HomeMy WebLinkAbout877438 STATE OF WYOMING ~"'~ COUNTY O'F LINCOLN I, Erwin J. Merritt, being first duly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 21 years, and a residem of Bedtbrd, Lincoln Coumy, Wyoming. That I was well and personally: acquainted with Velma O. Merritt as described in that certain Warranty Deed dated October 21, 1969 and recorded October 18, 1976 in Book 130PR on page 81 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. That I know of my own ~owledge that Velma O. Merritt in the above described Velma O. Merritt and mentioned in the attached Certified copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same person. This affidavit is intended to terminate the life estate of said Velma O. Merritt in the following described property: BEGINNING 699 feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 15, T33N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and rmming thence West 198 feet; thence South 185 feet; thence East 198 feet; ' thence North 185 feet to th~ POINT OF BEGINNING. Dated this 13 day of November, 2001. ~ Er~in J. Merritt State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Erwin J. Merritt this day of November, 2001. My Commission Expires: }-//-~O ~ ~ [ STATE .OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF. HEALTH  STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3 4 ~*~ .~.ua.~. CERTIFICATE OF "DEATH CASS[~ ~.~ VELMA OLIVE MERRI~T ' F'~MA~E JU~E'26~ 1998 ~ 4. ~L'SECURITY NUMBER ~S~E 520-68-3108 . ~ , ., .. , '4534 COUNTY 'ROAD 123 ' hlNCOLN ~ UTAH , ~ ~~'~ U.S. ARMED FORO~? '" 12a. Ug~L ~CU~n~. ~,' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ,2b. AI~ OF BU~E&S OR ~UST~ NO HOUSEWIFE ~ . ': :' HOME MAKING ~. ~ESlOENCE - SrA~-i ~ ~3b, COU~Y WqEOMING J L-fN~OLN I BEDFORD. [ /:~jv, ~uNTY"ROAD !23 '" ..... ' I 4534 Cd0~¢~'~ROAfi'rt:23, r ~ ~r~l. ~t~n ,~1 .: ' 2Ob. OATE (~., ~y, YR) ' ' 2~ C~METERY OR C~MATO~-~ME~ - ' 2~ LO~T~ ' C~ OR TO NN 8TA~ ' '~ ~ ~NE~ ~CENSEE ~ ~ '~{~ ' ,. :. Nu~t~21b ;.'.. :; .: :; , . :. ,' , ,..:. . · ~ , . {{~ ,~>,~.',K:'' ~~,~,.~' .: ~{' :. ~ ~:: .' '. ' ~, :L ' =' L' :;.' .. ~ ~ , .~ =. '::. ::: '..:/: ? .. :,' ::' : ~ O. D. PERKES MD:~.. llO:tIOSP~TAL':~'LANE . AFTON .WYOMING 83110 I . I I''~"°:'' 1 ~o ~ ' I ~ ~ f~ ~. f~l ~RY (~ ~ ~ ~1 '~3~. DE~RIBE ~ ~URY ~CUR~D 8~7 15M ~ H~ O57458 'rhis is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Se rvices' C heyenno'~,~bming' - 8 1998 DATE ISSUED: Luoind~ McCaffrey / Deputy State Registrar' This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border displayin8 the date1 se~l nod signature ofthe Deputy State: Registrar.