HomeMy WebLinkAbout969046RECEIVED 1/15/2013 at 9:42 AM RECEIVING 969046 BOOK: 802 PAGE: 698 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE 00698 WE, LUANA T. KENNINGTON, DESIREE K. GARDNER, and L. MICHAEL KENNINGTON, being duly sworn and under oath, and acting in accordance with the provisions of Wyoming Statutes 4 -10 -1014, 34 -2 -122, and 34 -11 -101, hereby declare as follows: 1. That the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998, hereafter, the "Trust continues to exist, and has not been revoked, modified, or amended in any manner that would cause the representations in this Affidavit to be incorrect. 2. That the Settlors of the Trust were Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington. 3. That the original Trustees of the Trust were Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington. 4. That Larry L. Kennington died on January 11, 2012. An official copy of the Certificate of Death that was issued by the State of Idaho for Larry L. Kennington is attached hereto 5. That pursuant to the provisions of the Trust, upon the death of either of the original Trustees, then the Trustees of the Trust shall be the surviving Trustee and Desiree K. Gardner and L. Michael Kennington. 6. That because of the death of Larry L. Kennington, Trustee, the current Trustees of the Trust are Luana T. Kennington, Desiree K. Gardner, and L. Michael Kennington. 7. That title to the following properties, previously titled in the names of "Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, Trustees of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 is now held in the names of "Luana T. Kennington, Desiree K. Gardner, and L. Michael Kennington, Trustees of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 a. That property identified in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on November 25, 1998 in Book 422 PR at AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 1 OF 5 Page 57 as Instrument No. 855021, as amended by the Affidavit of Trust that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 26, 2003 in Book 532 PR at Page 336 as Instrument No. 892813. Excepting therefrom that land described in the following deeds: 6 Warranty Deed to Shane Brooks and Tracy K. Brooks that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 15, 2000 in Book 450 PR at Pages 193 and 194 as Instrument No. 867508. Corrective Warranty Deed to Tomi White that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on November 18, 2003 in Book 541 PR at Pages 920 through 922 as Instrument No. 895371. Warranty Deed to Daniel L. Kennington and Lori A. Kennington that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on October 18, 2006 in Book 637 at Pages 507 and 508 as Instrument No. 923488. b. That property identified in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 28, 2000 in Book 451 PR at Page 9 as Instrument No. 867787, as amended by the Affidavit of Trust that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on December 14, 2012 in Book 800 at Page 587 as Receiving No. 968510. Excepting therefrom that land described in the following deed: Quitclaim Deed to Orlando Paul Millward and Lynette Millward that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on September 21, 2007 in Book 672 at Pages 908 and 909 as Receiving No. 933318. Copies of the aforementioned deeds are attached hereto. 8. That the undersigned know that the matters herein stated are true, and that they are duly authorized in the Trust to execute this Affidavit. [Separate signature pages follow.] AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 2 OF 5 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Luana T. Kennington on this, the c hday of 9a 20 VI WITNESS my hand and official seal. SHELLIE SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 2$, 2014 7 My Commission expires: ►'dp,. '9 fl 4 L I ANA T. KEN NGTON STEE of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 RLSLLP AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 3 OF 5 NOTARY PUBLIC 00 .r STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN SHELLIE Si COUNTY LINCOLN MySgy MI SSIT [WIREti MARCH 29 2014 VIII H NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING DESIREE K. GARDNER, TRUSTEE of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 My Commission expires: `1'Y10„( ,k aC) t Lf siiA_Qad NOTARY PUBLIC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Desiree K. Gardner on this, the cia" day of k .i2LA, ti 20 I5 I WITNESS my hand and official seal. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 4 OF 5 STATE OF TEXAS SS. COUNTY OF HARRIS 14 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by L. Michael Kennington on this, the 3' day of ioxvt. y 20 c3 WITNESS my hand and official seal. PAMELA K. PERRY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES October 1, 2014 My Commission expires: t2 l OIL/ L. MICHAEL NNINGTON, TRUSTEE of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 AFFIDAVIT OF TRUST AND AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 5 OF 5 NOTARY PUBLIC 00x'0 Date Filed DECEDENT LEGAL NOME LARRY`?LAMONT KENNINGTON `.:SEX SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AGE DATE OF BIRTH MALE 77 YEARS JULY 15, 1934 BIRTHPLACE PLACE OF RESIDENCE FAIRVIEW, WYOMING AFTON, WYOMING MARITAL STATUSAT TIME OF DEATH NAME OF BURNING SPOUSE (If ado, maiden name) WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? MARRIED LUANA K TITENSOR YES FATHER NOME BIRTHPLACE ARCHIE KENNINGTON WYOMING MOTHER MAIDEN NAME BIRTHPLACE IDA WYOMING METHOD OF DISPOSITION REMOVAL FROM STATE NAMEAND ADDRESS OF FUNERAL :FACILITY... MATTHEWS:. INC., r1ATC nG fl ATL DESCRIPTION OF HOW INJURY OCCURRED JANUARY 17, 2012 11A.IC 110 STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSEE DAVID N. MATTHEWS MONTPELIER, IDAHO This is a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF VITAL RECORDS AND HEALTH STATISTICS. 7 "446 g2/1:? JAM B AYDELOTTE STATE REGISTRAR I n,Iv rvry um CLAM lulu Ur UCXI 11 COUNTY OF DEATH JAN. 11, 2012 10:00 P.M. MONTPELIER, IDAHO BEAR LAKE_ O CAUSE OF DEATH (underlying cause last) q nsetand proximate De Inte ath rval Between a, SERATONIN SYNDROME 1 WEEK DUE TO (or as a cbnaegUanoe of): b DEPRESSION YEARS DUE TO (or as a consequence of): DUE TO (or as a consequence of) OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH but not resulting In the underlying cause given above WAS AN AUTOPSY PERFORMED? END STAGE RENAL DISEASE NO MANNER OF DEATH NOME OF CERTIFIER TITLE NATURAL JACK 0. CLARK, M.D. PHYSICIAN CORONER SUBSEQUENT CERTIFICATION IF NECESSARY DATE OFINJUR( TIMEOFINJURY PLACEOFINJURY A WO LOCATION WHERE INJURY OCOURRED JANUARY 17, 2012 DATE ISSUED. This copy not valid unless.prepared on engraved border displaying state seal and signature of the Registrar._ PBOCO OW407 /10 VA I. _uo O VAL D•A I DVAL V AL/ L. W.) Wall ■lOWIIJrUUJII LIM" =e1 CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD 77. nq• i •o• iJ4.• WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Coilimission Expires. 6 -1,449t •Mni V 4: 3 1',M1Mirkrl' QUI7 KNOW ALL MEN 13Y THF.SE l'ittSENTS, that LARRY L. KENNINGTON and LUANA T. KENNINGTON, husband and wife, by the entireties, grantors of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and •in consideration of TEN..DoLLA.gs ($10.00).and other valuable consideration, in band paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and Forever quitclaimed unto the said LARRY L. AND LUANA T. KENNINOTON FAMILY TRUST dated August 27, 1998, grantees, and assigns forever, i all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or Ought to have in or to all the following described property, to-wit: in Section 22, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6 Principal Meridian Wyoming: Tract 1.- SINNBV.NW: 'A an area of 10 acres. I .1 lo Section 15 Townshipil N., Range 119 W. TheNE all1hat portion :lying WesE of Linteln Coiinfy. g.earl #12 ,commonly called. the "Bitter Cfeek_Ad4c.57 from commentinwat gleiNorthwest.orileyfqQieClg.'ASEV4 and running thence East 75 rods more or less to the WesI edge of said Road thence Southeasterly along the West edge of said,road rods more or less thence West 75 rods more or less, thence North 10,:rods to the place of beginning. Peecied.Urea 34 acres tnorebr less. Together with all Waterrig,litsoninetaLtights, improvements and appurtenances thereon Silutite or in anywise 'appertaining (hereunto. 'Subject, .howevcr, to pit, reservations, mstrietions, exceptions, easetnentsand Tights-of-way .or record or in use. tlereby rele.aSing, and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead excniptio n Jaws of ::the State of Wyoming, WITNESS our hands ths day of November, 1998.. i!.;•T r STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The forepRing instrument was acknowledged before me by LARRY L. KENNiNGTonh and LUANA T. KENNINGTON this 7— day of NOvember 1998. brilclaint Deed -Page I of 1 42Z BOOK PR PAGE 5 7 NOTARY:PUBL1C .L KLNNiNGTj1. d 1 4 4 4A- J, LUANA T. j(ENNINGTON 17615n5hOWN Notary Public county of Mete Of Unooln viyoming. U1 0 0 0 BOOK 5 pR PAGE 3'16 AF 2113 13 1, Larry L. Kennington, being first duly sworn upon m follows 1. That 1 am a joint Trustee of Larry L. and Luana T. dated August 2 1998. 2. That on November 25, 1998 in Book 422PR on page 57 of records of Lincoln County Clerk was recorded a Quitclaim Deed from Larry L Kennington and Juana r Kennington to Larry L. and Luana T. Kennington. Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 conveying the following described land: SEVNEYNWy, Section 22, T3.7N R119W of the 6th P.M;, Lineal") County, Wyoming: That Portion of the NE34SE%, Section 15, T3 :1 N R119W of the;6th P.M.,. Linrbin Co unty, Wyoming fyrng *egg( Lincoln County Road 12 -140 comrnonl y coiled the Bitter Creek Road, excepting therefrom: Commencing at the Northwest corner or the NEAS.E% and running thence :east 75 rods, more' or less, to the West edge of said road 12 -140., thence s5utheasterly, along the west edge of said road 10 rods, more or less,- thence west T5 rods, more or less; thence north '10 rods to the place of beginning, 3, The Quitclaim Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as required by W.S. 34 122 (1977) in that the Trustees Were n: of named. The trustees of the Trust are .Larry L. Kennington, and Luana T. Kennington. Dated this i day of August, 2003, State of Wyoming County of Lincoln )ss 1, Larry L. Kennington, do solemnly swear that 1 have read the. foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me; that 1 know the contents thereof and verily the ;statements therein contained are true.. The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by Larry L. Kennington this R day of August; 2003. Witness my hand' and official seal. My Commission Expires: t;- 05( RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERI, 03 ANC 26 PH 1t :.16 oath dept Kennington Family Trust Larry lA eOrrrngton' Notary Prublic OONALO S. STALEY :Notary Public County -of s o a(e or •131toln. NOtniing My ComniiasIon,EXpireS.Febtuary 9 200.5'. 0 0 ''6 INN WARRANTY DEED Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, trustees for the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust, Dated August 27, 1998, grantor cf County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS :($.10.40) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to DON SHANE BROOKS and TRACY J( BROOKS, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, grantees of County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the following. described real estate situate in County of Lineoln.and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue ofthe homestead exemption laws ofthe State, to The North .half of the Northwest quarter ofthe Southwest quarter (N Section fourteen and the North half of the Northeast gnat* of the:Sotitheasif:quarter (NY2NE'ASEYA) of Section 15, in Township 31 North, Range )19 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming. EXCEPTING: Beginning tt p':pointwItiel.tis the Northwest comer oftheNWASE% ofsatd Section 1 :encfruttnitig,tliente East 96 rods thencei$Midt20 OdS, :thence: West 17 rods II fret to center of the road known as theBitter goat thence .lit a'::SOtithetstetly direction (818. said Roadapproxiinately 14,111ods.tO a 'point Whicit:IS:4(/Mils:SOuth and 83 roda:EaSt,frOin the point of beginningthenceNorth'6 rods 3 feet,• rods 10 feet; thence South 6 rods 3 feet;:thettedVeSt13 rnds:111:fedt; thence:teritinuirig West 83 40 rods to the place of beginniiig(23.18404cres,)(Thg.iimd being etnweyed Obtains 16.8 acres,. triore ar kiss.) Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or M anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights of record or in use. WITNESS my hand this //day of August, 2000. LARRY L. KENNINGTON and LUANA T. KENNINGTON FAMILY TRILIST,DATED AuGtisT 27, 1998 450 q SOOK--- PR PAGE 867508 BY ./...eLiet. LUANAT..KWNINGTON, BY 1 ao• Att. L'Alut 4.9 :kENNINGION, USTEE ES; E CO AUG I 1) 28 XEM M PER, W.YONIIIi0 ILO 9 06.b7508 1.9 4 STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LARRY L. KENNINCITON and LUANA T. KENNINGTON, trustees for the Larry L. Kennington and Luana •T, Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998, this MA day. of August, 2000. WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: L4U Zr2a0 NOTARYPIJBLIC 1'4 92 0 1c i300.. pR PAGE. LARRY L. KENNINGTON AND. LUANA T. KENNINGTON, TRUSTEES OF THE LARRY L KENANGTON AND LUANA T KENNINGTON FAMILY 'rausT dated August 27, 1998 grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable considetation in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO WITNESS our hands this State of VI-wilttrrig. .444-rt.gek )ss. County of -EitiWn 895371 comacTru WARRANTY DEED Witness my hand and official seal. :AAROIstA:littARTINEz arltAity:oiailie4:ttaiosit My Commission Expires: TOMI WHITE, a Married Person, grantees, whose address is P.O. Box 1284, Afton, WY 83110 the following described real estate, situate itt Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: That part Of Sections 14 and 15, T31N R119W of the ,6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A *pared by Marlowe A. S.cherbel labeled "Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated 27 August 1998, Torni White Tract dated 27 line, 2003. SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of rec�rd in sightor in use. NOTE: This serves to correct the Exhibit A on that certain Warranty Deed recorded August 26, 2003 in Book 532PR on page 337 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. day pfAifgttst, 2003. Og 1., Trustee Larry L. Kermit RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 03 NOV I 8 PH 3: 28 JEANNE: WAGNER uP■REP., The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by, Larry L. Kennington and 1-14i1114 T. Kenftingtri.Mis day pr "t4i 2005-. Notary Public 0 0 7 0 State of Wyonming. County of Lincoln The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before inc by Tomi "White thus day ofi�rtFaii.Gci 2003. Witness my hand and official .seal. 0 &HARMON aav NOW tamer i sta>ta iazax G` it My Cornunnissian Expires: 321 0 0 7 0 Notary PUbiie N+µu)JongLind 6w4to4 1.6,040040 fb,,67 bNw RYp�0Gi14n4 Scow A 6 404 1 40 14 4akh 3 60 404041i40004; I)) son {k (w*wn4 774'1 44PEO■t) 6ONfg00. sw.erer:uw�b.GUn: ro W,N0;S )I t. �y U&i9S3's1: DESCRIPTION FOR LARRY L. AND LUANA T. IO;NNI"lGTON FAMILY TRUST, DATED 27 AUGUST 1998 TOW WHITE TRACT To -wit: 922 That part of the NWf /S W of Section 14 and that part of the NTE'/,SL of Section 15, T31N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of.record in the:Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 422 of Photostatic Records on page 57, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said NE .SE thence N89 49' W, 30.00 feet, along the south line ofsaid NE'VSE''h, to a point; thence N00 °:41 341 :245,41 feet, along a line parallel with the east lint of said NO /.SE?/.; to a point; thence N89°-35 300.73`, feet, to a spike on the centerline of the Bitter Creek County Road Na. 12 140; thence S22 5.6' -45 "E, 26,5.93 feet, along said centerline,. to: a spike on the. South line of said NW %.SW%; thence: :09. 377.4I feet along said. south line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2 acres, .triore ar Les the BASE BEARING for this suivey: is the east line of the 8El/4 of 'Section 13, T3 IN, R119W being N00°- 42' -34 "L; SUBJECT :to encasement for the Bitter Creek. County Road`:No. 1,2-140; RESERVING unto the grantor a right ofangress and egress::and utilities over, under and across'the west: thirty (3 of the above described tract; each "comer found as; described, in the CornerRecord filed or to be fled in the Office Of the :Clerk ofLincoln Comity; each. "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCITE11I3BI. LTD ASTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a :3/8 x 12' 'steel spike ;reference'd by a 5/8 x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2", alaminum cap inscribed, "S lniti LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368 ',:with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed: in the Office of the, Clerk; of Lincoln Conntytitledd "LAR L. KENNINGTON AND LI ANA T. KENNIi OaTON FAMILY: TRUST, DATED 27 AUGUST 1993 PLAT -ol• •FAMILY EXEMPTIQN' TRACT NW' /.SW% SECTION I4 NE '/SE' S TION 15 T31N R119W LINCOLN' COUNTY, W.Y. dt ed 12 May 03 Iune.2003 m: "Modification in anyway of the o 2 termin ates liability of the stir 0071' L e GRANTING and RESERVING,' A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way l ei Easement, for Ingress, Egress, and Utilities to Bitter Creek County Road No. 1 co 140, the Center Line being more particularly described as fellows: Ir1 4 6 Z BEGINNING at a Point in the North line of the above described parcel, said Pont of Beginning, being 39.48 feet N89a48156"W, along said North line from cs the Northeast come:then:Of; *k thence N17*55•02"E139 feet to the beginning of a 50.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; 0 5 r2 n thence Northeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 0 61°23'25", an are length of 53 57 feet, said curve having a chord of1•148°3644 c 8 3 5115 feet; b' thence N79°18'27"E 118.47 feet to the beginning of a 75.00 feet Radius CurVe et g- the Right. -4 thenecScintheastaiy, along said Carve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 48°25 an are.length of 6338 feet, said curve having a chord of S76°29'03"E 61.51 feet; thence S52 3.1.40 feet; thence S31°03 10038 feet; thence S26°19'59"E114:93 feet; thence S25 15.23 feet to the beginning of a 30.00 feet Radius Curve to the Left; thenecSoutheasterly, along said Cane to the Left, ,through a Central Angle of 8r27.13", an are length of 46.31 feet, said curve having a chord of 869 41.85 feet; thence N65°481/8",E 30.03 feet to a Point in the Centerline of said Bitter Creek County Road. WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE .PRESENTS, that LARRY L KENNINGTON and LUANA T. KENNINGTON, trustees of the LARRY L AND LUANA T. KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST dated August 27, 1998, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in :band paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND .WARRANT to DANIEL L. KENNINGTON and LORI A. KENNINGTON, husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, P.O. Box 243, Cokeville, Wyoming 83114, GRANTEES, and their heirs and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of WYoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights wider and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: A portion of the Kennington Family property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 422PR, on Page 57, and the Tomi White property, as referred to in the Deed recorded on Book 532PR, on Page 337, with the Office of the Cie* of Lincoln County, WYotaing, within the 1s1W1/4SW1/4 of Section 14 and the NEI/4SEI/4 of Section 15, all in rum RII9W, of the 6 Lincoln County:, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said Tomi White property, said Point of Beginning,. being 30.00 feet N89 along the North line of the SE1/4SE1/4 of said Section 15, from thclVfarlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1999 location for the Northeast Corner of said SELI4SE1/4; thence N8948'56"W, along said North line, 355.55 feet; thence NO°41 parallel with the East line'of Said NEI/4SE1/4 245.41 feet; c? thence S89P48 parallel with said North line of saul.SE1/48E1/4,355.55 feet to the Northwest corner of said •Toini White property; thence S0°41 along the West line of said TOM Wiute property, parallel with said East line of said NEIMSE1/4, 245.41 feet, to the Point of &Tingling, containing 2.0l Acres of land. WARRANTY DEM KENNINGTON FAMILY TRUST IKENNINGTON,FAMILY EXEMPTION P. 1:OF 2. dik 0 0 '7 I 000507 09. 000508 Including and together with all and singular tenements, hmeditaments, appurtenances, and •improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenimts, conditions, restrictions, =mations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and/or of record. 41;044— WITNESS my hand this 5 day ofSeigember, 2006. STATEOF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commigslon expires: LARRY L AND LUANA dated KENNTNGTON FAMILY TRUST August cr ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 5 ft day of bcter 2006, by LARRY L KENNINGTON and LUANA T. KENNINGTON, Trustees of the LARRY L. AND LUANA T. ICENT*IINGToN FAMILY TRUST dated August 27, 1998. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Norny WAItII411Tit ,14 10INNINOTON :FAMILY TRUST KENNINGTON- FAMILY :EXEMPTION PAOE; OF 2 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESEPRESEKS,fliat'LARRYLAMONTK.ENNINOTON,, gptitte of County of Lincoln, and State 0fVynining, for and intonsitieratiOn TgN ppi,4Axs:($1alec)) and:othtr v.aluablo:cOnsiderstion, in :lianct‘paid, r.c6ipt ofly)iintiijimby anignov&dga4,1igya:11*by reiniSecl,.rdpa.sed end forev.trAtiitntainiatinto itiesaiii LARRY L. AND .LUANA T. kENNINO iktfiSt.dated gratit00, anti assigns forever, all S‘ dot. 00.0i, :*toq, pt.oporty. postOsSinti, Otaiin And klm as erinay,hay.a:t3r ottglit to hayein ort.o.a.11.:thefoliow.ing.4e,socibpd:proptty,.towit That portion oftiin:Notiti*st: 14 North Range 119 oftlip:6!T:14, oftim:gindrotteitottrity :104Lincinin:0444,..Wypoiing.: 'C inoreorl.19.ss.:Topther with afl water and water ri::04,;ditdh.0,0"ct tht0h:rtght$:J 40h)ggi:Ok. Together with:AV water rights, minArAil right4:itAprworgArtts Ana stourtenatites. thtreott Aituato or anywise appofainiok thoontA.: Sul hilw:Oyer,, to mertationo, e 0q0 0044 the Statf Wypining, STATE PF .WYOISIING CPLNTY PF P The fogegoing instrument was acknoWledgetibeford by.LARRY 1„IpM1.13ToN tfikjeko' f A Uggn, My Cgmlnissign es: 451 fi :9 9 Verchy rOcaSingangivaiving virtue oftheitorpt$ WITNESS our hands thi4 4.11lay of August, SOL (4 qz va Oik.''Twx tt its 'ei0 At **(0044tri Virik).? Quitclaim Den i I of RECEIVED 12/14/2012 at 10:11 AM RECEIVING 968510 BOOK: 800 PAGE: 587 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE 00587 I, LUANA T. KENNINGTON, being first duly sworn upon my oath, depose and state as follows: 1. That I am a Trustee of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998. 2. That a Quitclaim Deed, recorded in the land records of Lincoln County Wyoming on August 28, 2000 in Book 451 PR at Page 9 as Instrument No. 867787, a copy of which is attached hereto, conveyed the following described land from Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington to the "Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 That portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW1 /4SW1 /4) of Section 14, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying westerly of the Bitter Creek County Road, Lincoln County, Wyoming, containing 3.0 acres, more or less. Together with all water and water rights, ditches and ditch rights, and other appurtenances thereunto belonging. Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, and rights -of -way of record or in use. 3. That said Quitclaim Deed did not properly identify said Trust as required by Wyoming Statutes 34 -2 -122 because it failed to name the Trustees of said Trust. 4. That the title to said property is held in "Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, Trustees of the Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington Family Trust dated August 27, 1998 5. That after said deed was recorded, said Trustees conveyed out a portion of said property, said portion conveyed being that which was described in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on September 21, 2007 in Book 672 at Pages 908 and 909 as Receiving No. 933318, a copy of which is attached hereto. This Affidavit does not apply to that portion of the property that has been conveyed out by the deed identified in this paragraph. AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 1 OF 2 DATED this /64 day of December, 2012. STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln !S' Wyoming My Commission Expires: July 16, 2015 My Commission expires: 01 DANA T. KENNINGTON SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Luana T. Kennington on this, the o day of D.ccen, 20 12. 1h i s AFFIDAVIT AFFECTING TITLE PAGE 2 OF 2 00 715 00588 QUITCLAIM DEED 1(NOwArImEN:rivillES trOitoo of Cop Cif T, 00111, '*):41 te cif. dos.140.46.4 PO0(titOo) Aildttitt a.4=0.104qctitAvP. I tiliitoi..eY.ttlaiidtaiiiittforittiltietAi.a.:I:Mti L AND 1,11MA tiEttgiSINd.t.bitizAkitYlitttst.ilatat 4.c11840c4; gr#.4t000 assns tn.tN.10 :444404 064;,..**4',0 04144T:id asAheylpay liamo, ot0i.t. to have,,in ot• to!altillefollowioaouillaprorp0 t6at dt.tiie.:gdfitiyAtOskc qv** •otiliOplithmttt$:01.faiW .iX*10A) of StOtiiiri 14 :Thmillip.100rtli oft:he:blew dtooktOtitaty 1:04141.cOla:C4witY;NYY.cmiini 4:w*forattd' water 44440i0;00:4kii110.04...c.44.4000001*-$.:!ll*-0049..401:0!ItiM. Wyarnito :S.TAT4Pr )4. :0.10 T000bAn4ithAtiotorliOs., rthoorgii.:41.4,iippmyonv;404:40.tlitoogotos.fiteretagtuate. Of rn anywise 4110.6f0iTiig itidr0404; ;$1).10,1e.qt hawevet to itr, tvmatiotv; iesns occ 0410140.0;.t:444N4Y: 00.0.04:01 ftercby riitits:undr:04:11, vittue..oftholiOviototocpt*.b0 WIT,MS-$ out hApds orAtigOt 2,opo. 0 5 8 9 11116 1 ifb 0 7 4, 616 !nit fos'opintiostriumeta*a$::aokrawitedgOdlofoititt by. tA ay of :t• Mgm:APV: WIt.t 00. ;Nty,:toznIntssion!' (20- 4300K 'PR PAGB211,0 9‘ OZ. m1.1 4 .wite-ov lermauci: atig 41410 ktgval4c0i quitclaim Peed Page lof „id 00590 QUITCLAINDEED .INO*AttivItiCt tilE8gliktatsit8, that odT.4004 IcelitlingtOk.Fititdblolat dated:41410f.:.28 1908i Larry L KO rdilligtdit'aid:Loakta Ti:Ktiditagovtitittos m Oftegii:OtY..0t109 4f*.OWY:044 consideration of Thn and 00/1bCcOp 0.040tatiO.i0fidiuiali4nd; ek 00fc( 400:0*...4:0,104 triliesd preaettslolonvilairs; earectitomaaadinitisfrathra -t6s'.40,100.e. 00. I** 4140faWan.to:: .40001440144k whose address is 1285 thtt.ton Road, mokfoot,jp 83221.,;)ties:144400k forever: 411 such iiite :910PAP440444:41 ought to iiitve: or hereafter acquire in.orto ail oftha following 4escifilied inn:bes That 0.0 of Stptip4:14,T31NIU19W;140golli: Wydotzg described an Exhibit .&prepared _86646i entiiiaawbeactititioalbt Orlando P441,Mill**4. and tV40:011Aillward: Millward Tract #44fa 400 K2000, Iiiet*.stPkasiug wahtftigallxights...adderadd:by:Vittdd.oftlid eictavileark 10.4150400000Matoing, d 1.)d thil 17441 clay or Se fetnher r 2ow. Otgge Coudty.dftiticoln llie lbre.going 45 At* was acknowledged Kennington and r4Isn't T. Kennington, this t,,1411 day of ele Yrb. #ti: Wad pate Actotiviissithi *Ores: oggEiVEp: athiiidOt at 12 OOK 672 ktc;#01+10:0 .W318. f.'404:1 JJANNE.iniXcgdOst LiNtaig OUNMOLERK ktiviMRE)3: KennipgtoTruated• 000908 •ttlit 0••• iditAffiTti.6U0. ;nag*: 14from =.4 00'71'7 0 .0 Y.60 NR. 44#0 IF cRwriorr FoR OR I (I rAut reffixwARD ANV.LyratrE maxwARI> IVIIMATMAO• .0.00 SOS: To-wit: 1hat of thOr.i0,74;4$W4if Section 14, pil.t.11110*.i Lincoln COunty, Wyonthig it bein4tito 1:44:**4149r*Pcnteot/Y dosCribc•thoSPIPIOts tifiAtiOntkllil:QM*0 04: of:4*04 in Book atntlitottstado alcdord§ on vio 873 battiitSook-44t 6 to.k4".dititd at ale intersection bkiite:weilitiebfViitt NWV4SW tvr of 04.! vtto;c 1d Nu. 12-L40 at Sia. 198+53.15 S00°-41 '-34, 5100 thc 000oV99.4.!-2.27gAtzsg(kakvigoad.6et ter1410,ygitlie SPIKKPkI3E4NNIg4;. ttienceS29 .-30' 4 22r4.9.3Teet, inlOn'g'Sti Spike tlidado:$24°,61.7;;5 21'448001W; altmg 40 1 -"rogol.:A gPs•t• Voii', 404:trotoft.#04**4900.104 tilezte.eit61-iiMliti10:•*itootortiterty-licutok '0,Ot ate.c.orti tp*.t. fit. itook,t41 a:1464)4;1*k: RPeOritsOitip.g. .2007 $achitt,itA tEm240,1r4:7 .0%02:474 415ng.:.4 *041 Ofd:# th04:.$80-W40!% 44;int**.'140 .sazd ttact to tho- 4N1E ))0 otogitsmcfoottdaounkmorc:dviss4 tdr.ita:4upy07i$ ijh* 1m� 4i`n :SW« Of Winn< 024114 kitigStIcI4P4e5; egt00.0411(1 40fir1( 0401iNIA07:1100,c1444.04 ots.4:04 Oidoodtto:cierk attilddiazdutty;: ta4 4 !?lna*e4 with*Y5llii* q ency 'VOW ,niarkett 50 $tdellcitirdirellwrOd *hit .s: r enp. imoribot "ditiOMVP .4E'rQ14 WY 46ritih:gt0044Wiltitikz P., alt in aoeordance Tot ..1110 plat iir4:54$ .414 in the dffice of tile OfetkOtinP94:0;94 tf*d,„ "KENNINGTON Og(t)Y 1:100,..;04TATY. 24 FEBRUARY 1993 AND ORLANDO Ma 1414, AD mitam WARD PLAT .0 BO UNDARY ADJUST *tAra 0:4 .Wcit,.* :1 age= CO 1JNT4 WYO MING", r4s 0591 0 0 A 1 0 KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That Larry L. and Lunn,* T. Kennington. Family Trust ,dated August ?A 1998, Larry L. Kennington old 144E2 T.Kettningtort Trastees oftbe countY Li/400.1n, SfiteOr WY9Ining in consideration ciflen and 00/100 Dollars ($10 00) and:ottier.fgoodand valuable op potw a ti o!i to th in ji*t.paid:the receipt wbereaf is berebY. 40 Ilavere4 ff#0 04 2 .4 1 id bythese presents. doronnyheirs; executors anal administrators, zoase, :release and forever 440On:unto Oilando-liatillYiilinfard and LyoetrelVillwaxA husbag4 and 4f whose address is 1285 Riverton Road, $ittoklgtit,V 83221,:hoit***1:t(sSigti; forever ali such right, ti**4004,..:00ili:0045.0049:0,104.04:410'4014411S,Thvg, 0410i t to have or hereafter acquirein. or 10 all:of:the following deseitibed prondses. Liriddli.C4untY)-WA):*g described 414 1134t "Descripti Orlando itor Oi. kiireparaby',Mar.ovaA.:Seheibel entitled pt3 2000.. Paul :Minima and :Lynette Wiword: lawiiraTiact "da .Apbropt. EatehT.TelegtsiAg'4advizivingalltig" bis'.uildetAnd.brvirtoaoftti...liotoestoo.4.exempop" la* ri.t t.0004.0;01 Dated this aiql; day of kit.t :MyCornsionExpires: QUITCLAIM DEED RECEIVED 9121/2007 zfr12 mppi aSOtiViNOtt 0 PCIPK::'0A PAOE 908 Jp.ANNEwkoNak :Lit■idttk ktIVIMORtR;INY' 0009 0 8 Kennington,,TruStee State of Wyoming s County orLincobx The foregoing itlaflIMPAt was acknowledged before Inn by Larry L. Kennington and Luana T. Kennington, this ti'SA day of 5e b 2007. Witness my hand and oralseal. NetaryOublio Cun )4rectottiitsilo.. 4'701- 0 0 7 Pc.c(***P milla~po *ofidisis#00 *040i9rsi.Ottiki:Als r4 Y■t5gt.40 *to flialoa00.40 910.Nookianwiriliv momorcocimw4 k'W101.0*Nckw, Aul■nr4.d.0.0. /1.4coviol# DESCMPTION FOR 'ORLANDO PAM, PaLLWAR.11 AND LYNETTE IraufwARD IVIILLWARD TRACT TO* That Ott of thO.X4WWW.IA4if Section :14i T31N:R1.19Wi Lincoln Count *pia*, it boot. tho inzcnt to 1.410F0 WITCLIfir 4e546000SP EtraCis.nf.icc,Oit in took 4.04:41'hotostatio Actor& on :;pap 873 and in itook44Z Rcco&ds 00::13a$0 Op; Ofoi intarsittion ofthc No:A..114c 'ctsaid;NV/48*9' with the.ventorline Igtiit?CitiWcOxinte.. Road No. 616.40164,,firati the thcncc S29 30'.2213, 0.82 fcct, along $.aid..00r#104...".4**4 BECittPaNG; itienctS29°.-3V0V.; 04.41.Teec. itingaildcancilitic' a apiWailt199440k; tlknoc:S24°40 lect; alOngsaktociacilin; 40.0.0ficgin.)n .nio.At; nnz:ittwOcciy spikc OPhati#0:0044#04 thditc:1461t:54=itt,143:19.fatti.ilodgti,uottherty-litic-at $01414ct arccortl in Book 620, 0 ,;00th**:00.0 :04t#4 record :jkt#1* O1Th in-.tiook of hotestatie thg10:XM 191.62 fcct, along a westay line of said tract im Book 535, to an angk point;. Lhcnce $81,40 iNCOMPAUZIOals'arta414$Acros,morc:avics 0.0:01a ..E1B qr for 41)is:,surl,t is the west lino of SW V4 of Scction 14, T3 IN RI 19W, beingii400 '44"E;„ 4 1.27:00:440;' cn Nikinel found cktrnilicflii*th0 Cntari' Rccord filcd Otto be Odd in the Woo of itlicCiorli attintalatotitity;• whIlirP;i4a4re14 each "pnitir by a 5/8" *4221" •stet•thtfOreintrod with a. 2" alun2inum �p hiscribcd, "SVOMOX '..;;MMXte1l)•••101g1fINTIU. 5368", with appropthtc dcils; ti in:n*000 vtOpW:tof:bo thebitoe ottim C.tok Lincoln 004 **E*1100.170,t4 FAMJLY 0017,...94TED 24 FEBRUAR 1999 ORLANDO PAUL 4 AND alitrrt WARD PLAT ,01:1:10:W4P4 ADJ UsTMENT WITHIN IflENW'hSWV4 SECTION tigebt14 COUN1Th WYOM[NC3', ,AsTock CO ExbibitA 000909 305.02 fixt, along a noutlicily line of saki tradt, 'to thc SPIKE OF 0 7 2