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MORTGAGOR: VANCE BAGLEY a Sole Proprietorship POBOX179 FAIRVIEW, Wyoming 83119 KAREN BAGLEY P 0 BOX 179 FAIRVIEW, Wyoming 83119 8U 181 Space Above This Line For Recording Data MORTGAGE DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Mortgage (Security Instrument) is February 8, 2001. The parties and their addresses are: LENDER: FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEST Organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America 314 S Washington PO Box 1620 Afton, Wyoming 83110 83- 0162601 BOOK`: RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK FEB 23 1`' 2 d t C P�E l W Y OMING PR PAGE i 2 r U3U14h 1O 1. CONVEYANCE. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, and to secure the Secured Debts and Mortgagor's performance under this Security Instrument, Mortgagor grants, bargains, conveys, mortgages and warrants to Lender, with the power of sale, the following described property: The West one -half, the Northwest quarter, of the southeast quarter (W 1 /2NW 1 /4SE1 /4) in Section 17, Township 31 N., R. 119 W., 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, AND that portion of the SW1 /4NE1/4 in S. 17, T31N, R119W, lying South of the Crow -Creek Road. EXCEPTING: a plot commencing at the intersection of the N -S centerline of said Section 17 and said Crow -Creek Lincoln County road, and running thence East along the centerline of said Crow -Creek road 220 feet, thence South 500 feet, thence West 220 feet to the said N -S centerline of said S. 17, thence North along said centerline 500 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. The property is located in LINCOLN County at P 0 BOX 179, FAIRVIEW, Wyoming 83119. Together with all rights, easements, appurtenances, royalties, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, crops, timber, all diversion payments or third party payments made to crop producers and all existing and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and replacements that may now, or at any time in the future, be part of the real estate described (all referred to as Property). This Security Instrument will remain in effect until the Secured Debts and all underlying agreements have been terminated in writing by Lender. 2. MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by this Security Instrument at any one time will not exceed $33,215.25. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to this Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of this Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in this Security Instrument. 3. SECURED DEBTS. This Security Instrument will secure the following Secured Debts: A. Specific Debts. The following debts and all extensions, renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. A promissory note, No. 61009688, dated February 8, 2001, from Mortgagor to Lender, and a loan amount of $33,215.25 with an interest rate of 9.5 percent per year maturing on November 15, 2005. B. Sums Advanced. All sums advanced and expenses incurred by Lender under the terms of this Security Instrument. Wyoming Mortgage WY/ 3ERVER0748000000000000000800000009n4 ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Initials" Pa e 1 iCt t gd NW •pno10 'IS "aul 'sweisA9 sJe)lueg 9661® bu6000000080000000000000009bL0M3AM3 /AM slelilui eBaBpoyj BuiwoAM •A11adoJd ay110 sled Aue 10 alo9M 941 to Aouedn000 10 asn ay1 to lun000e uo ale 10 01 u!e11ad AeM Aue u! 1091 °neLi Aew 1o6e6EJoLN 9014M sw!elo pue s1y6u Ile pue 'selq!6uelu! leieue6 '914611 13ealuo3 'slun000e 'sesnuoq 'spaaoold 'sa!lleAoi 'senuaneJ 'sld!a0a1 1san6 'aouelnsu! s1ua1 l0 ssol„ 'swn!weid uone1193ue3 'linelap 6u!MOpol sa6ewep palepinbll 'suollnq!11uo3 wn!waid a0uelnsw 'saxes algeo!idde Jayfo 'saxes alels° Ie01 '9961090 6upped 'se6Jego aoueualu!ew ewe UOww00 '1u O1 Ieuo!1!ppe 'lual 96elu93aad '1ua1 wnw!u!w 's1!sodep A1lanoes 01 pa1!w!I 1ou lnq 6u!pnlou! '(slug» se o1 pa11a191 Ile) s1lla1d pue sanss! •a (saseai se 01 /)91/9191 lie) sluawaaJIe Lions 10 suollnl!lsgns 10 suo!1eompow 'sleMaual 'suo!sualxa Aue 6u!pnlou! 'A11adoid 991 to uolllod Aue to Aouedn30o pue asn a4l 101 sluewa9169 'Klan 10 ueunm 19410 Aue pue sa!lueJen6 's9sua0!I 'sasealgns 'saseal amyl'. 10 6ul1s!x3 :He pue Aue 01 pue u! 1s91alu! pue 011!1 146!1 991 Ile A1llnoas leuo!1!PPe se Japu9 01 s)ue11eM pue sa6e611ow 'sA9nuo0 'sule6leq 'sluel6 10626110NN S1N3H aNV S3SV31 dO 1N3INNOISSV L L •uo!1on11suoo ay1 10 uo!laldwoo 6u!pnl3u! 'AlladoJd 941 u! Isamu! A1!1n0as s,Japuaq 13910Jd 01 Alesseoau sdals Ile 9)Iel Aew 1apu91 'Jeuuew algeuoseal 9 u! uo p011190 sou 10 panu!luoos!p s! A11adoid 941 uo uo!1on11suo3 Aue ll •luawnllsui A)!moas sm. 10 Mel 041 Japun 919611 19410 s,aapuaq 10 Aue 6u!s!oJaxe wail Japu9 apnloald sou II!M waollad 0l 9anl!e1 s,lapua- pue 'wmo11ad of uolle6!Igo ue 919910 sou II!M 1o6e611oIN aol wmo119d o1 14611 s,lapua1 •9ouew1o119d 101 Alesseoeu lunowe Aue Aed 10 aweu s,1o6e611o1N u6!s 01 1091 u! Aawolle se aapuaq s)u!odde 10696110IN '139w1o119d aq o1 ways asneo 10 waollad 'ao!lou lnogl!M 'Aew aapua1 'luawnalsul A1!lnoes s!y1 u! peu!eluoo slueuanoo 9111 4.0 Aue 10 Alnp Aue wmo11ad o1 si!el ao6e6110 Al 11 WHOdH3d 01 A111:IOH1f1V '0 L •uo!loadsu! s,aapua1 uo AI91 AeM ou u! II!M 1o6e611oW pue 1llauaq s,aapu91 101 Ala1!lua aq II!M Alaadoad 941 to uo!loadsu! Auy •uolloadsu! 041 aol asodind 9Ig0uos291 9 6u!A1!OOds uo!loadsu! ue aaolaq 10 1.0 awn am 19 93llou Jo69611oIN an!6 II!M aapua1 •Alaadoad 991 6u!loadsu! 10 asodind 941 101 awn 9lgeuosea1 Aue le A1ladoad 091 aalua 'uolldo s,aapuaq 19 'Aew slua6e s,aapuaq 10 aapuaq •luasuoo uall1IM 1oi1d s,lapua 1noy1!M Alaadoad 0yl ap!n!pgns 10 uollllled 1ou II!M 1o6e611oIN •luawn11su1 A1!lnoes s!y1 Aq 1)919910 199191u! A1!anoes ay1 0l l0afgns pawaap aq 11!" A11adoJd leuoslad lo luawa09!da1 Lions •aouelgwnoua 1ay10 10 lu9w9a169 Al!anoas '90!nap uo!1u0leJ aim Aue wolf eels 'Alladold leuosJed peoeldal ay1 01 amen u! Ienba 1seal le Alaadoad leuoslad 1aylo 41!M paoeldal s! Alaadoad leuosied 4ons 1091 pap!nold 'alalosgo 10 UJOM awooaq 1291 Alladold 941 10 lied a 6wsladwo3 Alaadold leuosaad 10 swell OAOW91 of 196!1 941 sey 106e611oIN 19y1 lda0xe luasuoo ua1111M 1olad sdepu91 lnoyl!M p91a11e Allepalew 10 pays!Iowap 'penowei eq Il!M Alladold ayl 10 uo!11od oN •Alladald am 01 96ewep 10 ssol Aug 10 pue 'Jo6e611o1N 191.1!960 suoll0e pue 'sw!el0 's6u!paaoold 'spuewap Ile 40 Japua1 Amou Il!M 1o6e611o1N •luasuoo ua11!JM 1o!1d s,lapue 1.no9l!M 1uawOsea 10 lueuanoo an!lo!11sa1 'asueo!i Aue u! 96uego Aue 1!wlad 1ou II!M 1o6e611o1N •luasuoo uall!1M 1o!1d s,lapual 1nogl!M 96uego AIIe!luelsgns sou 'um asn pue Aouednaoo 991 l0 alnleu a41 12y1 saal6e 1o6e611oIN •sessel6 pue spaaM snolxou 10 aall A11adoJd 991 deal IIIM 1o6e61JoIN •A11adold 041 10 uo!1e10!1alep 10 'luawl!edw! 'alseM Aue Molle 10 llwwo0 sou II!M 1o6e6l1ojN •Alessaoau Algeuoseal 912 19y1 medal ill alew pue uo!1!puo3 pooh u! A11adold ay1 dea)i Il!M /06261/0 8 MI W 'NO1103dSNI ONV SNOI1V1:1311V 'NOIIIaNOO A11i3dOad '6 •ses!y0uell pue saweu 91)01). 'aweu 6ul1s!x9 s,1o6e611oLN anJesaid II!M pue aweu 10910 Aue asn sou ll!M pue sou soop Jofe61JoiAl 'luasuoo ua11!1M ao!ad s,1apuaq 1noy1!M •aweu sno!lll0!l 10 91)211 19y10 Aue pasn sou sey pue 9199A 0 L Ise' 991 u!4l!M ssau!snq 10 9901d led!ouud 10 aweu s,1o60611oIN pe6uego sou 999 1o6e611o1N 'lapuaq 0l 6u!1!M u! pasolos!p Aisno!nald u991 J9910 •sseu!sn8 10 aoeld pue aweN •0 •loafgns s! A11adoJd s,1o6e611oW 10 Aue 10 5! 1o6e611o[N 40!9M 01 10 /Wed a s! 1o6e611oW 99!4M 01 luawa916e Aue alelo!n sou II!M pue 'Aou96e I91U9wuaan06 10 11noo 10 1ap10 J0 'MeI 10 uo!s!nold Aue 91910!n 1ou II!M 'Ienoldde Ieluawwan06 Alessaoau 11e peNeoal an94 'pozuoylne Alnp uaaq aney 'sJoMod s,1o69611oIN u!9l!M 912 luawnllsul Al!moas s!9l Aq peouap!n9 uolle6llgo ay1 pue luOwnllsui Al!lnoes s!yl 10 aouewiopad pue A1anllap 'uo!lnoexe 941 •Al!Joy)ny •8 •selelado 1o6e6l1oIN 49!9M u! uollo!ps!1nf y099 u! os op 01 pe!liaenb s! 'algeo!Idde se 'pue palonpuo0 6u!aq Mou s! 1! se Al!nlloe 10 sseu!snq s,1o6e611o[N uo A11eo 01 pue uo!loesuell 9!41 mu! 191ua of Alilo9lne pue 1aMOd 091 se9 1o6e6)IoLN •591919d0 1o6e611oIN 90!9M u! suo!lo!ps!Inf lie u! 6u!puels pooh u! pu0 6u!1s!x9 Alp!len pu0 'paz!ue610 Alnp s! 1•58611o!N •aaMOd •y :109110 u! s! luawnllsul A1l1n0es 9!91 se 6uoi se anulluoo Il!M 99!9M suo!121uasaldal pue sa!1ue11eM 6u!Mollol ayl 1apu91 of sa)lew 106961/0 W 'SNOI1V1N3S3ad38 aNV S3I1NVH)IVM '8 •algeolldde se 'sMel ales -uo -anp ems 10 uolldwaald 041 6u!ulano6 MeI lelapal Aq pasodw! suo!l0!11seJ 9y1 01 l0afgns s! 19611 s!.11 •A11adoJd 9y1 10 ales 10 104sue11 2 '10 u0!12910 991 101 10e11uo0 10 '40 uo!1e910 091 uodn algeAed pue anp Aje)e!paww! aq o1 slgaa pelnoas 041 l0 aoueleg Gigue ay1 aleloap 'uolldo 51! 1e 'Aew Jepuei '31VS NO 3na 'L •A11adoJd 041 anoldw! 10 welu!ew 01 sle!1alew 10 aogel Alddns oyM salved 1su!e6e aney Aew 1o6e611oW sesualap 10 sw!el9 '91.96!1 Aue 'Japua Aq palsanbal se '1apuai 01 u6!sse o1 saal6e 1062611o1N •luawnalsul Alun0es s!y1 10 tie!' 991 1!edw! pinoM 1291 sw!el0 Aue 15u!960 Alladold ay1 01 aj1!1 pualap II!M 1o6e61.loIN •1uawAed s,1o6e61aolN 6u!0uep!na sld!9991 941 pue anp 019 slunowe Lions 1991 sa0ilou lie 10 sa!doo lapua1 01 apinold 01 1o6e6)JoIN a1!nbaa Aew lapua1 "anp uayM A11adoJd 991 01 6u!1eIa1 se61e43 10910 pug 'sa!l!I!1n 's)ua1 puno16 'sluawAed °seal 'saoueigwnoue 'sue!' 'sluawssasse 'Saxe) Ile Aed ll!M 1o6e61.1oIN '31111 1SNIVOV SINIV1O '9 •luasuoo ua11!1M aolld s,lapua1 1noy1!M luawnoop ua!l 991 Aq pampas luawaa16e ao elou Aue lapun s90uenp9 alnlnl Aue lsenbal 01 1ou '40 uo!su9lxe 10 uo!19o!l!pow Aue moue 01 1oN •0 •1ap!09 991 wo11 SOAI0991 1o6e61.1oIN 12y1 seo!lou Aue lapue 01 19n!I9p AjldwoJd of '8 •slueuanoo IIe y1!M Aidwo0 10 w1o11ad o1 pue anp uayM s1uowAed Ile a)Iew :soa16e 1o6e61aoIN 'A11adald 0141 uo eouelgwnoua 10 1sa1a)u! *moos 1o!1d a 1)919919 12411uawn3op u911 19y10 10 luawaa16e A1!1n0es '1sn11 10 poop '960611ow 19910 Aue o1 p10601 41!M 'SJS31:131N1 AlI1V1O3S LIOIEld 'S •luawnllsul A1!1n0as 9!91 pue slgaa paln0es 9y1 to swlal ay1 91!M a0uepJo0oe u! pue anp uayM pled aq II!M slgaa palnoes 941 lapun sluawAed lie 1991 saal6e JoOe61JoIN SjN3WAVd 't7 In the event any item listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal property, this Security Instrument will also be regarded as a security agreement. Mortgagor will promptly provide Lender with true and correct copies of all existing and future Leases. Mortgagor may collect, receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Mortgagor is not in default. Except for one lease period's rent, Mortgagor will not collect in advance any future Rents without Lender's prior written consent. Upon default, Mortgagor will receive Rents in trust for Lender and Mortgagor will not commingle the Rents with any other funds. Amounts collected will be applied at Lender's discretion to payments on the Secured Debts as therein provided, to costs of managing, protecting and preserving the Property and to any other necessary related expenses including Lender's attorneys' fees and court costs. Mortgagor agrees that this assignment is immediately effective between the parties to this Security Instrument and effective as to third parties on Mortgagor's default when Lender takes an affirmative action as prescribed by the law of the state where the Property is located. This assignment will remain effective during any period of redemption until the Secured Debts are satisfied. Unless otherwise provided by state law, Mortgagor agrees that Lender may take actual possession of the Property without commencing any legal action or proceeding. Actual possession of the Property is deemed to occur when Lender notifies Mortgagor of Mortgagor's default and demands that Mortgagor and Mortgagor's tenants pay all Rents due or to become due directly to Lender. On receiving the notice of default, Mortgagor will endorse and deliver to Lender any payments of Rents. Mortgagor warrants that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord law. Mortgagor also agrees to maintain, and to require the tenants to comply with, the Leases and any applicable law. Mortgagor will promptly notify Lender of any noncompliance. If Mortgagor neglects or refuses to enforce compliance with the terms of the Leases, then Lender may opt to enforce compliance. Mortgagor will obtain Lender's written authorization before Mortgagor consents to sublet, modify, cancel, or otherwise alter the Leases, to accept the surrender of the Property covered by such Leases (unless the Leases so require), or to assign, compromise or encumber the Leases or any future Rents. If Lender acts to manage, protect and preserve the Property, Lender does not assume or become liable for its maintenance, depreciation, or other losses or damages, except those due to Lender's gross negligence or intentional torts. Otherwise, Mortgagor will hold Lender harmless and indemnify Lender for any and all liability, loss or damage that Lender may incur as a consequence of the assignment under this section. 12. DEFAULT. Mortgagor will be in default if any of the following occur: A. Payments. Mortgagor fails to make a payment in full when due. B. Insolvency. Mortgagor makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or becomes insolvent, either because Mortgagor's liabilities exceed Mortgagor's assets or Mortgagor is unable to pay Mortgagor's debts as they become due. C. Death or Incompetency. Mortgagor dies or is declared legally incompetent. D. Business Termination. Mortgagor merges, dissolves, reorganizes, ends its business or existence, or a partner or majority owner dies or is declared legally incompetent. E. Failure to Perform. Mortgagor fails to perform any condition or to keep any promise or covenant of this Security Instrument. F. Other Documents. A default occurs under the terms of any other transaction document. G. Other Agreements. Mortgagor is in default on any other debt or agreement Mortgagor has with Lender. H. Misrepresentation. Mortgagor makes any verbal or written statement or provides any financial information that is untrue, inaccurate, or conceals a material fact at the time it is made or provided. 1. Judgment. Mortgagor fails to satisfy or appeal any judgment against Mortgagor. J. Forfeiture. The Property is used in a manner or for a purpose that threatens confiscation by a legal authority. K. Name Change. Mortgagor changes Mortgagor's name or assumes an additional name without notifying Lender before making such a change. L. Property Transfer. Mortgagor transfers all or a substantial part of Mortgagor's money or property. This condition of default, as it relates to the transfer of the Property, is subject to the restrictions contained in the DUE ON SALE section. M. Property Value. The value of the Property declines or is impaired. N. Material Change. Without first notifying Lender, there is a material change in Mortgagor's business, including ownership, management, and financial conditions. O. Insecurity. Lender reasonably believes that Lender is insecure. 13. REMEDIES. Lender may use any and all remedies Lender has under state or federal law or in any instrument evidencing or pertaining to the Secured Debts, including, without limitation, the power to sell the Property. Any amounts advanced on Mortgagor's behalf will be immediately due and may be added to the balance owing under the Secured Debts. Lender may make a claim for any and all insurance benefits or refunds that may be available on Mortgagor's default. Subject to any right to cure, required time schedules or other notice rights Mortgagor may have under federal and state law, Lender may make all or any part of the amount owing by the terms of the Secured Debts immediately due and foreclose this Security Instrument in a manner provided by law upon the occurrence of a default or anytime thereafter. All remedies are distinct, cumulative and not exclusive, and the Lender is entitled to all remedies provided at law or equity, whether or not expressly set forth. The acceptance by Lender of any sum in payment or partial payment on the Secured Debts after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed will not constitute a waiver of Lender's right to require complete cure of any existing default. By choosing any one or more of these remedies Lender does not give up Lender's right to use any other remedy. Lender does not waive a default if Lender chooses not to use a remedy. By electing not to use any remedy, Lender does not waive Lender's right to later consider the event a default and to use any remedies if the default continues or happens again. Wyoming Mortgage Initialsag WY/ 3ERVER0748000000000000000800000009n4 ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Page 3 NW 'pnot3 'is "out 'swelsAS sJaluag 966 Le 17U6000000090000000000000009bL0li3nd3 /AM eBalivoyy ButwoAM pue sluewAed peiapisuou eq II!M spoe)old guns •A11ado1d 9y1 10 lied Aue to ilo 1 13uplel.191410 10 uoIleuwepuoo e 4.11IM p9 29UUo) sQBewep 104 wtep 10 pJ2Me Auo 1 spaa3old 9y1 iapuaq 01. su6!sse i0B2611oIN •sw!elo 10 suollue paquusep enoge 9y1 to Auo ut aweu s,)ofe811ov1 u! euenialu! of aapue seztaoylne 1oBef1aolN •sueaw )a410 Aue 10 'u!ewop 1Uau!we 'uotleuwepuoo y6noayl Alladold 991 to Ile to Aue 9)101 JO eseyoind 01. s9!1I1ue ollgnd JO 93.en!1d Aq uo!10e peueleaayl 10 6utpuad Aue to autlou ldwoad aapuaq 943 IIIM io6281polN 'NOIIVNW30NOO '9L •pen!eM Agaiaq 912 Ale11uo0 9y4 of sesuelap pue sw!ep Auy •A11adold 0I4 10 Ile 10 Aue 10 iapuaq Aq uo!1lsodstp Aue JO iepueq o 9114 10 96essed Aue 1 sselpie681 luawnalsul A1!in eS 6!41 10 uotlue4s11es to a1nsopaaol Aue en!nlns II!M uo!pes 6191 10 swIel 991 'A1ei1uo0 Q91 01 luawna1sul A1UUnues s!91 u! peu!e1uo0 e6en8uel 9y1 10 Aue 6utpuelsyl!MIoN •1 •luawnilsul Al!inOes stye iapun 649611 s,iapuaq 10 Aue o1 e0tpnfeid 1noy11M luewnllsul Altinoeg sm. Aq pean°es Apedoad 9y1 01 an!en lenba me! 1r to 181912110° gitM 1apu9q ep!noad !I!M io6e61)oW wnlal u! pue luawnllsul Alunoog s1y1 9620191 Maw iapuaq 'uo!1al°s!p s,aepuei 12 (z) pue :utelsns A2w suBisse 10 saossa00ns s,iepuaq pue aapuaq yu!lM '9991 ,sAawolle pue uo14e61411 1 61600 1ie uo!4e4!w!i lnoyl!M 8u!pnpu! 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This assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other lien document. 17. INSURANCE. Mortgagor agrees to keep the Property insured against the risks reasonably associated with the Property. Mortgagor will maintain this insurance in the amounts Lender requires. This insurance will last until the Property is released from this Security Instrument. Mortgagor may choose the insurance company, subject to Lender's approval, which will not be unreasonably withheld. All insurance policies and renewals will include a standard "mortgage clause" and, where applicable, "loss payee clause." If required by Lender, Mortgagor agrees to maintain comprehensive general liability insurance and rental loss or business interruption insurance in amounts and under policies acceptable to Lender. The comprehensive general liability insurance must name Lender as an additional insured. The rental loss or business interruption insurance must be in an amount equal to at least coverage of one year's debt service, and required escrow account deposits (if agreed to separately in writing.) Mortgagor will give Lender and the insurance company immediate notice of any loss. All insurance proceeds will be applied to restoration or repair of the Property or to the Secured Debts, at Lender's option. If Lender acquires the Property in damaged condition, Mortgagor's rights to any insurance policies and proceeds will pass to Lender to the extent of the Secured Debts. Mortgagor will immediately notify Lender of cancellation or termination of insurance. If Mortgagor fails to keep the Property insured Lender may obtain insurance to protect Lender's interest in the Property. This insurance may include coverages not originally required of Mortgagor, may be written by a company other than one Mortgagor would choose, and may be written at a higher rate than Mortgagor could obtain if Mortgagor purchased the insurance. 18. ESCROW FOR TAXES AND INSURANCE. As provided in a separate agreement, Mortgagor agrees to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. 19. CO- SIGNERS. If Mortgagor signs this Security Instrument but does not sign the Secured Debts, Mortgagor does so only to mortgage Mortgagor's interest in the Property to secure payment of the Secured Debts and Mortgagor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debts. If this Security Instrument secures a guaranty between Lender and Mortgagor, Mortgagor agrees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Mortgagor or any party indebted under the obligation. These rights may include, but are not limited to, any anti- deficiency or one action laws. 20. WAIVERS. Except to the extent prohibited by law, Mortgagor waives all homestead exemption rights relating to the Property. 21. APPLICABLE LAW. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of Wyoming, except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located, and the United States of America. 22. JOINT AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY AND SUCCESSORS. Each Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument are independent of the obligations of any other Mortgagor. Lender may sue each Mortgagor individually or together with any other Mortgagor. Lender may release any part of the Property and Mortgagor will still be obligated under this Security Instrument for the remaining Property. The duties and benefits of this Security Instrument will bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Mortgagor. 23. AMENDMENT, INTEGRATION AND SEVERABILITY. This Security Instrument may not be amended or modified by oral agreement. No amendment or modification of this Security Instrument is effective unless made in writing and executed by Mortgagor and Lender. This Security Instrument is the complete and final expression of the agreement. If any provision of this Security Instrument is unenforceable, then the unenforceable provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will still be enforceable. 24. INTERPRETATION. Whenever used, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The section headings are for convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or define the terms of this Security Instrument. 25. NOTICE, FINANCIAL REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice will be given by delivering it or mailing it by first class mail to the appropriate party's address listed in the DATE AND PARTIES section, or to any other address designated in writing. Notice to one party will be deemed to be notice to all parties. Mortgagor will inform Lender in writing of any change in Mortgagor's name, address or other application information. Mortgagor will provide Lender any financial statements or information Lender requests. All financial statements and information Mortgagor gives Lender will be correct and complete. Mortgagor agrees to sign, deliver, and file any additional documents or certifications that Lender may consider necessary to perfect, continue, and preserve Mortgagor's obligations under this Security Instrument and to confirm Lender's lien status on any Property. Time is of the essence. 26. AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE. Lender or Mortgagor may submit to arbitration any dispute, claim or other matter in question between or among Lender and Mortgagor that arises out of or relates to this Transaction (Dispute), except as otherwise indicated in this section or as Lender and Mortgagor agree to in writing. For purposes of this section, this Transaction includes this Security Instrument and any other documents, instruments and proposed loans or extensions of credit that relate to this Security Instrument. Lender or Mortgagor will not arbitrate any Dispute within any "core proceedings" under the United States bankruptcy laws. Lender and Mortgagor must consent to arbitrate any Dispute concerning a debt secured by real estate at the time of the proposed arbitration. Lender may foreclose or exercise any powers of sale against real property securing a debt underlying any Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender may also enforce the debt secured by this real property and underlying the Dispute before, during or after any arbitration. Lender or Mortgagor may seek provisional remedies at any time from a court having jurisdiction to preserve the rights of or to prevent irreparable injury to Lender or Mortgagor. Foreclosing or exercising a power of sale, beginning and continuing a judicial action or pursuing self -help remedies will not constitute a waiver of the right to compel arbitration. Wyoming Mortgage WY/ 3ERVER0748000000000000000800000009n4 ©1996 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN 9 e6ed NW 'Pm:43 •1S "out 'swelsAS sJe )1ue8 966L® nail! 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