicle Accident: Driver Date Issued: March 27, 2012 INJURY INFORMATION 1 pm `ot This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of vitalfstatistics Security features of th's official document include Intaglio Border, V R images in cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal over the words "State al:Rah". This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar and the Cointy/District Health Officer. 44, .3-. 1101111 II H 111111111 11 4 12#441/41 1 S Gary Edwards 1(4 `...le:-..... •ot2lo ...a al_Statistics County/Oistrict rtreenf-_ 11111N JO gra WM& 1 AI 1JIM. UM VI: IF 4 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD -Janice L. HoustOn,State Registrar 0633 7 52E* Dirgotor/HaalltrOfficet S*iikeVal* Heilth DeliaritOnt Office of Vit '0 4 40* 00*, kati#4**0044 t NAL