HomeMy WebLinkAbout871740BOOK t PR PAGE_ C3-9---- QUITCLAIM DEED JIEANNE ENJER KE IMERER, I W NC KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Kathleen J. Hankin, Thomas G. Hankin and Daniel J. Hankin, in Consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable Consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, convey and quitclaim unto Kathleen J. Hankin, Thomas G. Hankin, Daniel J. Hankin and Robert W. Hankin, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship, whose address is P.O. Rox 316, Diamondville, WY 83116, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described premises, to -wit: Lot 12 of Block 2 of the Follies of 42 Addition to the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this 20 day of February State of Wyoming County of Lincoln ,.....4,-#.0.0.0,0 spa*# WANDA N. NEWMAN NOTARY PUBLIC COUN 1 Lh>> p �j', .r iING P My Camrnission Expires 3,-25-02 s s. The foregoing instrument was public in and for said County on this 20th day of February WITNESS my hand and Official Sea 871740 2001. Thomas G. Hankin �ct A Daniel Hankin Notary My Commission Expires: March 25, 2002 (see reverse side for additional acknowledgments) RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK F 329 iN10:O7 acknowledged before me, a notary and State, by Kathleen J. Hankin, 2001. oTTgnd A.zsgot ZOO 'SZ 1102 ss ZOOZ 'SZ go.zsw SS sea Tdxa uozssTwwo0 Aw k.'f"ION NVV M1N 'N VONVM x a::. e.•.,an. ;?:.,1r�4^- Avg -AA�H TsTDT330 pub pusq Aw SSdNZIM 1.00 Azsn.zged 3o Asp lOZ stuq uo 'uzxusg •f TaTusQ Aq 'agsgS pus AgunoO piss .zog pus uT ozTgnd Aasgou s aw aio;aq pebpaTMOUxos ssM quewn.n.sut buTobelo3 aqs :sa.ztdxa uozssiwwo0 AN ZO SZ t JO uToouT2 3o AqunoO buTwoAM Jo aqu4S '0 1L1li103 UO SSiwwo,, .7'O04100 mend A IVI0N N1fNMlN 'N VONNM Is -ot33O pus pusq Aw SSaNZIM IOOZ A.zsn.aga,I 3o Asp q oZ siuq uo 'uzxusg •0 sswog1; Aq 'agsgS pus AqunoO pTss .zo; pus uT oTTgnd Aisgou s 'ew aaojaq pebpaTMOUxos sEM quawn.zgsuz buTobazo3 eta uTooupp go.Aqunop bu-tuoAM 3o aTegs