Wyoming general partnership, Grantor, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, for
and in consideration of Ten and No /100 ($10.00) Dollars in hand paid, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS an undivided
one -half (1/2) interest in and to the mineral estate in the following described real property
to FRED W. ROBERTS, of P.O. Box 460, Cokeville, WY 83114, and an undivided one
half (1/2) interest in and to the mineral estate in the following described real property to
LOU ANN ROWAN, of 711 E Jamaica Court, Meridian, ID 83642, Grantees, said
mineral estate being in the following described real property, situate in the County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to -wit:
Lots Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty -one (21), Twenty -two (22), and
Twenty -three (23) of Tract Seventy -one (71), Township 25 North, Range
118 West, and Lots One (1), Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twenty (20) of
Tract Seventy -one (71), Township 25 North, Range 119 West of the 6th
P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; also
Lots Twenty -eight (28), Twenty -nine (29), Eleven (11), Twelve (12),
Thirteen (13), Fifteen (15), Tract Sixty -four (64), Township 25 North,
Range 118 West, and Lots Twenty -one (21), One (1), and Twelve (12) of
Tract Sixty -four (64); and Lot Nine (9) of Tract Ninety -one (91); Lots Two
(2), Three (3), Six (6), Seven (7), Nine (9), Ten (10), Twenty -two (22),
Twenty -three (23), and Twenty -four (24) Tract Ninety -two (92); Lots One
(1), Two (2), Six (6), Seven (7), Nine (9), Ten (10), Twelve (12), Fourteen
(14), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19) of Tract Ninety -three
(93); Lots Two (2), Three (3), and Nine (9) Tract Ninety -four; Township 25
North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; also
Lot Eleven (11) of Tract Ninety -two (92) of Township 25 North, Range
119 West; Lots Twenty -one (21), Twenty -two (22), and Twenty -three (23),
Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 119 West; Lot One (1) Section 24,
Township 25 North, Range 119 West, 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming;
The East Half Southeast Quarter (E1 /2SE1 /4) Section Thirteen (13);
Southeast Quarter Northwest Quarter (SE1 /4NW1 /4); Southwest Quarter
Northeast Quarter (SW1 /4NE1 /4) Section Twenty -four (24), Township 25
North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., now described under the Re- survey
as Tract One Hundred Thirty One A (131 -A), One Hundred Thirty One B
(131 -B), and Tract Sixty -three (63), Township 25 North, Range 119 West
of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; also
The South one -third (S1 /3) of Tract Eighty -three A (83A), Township 25
North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., by the Re- Survey, said land being
more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of
said Tract 83A, running thence North 0 West 20.40 chains; thence West
40 chains; thence South 0 East 20.40 chains, to the Southwest corner of
said Tract 83A; thence East 40 chains, to the point of beginning. All in
Lincoln County, Wyoming; also
East Half Northwest Quarter (E1 /2NW1 /4) and Northeast Quarter
Southwest Quarter (NE1 /4SW1 /4) of Section Seven (7); West Half
Southeast Quarter (W1 /2SE1 /4) and Southeast Quarter Southeast Quarter
(SE1/4SE1 /4) of Section (7); Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter
(SW1 /4SW1 /4) of Section Eight (8); Northwest Quarter of Northwest
Quarter (NW1 /4NW1 /4) of Section Seventeen (17); Part of the Northeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (Pt. NE1 /4SE1 /4) of Section Seven (7)
and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW 1 /4SW 1/4)
of Section Eight (8), lying South of the Bear River, and more particularly
described as follows: Commencing 660 feet South of the Northwest Corner
of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven (7), said
point being in the center of the Bear River, and running thence South 660
feet to the Southwest Corner of said subdivision of said Section; thence
East 40 chains to the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the
Southwest Quarter of Section Eight (8); thence North on East line of said
subdivision of Section Eight (8) 700 feet, more or less to the middle line of
Bear River, thence in a Northwesterly course to the place of beginning; also
The North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N1 /2SW1 /4) and that part of the
South Half of the Northwest Quarter (pt. S 1 /4NW 1/4) of Section Seventeen
(17), situated South of the Bear River and described as follows:
Commencing at the quarter section corner between Section 17 and 18, and
running thence East one half mile; thence North 570 feet, thence West 100
feet to middle of Bear River; thence Northwesterly along the center of Bear
River to a point 780 feet East of the Northwest Corner of the Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW1 /4NW1 /4) of said Section
Seventeen (17); thence West 780 feet, thence South to the place of
beginning; also
Commencing at a point on the East Line of the NW1/4NE1 /4 of Section
Seven (7), Township 24 North, Range 119 West Nine (9) rods and Twelve
(12) feet South of the Northeast Corner thereof; thence West Twenty (20)
rods; thence South Eight (8) rods; thence East Twenty (20) rods; thence
North Eight (8) rods to the place of beginning; also
Beginning at the Corner common to Sections Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7),
and Eight (8) of Township 24 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M.,
thence South 88 39' East on center of County Road leading Easterly from
Cokeville, Wyoming 1780.5 feet, thence North 5 40' West 200.9 feet to the
Southwest corner of land and point of beginning; thence South 88 39' East
1,768.46 feet to the center of the Cokeville Border County Road and the
Southeast corner of the land, thence North 10 55' West 2491.5 feet and on
center line of the Cokeville Border County Road to the Northeast corner of
the land, thence North 87 45' West 1541.0 feet to the Northwest corner of
the land; thence South 5 40' East 2476.7 feet to the Southwest corner of
land and also place of beginning; also the East Half of the Northeast
Quarter (E1/2NE1 /4) of Section Seven (7), Township 24 North, Range 119
West of the 6 P.M., including the following: Beginning at the corner
common to Section Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8), Township 24
North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., thence South 0 24' East 1327 feet
to northwest corner of land and place of beginning, thence South 88
East, 764 feet to the center of the O.S.L. Railroad and the Northeast corner
of land; thence South 18 13' East on the center line of the above described
Railroad 1392.0 feet to the Southeast corner of land; thence North 89
West 1115.0 feet to the Southwest corner of land which is also the quarter
corner between Sections Seven (7) and Eight (8); thence North 3 38' West
1327.5 feet to the Northwest corner of land and place of beginning; also
The East Half (E1/2) of Lot Nine (9), and the whole of Lots Eleven (11),
Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fifteen (15), and Seventeen (17), in the Stoner
Kinney First Addition to the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County,
Wyoming, less the following:
That part of Tract 88 of Township 24 North, Range 119 West, within the
Incorporated Limits of the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming,
being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County in Book 461 of Photostatic Records on Page 840, described as
BEGINNING at the northwest point of Lot 10 of the Stoner Kinney First
Addition to the Town of Cokeville, of record in said Office with Plat No.
Thence N01 °32'04 "E, 150.00 feet, along the east line of Sage Street, as
depicted on the Elementary School Addition to the Town of Cokeville, of
record in said Office with Accession No. 953986;
Thence S88 °35'27 "E, 375.00 feet, to a point;
Thence S01 °32'04 "W, 150.00 feet, along a line parallel with the east line of
said Sage Street, to a position on the north line of Lot 12 of said Stoner
Kinney First Addition;
Thence N88 °35'27 "W, 375.00 feet, along the north line of Lots 10, 11 and
12 of said Stoner Kinney First Addition to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
Encompassing an area of 1.29 acres, more or less;
The BASE BEARING for this survey is the north line of Tract 90, T24N
R119W, being S88 °34'56 "E;
Each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2"
aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY
PLS 5368 or 11810 with appropriate details;
each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set;
all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk
of Lincoln County titled, `PLAT OF TRACTS FOR ROBERTS RANCH
March 2012, as revised;
Land deeded to Lincoln School District No. 2 at 199 PR page 620
Land deeded to Frank J. Jones at 27 Deeds page 65 (Lot 17)
Land deeded to Everett D. Peterson, et ux. At 77 PR page 238 (Lot
Land deeded to James E. Birchat 149PR page 326 (Lot 13)
Land deeded to Charles C. Christensen at Book 42 Uinta Co.
Records page 16 (W1 /2Lot 11); also
An undivided one -half part and interest in and to the Lots numbered One
(1) and Two (2) in the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming; also
o 044'
A parcel of land situate in Tract Seventy -one (71) of Township 24 North,
Range 119 West of the 6 P.M.; Said parcel also situate Northward from
the centerline of the Cokeville -Utah Line County Road and described in
particular as follows, to -wit:
Beginning at corner Number 6 of said Tract 71; thence East 1291.2
feet along the Northern boundary of said Tract 71; thence South 30 11'
West 1324.7 feet along the centerline of said County Road; thence South
27 50' West 287.2 feet along said centerline to the line running between
Corners 4 and 5 of said Tract 71; thence West 473.1 feet along said tract
line; thence North 0 44' West, 1399.2 feet to the place of beginning. Also
The South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 /2NE1 /4) and the
Southeast Quarter (SE1 /4) of Section Twenty -three (23), the Lots Ten (10)
and Eleven (11) and the Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Twenty
four (24), and Lots Two (2) and Three (3) and the North Half of the
Northwest Quarter (N1 /2NW1 /4) of Section Twenty -five (25) in Township
26 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming.
The West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W 1 /2NE 1 /4) and the
Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE1 /4NW1 /4) of Section
Seven (7) in Township 24 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, excepting and reserving therefrom, the following
described land, to -wit: Commencing at a point 10 rods South of the
Northeast Corner of said West Half of the Northeast Quarter running thence
South 16 rods; thence West 20 rods; thence North 16 rods; thence East 20
rods, to the place of beginning; also excepting and reserving therefrom the
following described land, to -wit: Beginning at a point 30 feet West of the
Northeast Corner of the NW1 /4NE1 /4 of Section 7, Township 24 North,
Range 119 West of the 6 P.M.; thence South 20 feet to Corner No. 1, the
point of beginning; thence West 228 feet to Corner No. 2; thence South 134
feet to Corner No. 3; thence East 228 feet to Corner No. 4; thence North
138 feet 4 inches to Corner No. 1 the point of beginning. Less the
Land deeded to Fred W. Roberts at Book 182PR page 92; also
All of that portion of Lots Numbered One (1) and Twelve (12) of Section
Twenty -one (21); Lots Numbered Five (5), Nineteen (19), and Twenty
three (23) of Section Twenty -two (22), and Lot Numbered Eight (8) of
Section Twenty -seven (27) situate, lying and being East of the right -of -way
of the United States Highway Number Thirty North (30N); The whole of
Lots Numbered Seventeen (17), Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty -two
(22), and Twenty -three (23) of Section Fifteen (15); The whole of Lot
Numbered Twenty -one (21) of Section Sixteen (16); The whole of Lots
Numbered Three (3) and Seven (7) of Section Twenty -three (23); The
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4NE1 /4, Northwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW1 /4NW1 /4), and whole of Lots
Numbered One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine
(9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14),
Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Twenty -four (24),
Twenty -five (25), Twenty -nine (29) and Thirty (30) of Section Twenty -two
(22); and the whole of Lots Numbered Seven (7), and Eight (8) of Section
Twenty -seven (27), all in Township 25 North, Range 119 West of the 6
P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, Less the following:
4 4
Land deeded to The State Highway Commission of Wyoming at
Book 127 PR page 314; also
Part of Section 6, Township 24 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M.,
Lincoln County, Wyoming. Beginning at Corner No. 4 of Tract 84, thence
East 150 feet, thence South 0 44' East 650 feet, thence West 150 feet,
thence North 0 44' West 650 feet to the point of beginning;
All of the above land conveyed together with all improvements thereon,
and all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights, reservoir and
reservoir rights, and the right to the use of all ditches and reservoirs used in
connection with or appertaining to the above described lands, or any of
them; subject, however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions,
reservations, easements, rights of way and conditions of record.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
Dated this 1 day of October, 2012.
By: Alberta S. Roberts Trust, created by a
Trust Agreement dated April 29, 1986,
General Partner
ane F. Schnauber, Trustee
The State of Utah
County of ,c Ott V.QQ
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
Ii �II�
By: Family Trust created under the
Louis W. Robert Trust, created by a
Trust Agreement dated April 29, 1986,
General Partner
Jane F. Schnauber, Trustee
Fred W. Roberts, Trustee
owan, Trustee
0044 j
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by JANE F.
SCHNAUBER, sole Trustee of the ALBERTA S. ROBERTS TRUST, created by a Trust
Agreement dated the 29 day of April, 1986, General Partner, and JANE F.
SCHNAUBER, as Trustee of the FAMILY TRUST created under the LOUIS W.
ROBERTS TRUST, created by a Trust Agreement dated the 29 day of April, 1986,
General Partner, of ROBERTS RANCH, a Wyoming general partnership, this 1'2
day of 0CM/f r 2012.
The State of Idaho
County of Ada
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LOU ANN ROWAN,
as Trustee of the FAMILY TRUST created under the LOUIS W. ROBERTS TRUST,
created by a Trust Agreement dated the 29 day of April, 1986, General Partner, of
ROBERTS RANCH, a Wyoming general partnership, this /1 day of jJrheX
2012. e ‘le o P r °0 °i i
S� roc 00
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
D� Qulua4" date
The State of Wyoming
County of Aett
Notary Pu
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by FRED W. ROBERTS,
as Trustee of the FAMILY TRUST created under the LOUIS W. ROBERTS TRUST,
created by a Trust Agreement dated the 29 day of April, 1986, General Partner, of
ROBERTS RANCH, a Wyoming general partnership, this S1, day of a
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires:
F lo dry Public 4 �,Q l!
ev BLZc
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