HomeMy WebLinkAbout968129That for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars (810..00) and other valuable considerations. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed. X113 Star Holdings, LLC., hereinafter called the grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OF WYOMING. 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne. \\'Y 82009-3340, its assigns or successors herein called the grantee. the following described lands located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to yit: Parcel No. 9 WARRANTY DEED A parcel of land situate in the l S;''a of Section 1. T3 IN. RI 19W. of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln county. Wyoming, lying between the existing westerly right -of -way boundary of highway US 89 and a parallel right -of -way line of hereinafter stated distances to the right or westerly side. when measured at right angles or radially to the following described survey line of highway. said parallel right -of -way line begins on the northerly boundary of the NE'' SE' and ends on the easterly boundary of the SI SF' of said Section 1. being describe as follows: Commencing at the east quarter corner of said Section 1 from which C -Eis corner thereof bears N. 59" 59' 48.7" W. a distance of 1 325.9 3 feet. each comer being monumented by a brass Cap Pi.,S 5368: thence along the northerly boundary of the NFY:sl7':; of said Section 1 N. 89° 59' 48.7" W. a distance of 12.17 feet to a point on said survey line of highway US 89 the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence with a parallel right -of -way line 70.00 feet to the right or westerly side, S. 0° 37' 16.9" W. a distance of 1. 126.73 feet to the point of beginning of a spiral curve. concave easterly. the radius of which is 1.909.86 reef: the spiral lengths of which are 450 feet. the spiral angle of which is 6° 45' and a total central angle of which is 36' 55' 44.8 thence continuing with last described parallel right -of -way line and alone said spiral arc through a central angle of 0' 46' 35.5" and a distance of 152.63 feet: thence with a parallel right -of -way line 50.00 feet to the right or westerly side, continuing along said spiral through a central angle of 5° 58' 24.5 a distance of 297.37 feet to the point of beginning of the circular arc of said curve: thence continuing with last described parallel right-of-way line continuing along said curve through a central angle of 10' 20' 23.6". a distance of 359.10 led until said parallel right -of -way line intersects the easterly boundary of said The above described parcel of land contains 0.95 of an acre. more or less. The basis of hearing being the northerly boundary of the NE'SE';': of said Section 1. it being N. 59 59' 48.7" W. And Parcel No. 913 A parcel of land situate in the SF; ::N6 and Government Lot 1 of Section 1. T3 1N, R11 9W. of the 6th 1'.M., Lincoln county. Wyoming, beim described by metes and bounds as Billows: Commencing at the east quarter corner of said Section I lirom which C-Eis corner thereof beets 1. 59' 59' 48.7" W. a distance of 1325.93 feet. each corner being monumented by a 3" brass Cap PLS 5368: thence N. 13' 22' 27.7" W. a distance of 253.95 feet to a point on the westerly right -of -way boundary of highway US 89 and the southerly boundary of that certain tract of land described in book 629 at page 633 of the Lincoln County records. said point being monumented with a 2 inch Aluminum cap PLS 5368, said point also being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N. 0" 37' 56.2" E. along the said right -of -way boundary a distance of 316.40 feet to a point monumented with a richt-of -way marker. said point also being the point of beginning of a non tangent circular curve concave westerly. the radius of which is 11.409.16 Ieet, and a line tangent to said curve bears N. 0° 40' 10.4" E.: thence northerly along said right -of -way boundary and along said curve through a central angle of 0° 45' 03.1" a distance of 149.51 feet to the point ending of said curve, said point being monumented by a right -of -way marker: thence continuing along said right -of -way boundary N. 0' O8' 59.4" W. a distance of 724.62 feet to a point bring monumen by a right -of -way marker: thence continuing along said right -of -way boundary N. 0 05' 15.5" W. a distance of 1,176.22 feet to a point being monumented by a right-of-way marker: RECEIVED 11/26/2012 at 2:30 PM RECEIVING 968129 BOOK: 798 PAGE: 780 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page 1 oft I- 0 thence continuing along said right- of -way boundary S. 89° 03' 17.1" E. a distance of 10.06 feet to a point being monumcnted by a right -of -way marker: thence continuing along said right-of-way boundary N. 0° 05' 41.5" W. a distance of 1.51 feet to the southerly right -of -way boundary of Papworth Lane: thence N. 89 47' 18.3" W. along the southerly right-of-way boundary of Papworth Lane a distance of' 30.18 feet: thence S. 0° 05' 57.0" W. a distance of 1.876.33 feet to the point of beginning of a circular curve concave westerly. the radius of which is 11,389.20 feet: thence southerly along said curve through a central angle of 0° 43' 13.9 a distance of 143.23 feet to the point of ending of said curve: thence S. 0° 37' 16.9" W. a distance of 349.34 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of that certain tract of land described in said book 629 at page G33of the Lincoln County records; thence along said southerly boundary N. 89° 59' 11.4" E. a distance of 20.75 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel ()Claud contains 1.10 acres. more or less. The Basis of Bearing being the southerly boundary oldie SE' .NE!': of said Section 1 it being N. 89° 59' 48.7" W. Grantor hereby covenants \y ith the grantee, that Ole grantor is lawfully seized of said lands: that said lands are lice lion encumbrances. and the grantor hereby wanTants the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. State. Grantor releases and waives any and all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of this Dated this. the C t MB Star 10k ngs, (Gi\tntor) TILE STATP. OF t' OF fab k COUNTY COUNTY Elie foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this j 2i day of 64": Utah �h\ 'az 1% Murray. Mana+;ine, Member and Registered Agent oIMB Star l loldines, LLC, a Utah Company Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires e -Yi6/ °ij day of f'_ 2012 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Pace 2 of 2 1 NOTARY PUBLIC IBRAHIM B. KANTB NOTARY PUNAC STATE of WAN COMMISSION 1 660421 COMM. EXP.11.1Q- to 007 81