HomeMy WebLinkAbout968483ROADW; ,AY ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS ,.that°forTEN:DOLLARS and. other good and valivable;consideration, the receipt;and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged; Hiram and Carolyn Davies husband' and wife, GRANTORS, as.ownersof Lot'2 Pole; Subdivision,:of Record in the Office of the Lincoln County, Clerk, Wyoming with,AccessionNo. hereby grant to Cornerstone Bank as tl*owner of the- propertydescrtbed.on the attached Exhibit A, "'Grantee” a non exclusive; access and utility easement and- right'of way over under, and across the strip of land'sikty(60) feet;in width described asffollows: That.real property described on. th6attached Echibit•B, `Description for Cornerstone••Bank 16 Acres Easement'. The:easemeni and right of use shall runwithqhe'land and shall be for the non- exclusive perpetual use ,and enjoyment of.,Grantees and their and assigns in ownership to Lot 5 of the;Broken Ski Pole Subd4VisiOn..,,Lincoln County, Wyoming. It shall be :perpetual and irrevocable: It shall lie subjeetto.preekisttng:easements and covenants, deny. Grantees :may construct'a;roadwayfor access:and: ingress in and to Grantees' described; property and'pl:aceunderground within•tlie The Grantees shall be: solely responsible _for all costs of construction, maintenance and improvement of anyroadway and utilities;, IN WITNESS` WHEREOF, I have heieunto.set oun`liands.this I e day of December „2012, berebywaiving and -releasing ail hotiiestead under the laws.of the State of Wyoming: $ram A. Davies;:' r.tor Carolyn M,:Daies State of•Georgia County of Henry s s. The foregoing instrument•was adknowl.edged before :me by Hiram A. Davies and Carolyn M. Davies;'thisl fp'' day of December 2012: WITNESS my• bandana offleial:Seal. i1 ov ,111 orris, rl ``oe: R OB EIgp S Notary Public l® i' Ce w .;�.t 2 tY Z' zs 1 01; N N w p \�J m� w To' 03 W Z %"ice OS. °B: 3 Cil 9 CO °°a¢ "i N rn a J f fifilli1 0 N Z U Z O Q Z 0 O 0 U Y 0 cu- 0 U m O lY z J 0053Y prolessenal land Surveyors PAUL N. SCNERBEL Wyo. Re9901eon No. 161 Ulan R15iaaal00 N6 1610 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Neri4a Regavatbn 140 6905 SCOTTA 5CHE17661. Mirk Rep5Wa9on No. 3249 Utah Reg111r0601 N0. 372111 ldxho RegNie6nn tki,9026 1ARLOWEA' SCHERBEL Who' ReiuraOon No. 5366, KARCF:SCNERBEL Wyo :Regrsdaan N0:11610 Idaho Regishalnn Na. 13493 CFE05 N0:..1223 Surveyor SehN6el, LTD. Ahoo.W) inp C Piney. Wyoming J0 n. Wyoming L.vo lav Hol Spr+Ws. Idaho 1404,114r. Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR CORNERSTONEBANK DAVIES'TRACT fo- wit::- "EXHIBIT A" That part'. of GLO Lot 4, GLO Lot =S, the SW %4NEVi'and the NW'/aSEV4 of.Section 4, T36N RI 19W „Lincoln County, Wyoming hcing;all of Parcel 1 and that pan of Parcel 2 in that docutneitt of 'record •m the .Office' of the Clerk- of Lincoln County in Book 761 of Pliotosiatic:Records on page 809, described as follows: BEGINNING arthe,tiorthcrnmost Pointdf_said'Parcel .1, oh the west line of said GLO Lot 5', S00 46 ?.34 "W, 100.65 feet, frotit'tlte cirthwestconterthereof; thence:N87 -36' 00' :E,.478.27 feet,,to the.soutliwest.ironipipc;of that tract of.record in said Office in. Book,242,of Photostatic Records.on page 493; thencesN69 06'- 36. "E, 388.32 feet, along nine south line'of said tract in Book 242, to the southeast'.iron•pipe thereof;. thence °<08'- 01' >E, 882:66 feet along an east line of said. :Parcel 1 and Parcel 2, to the southeast pipe of said- Parcel 1, identical with, the northeast Pipe of Broken Ski Pole Subdivision; of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County with Accession No. 951409; thence N89 13'•06 "W; 1050.56,feet, along the south line.of;said Parcel 1 and the north line of: said: Broke to thc!sotithwest pipe 'there: f, on the west line of said.GLO'Lot 5; thence NO0 46' -21 "E, 686:80 feet, along> said west line, 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING;, ENCOMPASSINGiiin area'of 16.26 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING forthissurvey is•'Grid North, as detertninediby GPS methods; each "corner' fotiiid.as d'esei•ibed in the Corner, Record' filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clcrk of Lincoln•County; each .in rked. by a 5/8_" va _24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluuiinunt cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SC14ERBEL LTD AF'1'ON. WY PIS 11810 with appropriate details; each 'iroMpipe "marked by a 1 %z" iron pipe with'no identifying marks; each "pipe" niarkedby a 1 "iron pipe a yelloW plastic.cap inscribed "PE /LS 698"; all in..accordance with:the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of :the Clerk of Lincoln County titled,TPLAT OF BOUNDARY ADIUSTMENT,FOR CORNERSTONE BANK WITHIN GOO LOTS 2,..3, 4 AND 5i SW.%aNE' /,4.,•NWt /4SE%4 SLCT1ON 4 T36N R1 19W LINCOLN'COUNTY t o dated'. Novetniier 201 -2, as °•revised. ;0 9: 4 �,SCh�c 9 !c P 14 November 20 'Modification•in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" 0 a.) c.'I DESMPTION. FOR CORNERSTONE BANK 16 AC.U.S.:AccEss ANoro Lay EAsoor To-wit: 60'; eferonce4lat ofiBroken Ski Pole:Subdiviston. 11,EXHIBIT B" 005 '3 A strip. of land, §iXtY':(09) feet for inkeSS; Alio utilities 'over, under and across the ,noriheasSixey:(69),:feet -2;Of Broken :Ski Pole soboivision, of record in the 'Office Of-the:Clerk 6f iLinc Accession No '951409, with the easterly I inc dektibed'aS:follOws: BEGINNINQa6thc.eakaomer.orsaid Lot: 2; thence:Mr.:08'4)1'V; 153;9Q feet, along the east said. Lot 2, to the nottheaSt pipe 'thereof; the BASE.:43.gARINQ for this survey is_ the west line of GLO Lot 5 of Section 4', T36N. 19Wilie RESERVING: tintb: the 'Orantorsi, ttrieir bejrs successors aral.! assigns a perpetnal. right of ifigreSsiandiegressiand i ijiti ove;uncier; andloacroSS: the 566 described eak the westerly 'files of the above :described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create A..conitnuotts easement With a ritittinturn Width of sixty t� Iti*:010')IPStb •Ancl.w.fthOasterly.lirieS :�fsaid Lot:2; each "edrner" found as described tn the Corner Record filed or to be 'filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, each "pipe" riilitd:iby al" 0141c iron 4)ipe: with .a yellow plastic cap inscribed "PEiLS